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UNIT 8 TEST: Consolidation


1 Match 1–6 with a–f. / 5 marks

1 Scientists have made a major c a has been made in electric car

2 We have learned a lot about our solar technology.
system b climate change don’t come true.

3 In recent years, a great deal of c breakthrough in malaria treatment.

progress d transformation in the way we
4 Scientists have found proof that communicate.

5 I hope scientists’ predictions about e humans evolved from apes.

6 The smartphone has led to a f through our exploration of space.

2 Choose the correct answers. / 5 marks

0 The development / breakthrough of the silicon chip made it possible to build

smaller computers.
1 The discovery / creation of intelligent robots will transform our world.
2 Thomas Edison always wanted to improve the design / development of his light bulbs.
3 The artist creates stunning sculptures using recycled materials / productions.
4 Henry Ford was the first car manufacturer to use mass development / production techniques.
5 Creation / Creativity is essential if you want to be a successful architect.

3 Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. / 5 marks

full  make  save  set  take  waste

0 Let’s buy our tickets online to save time.

1 I know you’re always busy, but it’s important to time to see your friends.
2 You need to do your homework. So, don’t time playing that silly computer game!
3 You don’t have to decide now. your time before making a decision.
4 Can we a time for a meeting? How about tomorrow at 10 o’clock?
5 My mum doesn’t work -time. She only works three days a week.

4 Choose the correct answers. / 5 marks

0 If you go and live in the UK, you’ll learn English in / on no time.

1 Making an animated film is a very full-time / time-consuming process.
2 You have to enter the room one at a / the time because the door is quite narrow.
3 I’ve been living in San Francisco for any / some time now – about six years.
4 I’m afraid Mr Kim won’t be here for half an hour. At / In the meantime, would you
like something to drink while you wait?
5 My little brother can be very annoying at / on times, but we usually get on well together.

Vocabulary total / 20 marks

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UNIT 8 TEST: Consolidation


5 Complete the sentences. Use the passive form of the verbs in brackets. / 5 marks

0 You might be asked (might, ask) to show your passport at the hotel.
1 Drones (use) to take aerial photos nowadays.
2 The telephone (invent) in the nineteenth century.
3 I think your cousins (should, invite) to your next birthday party.
4 At the moment, the three men (interview) by the police.
5 A new type of dinosaur (discover) by scientists in China.

6 Match 1–6 with a–f. / 5 marks

1 Your credit card can d a delayed by the bad weather in Italy.

2 The first mobile phone was b be given to the waiter.
3 Dad’s plane had been c produced by Chinese companies.
4 The children might d be used to pay the bill in restaurants.
5 Most computers in the world are e be given some Maths homework today.
6 A small tip should f developed by the American company

7 Choose the correct answers. / 5 marks

0 Last night, we saw an old film starring / starred Marilyn Monroe.

1 The man standing / stood over there is my English teacher.
2 They were watching a TV show calling / called MasterChef.
3 The police found the painting stealing / stolen from the museum.
4 Drivers travelling / travelled over 110 kph will receive a fine.
5 Most of the cars producing / produced by that company are electric.

8 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets. / 5 marks

0 I had my laptop fixed at the computer repair shop last week.

(have, fix)
1 She her teeth at the dentist’s for two years.
(not have, check)
2 We all our windows yesterday morning. (have, wash)
3 When are you going to your hair ? (get, cut)
4 I usually my car at the car wash opposite the station.
(have, clean)
5 Why don’t you go to the florist’s and some flowers to your
grandma? (get, send)

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UNIT 8 TEST: Consolidation
9 Read the dialogue. Choose the correct answers. / 10 marks

Lucía: I’ve just 0 had repaired my phone / had my phone repaired at that shop
near the station.
Daniel: Really? Did you 1have the screen replaced / replace the screen?
Lucía: Yes, I did. Unfortunately, it cost me £100.
Daniel: Oh no, that’s expensive. By the way, I recently learned when the first
mobile phone 2invented / was invented. Do you know when it was?
Lucía: No, I don’t!
Daniel: It was in the 1970s. It 3 developed / was developed by an engineer
working / worked at the American telecommunications company,
Motorola. His name was Martin Cooper and the first mobile phone call
was 5 made / making by him in New York in 1973.
Lucía: What was the first phone like?
Daniel: It was much bigger and heavier than the phones 6using / used by us today.
It weighed over a kilo and it was 7knowing / known as ‘the Brick’. It had a
battery 8weighing / weighed four or five times more than a modern mobile phone.
Lucía: Wow, that’s amazing! How come you know so much about it?
Daniel: Because I’ve got a cousin 9working / worked for Motorola in the United States.
He 10told / was told all about the history of the company when he started
working for them last year.

