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Pedagógico Curricular

English Test
Teacher: Miss. Paola Ruiz Mendoza
Level: Eigth Paralelo: A–B
Pedagogic Period: 3
Education Level:
Date: Grade
• No claims will be accept if you use a pencil when solving the evaluation.
• Erasures or amendments, the use of the corrector automatically cancels your answer.

1. Circle the correct meanings. (0,25 e/o – 1 point)

A. Fly
1 secar 2 volar 3 conducir 4 traer

B. Bring
1 conducir 2 traer 3 secar 4 volar

C. Dry
1 volar 2 conducir 3 traer 4 secar

D. Drive
1 traer 2 secar 3 volar 4 conducir

2. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. (0,25 e/o – 1 point)
A. Daniel is drinking / drinks cofee right now.
B. The children are Reading/ read books at school every lesson
C. Look! The baby sleeps / is sleeping , please be quite.
D. Listen! The cellphone is ringing very loudly.

3. Underline the correct option to complete the sentences. (0,25 e/o – 1 point)
A. My best friend doesn´t have/ isn´t having a very cute dog.
B. This man doesn´t Work / isn´t working in the mall as a guard every day.
C. My neighbours don´t wáter / aren´t watering their flowers twice a week.
D. Ben and Yael aren´t playing / don´t play basketball in the park now.

4.- Match the two parts of the sentences . (0,25 e/o – 1 point)
A. I ______________ tennis every Saturday and Sunday
1 are plays 2play 3 plays

B. I play basketball _____________.

1 every Mondays 2tomorrow 3 now

C. I am using the computer ___________

1 now 2everyday 3 yesterday

D. My sister ______________ Tv now.

1 is watch 2 is watching 3 is watches

Código: INF-P02-R67
Versión: 1.0
Fecha: 2015-11
5. Underline the best answer. (0,25 e/o – 1 point)
A. Are we taking english clases?
1Yes, We aren´t 2 No we isn´t 3 Yes, We are 4 Yes, We is
B Do your neighbours have a party today?
1No, I am not 2 Yes, I am 3 No, I am 4 No I don´t
C Are you wearing a uniform to school?
1 Yes, I am 2 No, I am 3 Yes , I don´t 4 No, I are not
D. Does She cook a delicious baked chicken?
1 No, She don´t 2 Yes, She doesn´t 3 No, She isn´t 4 Yes, She is

6.- Circle the correct answer in present simple . (0,25 e/o – 1 point)
A.Sam_________ his car every Saturday morning
1Washing 2 wash 3 washes
B.Maggie likes math but She doesn´t _________ history.
1like 2 likes 3 not like
C What time ___________ you usually go to work on Tuesdays?
1are 2 is 3 do
D.I am a farmer and my brother is a fisherman __________ you do?
1What do 2 What 3 What are

7. Circle the correct answer in present continuous. (0,25 e/o – 1 point)

A. ________________ Right now?. Yes, He is
1He sleeps 2 Is He sleeping 3 He sleeping is
B Is the teacher explaining the lesson to the class?.
1 Yes,It is 2 No, It isn´t 3 Yes, He is
C Listen! Somebody is___________
1cry 2 crying 3 cried 4 cries
D There are a lot of children at the bus stop. Where are they_________?
1go 2 went 3 going 4 goes

8. Choose the correct answer. (0,25 e/o – 1 point)

A. I am preparing the dinner and my sister ___________ a pizza.
1 Buying 2 Is buying 3 buys
B Who_____________ for?.
1We are waiting 2 are we waiting 3 we wait
C I can´t talk to you right now, because I________________
1 am studying 2 are studying 3 am study
E. Is your friend sitting down?. No,___________
1He Not 2 He doesn´t 3 He isn´t

9. Put a check ( ) the correct mix sentences . (0,25 e/o – 1 point)

A. He_______ that magazine.He _________ at the picture.
1is read / looks
2Isn´t Reading / is looking
3doesn´t read / looking
4isn´t read / is look
B The computers__________ in the office, but nobody_________ them.
1Are run / is use
2Running / using
3Are running / is using
4ran / was used

