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TIME: 3:00 HRS Wednesday 01st Sept 2021


1. This paper consists of three sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
2. Answer all questions in section A and B and any two questions in section C.
3. Map extract of HANANG (sheet 84/4) is provided.
4. Non programmable calculators may be used.
5. Write your Examination number on every page of your answer booklet.


Answer all questions in this section.
1. For each of the items (i-x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its
letter beside the item number;
i. You are asked to help a form one student who failed to identify the components of the Earth
which take more than three quarters (⅓). Which component will you suggest among the

A. Lithosphere D. Mesosphere
B. Biosphere E. Atmosphere
C. Hydrosphere

ii. Fold mountains are formed as a result of;

A. Faulting of the mountain
B. Wrinkling of the layers of the Earth’s crust.
C. Sinking of the Earth’s crust.
D. Prolonged soil erosion.
E. Outflow and spread of lava over the land.
iii. Oprah is a tourism ambassador. She addressed the world from New York (750W, 420N) at 7: 30
pm Tuesday. At what time and day will people in Dar es Salaam (450E 060S) hear the same

A. 3: 30 PM Wednesday D. 3:30 P.M Tuesday.

B. 12:30 P.M Tuesday E. 12:00 P.M Tuesday.
C. 11:30 P.M Wednesday

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iv. Which of the following layers of the Earth’s interior is made up of SIAL and SIMA?

A. Biosphere
D. Barysphere
B. Hydrosphere
E. Lithosphere
C. Asthenosphere

v. Kabula climbed Mount Kilimanjaro last year. She saw very dense forests along the way few
feet before the peak. Identify the type of climate in the area;

A. Equatorial region D. Monsoon region.

B. Tropical region E. Mediterranean region
C. Tundra or polar region.

vi. Dar es salaam city is experiencing the construction of Mwalimu Nyerer bridge, Mfugale fly
over and Kijazi interchange. What type of transport is this?

A. Road transport D. Mfugale transport

B. Land transport E. Ubungo interchange.
C. Air transport

vii. Lapse rate is a change in temperature due to change in altitude in lower atmosphere. Imagine
you have been given the atmosphere of Morogoro at 800 meters above sea level, reading of
280c. Determine the temperature of Karatu which is located at 1400 Meters above sea level?

A. 31.60C
D. 24.40C
B. 3.60C
E. 250C
C. 240C

viii. During dry season most of plants shade their leaves as way to reduce the amount of water
release. The correct term for this process is;

A. Evaporation. D. Condensation.
B. Evapo-transpiration. E. Precipitation.
C. Transpiration.

ix. The rocks which do not allow water to pass through them are said to be :

A. Water table. D. Rock debris

B. Sand stone. E. Impermeable.
C. Porous

x. A geyser can be described as ;

A. A hot spring.
B. An explosion of volcanic vapour.
C. A formation of superheated water and steam.
D. A thermal steam.
E. A pool of hot water.

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2. Match the items in LIST A with corresponding response in LIST B by writing the letter of the correct
answer beside the item number in the answer sheet provided,


i. It is formed when great pressure causing compression A. Asymmetrical folds.

forces within a field creating a fracture. B. Isoclinal folds.
ii. Is an asymmetrical fold caused by very strong forces C. Recumbent folds.
pushing against a very resistant rock. D. Folding
iii. Are formed by weak or moderate compression forces of E. An over fold.
equal magnitude. F. Normal fold
iv. Are formed by compression forces of equal magnitude. G. Over thrust fold
v. Are over fold which are completely pushed over one H. Simple symmetrical
side. All limbs lie in horizontal manner fold.

Answer all questions in this section
3. Study the map extract of HANANG (Sheet 84/4) and then answer the following questions;
a. Using the given R.F. scale, determine the length of the road in kilometers from grid reference
680242 to 740294.
b. Determine the area of Lake Balangida in Km2.
c. Name three (3) major ways used to show height of the land on the mapped area.
d. Under which climatic region is the mapped area found?
e. With vivid examples, identify two economic activities taking place on the mapped area.
4. Carefully study the data below and answer the questions that follow on the production of food crops in
Mbeya region.


2004 8000 1400 3320 3000

2005 6000 2600 4000 2900

2006 6000 4300 6000 5000

2007 4500 4300 3850 2300

2008 3200 2850 1390 1800

i. Find the mean production of wheat.

ii. Draw a divergence line graph to represent wheat production.
iii. In which years the production of wheat was below the mean?
5. Joyce is a Doctor at Mloganzila hospital, she wants to conduct a research on CORONA pandemic
outbreak in Italy to conduct research by using the interviews and questionnaire as tools to get
i. Explain three importance of her research topic.

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ii. Outline the significance of using a sample (3 points).
iii. Explain the differences between the two tools which are suggested by Joyce.
iv. Outline two (2) characteristics of the research topic suggested by Joyce.
6. Mvomero district is planning to invite a survey team to help it determine the length of the Ngashimo to
Ngagomo road. The team decided to use tape or chain survey.
a. Enumerate six (6) equipment the team used in the survey.
b. Suppose the team comes across a pond during chaining. Show geographically how the team
will overcome the obstacle.

7. Carefully study the photograph then answer the questions that follow;

a. What is the name of the economic activity shown on the photograph?

b. Give two (2) economic benefits of the activity.
c. Name one (1) concrete reason suggest the scale of production.
d. Name three (3) environmental problems that are the outcome of the activity.
e. With only one (1) reason suggest the type of photograph.

Answer any two (2) questions from this section.

8. “Life is house” Justify this statement by explaining any six factors influencing growth of settlement.

9. What are the challenges facing the transport industry in East Africa? (five challenges)

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10. Why high fertility rate in Tanzania?

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