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• IOT Nodes

• Smart lighting system

• Smart Home
• Weather monitoring system

• Cloud based car parking system

• M2M gateway

• Layered attacker model

3) IoT Agent:
An IoT agent acts as a software intermediary installed on a device. It facilitates communication
between the device and the IoT platform.
Its primary functions include:
• Collecting data from sensors and actuators.
• Transmitting data to the platform using appropriate protocols.
• Receiving commands and instructions from the platform.
• Managing the device's connectivity and security.
Examples of IoT agents include:
• NetFront Agent by ACCESS
• TeamViewer IoT Agent
• NGSI-v2 Smart Supermarket Tutorials (JSON)

IoT Device:
An IoT device refers to any physical object equipped with sensors, actuators, and processing
capabilities. These devices collect and transmit data to other devices or platforms for analysis and
Examples of IoT devices include:
• Smart home devices (thermostats, lights, appliances)
• Wearables (fitness trackers, smartwatches)
• Smart sensors (temperature, pressure, motion)
• Industrial controllers
• Medical devices

The network serves as the communication backbone for the entire IoT ecosystem. It allows
devices to connect to each other and the platform.
• Cellular networks (4G, 5G, LTE) for wide-area coverage.
• WiFi for short-range communication.
• Bluetooth for low-power applications.
• LoRaWAN for long-range, low-power communication.

The IoT platform acts as the central hub for data collection, management, and analysis.
• Device management and monitoring.
• Data visualization and analytics.
• Rule creation and automation.
• Application development tools.
• Security and access control.
Examples of IoT platforms include:
• Amazon Web Services (AWS) IoT Core
• Microsoft Azure IoT Hub
• Google Cloud IoT Core

4) M2M technology devices and examples

M2M (Machine-to-Machine) technology refers to the automatic exchange of data between
devices without human intervention. It allows machines to communicate and share information
with each other directly, enabling automation, real-time monitoring, and enhanced efficiency
across various industries.

M2m technologies devices and examples

1. Smart Home (IoT):
Devices: Smart thermostat (M2M).
Example: Thermostat communicates with a home hub for remote control (IoT).
2. Connected Vehicles (IoT):
Devices: In-vehicle sensors (M2M).
Example: Vehicles interact with smart traffic systems (IoT).
3.Healthcare Monitoring (IoT):
Devices: Wearable health trackers (M2M).
Example: Health data sent to a centralized platform for analysis (IoT).
4. Smart Grids (IoT):
Devices: Smart meters (M2M).
Example: Real-time energy data contributes to an IoT-enabled smart grid.
5. Industrial IoT (IIoT):
Devices: Sensors on manufacturing equipment (M2M).
Example: Machines exchange data for efficient production (IIoT).
6.Precision Agriculture (IoT):
Devices: Soil sensors (M2M).
Example: Integrated data optimizes farming practices (IoT).
7. Asset Tracking (IoT):
Devices: GPS trackers (M2M).
Example: Real-time location and condition data contribute to logistics optimization (IoT).
6) Which IOT layer is responsible for reliable delivery of data packet?
The transport layer receives data (message) from the Application layer and then performs
Segmentation, divides the actual message into segments, adds the source and destination’s port
numbers into the header of the segment, and transfers the message to the Network layer.

The transport layer receives data from the Network layer, reassembles the segmented data, reads
its header, identifies the port number, and forwards the message to the appropriate port in the
Application layer.
Responsibilities of a Transport Layer
• The Process-to-Process Delivery
• End-to-End Connection between Hosts
• Multiplexing and Demultiplexing
• Congestion Control
• Data integrity and Error correction
• Flow control

7) Whether M2M connected in both wire and wireless methods ?

Yes, Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication can be implemented using both wired and
wireless methods, depending on the specific requirements of the application. The choice
between wired and wireless connectivity is influenced by factors such as distance, mobility,
power consumption, scalability, and the nature of the devices involved.
Wired M2M Communication:
1. Ethernet:
2. Power Line Communication (PLC):
Wireless M2M Communication:
1. Wi-Fi:
2. Cellular Networks:
3. Bluetooth:
4. Zigbee and Z-Wave:
5. LoRa (Long Range):
6. NB-IoT (Narrowband IoT):

8) Function of M2M Domains

M2M (Machine-to-Machine) technology refers to the automatic exchange of data between
devices without human intervention. It allows machines to communicate and share information
with each other directly, enabling automation, real-time monitoring, and enhanced efficiency
across various industries.

