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T1 1.1 M = Max, S = Sarah

M: This week, I interview Sarah Evans, a young British swimming champion who’s
hoping to represent Great Britain at the Olympic Games next year. So, tell me,
Sarah, how long have you been swimming?
S: Well, I’m sixteen now and I started swimming when I was seven, so I’ve been
swimming for nine years.
M: How often do you train?
S: I train at the pool for three hours a day, six days a week.
M: Wow! Really? That’s amazing! So, what’s your daily routine?
S: Well, I get up at 6.00 and swim for an hour and a half before school. Then I
swim for another hour and a half after school.
M: Do you mind getting up so early every day?
S: No, not at all – I’m used to it. It’s normal for me.
M: Who encouraged you to take up swimming? Was it your mum?
S: No, it was my mum’s sister, my aunt Clare.
M: Really? How come?
S: Well, she used to be one of the best young swimmers in the country when
she was a teenager. It was my aunt who first taught me to swim and then she
encouraged me to join our local swimming club when I was seven.
M: Have you taken part in many competitions?
S: Yes, I’ve been taking part in competitions since I was ten years old. I’ve
represented my school, my club, my town and also my country.
M: What has been your biggest achievement so far?
S: I think it was when I won a gold medal at the European Junior Championships
last year.
M: And what about your biggest disappointment?
S: Erm … probably when I missed the opportunity to take part in the Youth
Olympic Games two years ago. I’d broken my arm a few weeks before the
games, so I couldn’t train. I’d been looking forward to those games so much. I
was so disappointed!
M: How did you break your arm?
S: Well, it was a freezing cold day in the middle of winter. It had been snowing all
night the night before, so the pavements were very icy. Anyway, I was walking
to school after training at the pool when I fell over and landed on my arm. I
realized I’d broken my arm straightaway because it was so painful and I felt a bit
M: You poor thing. So, who took you to the hospital?
S: Well, fortunately, it happened when I was just outside the school. One of my
friends had just arrived in her dad’s car, so they kindly drove me to the hospital.
M: OK, well I’m so glad you’re better now. Anyway, that’s all we have time for today.
Good luck for the Olympics, Sarah!
S: Thanks!

Keep it Real! B2 © Richmond/Santillana Global S.L., 2021 1

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