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The Art of


Aakash Yadav(1)
Sarang Pillai(11)
Aaryan Singh(14)
Krish Sinha(29)

CLASS: (12-A)
This is to certify that the Project Report titled "The
Art of Movie Making ", English Core, is a bona fide
work carried out by Aakash Yadav,Sarang B. Pillai,
Aaryan Singh & Krish Sinha of class XII A (Science)of
Bal Bharati Public School, Kharghar, for fulfilment of
the ASL Project Work during the academic year
2023-24 as prescribed by the CBSE Board.

Roll No. =
Roll No. =
Roll No. =
Roll No. =

Internal Examiner Principal’s Sign

School Stamp
We would like to extend our gratitude to CBSE
for giving us an opportunity to research wide-
ranging topics. We also want to express
thanks to the Principal of Bal Bharati Public
School, Kharghar. Mrs. Kalpana Dwivedi and
our English subject teacher Mrs. Rekha
Goodwin for her efforts in providing us with
essential assistance in these projects. We
would like to extend our appreciation to the
external examiner for reviewing our project.
We also want to acknowledge our parents for
always supporting us.

Table Of Contents

Sr no. topic page no

1 Certificate 1

2 Acknowledgement 2

3 driving question 3

4 Objective 4

5 introduction 5

6 Scripting 6

7 Casting 8

8 Directing 9

9 Cinematography 11

10 Post-Production 14

11 Survey 16

12 Reflection 18

13 Bibliography 20

We watch tens of movies a year but only some of us
know how difficult it is to craft a movie with
everything perfect.

The objective to create this project is to know how a

movie is made. Everyone likes to watch movie but
only a few know what goes behind the screen , what
roles are assigned to different people , how they
work on it. This project also highlights the
importance of team work.

Movies are like magical stories that come to life
on the big screen. They are not just about moving
images; they're a mix of emotions, characters,
and exciting tales that can make you laugh, cry,
or feel inspired. Watching a movie is easy and fun,
but making one is not so simple. And here we are
making you feel the journey of making a movie.

Movie Making Includes :


Scripts are a common element of film and T V production. They explain
the actions, events and dialogue that will occur during the course of a
scene, It basically is the life of the Movie. IT helps in;
Storytelling: A script provides the blueprint for the story being told in a movie.
It outlines the plot, characters, dialogue, and overall structure. It ensures that
the narrative unfolds in a coherent and engaging manner, guiding the director,
actors, and other crew members in bringing the story to life.
Communication: A script serves as a common language for everyone involved in
the production. It enables effective communication between the director, actors,
cinematographer, production designers, and other team members. The script
ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding the vision, tone, and style
of the film.
Planning and Logistics: A script helps in planning the logistics of a film
production. It allows the team to estimate the duration of scenes, the number of
shooting days, and the required resources. This information
is crucial for budgeting, scheduling, and organizing the
production efficiently.

Character Development: A well-written script provides detailed descriptions
and backstories for the characters. It allows actors to understand their
roles and motivations, enabling them to bring depth and authenticity to their
performances. A script helps actors develop their characters' arcs, emotions,
and relationships.
Visualizing and Blocking: A script helps in
visualizing the film's scenes and sequences.
It describes the locations, actions, and
camera angles, aiding the director and
cinematographer in planning the shots and
framing. It helps them determine how to (helps in visualising script into frames)
capture the story visually, enhancing the
storytelling and cinematic experience.

Casting in movies is like putting together a team of actors for a play,
but on a much larger scale. It's the process of choosing the right
people to play the various roles in a film. Imagine you're creating a
recipe, and each ingredient has to be just right to make the dish
perfect. Similarly, casting ensures that each actor is the perfect fit for
their role, bringing the characters to life in the best possible way.
Casting directors are like the chefs of the movie-making kitchen. They
carefully select actors based on their talent, looks, and how well they
match the character descriptions. Sometimes, they even hold
auditions, which are like tryouts for actors. During auditions, actors
perform a scene or read lines to show the casting director their
The goal of casting is to create a group of actors who not only have
the right skills but also work well together. . When the casting is done
well, it enhances the movie, making the story more believable and
enjoyable for the audience. So, casting is a crucial step in the
filmmaking process, ensuring that the right actors come together to
make movie magic happen.