Grammar total / 30 marks

TOTAL / 50 marks

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UNIT 8 TEST: Extension


1 Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. There are three words
you don’t need. / 5 marks

breakthrough  creativity  design  exploration  materials  
predictions  progress  proof  transformation

0 Scientists have made a major breakthrough in malaria treatment.

1 We have learned a lot about our solar system through our of space.
2 In recent years, a great deal of has been made in electric car technology.
3 The smartphone has led to a in the way we communicate.
4 I hope scientists’ about climate change don’t come true.
5 Scientists have found that humans evolved from apes.

2 Complete the sentences. Use science and invention words. / 5 marks

0 The development of the silicon chip made it possible to build smaller computers.
1 The of intelligent robots will transform our world.
2 Thomas Edison always wanted to improve the of his light bulbs.
3 The artist creates stunning sculptures using recycled .
4 Henry Ford was the first car manufacturer to use mass techniques.
5 is essential if you want to be a successful architect.

3 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Then match 1–6 with a–f. / 5 marks

full  make  save  set  take  waste

1 Let’s buy our tickets online. c a So, don’t time playing that
2 I know you’re always busy. silly computer game!

3 You need to do your homework. b She only works three days a week.

4 You don’t have to decide now. c If we do that, we can save time.

5 Can we a time for a d How about tomorrow at 10 o’clock?

meeting? e your time before making
6 My mum doesn’t work a decision.
-time. f However, it’s important to
time to see your friends.

Keep it Real! B2 © Richmond/Santillana Global S.L., 2021 1

UNIT 8 TEST: Extension
4 Correct the underlined words in the sentences. / 5 marks

0 If you go and live in the UK, you’ll learn English on no time. in

1 Making an animated film is a very full-time process.
2 You have to enter the room one at the time because the door is quite narrow.
3 I’ve been living in San Francisco for any time now – about six years.
4 I’m afraid Mr Kim won’t be here for half an hour. At the meantime,
would you like something to drink while you wait?
5 My little brother can be very annoying on times, but we usually get on
well together.

Vocabulary total / 20 marks


5 Use the prompts. Write sentences in the passive. / 5 marks

0 You / might / ask / show / your passport / the hotel

You might be asked to show your passport at the hotel.
1 drones / use / take / aerial photos / nowadays

2 the telephone / invent / in the nineteenth century

3 I think / your cousins / should / invite / to your next birthday party

4 at the moment / the three men / interview / the police

5 a new type of dinosaur / discover / scientists / in China

6 Rewrite the active sentences in the passive. Include by + agent only when it is essential. / 5 marks

0 You can use your credit card to pay the bill in restaurants.
Your credit card can be used to pay the bill in restaurants .
1 The American company Motorola developed the first mobile phone.
The first mobile phone .
2 The bad weather in Italy had delayed Dad’s plane.
Dad’s plane .
3 The teacher might give the children some Maths homework today.
The children .
4 Chinese companies produce most of the computers in the world.
Most of the computers in the world .
5 You should give the waiter a small tip.
A small tip .

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UNIT 8 TEST: Extension
7 Rewrite the sentences. Reduce the underlined relative clauses. / 5 marks

0 Last night, we saw an old film which starred Marilyn Monroe.

Last night, we saw an old film starring Marilyn Monroe.
1 The man that is standing over there is my English teacher.

2 They were watching a TV show that is called MasterChef.

3 The police found the painting that had been stolen from the museum.

4 Drivers who travel over 110 kph will receive a fine.

5 Most of the cars that are produced by that company are electric.

8 Rewrite the sentences. Use have/get + object + past participle. / 5 marks

0 I fixed my laptop last week.

I had my laptop fixed last week.
1 She hasn’t checked her teeth for two years.

2 We painted all our windows last summer.

3 When are you going to cut your hair?

4 I usually clean my car opposite the station.

5 Why don’t you send some flowers to your grandma?

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UNIT 8 TEST: Extension
9 Correct the underlined words in the dialogue. Use have/get + object + past participle,
the passive and reduced relative clauses. / 10 marks

Lucía: I’ve just 0repaired my phone at that shop near the station. had my phone repaired
Daniel: Really? Did you replace the screen?
Lucía: Yes, I did. Unfortunately, it cost me £100.
Daniel: Oh no, that’s expensive! By the way, I recently learned when
the first mobile phone 2invented? Do you know when it was?
Lucía: No, I don’t.
Daniel: It was in the 1970s. It 3was developing by an engineer
worked at the American telecommunications company,
Motorola. His name was Martin Cooper and the first mobile
phone call 5was making from him in New York in 1973.
Lucía: What was the first phone like?
Daniel: It was much bigger and heavier than the phones 6using by us
today. It weighed over a kilo and it 7known as ‘the Brick’. It had
a battery 8weighed four or five times more than a modern
mobile phone.
Lucía: Wow, that’s amazing! How come you know so much about it?
Daniel: Because I’ve got a cousin 9worked for Motorola in the
United States at the moment.
He 10was telling all about the history of the company when he
started working for them last year.

Grammar total / 30 marks

TOTAL / 50 marks

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