Código: INF-P02-R67
Versión: 1.0
Fecha: 2015-11
C She _____to bake cookies, but at the moment She _____ cookies because, She feels tired.
1Like / isn´t baking
2isn´t likes / is baking
3likes / isn´t baking
4likes / bakes
D Suzzane _____ from France, and She ___________there for a Holliday.
1Coming / returns
2comes / is returning
3isn´t comes / returning
4isn´t come / is return

10.Select the correct answer. (0,25 e/o – 1 point)

A. When do you go to school?
1She goes on Mondays and Fridays
2She goes From Monday To Friday
3She goes on Weekends
4She goes From Monday To Sunday.

B When do you have the breakfast?

1In the morning
2In the afternoon
3In the evening
4at night.

C. Sussan studies Math.

1Where does She study?
2Who does She study with?
3What does She study?
4What is she studying?

D. This bus goes to the Shopping Mall

1Where Does the bus go?
2Where are the bus go?
3Where do the bus go?
4Where are the bus goes?

Firma: Firma:

Vicerrectora: Lic. Briggite Comisión Técnica Pedagógica Director de Área:
Mieles Zamora de Ramos Básica Lic. Lelis Candado Alcívar
Firma: Firma del estudiante:
Paola Ruiz Mendoza
Docente: Lic. Paola Ruiz Mendoza

Código: INF-P02-R67
Versión: 1.0
Fecha: 2015-11
Pedagógico Curricular

English Test
Teacher: Miss. Paola Ruiz Mendoza
Level: Fifth Paralelo: A
Pedagogic Period: 3 Parcial:
Education Level:
Date: Grade
• No claims will be accept if you use a pencil when solving the evaluation.
• Erasures or amendments, the use of the corrector automatically cancels your answer.

1.Color the correct words according the pictures. (0,25 e/o -1 point)
A. C.

1Dolphin 1Seahorse
2Seahorse 2Sponge
3Sponge 3Whale

B. D.

1Whale 1Whale
2Dolphin 2Seahorse
3Sponge 3Dolphin

2.Read and Underline the correct comparative adjective. (0,50 e/o -2 Points)


The yellow fish is BIGGER / SMALLER than the red fish.


The blue car is OLDER /NEWER than the green car.


The White dog´s hair is SOFT / SOFTER than the black dog´s hair.


The giraffe is LONGER / SHORTER than the kangaroo.

Código: INF-P02-R67
Versión: 1.0
Fecha: 2015-11
3.Circle the correct comparative adjective for the sentence. (0,50 e/o-2 points)
A.The starfish is ____________ the Shark.
1.Weak than
2.Weaker than

B.The Whale is ______________the sponge.

1.Stronger than
2.Strongest than

C.The squid is _______________the crab.

1.Large than
2.Larger than

D.The seahorse is ____________the dolphin.

1.Smaller than
2.Small than

4.Color the correct words to spanish. (0,25 e/o - 1 Point)

A.Estrella de mar
1.Squid 2Starfish 3Shark 4Crab

B. Tiburón.
1.Squid 2Starfish 3Shark 4Crab

C. Calamar
1.Squid 2Starfish 3Shark 4Crab

D. Cangrejo
1.Squid 2Starfish 3Shark 4Crab

5.Put a check ( ) the correct order of the sentence. (1 e/o-2 Points)

A.1.Rossy faster than is running Mario.

2.Mario is running faster than Rossy

B.1.My turtle is slower than your mouse.

2.My turtle is than slower your mouse.

6.Underline the correct answer. (0,50 e/o- 1 Point)

A.Seahorse, dolphin, whale

B. Starfish, sponge, crab


Código: INF-P02-R67
Versión: 1.0
Fecha: 2015-11
7. Read the description and circle the correct animal. (1 Point)
I have five arms and no legs. I am an invertebrate. I live at the bottom of the sea and can´t move very fast.