Examples of perfect casting

Directing a movie is like being the captain of a ship, guiding
it through the vast ocean of storytelling. The director is the
person who oversees the entire filmmaking process,
making sure everything comes together smoothly to tell a
compelling story on the screen.

The director is like the planner who decides how everything

should look, sound, and feel. They work closely with
different teams, such as the actors, cinematographers, and
set designers, to bring their vision to life. The director is
responsible for making creative decisions, such as choosing
the camera angles, lighting, and music to set the right
mood. They also guide the actors in portraying their
characters in a way that fits the story. It's like conducting
an orchestra, where each instrument (or
element of the film) plays a crucial role in
creating a harmonious and engaging

In the end, the director's job is to bring all the
pieces together, turning a script into a living,
breathing movie that captivates and entertains the
audience. They are the visionary leaders who
navigate the ship, making sure it reaches its
destination – a great movie that people will

Denis Villeneuve (One of the best directors

considered by critics) directing movie Dune
which won many Oscar Awards

Cinematography is a crucial element in the art of
filmmaking, playing a significant role in conveying
the director's vision and enhancing the overall
storytelling experience. It encompasses the use of
camera techniques, lighting, framing, and
composition to create visually compelling and
emotionally resonant scenes. Effective
cinematography goes beyond mere technical
proficiency; it is a creative and expressive language
that communicates themes, emotions, and narrative
Lighting : Cinematography depends on using light cleverly to
set the mood and highlight important things. Methods like
bright or dark lighting bring out specific feelings, and the mix
of light and shadows adds depth, making a flat image more

High Key lighting is

generally used for a
positive tone but Low key
is used for representing
darker tone.

Framing : Framing and composition arrange visual elements
in a frame. Camera angles, shot sizes, and subject
positioning influence viewer perspective and emotions.
Cinematographers use framing to emphasize character
relationships, convey power dynamics, and establish
narrative scale and space.

Wide Angle Shot (Establishing Shots) : Purpose:

Establishing shots are
wide-angle views that
introduce a new location or
setting, providing context
for the upcoming scene.
Establishing Shot in ‘Joker’

Medium Shots : A medium shot in movies captures

a subject from the waist up, providing a balanced
view that offers more detail than a wide shot while
still allowing the viewer to see the subject's

Medium shot in Web Series
Daredevil revealing the
details of surrounding .
This is a shot of an One
Take Action scene which is
now set as a benchmark
for onetake action scenes

Close-ups: Purpose: Close-ups focus on a specific subject,

typically a person's face, to highlight emotions, expressions, or
important details

Close Up Shot in Movie

Godfather expressing tension
before committing murder
which will make him step into
the world of crimes

Post -Production
Post-production in movies is the essential phase where
raw footage undergoes meticulous editing, sound
design, visual effects, and color grading. Skilled
professionals transform disjointed scenes into a
polished and cohesive final product, enhancing both
technical and emotional elements. The result is a
cinematic masterpiece that brings the director's vision
to life for the audience.

Editing: Movie editing is the process of selecting and

arranging shots to create a cohesive and engaging
narrative. Editors play a crucial role in shaping the
pace, rhythm, and emotional impact of the film,
ultimately bringing the director's vision to life for the

Movie Editor Geff Groth editing

movie “Joker” 14
Post -Production
Audio Editing: It involves refining sound elements in projects
like films or music by adjusting
levels, removing noise, and
adding effects for a high-
quality auditory experience.

20th Century Fox Audio Editing Studio

Movie Promotion: It is a crucial phase that follows,

involving marketing strategies, trailers, social media
campaigns, and press releases to create awareness and
anticipation for the film. Both post-production and
promotion contribute to the overall success of a movie,
ensuring it resonates with the audience and achieves its
intended impact.

Tom Cruise promoting his

movie Mission Impossible-7 15



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