3 main domain of M2M architecture, such as:

– M2M Application Domain

– M2M Network Domain

– M2M Device Domain

M2M Applications Domain provides application for M2M technology, such as server
applications and end-user applications. M2M Applications Domain contains 2 part of basic

– Client Application, provide end-user services application

– M2M Application, provides applications that located on the servers, built upon M2M
service capabilities and interacting with M2M devices.

M2M Device Domain contains devices that can connect to M2M Network domain. M2M Device
Domain can be called as M2M Area Network. We must refers to market requirements for
choose the devices for M2M Device Domain. Diverse technologies can be used to support
various applications. There are two types of devices for M2M Device Domain:

– Devices that one capable to directly connect to the network and

– Devices that cannot directly connect to the network domain, requires an M2M gateway
in order to connect to the network.

– Proprietary devices: devices that only support proprietary interfaces. Proprietary devices
need proprietary gateway to connect M2M network

M2M Network Domain provides communication network between M2M Application Domain
and M2M Device Domain. M2M Network Domain consist two basic part, such as M2M core and
M2M service capabilities. The M2M core network is the central part of the M2M
communication network that provides various services to service providers connected via the
access network such as GERAN, WiMAX, Satellite, DSL, UTRAN, WLAN or eUTRAN and other
mobile network (e.g. 3G, 2G, LTE, 4G). M2M service capabilities are network functions defined
to support M2M applications.

9) Yes, it is definitely possible to publish weather messages for a specific location on a display board
using a weather monitoring system. Here's how it can be achieved:
Weather monitoring system: This system collects real-time weather data using sensors
like temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed, and rainfall sensors.
Microcontroller: This device processes the sensor data and converts it into meaningful
information. Popular choices include Arduino, ESP8266, and Raspberry Pi. The system needs to
be connected to the internet either through WiFi, cellular network, or Ethernet.
Data collection and processing : The weather monitoring system collects weather data
at regular intervals. The microcontroller receives the data, performs calculations, and converts it
into a presentable format like temperature in degrees Celsius, humidity percentage, and wind
speed in kilometers per hour.
Message generation: Based on the processed data, a weather message is generated for
the specific location. This message can include relevant information like temperature, humidity,
wind speed, and even a short forecast.
Message display: The message is sent to the display board using communication
protocols like SPI, I2C, or serial communication.
Real-time updates: The weather message is continuously updated on the display board
as new data is collected, providing viewers with the latest weather information.
• Weather information displayed on digital signage in public spaces.
• Weather updates shown on screens in airports, train stations, and bus stops.
• Real-time weather data displayed on boards in farms and agricultural fields.

10) High graphical unit – physical or graphical design ?

Physical Design

Physical design encompasses the hardware components and their arrangement in an IoT device.
It involves designing the circuit board, selecting the appropriate sensors, actuators, memory, and
processing units. In this context, the GPU is typically used for tasks like image processing and data
visualization. However, the GPU's role in physical design is typically limited to handling specific
processing needs, and it may not be the most demanding component from a graphical standpoint.

Graphical Design

Graphical design focuses on the visual aspects of IoT devices, including user interfaces (UIs), user
experience (UX), and visual branding. In this regard, the GPU plays a more prominent role in
rendering graphics, animations, and high-resolution displays. For instance, IoT devices that
incorporate augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) will heavily utilize the GPU's graphical

Between physical design and graphical design, graphical design typically has higher graphics
requirements to run effectively. This is because graphical design deals directly with creating and
manipulating visual elements, which require significant processing power to render accurately
and smoothly.

Tasks demanding high graphics:

• 3D modeling and animation:
• High-resolution image and video editing:
• Augmented reality and virtual reality:
• Interactive graphics and user interfaces

11) Process of Storage interface and cloud storage

The storage interface and cloud storage involve various processes and technologies to facilitate
the efficient and secure storage of data. Let's explore the process of storage interfaces and
cloud storage.
Storage Interface:

1. Input/Output (I/O) Operations:

- Data storage interfaces manage the input and output operations of data between the
computer system and storage devices.
- Common interfaces include SATA (Serial ATA), SAS (Serial Attached SCSI), and NVMe (Non-
Volatile Memory Express) for local storage.