A. B. C. D.

Firma: Firma: Firma:

Vicerrectora: Lic. Briggite Comisión Técnica Pedagógica Director de Área:

Mieles Zamora de Ramos Básica Lic. Lelis Candado Alcívar
Firma: Firma del estudiante:
Paola Ruiz Mendoza
Docente: Lic. Paola Ruiz Mendoza

Código: INF-P02-R67
Versión: 1.0
Fecha: 2015-11
Pedagógico Curricular

English Test
Teacher: Miss. Paola Ruiz Mendoza
Level: Seventh Paralelo: A
Pedagogic Period: 3 Parcial:
Education Level:
Date: Grade
• No claims will be accept if you use a pencil when solving the evaluation.
• Erasures or amendments, the use of the corrector automatically cancels your answer.

1.Choose the correct word for each natural events. (0,50 e/o- 1,50 points)
A.Erupting - Lava
1.Hurricane 2 Volcanoe 3 Fire

B.Burning – extinguinsing
1.Volcanoe 2 Fire 3 Hurricane

C. – extinguinsing
1.Fire 2 Hurricane 3 Volcanoe

2.Look at the picture and circle the correct word . (0,25 e/o-1,50 points)

A..Annie is a photographer /writer.

B.She works for a newspaper / an agency.

C.She travels around Brazil / the world

D.She covers the same / many different events.

E.Her photograps /articles appear in the main newspapers.

F.Annie is an old woman / young woman

3.Select TRUE or FALSE the words and the definitions. (0,25 e/o - 1 Point)
A.Earthquake is…..Hot flames that burn and damage things.
1. True
2. False

B. Hurricane are circular winds with a spiral-shaped cloud in the center.

1. True
2. False

C. Flood is When a large amount of waters covers an área of land which Is usually dry.
1. True
2. False

Código: INF-P02-R67
Versión: 1.0
Fecha: 2015-11
D. Fire is When earth moves and shakes and buildings and bridges fall
1. True
2. False

4.Read the text and color the correct verbs in past time. (0,50 e/o-2 points)

Last year I (traveled/travel) to Russia by airplane and I (find / found) my 2 best friends,

They (are / were) making snowballs. Mark (was / is) wearing yellow boots and Bryan was wearing

a red coat.

5.Underline the correct questions. (1 e/o -2 Points)

A.1.Why She cookies did eat so many yesterday?

2.Why eat She did cookies so many yesterday?
3.Why did she eat so many cookies yesterday?

B.1.When get He did home last night?

2.When did He get home last night?
3.When He get did home last night?

6. Circle the correct option. (0,25 e/o -1 Points)

A. _____________Did you go on holiday with?.

1Where 2Who 3When

B What is the question for this answer? __ In April?.

1When did you go? 2Why did you go? 3Where did you go?

C. ________ Did you have for breakfast? ___cereal and milk

1When 2Who 3What

D. ________Did She visit Madrid? Last Year.

1When 2Where 3Who

7. Match the questions with the answers . (0,50 e/o -1 Point)

A.Where did you buy the picture?

1.I bought in Emuná Shop 2Their parents 3.I didn´t like the salad

B.When did you finish the homework?

1.Their parents 2.yesterday at night 3.I bought in Emuna shop

Código: INF-P02-R67
Versión: 1.0
Fecha: 2015-11
Firma: Firma: Firma:

Vicerrectora: Lic. Briggite Comisión Técnica Pedagógica Director de Área:

Mieles Zamora de Ramos Básica Lic. Lelis Candado Alcívar
Firma: Firma del estudiante:
Paola Ruiz Mendoza

Docente: Lic. Paola Ruiz Mendoza

Código: INF-P02-R67
Versión: 1.0
Fecha: 2015-11
Pedagógico Curricular

English Test
Teacher: Miss. Paola Ruiz Mendoza
Level: Third Paralelo: A
Pedagogic Period: 3 Parcial: 3
Education Level:
Date: Grade
• No claims will be accept if you use a pencil when solving the evaluation.
• Erasures or amendments, the use of the corrector automatically cancels your answer.

