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Chemistry For Today

Chapter 3: Matter and Energy

 Matter is made of “stuff”
 That “stuff” determines what characteristic traits individual matter possesses and
therefore the different interaction that matter can undergo
 Different matter is made of different “stuff”
 “stuff” is anything you can touch, taste, or smell
 Mass is just the amount of “stuff” in a particular kind of matter
 Goal 1: Identify and explain the difference among observations of matter at the
macroscopic, microscopic, and particulate levels
 Goal 2: Define the term “model” as it is used in chemistry to represent pieces of
matter too small to be seen
 Macroscopic- able to be seen by the human eye
 Microscopic- requires the use of a magnifying device
-Allows us to see the underlying structure of a chemical substance
 Atomic View- reveals the building blocks of matter
 Goal 3: Identify and explain the differences among gases, liquids, and solids in
terms of (a) visible properties, (b) distance between particles, and (c) particle
 Goal 4: Distinguish between physical and chemical properties at both the
particulate level and the macroscopic level
 Goal 5: Distinguish between physical and chemical changes at both the particulate
level and the macroscopic level

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