2. File Systems:
- File systems organize and manage data on storage devices.
- Common file systems include NTFS (New Technology File System), FAT32 (File Allocation
Table), and ext4 (Extended File System).

3. Block-Level Storage:
- Block-level storage interfaces deal with data storage at the block level, allowing direct access
to storage blocks.
- Technologies like iSCSI (Internet Small Computer System Interface) and Fibre Channel
facilitate block-level storage.

4. Network Attached Storage (NAS):

- NAS provides storage resources to a network, allowing multiple users and devices to access
shared data.
- Protocols like NFS (Network File System) and SMB (Server Message Block) are commonly
used for NAS.

5. Storage Area Network (SAN):

- SAN is a high-speed network that connects and makes storage devices accessible to multiple
- Fibre Channel and iSCSI are common SAN protocols.

Cloud Storage:

1. Data Replication and Distribution:

- Cloud storage providers replicate and distribute data across multiple servers and locations to
ensure redundancy and availability.
- This helps in minimizing the risk of data loss due to hardware failures or disasters.

2. Data Encryption:
- Cloud storage services use encryption techniques to secure data during transmission and
while at rest.
- SSL/TLS protocols are often used for data in transit, and AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
is common for data at rest.

3. Scalability:
- Cloud storage solutions offer scalability to accommodate varying storage needs.
- Users can easily scale up or down based on their storage requirements without the need for
physical hardware upgrades.

4. Access Control and Permissions:

- Cloud storage platforms provide robust access control mechanisms to manage who can
access, modify, or delete data.
- Role-based access control (RBAC) is often used to define permissions based on user roles.

5. Data Tiering:
- Cloud storage services often provide multiple storage tiers with different performance
characteristics and costs.
- This allows users to choose the appropriate storage class based on their data access patterns
and budget constraints.

12) Navigation support

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is a valuable technique used to determine the
location of a vehicle on a map in areas where GPS signals are not available or are inaccurate. In
such GPS-denied environments, lidar-based SLAM comes into play, using lidar sensors to perform
mapping and localization. This point cloud data gathered by lidar is used to construct a map
constructed map enables autonomous vehicles to navigate effectively. The process of creating this
map involves extracting feature points from the point cloud data. These feature points can be
categorized as either planar or edge points.
14) Module 1 & 2 in water management system
Consider the IoT based water management system for measuring the quality and quantity of water
being used in houses. The prototype consists of Module -1 from which the quantity and quality of
drinking and domestic water has been measured for the respective distribution. The flow sensor is
implemented to measure the flow rate, the pH sensor to monitor the quality of the drinking water
and the solenoid for the flow shut off operations when there is any anomaly in the quality, this can
be done from the user end. The Module 1 shown in the figure will be implemented in the individual
houses in the apartments and communicate to the module 2 via ZigBee communication module.
For every second the controller will sense the data from the sensors interfaced and transmit to the
r-pi via Zigbee in star topology. From the cloud server the data will be entered in the webpage for
the user end. Separate user names and passwords will be given to every user and they can pay the
bill amount which is metered online for the water been used by means of IoT.
Flow diagrams

15) Data transformation

Data transformation involves converting data from one format to another for easier
interpretation, analysis, or application. In the context of IoT, data transformation plays a crucial
role in enabling communication and interaction between devices, even if they come from
different manufacturers or use different protocols.
data transformation can be achieved between two houses using IoT:
1. Data Acquisition:
• Sensors in each house collect various data points like temperature, humidity, energy
consumption, or appliance usage.
• This data is typically in raw format, specific to the sensor type and manufacturer.
2. Pre-processing:
• Before transmission, data is pre-processed at the edge (local gateway) or in the cloud.
• This might involve:
o Filtering: Removing unnecessary data points or noise.
o Scaling: Normalizing data values to a specific range.
o Aggregation: Combining data points into meaningful summaries (e.g., average
temperature per hour).
o Unit conversion: Converting data to a common unit for easier comparison.
3. Data Transformation:
• The pre-processed data is then transformed into a standardized format suitable for inter-
house communication.
• This can involve:
o Data serialization: Converting data into a format suitable for network transmission, such
as JSON or XML.
o Data encryption: Securing data transmission against unauthorized access.
o Data compression: Reducing data size for efficient transmission, especially with limited
4. Data Transmission:
• The transformed data is transmitted between the two houses using suitable
communication protocols like MQTT, CoAP, or RESTful APIs.
• Specific networks like WiFi, Bluetooth, or cellular networks might be used depending on
the distance and desired bandwidth.
5. Data Reception and Transformation:
• At the receiving house, the data is transformed back to a format suitable for local
processing and analysis.
• This might involve reversing the pre-processing steps and converting the data back to
the original units.

