Action Plan and Self-Assesment

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Name of student: Amar Korajlić

TOPIC: Role-based Behaviour in Ancient Egypt and The Psychology Behind It

Research question:
How did the role-based hierarchy of Ancient Egypt shape their society and have lasting effects?
Justification of the Relevance of the RQ:
The relevance behind my research question comes from the fact that understanding this historical hierarchy
can provide insights into human organization, societal development, ethical considerations, and inform
contemporary policy and governance discussions. From it we can conclude some important data about the
basics of all social interaction and take a look into the psychology behind it. This is very significant because
understanding this information can help improve the quality of our moral and ethical decisions and in term
expand our way of thinking in critical situations.

Action Plan: In a form of sub questions or steps taken (at least 8) (1point)

- First, needed to gain knowledge on the basics behind the topic, so understanding the formation of
the society and the basic information related to it.
- Sub-question: What were the basic roles in the society of ancient Egypt?
- Next, I researched more about them, to see how they were formed, how each class behaved etc.
- Sub-question: How were these classes formed?
- Furthermore, I touched on the most controversial subject about the matter, researched it, and gave
my personal opinion on it, as well as making a comparison to something more modern, for better
- Sub-question: Why did the people (of ancient Egypt) find using slaves morally correct?
- And finally, after gathering all the data, objective and subjective; primary and secondary, I gave my
final opinion on the matter and summarized it in short.
- During the whole process I also had to make sure that all of the sources I used were credible and
relevant and credit such, as well as making the text understandable for the reader and including
imagery for better interpretation.

Sources used (2points)

All of the information is relevant/consistent with my research. Does all of the information help me answer the

A primary source I used in my investigation was a diary from that period of time, “The diary of Merer”. I justify the
usefulness and relevance of this source because, in my opinion, diaries are one of the most subjective, but
informative forms of historical sources, and while they aren’t the most accurate from the objective standpoint,
they show what a life of someone in that era was like, and are in that way some of the most useful sources we can
use in our research.

For my secondary sources however, I focused more on encyclopaedias and textbooks. I felt that those were useful
as well, because they gave the most objective point of view on the problem, and are in that way very relevant to
my investigation. And because my primary sources were mostly subjective, it was very important I researched the
secondary, objective ones, to get an even better view on the matter and give the best answer possible.
Evaluation (200-400 words) – (2points)

I believe that I have addressed the research question efficiently because, firstly, I used credible and varying sources
to gain diverse information on the topic and, in doing so, create the best standpoint. Next, I used a substantial
number of facts from those sources and proper scientific language to put all those facts into words. I also made
sure to use evidence in both the today’s examples and the examples from that period for a better understanding of
the text and make it easier to comprehend. Furthermore, I addressed all the elements of my research question and
divided them into sub-categories/questions for a more clear and straightforward structure. And finally, I clearly
stated a conclusion about my research and the question I began with. Conclusively, I believe I did a good job
creating this article because I touched on all the important matters in relation with it, and I followed my action plan
and checklist to finish the task as best as I could. However, this is only the first time I’m doing a task of this sort,
meaning I don’t have anything to compare my progress to, so my evaluation might not be the most objective due
to the lack of experience but I still strive to improve in any imperfections that might be found.

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