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© TAPIE AUGUST 2021 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TANZANIA ASSOCIATION OF PRIVATE INVESTORS IN EDUCATION (TAPIE) LAKE ZONE FORM FOUR PRE - NECTA JOINT EXAMINATIONS TIME: 3:00 Hours CHEMISTRY AUGUST 2021 INSTRUCTIONS 1. This paper consists of three (3) Sections A, B, and C 2. Answer ALL questions from Section A and B and only one (1) question from section c 3. All writings should be in blue or black pen, except diagrams which should be drawn by using a pencil 4. Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room. Write your Examhigation Number on every page of your answer shee/Booklet 6. The following constanits may be used Atomic Masses: H=1, O=16, N=14, $=32, Zn=65, CI=35.5, Cu-64, Na=23, C=12 K=39 Avogadro's number = 6.02x102 GMV at S.T.P = 22.4dm? IFaraday= 96,500 coulombs Standard pressure = 760mmHg Standard temperature = 273K Hlitre = 1dm? = 1000cm? 7. Non-programmable calculator may be used Page 1 of 7 SECTION A: 15 MARKS For each of the items (i-x), choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and nite its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided 1) The sequence in which water passes from the atmosphere to land and back into atmosphere is collectively called; A) Condensation B) Hydrolysis C) Precipitation D) Water cycle E) Evaporation ii) The compound CHsCH2C! is named as; - A) Carbon dichloride B) Methyl chloride ©) Methyl chlorine D) Ethyl chloride E) I-chloroethane iii) The gaseous element, colourless, highly iv) v) flammable used in the production of ammonia is:- A) Oxygen B) Hydrogen C) Carbon dioxide D) Methane E) Ethane Which of the following is a net ionic equation for the reaction between hydrochloric acid and potassium hydroxide? A) Hel(aq) + KOH,og—* H20(1) + KCl) + B) K., + Clg ——+KClig Pee © Kyg*OHaq KOH tee tee D) Hay + OHyg —> 120 co E) Kyq + OHag + KClag)+ H20iag The substance which is separated during chromatography is called; A) Solvent B) Solute C) Solution D) Analyte E) Titrant Page 2 of 7 vi) vii) viii) ix) x) Which of the following sets of laboratory apparatus contains direct measuring items? A) Crucible, kipps apparatus and volumetric flask B) Test tube, beaker and gar jar C) Thistle funnel, separating funnel and beaker D) Conical flask, test tube and measuring cylinder E) Burette, pipette and measuring cylinder The gas which is insoluble in water, does not react with water, does not need to be dried, can best be collected by; - A) Collected over water B) Upward delivery or downward displacement of air C) Downward delivery or upward displacement of air D) Upward delivery or upward displacement of air E) Downward delivery or downward displacement of air The use of electricity to decompose molten sodium chloride into its component element is an example of; - A) Strong electrolytes B) Electrolysis C) Hydrolysis D) Galvanization E) Electroplating The morality of 5.3g NayCOs in 1000m1 of solution is: - A) 0.20M B) 0.50M C) 0.05M D) 0.005M E) 0.01IM Temporary hardness of water may be caused by one of the following pairs of salts A) Mg(HCOs)2 and Ca(HCOs)2 B) MgCOs, NaCl, CuCOs C) MgCh, CaCl, MgSOu, CaSO, D) NaHCOs, KHCOs E) MgCl, CaSOx, Mg(HCOs). Page 3 of 7 2. Match the description in LIST A with the corresponding response in LIST B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer sheet provided LISTA LISTB i) ii) Solid substance which allows electric current to pass through them Substance which do not allow electric current to pass through them iii) A solution or molten compound which do not conduct electric current iv) Substances that allows only small amount of electricity to pass through them A) Non-electrolyte B) Electrolyte C) Strong electrolyte D) Weak electrolyte E) Conductor F) Insulator G) Poor conductor ¥) _ Asolution of molten compound which dissociates into free ions allow electric current to pass through them SECTION B: 70 MARKS 3. (a) Why water doesn’t have any effects on litmus paper? (b) ()What would happen to a well stoppered bottle full of water left in a deep freezer over night? Why does this happen? (ii) Why iron usually not recommended in the construction of steel pipes and boilers? Explain (c) (i) Name two ions which cause temporary hardness of water and two ions which cause 4. @ permanent hardness (ii) Give equations for two ways to remove temporary hardness of water and one way to remove