16) Static and dynamic ip address

Hosting a Web Server:

• More reliable and consistent connection.
• More vulnerable to targeted attacks due to constant IP address.
• Usually more expensive than a dynamic IP.


• Connection may be less stable due to potential IP changes.

• Less susceptible to targeted attacks due to changing IP address.
• Usually cheaper than a static IP.

Wifi networks


• All devices on the network have consistent IP addresses, simplifying configuration.

• Easier to configure security measures for specific devices with static IPs.


• Devices may need to update their IP addresses if the dynamic IP changes.

• Requires additional configuration for security measures with dynamic IPs.

Gaming Console:


• More stable connection for online gaming, reducing lag and improving performance.
• Requires manual configuration for port forwarding and security settings.


• Connection may be less stable due to potential IP changes, impacting gameplay.

• Automatically configured and requires minimal maintenance.

Network Security Camera:


• Easier to remotely access the camera feed from anywhere with a static IP address.
• More vulnerable to targeted attacks due to constant IP address.
• Requires manual configuration for remote access and security settings.


• Requires a dynamic DNS service or port forwarding to access the camera remotely
with a dynamic IP address.
• Less susceptible to targeted attacks due to changing IP address.
• Automatically configured and requires minimal maintenance.

17) Draw Reset Based Communication API model for IoT using a) HTTPServer
b) HTTP Client c) HTTP Pocket D) Resource

18) IOT technology and examples

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the network of physical objects embedded with sensors,
software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other
devices and systems over the internet. These objects, also known as "things," can range from
everyday items like thermostats and light bulbs to industrial equipment and agricultural sensors.

Smart Homes:
• Thermostats that automatically adjust temperature based on preferences and
• Smart lights that turn on and off based on the time of day or motion detection.
• Appliances that can be controlled remotely and monitored for energy consumption.

• Fitness trackers that monitor heart rate, activity levels, and sleep patterns.
• Smartwatches that display notifications, make calls, and control music.
• Connected clothing that can track vital signs and provide health insights.

Industrial Automation:
• Sensors that monitor the performance and condition of machines, predicting potential
failures before they occur.
• Robots that can perform routine tasks autonomously, improving efficiency and safety.
• Smart grids that optimize energy distribution and consumption.
19) Whether M2M and IOT are same ?
Machine-to-Machine (M2M): M2M refers to direct communication between devices using wired
or wireless communication channels. In M2M, devices are typically connected to a central
platform, and they communicate with each other to share data and perform actions without
human intervention. M2M communication has been in existence for some time and has been
commonly used in applications like industrial automation, telemetry, and remote monitoring.
M2M focuses on the direct communication between machines, and the communication may not
necessarily involve the broader internet. It often operates within a closed or private network, and
the interactions are typically point-to-point.

Internet of Things (IoT): IoT, on the other hand, is a broader concept that goes beyond M2M.
While M2M is a subset of IoT, IoT encompasses a larger ecosystem that includes not only
machine-to-machine communication but also involves connectivity to the internet for broader
data sharing and interaction. In IoT, devices are not just communicating with each other but are
also connected to the internet, enabling them to send, receive, and analyse data on a larger

20) Remote Monitoring Systems for M2M Applications

M2M (Machine-to-Machine) communication often relies on remote monitoring systems to
collect and analyze data from connected devices. These systems play a crucial role in various
applications, enabling efficient operation, predictive maintenance, and real-time decision-
Components of a Remote Monitoring System:
Sensors: Collect data from various aspects of the machine, including temperature,
pressure, vibration, and performance metrics.
Gateways: Aggregate data from multiple sensors and transmit it to the central server or
cloud platform.
Communication Networks: Transfer data from sensors to the central system using
various technologies like WiFi, cellular networks, and LoRaWAN.
Central Server or Cloud Platform: Stores, processes, and analyzes the collected data.
User Interface: Provides access to data visualizations, reports, alerts, and control

