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What I had heard about COWSPIRACY before watching the film would be that it is a destructive and

harmful industry that harms the environment and the planet. That it is detrimental and is causing
climate change and destroying environments. While watching, it did live up to my expectations
of it being more than it seems, being that it is not just a simple interview of individuals, but a
collective information that helps in informing us about the environment and its impact on it. I was
pleasantly surprised by the film as it centers around animal agriculture and relates it to how it
affects the climate and contributes to the degradation of the environment. I would describe my
eating habits to be solely focused on eating meat and drinking a lot of water.I would eat meat on
a daily basis as my meals are composed solely of meat and rice. I consider myself to be
somewhat healthy as I don’t have any physical complications whatsoever present. My thoughts
regarding vegetarianism and veganism would be that I find it respectable for other people to
practice and use the application of it in real life, abstaining from eating meat and focusing on
eating vegetables for sustainability, but for myself, I am more inclined towards eating meat.
What I mean by more inclined towards eating meat would be not to solely focus on vegetables,
but also eat them along with meat. I have never been a vegetarian and I do not plan to become
one. I am not certain if it is possible to live a healthy, well-balanced life without consuming any
animal products as I have not experienced it before since I eat animal products, but it may be
possible as vegetarianism is already being practiced by many people and they are proving to be
quite healthy. I was somewhat convinced by the directors’ argument that animal agriculture is a
major cause of climate change, as he has also given significant proof on how it can affect the
world and the people. Before watching the film, I was not fully aware of this concept being
present although I had an inkling of a thought that potentiall, animal agriculture harms the
environment due to it’s process. What I have been taught to be the leading factors of climate
change and global warming would be the Greenhouse gases being emitted and spread, making
a hole in the ozone layer, the arctic melting leading to rising sea levels, and the changes in the
solar activity or the intensity of the heat present. A good definition of sustainability for me would
be the ability to be able to sustain or maintain a certain matter on a stable level. Sustainability
would be able to provide resources without depleting the current resource present. Living a
sustainable life entails that you are able to continuously provide with your resources and be able
to continue without any depletion. It may also include ensuring conditions are also sustainable
for the natural environment and wildlife, as we gather and obtain our resources from the natural
environment and wildlife. Without them, we would face significant difficulty in procuring
resources and sustaining. I believe that we can still help in conserving and protecting the planet,
although not save it as the damage that we have done is irreparable to an extent that it is
detrimental for many future generations to come. Individual lifestyle changes can create an
impact to the world in a meaningful way as the more that individuals come together to change
their lifestyle that also provides assistance and benefit in protecting and conserving the world, it
will become a collective movement that can drastically change results.

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