Pharmacology Exam Review

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Quiz and Exam 6 notes

How ASA and acetaminophen are classified- analgesics their functions are for pain
The official name of a drug is the generic name
FDA Food and Drug Administration- cosmetic act protects the public by ensuring
composition of food purity
Factors to consider with geriacteric patients
Change in composition
Change in body function and living conditions
Inscription-name of drug strength dose on prescription
Peds dose of medication is smaller than adults
Heparin and Coumadin are anticoagulants
The science of drugs on living organisms history origin is Pharmacology
Oral medications are given frequently
Drugs absorbed in the bloodstream throughout the body are systemically
Demerol 25 mg IM q 4 hrs as needed is what kind of order prn
Know what an adverse reaction is –any unexpected or dangerous reaction to a drug. An
unwanted effect caused by the administration of a drug. The onset of the adverse reaction
may be sudden or develop over time alos called adverse drug event (ADE) or adverse
drug reaction (ADR)
What is distribution- drugs passing through the body fluid and tissues
M.A. need to have an understanding of medication for safety of the patient and use of
Cortisone-anti inflammatory for arthritis
Xanax- anxiety disorder alprazolam
Anticoagulants are blood thinners and they delay clotting
Sedatives- induce sleep
Formula calculations of peds doses by lot is called Clarke’s Rule
Antihistamines- use for allergic reations
Ventalin- bronchodialator inhaler to treat asthma
NSAID-non steriodal anti inflammatory drug
Staff of Aesculapius- depicts a serpent encircling a staff and signifies the art of healing.
The Staff of Aesculapius has been adopted by the AMA as the symbol of medicine. The
mythological staff belonging to Apollo, the caduceus, which is a staff encircled by two
serpents, is the medical insignia of the U.S. Army Medical Corps and is often misused as
a symbol of the medical profession
PharmoKinetic term DAME
Dame-drugs passes through the bodies fluid and tissue
Absorption- how a drug is absorbed into the body’s circulating fluids, which .
Depends on the route by which it is administered
Metabolism- how the drug is inactive, including the time it takes for a drug tobe
Detoxified and broken down into byproducts
Excretion- the route by which a drug is excreted or eliminated, from the body
And the amount of time such a process requires
A single drug has three names
OTC can alter Rx medications
Diurnal- pertaining to the time of day or night
What is a scored tablet- tablet that is manufactored with an indentation for division
through the center
1 oz = 30 cc
Patient education is crucial to giving medications at home
1 tsp = 5 cc/ml
Father of medicine- Hippocrates
Patients Rights
Right patient
Right med
Right dose
Right route
Right refuse
Right time
Right document
Control drugs should be in a secured area and locked M.A. is responsible for
administering medications ethically and responsible for own actions
Define edema- abnormal amount of fluid in interstitial space of tissue
Meniscus- curved formation of liquid ina tube
Wheal-localized area of edema or a raised lesion
Name the routes of medication
Oral buccal intramuscular intradermal rectal vaginal subcutaneous
instillation topical intravenous inhalation
Define DEA 1973 – a drug or other substance that has potential for illegal use and abuse
must be placed on the controlled substance list. Any new medication that has a similar
action to a drug already on the controlled list is also considered one that has potential for
Physician needs separate DEA number for each site
HIPAA- Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act of 1996 signed into law 21 Aug
1996-the Kassebaum-Kennedy Act designed to improve pportability and continuity of
health insurance coverage; to combat waste, fraud, and abuse in the use of medical
savings acconts; to improve access to long-term care services and coverage; to simplify
the administration of health insurance; and for other purposes.
PharmoKinetic term SALE G FEET

Syrup- solution of sugar and water usually for coughs

Aromatic waters- volatile oils such as oil of spearmint peppermint or clove
Liquors- non-volatile materials alcohol solute
Emulsions-mixtures of oil and water
Gels and magmas- minerals suspends in water eg. MOM
Fluid extracts- combinations of alcohol and vegetable products that are more potent
than tinctures
Elixirs-aromatic, alcoholic sweetened preparation
Tinctures- an alcoholic preparation of a soluable drug or chemical substance
usually from plant sources.

Caine- local anesthetics

Cillin- antibiotics
Dine-anti ulcer agents
Done- opoid analgesics
Ide- oral hypoglycemics
Iam- anti anxiety agent
Micin- antibiotics
Mide- diuretics
Nium- neuromuscular block agent
Olol- beta blocker cardio
Oxacin- antibiotics
Pam- anti anxiety agent
Pril- ace inhibitors
Sone- steriods
Statins- antilipemics
Vir- antivirals
Zide- diuretics

Acrochordon- benign pedunculated growth commonly on eyelids neck (skin tag)

Ace inhibitor- angiotensin converting enzyme ace inhibitor action blocks the conversion
angiotensin I to the vasoconstrictor angiotensin II

I no accepted medical use
High potential for abuse
Posession of these drugs is illegal
Heroin,lysergic acid diethylamide(LSD), marijuana
II Accepted for medical use but with severe restrictions
High potential for abuse
May cause severe psychological or physical dependence
III Accepted for medical use
Potential for abuse less than I or II
May cause moderate or low physical dependence or high psychological

Includes combination of drugs that contain limited amounts of narcartics or

Tylenol with codeine
IV Accepted for medical use
Low potential for abuse
May cause limited physical or psychological dependence in
comparison to schedule III drugs
Includes minor tranquilizers and hypnotics
Valium,dalmane,chloral hydrate, darvon,
talwin,xanax,halcion,restoril, ativan, ambien
V accepted for medical use
low potential for abuse
may cause limited physical or psychological dependence in
comparison to schedule IV drugs
includes drug mixtures containing limited amounts of narcartics
cough medicines containing codeine,lomotil

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