1.Choose the correct answer with the picture. (0,25 e/o -1 point)


1. Guitar 1. Sing 1. Dance 1.

2. Sing 2. Flute 2. Sing 2.
3. Drums 3. Drums 3. flute 3.

2.Circle the kind of sounds according the musical instruments. (0,25 e/o –1 Point)


1. Soft 1. Soft 1. Fast 1.

2. Loud 2. Fast 2. Sing 2.

3.Choose the best answer When you do these activities (0,25 e/o – 1 Point)
A. get up B. have dinner C. Go to bed D. have lunch

1 in the morning 1 in the morning 1 at night 1 in the evening

2 at night 2 in the evening 2 in the afternoon 2 in the afternoon

4. Look at the picture and select the best answer. (1 e/o – 2 points)

A. B.

Código: INF-P02-R67
Versión: 1.0
Fecha: 2015-11
1 Let´s play in my cellphone 1 Let´s play basketball

2 Let´s play in my computer 2 Let´s play soccer

5.Circle the correct sentence, According the faces, (Can / Can´t) (1 e/o- 2 Points)

A. B.

1 I can play Flute 1 I can play drums.

2 I can´t play piano 2 I can´t play guitar

6.Read and put a check ( ) the activities you can or can´t do. (0,25 e/o - 1,50 Points)

A. Can you play soccer? D. Can you swimming in the pool?

1Can 1Can
2Can´t 2Can´t

B. Can you prepare the dinner? E. Can you Drive a car?

1Can 1Can
2Can´t 2Can´t

C. Can you eat pizza? F. Can you fly an airplane?

1Can 1Can
2Can´t 2Can´t

7.Look at the picture and underline the correct sentence. (0,50 e/o-1,50 Points)

A. B.

1. I can play the drums and dance. 1 I can play the trumpet and sing.

Código: INF-P02-R67
Versión: 1.0
Fecha: 2015-11
2. I can play the trumpet and dance. 2 I can play the flute and sing


1 I can play guitar and trumpet

2 I can sing and dance

Firma: Firma: Firma:

Vicerrectora: Lic. Briggite Comisión Técnica Pedagógica Director de Área:

Mieles Zamora de Ramos Básica Lic. Lelis Candado Alcívar
Firma: Firma del estudiante:
Paola Ruiz Mendoza
Docente: Lic. Paola Ruiz Mendoza

Código: INF-P02-R67
Versión: 1.0
Fecha: 2015-11
Pedagógico Curricular

English Test
Teacher: Miss. Paola Ruiz Mendoza
Level: Sixth Paralelo: A-B
Pedagogic Period: 3 Parcial:
Education Level:
Date: Grade
• No claims will be accept if you use a pencil when solving the evaluation.
• Erasures or amendments, the use of the corrector automatically cancels your answer.

1.Underline the correct meanings accroding the word. (0,25 e/o- 1,50 points)
A. Tennis
1.Ciclismo 2 escalar rocas 3 tenis

B. Cycling
1.Escalar rocas 2 ciclismo 3 Montar caballo

C. Soccer
1. Fútbol 2 natación 3 tenis

D. Horseback riding
1.Tenis 2 escalar rocas 3 montar caballo

E. Rock climbing
1.Natación 2 ciclismo 3 escalar rocas

F. Swimming
1.Natación 2 montar caballo 3 escalar rocas

2.Read the text and Color TRUE or FALSE. (0,50 e/o- 2 points)
A.Were the students at school yesterday?

B.Were they happy yesterday in the morning? Teacher: Were you and Paula in your english
1.True class yesterday morning?
2.False Jim: No, We weren´t. We were in our math
C.Was there a math test?
Teacher : And was it fun?
Paula: No, It wasn´t. There was a test!
D.Were they fun in math class?

3.Look at the picture only circled and Put a check( ) to the words. (0,50 e/o- 1 point)

Código: INF-P02-R67
Versión: 1.0
Fecha: 2015-11




4.Circle the correct opposite words in parenthesis to complete the sentences. (0,25 e/o -1 Point)

A. Clap in front and clap ( touch / behind ).

B. Look at the ( touch / left ) then to the right.

C.Snap your fingers, move your ( left / toes )

D.Bend your arms, and ( touch / behind ) your nose.

5.Underline the correct sentence in order. (1 e/o - 2 Points)

A.Affirmative were school you yesterday were at school yesterday
3.were you at school yesterday

1.She not was running in the park
2.not she was running in the park
3.she was not running in the park

6.Circle TRUE or FALSE, accroding the text. (0,25 e/o- 1,50 Points)

A.The road to the adventure park was straight.


