English Test 1ero - Basica

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Pedagógico Curricular

English test
Teacher: Lic. Franco López Selene Katherine
Course 1srt Section : A
Pedagogical Period: 3 Parcial 1

Educational level 1
Date: Calificación
- You are not allowed to talk during the test.
- Only ask questions to the teacher.
- Cellphones or any electronic devices are banned.

Read the question and select the correct answer

1. Paint the pants and the dress. (2pts)

2. Circle and paint the shoes. (1 pts)

3. Look at the picture and paint the shorts. (1 pts)

4. Look at the pictures and circle the kitchen (1 Pts)

Código: INF-P02-R67
Versión: 1.0
Fecha: 2015-11
5. Look at the picture, circle the house (1 Pts)

6. Connect the dots:

(1 pts)

The parts of the house

7. Circle the bathroom. ( 1 pts)

8. Match the pictures with the parts of the house they belongs to (2 pts)

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Vicerrectora: Comisión Técnica Pedagógica Básica: Director de Área:

Lic. Brigitte Mieles Zamora de Lic. Lelis Candado
Signature: Firma del estudiante:

Docente: Franco López Selene Katherine.

Código: INF-P02-R67
Versión: 1.0
Fecha: 2015-11

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