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Chemistry For Today

Chapter 1
 Nucleus has protons and neutrons; a nucleus is in an electron cloud
 Protons have a positive charge
 Neutrons have a neutral charge
 Electrons have a negative charger
 Picture is a model of an atom
 Atom 10^-10m
 Nucleus 10^-15m
 Protons are massive compared to electrons
 ***Electrons have mass
 Marble in Tropicana Field represents the nucleus inside of the atom
 Know the difference between mass and weight and density
 Weight is mass influenced by some sort of force (gravity)
 Density is mass/volume; it’s how much matter fits in a certain space
 Amount of protons is what differentiates elements
 One electron(-) plus one proton(+) is one neutron
 Electron cloud is where the electrons are. Negatively charged.
 Atoms get smaller and become more massive (larger mass) going to the right
across periodic table, because electrons are getting pulled in closer, because there
are more protons.
 In order for an electron to become part of an atom (in the electron cloud) it must
lose some energy relative to the polarity and mass

The Plan
 Read ahead of the lectures
 Print and bring powerpoint slides
 Discussion section investigations and concept mapping

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