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Application of AI for pest control in Agriculture

Abstract - Despite residing in a rural nation, Indian farmers encounter numerous obstacles. Annually,
they endure substantial losses as a result of agricultural insect infestation. These losses primarily stem
from insufficient field surveillance, crop diseases, and ineffective pesticide management. To combat
these persistent concerns that lead to decreased output year after year, it is imperative to employ state-
of-the-art technology that continuously evolves. Wireless sensor networks offer a comprehensive
solution to address all of these issues, making them the foundation of modern precision agriculture. In
this study, we present a strategy for pest monitoring utilizing wireless sensor networks by leveraging
various sensors to identify insect behaviours. Our approach focuses on the rapid and accurate detection
and categorization of insects associated with five crucial crops. By collecting data from sensors placed in
the field, we analyse insect behaviours and have achieved a 3.9 percent improvement in accuracy
compared to existing methods.

Introduction - India, as the world's second-largest agricultural producer, plays a crucial role in providing
employment to a diverse range of households. Given the vastness of this industry, enhancing overall
output is of utmost importance. With agriculture engaging around 67 percent of the workforce, it is
evident that a significant portion of the population relies entirely on agricultural activities for their
livelihood. However, the current agricultural practices are not economically viable and pose
environmental risks due to inadequate irrigation infrastructure and services. Farmers encounter various
obstacles such as reduced rainfall, crop damage from water scarcity and floods, as well as poor seed
quality leading to crop failures and wastage of resources. Additionally, the absence of cold storage
facilities contributes to crop losses as produce is left exposed to pests, moisture, and other detrimental

Chapter 1 Agriculture Through WSN

 India, being an agricultural country, is in need of agricultural modernization. This can be

achieved through the utilization of modern technologies that enable computation,
communication, and control within devices. Wireless sensor networks are the most effective
solution for this purpose. The technology of wireless sensor networks is rapidly becoming the
cornerstone of modern precision agriculture. WSN support in agriculture includes dispersed
information collection, monitoring harsh environments, accurate irrigation, and fertilizer
delivery, providing real-time data collection for farmers. Precision farming with WSN aims to
enhance the overall efficiency of the agricultural development system. By utilizing a distributed
sensor network to monitor various parameters over a large area and assisting farmers in making
informed decisions based on the collected data, the agriculture sector's efficiency can be
increased. Precision agriculture, facilitated by WSN, allows farmers to concentrate on crop
pattern selection and areas requiring water, nutrients, and other care, such as pesticide spraying.
The invention and development of such sensor devices have the potential to significantly boost
the agriculture sector, which serves as the backbone of our economy.

Chapter 1.1 Wireless Sensor Network

 A wireless sensor network consists of small sensor nodes that communicate through radio
waves, allowing them to be widely distributed for environmental monitoring purposes. The
recent interest of agriculturists in wireless sensor networks highlights their potential
benefits. These networks operate as ad hoc systems, enabling various applications like task
tracking and area monitoring. Essentially, they are utilized for collecting, storing, and sharing
data obtained from sensors. Wireless sensor networks, also referred to as wireless sensor
and actuator networks, are composed of autonomous sensors that observe environmental
conditions like sound, temperature, moisture, and pressure. The advancement of MEMS
technology has led to the creation of smart sensors that are more compact, cost-effective,
and intelligent compared to their predecessors. With hundreds to thousands of
interconnected nodes, the network includes components such as a radio transceiver,
microcontroller, sensor circuitry, and power source.

Chapter 1.2 Precision Agriculture

 The enhancement of crop productivity through modern technologies is both an art and a
science. Precision agriculture is being propelled forward by the utilization of wireless sensor
networks, which play a crucial role in this field. By monitoring and accurately mapping
changes in soil and crop factors within a specific area, this agricultural approach enables
timely and necessary actions to be taken. The primary objective behind the development of
this concept is to boost agricultural yield while simultaneously reducing pollution and
environmental degradation.

Chapter 1.3 Greenhouse Effect

 Precision agriculture technologies have the potential to expedite the growth of high-quality
crops. This section will focus on the utilization of WSN applications in precision agricultural
management and monitoring of greenhouse variables. The success of crop production relies
heavily on maintaining and monitoring an ideal climate. Sensor configuration is influenced
by factors such as crop growth stages, dynamic changes in the target area, soil type, climate,
and plant type. Greenhouse technology employs various types of plant structures at
different stages of crop development. With the help of this application, you can conveniently
control various aspects of your greenhouse, ranging from the water pump to the carton
slider and even the fans, based on real-time conditions within your greenhouse.

Chapter 1.4 Quantity of Sensor Nodes and Input Variables.

 In order to effectively manage a greenhouse, sensor nodes and actuators are necessary. For
a greenhouse measuring 35 m × 200 m, approximately 200 nodes are required to cover the
entire area. These nodes are categorized into three types: A, B, and C. Within the
greenhouse, two sensor nodes are utilized - one for monitoring the external environment
and another for the internal conditions. Type "B" sensors are specifically designed to
monitor climate conditions within a range of 20 to 30 meters. On the other hand, C type
sensors are soil sensors that are strategically placed in agricultural plantation architecture.
Greenhouses play a crucial role in regulating the irrigation water flow, with irrigation systems
typically spaced every two meters. Table 1 presents the variable ranges for different crop
management techniques, which have been compiled using the crop's datasheet.

Chapter 1.5 Understanding the Purpose and Application of Parameters

 The main objective of a wireless sensor network (WSN) system designed for precision
farming is to effectively manage the environmental conditions based on the crop datasheet.
External sensors are strategically placed to collect data on various factors in the
greenhouse's surroundings, including temperature, light, moisture, pressure, CO2 levels,
wind speed, and wind direction. This comprehensive system allows for precise control over
important aspects such as airflow regulation, protection against excessive sunlight, and
optimal moisture and temperature management.

Chapter 1.6 Greenhouse Temperature Regulation Challenge.

 Crop growth and development are commonly affected by the weather patterns in the nearby
environment and the quantity of water and fertilizer provided through irrigation. An ideal
solution for achieving optimal agricultural development is the utilization of a greenhouse,
which effectively controls the climatic conditions and fertilizer management, thereby
facilitating excellent crop growth and ensuring successful harvests.

Chapter 1.7 Incentive behind this Small-Scale Project.

 The main objective of precision agriculture is to enhance efficiency for optimal growth.
Utilizing remote sensing can assist farmers in identifying areas that are lacking or in need of
water, fertilizers, or other treatments. This information can improve farming efficiency by
providing farmers with timely data to take action. The widespread production of such
devices would greatly benefit the agricultural sector. Modern agriculture requires tools and
techniques to boost production efficiency, product quality, and postharvest operations while
reducing environmental impact. Precision agriculture, also referred to as precision farming,
is a significant advancement brought about by automation in agriculture. Precision farming
involves applying the right number of inputs like water, fertilizer, and pesticides at the
correct time and place to maximize crop yield and quality without harming the environment,
making it eco-friendly. Wireless sensor networks play a crucial role in monitoring farms,
vineyards, and orchards, enabling farmers to protect their crops from damage and increase
crop yield.

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