B.Oh no! The adventure park was closed!


C.We cann´t go rock climbing and horseback riding!


7.Choose the correct word to the meanings. (0,25 e/o – 1 Point)

Código: INF-P02-R67
Versión: 1.0
Fecha: 2015-11
A. Pulso ( pulse / heart)

B. Medida ( Measure / beats)

C. Latidos (Heart / beats)

D. Corazón ( Lunge / heart )

Firma: Firma: Firma:

Vicerrectora: Lic. Briggite Comisión Técnica Pedagógica Director de Área:

Mieles Zamora de Ramos Básica Lic. Lelis Candado Alcívar
Firma: Firma del estudiante:
Paola Ruiz Mendoza
Docente: Lic. Paola Ruiz Mendoza

Código: INF-P02-R67
Versión: 1.0
Fecha: 2015-11
Pedagógico Curricular

English Test
Teacher: Miss. Paola Ruiz Mendoza
Level: Fourth Paralelo: A
Pedagogic Period: 3 Parcial:
Education Level:
Date: Grade
• No claims will be accept if you use a pencil when solving the evaluation.
• Erasures or amendments, the use of the corrector automatically cancels your answer.

1.Color the correct words according the pictures. (0,25 e/o -1,50 points)
A. B. C.

1Elephant 1Fish 1Bird

2Lion 2Giraffe 2Lion
3Monkey 3Monkey 3 Elephant

D. E. F.

1Bird 1Snake 1Lion

2Fish 2Bird 2Snake
3Giraffe 3Fish 3Bird

2. Look at the picture and select the correct. (0,50 e/o –1,50 Point)

A_____________________ a bed.

1There is
2There are

B_________________ two robots.

1There is
2There are

C_________________ three balls.

1There is
2There are

Código: INF-P02-R67
Versión: 1.0
Fecha: 2015-11
3.Choose the correct meaning in Spanish. (0,25 e/o – 1 Point)
A.Ruler C.Eraser
1Escritorio 1Borrador
2Regla 2Puerta
3Pluma 3Monkey

B.Pencilcase D.Sharpener
1Window 1Lápiz
2Pizarra 2Sacapuntas
3Cartuchera 3Crayons

4.Look at the picture and words, put a check ( √√ ) the correct number. (0,25 e/o -1.50 points)
A.Desk D.Scissors
1(5) 1(3)
2(6) 2(7)
3(4) 3(5)

B.Map E.Pen
1(1) 1(4)
2(7) 2(6)
3(2) 3(3)

C.Door F.Chair
1(19) 1(1)
2(2) 2(8)
3(8) 3(19)

5. Look at the picture and Circle the best answer. (0,25 e/o -1.50 points)

A______________any dog. D_____________four lions.

1There isn´t 1There isn´t

2There aren´t 2There aren´t

B______________six elephants. E______________a cat.

1There isn´t 1There isn´t

2There aren´t 2There aren´t

C_______________any monkey. F_________________ three snakes.

1There isn´t 1There isn´t

2There aren´t 2There aren´t

Código: INF-P02-R67
Versión: 1.0
Fecha: 2015-11
6.Read the sentences, Look at the picture and circle it on. (0,50 e/o- 1,50 Points)

*In the classroom there is a map, there is a teacher and

there are three boys.

7.Look at the picture and select TRUE or FALSE in the sentence (0,50 e/o – 1,50Points)

A.There is a dog in the picture


B.There isn´t any cat


C.There are two snakes


Código: INF-P02-R67
Versión: 1.0
Fecha: 2015-11
Firma: Firma: Firma:

Vicerrectora: Lic. Briggite Comisión Técnica Pedagógica Director de Área:

Mieles Zamora de Ramos Básica Lic. Lelis Candado Alcívar
Firma: Firma del estudiante:
Paola Ruiz Mendoza

Docente: Lic. Paola Ruiz Mendoza

Código: INF-P02-R67
Versión: 1.0
Fecha: 2015-11

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