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T3 1.1 M = Max, Ma = Martha

M: So, Martha, you carried out some interviews yesterday to find out the most
popular TV programmes watched over the weekend by people of different age
Ma: That’s right, Max. I also asked them how many hours they had spent watching
TV. I interviewed a couple in their 70s, a man in his 30s and two sixteen-year-
old teenagers.
M: OK, so what did you learn?
Ma: Well, first the couple in their 70s. To begin with, I asked them what they’d
watched over the weekend. They said they’d watched the news three or four
times, a programme on gardening, a nature documentary and an old film.
M: Is that all?
Ma: Yes, they said they’d probably watched about three hours of TV a day. They
explained that they didn’t watch much TV in the summer, when the weather
was nicer.
M: Oh, I see. So, which film did they decide to watch?
Ma: They told me they’d watched an old black-and-white film which they’d seen
several times before called Casablanca.
M: Oh, I know – that’s an outstanding film, isn’t it?
Ma: Yes, it is. It’s a film starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman and it was
made during the Second World War. It’s one of my favourite films.
M: OK, so what about the man in his 30s?
Ma: Well, he told me he’d watched TV for about six hours each day. Apparently, on
Saturday he watched two football matches in the afternoon, and then he spent
the evening watching three episodes of a thrilling new American detective
series streaming on Netflix.
M: And on Sunday?
Ma: Erm, more or less the same thing: football and the new Netflix series.
M: Wow – that’s a lot of TV!
Ma: Yes, it is, isn’t it?
M: And, finally, what about the two teenagers?
Ma: Well, I was actually quite surprised by what they told me. They said they’d only
watched TV for about one hour each day.
M: Did you ask them which programmes they’d seen?
Ma: Yes, of course. They said they’d watched a reality TV show called Love Island on
both days.
M: Really? I’ve heard of Love Island, but I’ve never watched it. What’s it about?
Ma: It’s a kind of dating show set on an island. The contestants – the people taking
part in the show – go on dates with each other and the couple winning the
competition receives a lot of money as a prize at the end.
M: Oh, I see. So your sixteen-year-olds only watched TV for a couple of hours over
the weekend?
Ma: Yes, that’s right. But they confessed that they’d spent another four or five hours
a day playing video games.
M: Right, that makes sense. So they probably spent as much time as the guy in his
30s sitting in front of a screen?
Ma: Yes, I suppose so – about six hours a day, the same as him.
M: Oh, well, thanks, Martha. That’s really interesting.
Ma: No problem.

Keep it Real! B2 © Richmond/Santillana Global S.L., 2021 1

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