permanent hardness. Write the I.U.P.A.C names of the following compounds i) NaxO2 ii) SOs (b) You are given the electronic configuration of the elements below; - A2:8:7 B: 2:8:8:1 C: 2:8 (® With reason, which element has high atomic radius than others (ii) Which is the most electropositive element? Explain (©) Write the net ionic chemical equation of the following chemical Teactions (i) Ammonium chloride reacts with potassium hydroxide (ii) Copper turning reacts with concentrated nitric acid ii)Sodium hydrogen carbonate is thermally decomposed Page 4 of 7 5. (@) The table below show the pH of solutions T to Z {Solution [T U v Ww ¥ [pH 4 5 2 a. 10 4 8 With reason, which solution is i) Ammonia solution ii) Distilled water iii) Ethanoic acid (b) Clearly explain what happens when the following compounds are left to the atmosphere for 12 hours? Give the name of the property shown. i. Calcium chloride ii, Concentrated sulphuric acid (©) Explain the following phenomena i, Distilled water is not good for drinking compared to spring water ii, Temporal hardness of water can be simply removed by boiling With the aid of equations explain what would happen in each of the following reactions; - a) Chlorine gas is passed through a solution of NaOH b) Aluminium hydroxide is added to excess sodium hydroxide c) Potassium carbonate is strongly treated 4) Concentrated sulphuric acid is added to dry table salt and heated e) Sodium nitrate is heated. (a) Differentiate between Mosley’s periodic law and Mendeleev’s periodic law. (b) With reasons, which indicator will be suitable for the following chemical reactions i HCl + NHsOH ii CH3COOH + KOH iii. |. HCOOH + NHsOH (©) With examples, distinguish between renewable and non-renewable sources of energy The reaction between hydrogen gas and iodine gas is a reversible endothermic reaction. a) Write the chemical equation to show the chemical reaction above with its energy change. Es b) Draw the energy profile diagram of the reaction if, - i) Pressure is increased in the system ii) ‘Temperature is decreased in the equilibrium system (a) When Sulphur is extracted from Sulphur beds below the earth’s surface, superheated water is pumped down a pipe into the Sulphur beds. i) What is superheated water? ii) Why does water have to be superheated? iti) Why would boiling water not work? Page 5 of 7 (b) When molten Sulphur is pumped to the surface it solidifies. i. Which allotropes of Sulphur forms first and what eventually happens? Explain (c) When liquid Sulphur is poured into a beaker containing cold water an elastic rubber like substance forms which after sometimes loses its elasticity and become solid. (i) Name the allotrope of Sulphur obtained (ii) Explain the observation made 10. (a) Write any two applications of ethane in our daily life (b) Give all possible isomers of butanol, give the 1.U.P.A.C names of each isomer (c) Explain why alkanes do not undergo addition reactions but alkenes undergo. 11. Your teacher gave you the following solutions for titration (i) Solution MM containing 5.30g/dm? of A2CO3 (ii) Solution NN containing 0.10M of HCI (iii) Methyl orange indicator After titration, you obtained the following results, 20cm* of solution MM was used to react completely with 20cm? of solution NN. QUESTION a) Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction b) Calculate i) Molarity of solution A2COs ii) The atomic mass of A (c) Name element A 12. (a) You are provided with the following mass numbers and relative abundacies of an isotope of element JJ Mass number Relative abundances 39 83.1% 40 0.01% 4l 16.89% (i) Determine the relative atomic mass of element JJ (ii) Identify element JJ and write its nuclide notations using its actual chemical symbol (b) Explain how stoichiometric calculations are applied in; - (i) Medicine industries (ii) Water treatments (c) The figure below shows a paper that was placed horizontally across the middle of a non- luminous flame and quickly withdrawn Paper Charred black Unburnt i) Explain the observations on the paper ii) Give two reasons why luminous flames are not used for heating in the laboratory SECTION C: 15 MARKS Answer only one question from this section 13, Explain at least four deficiency effects of primary macronutrients in plants. 14, With a well labelled diagram, explain how chlorine gas is prepared in the laboratory Page 7 of 7

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