Benefits of Remote Monitoring:

o Enhanced operational efficiency
o Predictive maintenance
o Improved decision-making
o Reduced costs
o Safety and security
o Industrial automation
o Supply chain management

21) IOT devices and end points

1. IoT Devices:
• Definition: IoT devices refer to physical objects or things embedded with
sensors, actuators, and other technologies that enable them to collect and
exchange data over the internet.
• Functionality: These devices can range from simple sensors collecting data
(e.g., temperature sensors, motion detectors) to complex devices with
processing capabilities (e.g., smart thermostats, connected cameras, industrial
• Connectivity: IoT devices connect to the internet or local networks to share the
data they collect. They may use various communication protocols such as WiFi, Bluetooth,
Zigbee, cellular networks, or other wireless technologies.

2. Endpoints in IoT:
• Definition: Endpoints in IoT are the communication interfaces or nodes where
IoT devices connect to a network. These endpoints act as entry or exit points for
data transmission between devices and the broader IoT system.
• Device Endpoints: The physical devices themselves, where data is
generated and collected.
• Communication Endpoints: The network interfaces or gateways that
facilitate communication between devices and the central IoT system.
• Functionality: Endpoints manage the flow of data between IoT devices and the
central system. They often play a role in protocol translation, security, and data
aggregation before transmitting data to the cloud or a centralized server.

23) IoT level components and specifications
1. IoT Devices:
Sensors and Actuators: Devices equipped with sensors to collect data from the
environment (temperature, humidity, motion, etc.) and actuators to perform
physical actions based on received instructions.
2. Connectivity:
Communication Protocols: Standards for transmitting data between IoT devices and
networks. Common protocols include MQTT, CoAP, HTTP, and others.
3. IoT Gateways:
Edge Computing Devices: Gateways or edge devices that perform processing,
filtering, and analysis of data at or near the source (edge) before transmitting it to
the cloud. This helps reduce latency and bandwidth usage.
4. Cloud Platform:
IoT Cloud Services: Cloud-based platforms that provide storage, processing,
analytics, and management of IoT data. Examples include AWS IoT, Azure IoT, and
Google Cloud IoT Core.
5. Data Processing and Analytics:
Big Data Technologies: Tools for processing and analyzing large datasets generated
by IoT devices. This may involve technologies like Apache Spark, Apache Flink, or
6. Security:
Device Security: Measures to secure IoT devices, including encryption, secure boot,
and secure firmware updates.

24) Differentiate the IoT levels 1,2,3 based on node, data transmission, cost,
1. IoT Level 1: Basic or Edge Devices:
• Node: In Level 1, you have basic IoT devices with minimal computing
capabilities. These devices often include simple sensors and actuators.
• Data Transmission: Communication might be peer-to-peer or involve sending
data to a local gateway. It may not involve sophisticated data processing
capabilities at the device level.
• Cost: Generally, the cost of Level 1 devices is lower compared to more
advanced IoT devices.
• Complexity: Low complexity as these devices performs basic functions and
have limited processing power.

2. IoT Level 2: Gateway or Edge Computing:

• Node: Devices at Level 2 could include more sophisticated edge devices or
gateways that aggregate data from Level 1 devices.
• Data Transmission: These devices may perform some data preprocessing
before transmitting it to the cloud. They can handle more complex
communication protocols.
• Cost: The cost might be higher than Level 1 due to increased capabilities.
• Complexity: Moderate complexity, as these devices often involve more
processing power and the ability to handle multiple connections.

3. IoT Level 3: Cloud-Based Processing and Analytics:

• Node: Cloud-based servers or platforms that receive and process data from
Level 2 devices. This could include cloud-based IoT platforms.
• Data Transmission: In Level 3, data is transmitted and stored in the cloud.
Advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms may be applied to gain
• Cost: The cost may be higher due to cloud infrastructure and data processing
• Complexity: High complexity, as Level 3 involves cloud-based services,
sophisticated analytics, and potentially integration with other enterprise

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