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These are the chronicals of the Bastard User From Hell. These are the nightmares for the common system user but the arch nemines of the Bastard Operator From Hell. BOFH = Bastard Operator From Hell BUFH = Bastard User From Hell BPFH = Bastard Professor From Hell. It is recommended that the Bastard Operator From Hell series be read first. This may be reproduced but I request that my name be kept with it. Standard disclamers apply. John W. Fox


I was a good computer programmer and a new college student. I was trying to find the BASIC compiler and could not. Sooo... I call the operator ( I did not know it was the BOFH.) Phone rings..."Hello" BOFH "Who is this?" Me. It's me I think" BOFH No joke turkey breath. I think. "Me Who?" Me. "Is this like a knock knock joke?" BOFH. I think "This guy is missing a few brain cells" [Bad assumption on my part]. "What can I do for you" BOFH. Boy is he talking nice, must be ok after all. I think. Um, I want to know if we have a particular software package....?" Me. "Which package is that?" BOFH "Uh, B-A-S-I-C it's called." Me. I hear >clickety, clickety< in the background Good, the turkey is checking for it. "Um no, we don't have that. We used to though." BOFH That funny I say to myself, the instructor said it was on the system. "Oh. Oh well, the other thing I wanted to know was, could the contents of my account be copied to tape so I have a permanent copy of them to save at home in case the worst happens.." "The worst?" BOFH "Well, like they get deleted or something..." Me. "DELETED! Oh, don't worry about that, we have backup!" "What was your username?" I give him my username. >clikety clickety click.<

"But you haven't got any files in your account!" BOFH What no files! I had over 30, some big, this guy is wrong. "Yes I have, you must be looking in the wrong place!" Me. "Oh no, I made a mistake" he say. That right bozo breath I think. I mutter "typical operator" to myself (unfortunetly to loud). "I MEANT TO SAY: That username doesn't exist" "Huh? >wimper< It must be, I was only using it this morning!" "Ah well, that'll be the problem, there was a virus in our system this morning, the... uh... De Vinci Virus, wipes out users who are logged in when it goes off." BOFH "That can't be right, my girlfriend was logged in, and I'm in her account now!" "Which one was that?" I give him my girlfriends userid. Then my mind says bad move. The igno second factor. "Oh, yeah, her account was just after we discovered the virus." >clickety clikc< "..she only lost all her files" BOFH. "But..." Me. "But don't worry, we've got them all on tape" BOFH "Oh, thank goodness!!!" Me. "Paper tape. Have you got a magnifying glass and a pencil. SEE YOU IN THE MACHINE ROOM!!!! NYAHAHAHAHAHA!" He did what? KILL and KILL AGAIN! I had heard there was some one they called the BASTARD OPERATOR FROM HELL. But never believed it. Now the line had been drawn. I got mad and put a fake program on the computer from my roomies account. You know the kind that acts like a normal screen for the log in but after the user enters the userid and password it ends and the normal login appears. The teachers could not understand how I had such polished program and only used 80 percent of my computer time. Oh course every one else was running 150% of their allowed and hence got no higher than a "C" in the class. Hey survival of the fittest. The BASTARD USER FROM HELL is born.


I come into the lab and signed in (using someone elses id) [funny, you offer to help a girl do her program and you can copy her user id and password from her typing, especially if they are slow.

"What the?????" I get all these messages on her e-mail from That can't be right. I have been in her account before. She does not write or read this stuff. "Oh no....its him again." The BOFH has mess things up AGAIN. That means my e-mail is messed up too. Well... we will just have to fix that. Being the Bastard User From Hell means never being messed up for long. I spend the next two hours writing a very good program to go in and take all the print jobs from the faculty user ids and print them out in english, greek, latin, german, and japanese (that one was hard on the line printer). I do not mean a page at a time I mean a letter at a time. Then I assign the output to the computer operator printer. He will catch it after a while, but hey, it is not my userid. What do I care. I also send a send a letter to the head of the computer department saying how much of a jerk the operator is and that he should be fired. Hey it ain't my userid. Unfortunetly some of the professor want us to do stuff on the "SCHOOL" computer. With that guy for an operator, Yeah, Right! Then the computer goes down. RATS. Then it comes back up. I log in and I am missing some files. Sooo... Ring..Ring..Ring "Computer Room" Oh no, not the BOFH. If I have to deal with this guy again "I've lost my files" I whine.. make him think I am stupid. "You bet you have" Is this guy picking a fight or what? "What was your username?" he says. I give it to him...what choice do I have. All of a sudden my whole directory dissappears. What in the name of hades.....OHHHH NNNOOOO First rule is never give the BOFH your userid. Well, time to study operating systems. In the mean time I barricade the door to the computer room. As I am moving the first bench over someone says "What are you doing?" "I am getting even with the stupid computer operator!!" All of a sudden ten students are helping me. I was much easier when everyone helps. That evening I read about an epidemic of herpes and syphillis in the town.


After reading up on operating systems I got in really guickly and learned how to up the priority for my job on the queue. Being the Bastard User From Hell means never having to wait for another users program to run. I did not try to get superuser privileges right away. That BOFH might check and find it. He is probable watching TV. Well, all my jobs are running just fine. Espically the one through the annomynous userid that is using the cypher cracking software on the academic records. It is so nice to be able to give yourself an A. The problem is the professors keep changing the password on me. Not for long. Some guy next to me complains the system is slow (not my stuff) and says he is going to call the sysop. Am I going to tell him it is a bad idea. NOOOOOOOOOOO. Let him catch hell not me. I listen just for kicks and grins. "Do you know why the system is slow?" he says Pause...."Oh" The BOFH must have come up with a good anser. Either that or we have an idiot here. "But my research results are due in tommorrow and all I need is one page of Laser Print." he says. He hangs up and tries again. Talk about stupid. If the stove is hot you do not put you hand on again just to see if it really burns. "Oh, I'm sorry, I've got the wrong number" Pause...I hear screeaming from the phone...yeah this guy is stupid. He drops the phone and sprints out the office. Quickly I run over to his computer. Got to get in fast before the account is canceled. Go into that file where I keep the transfer stuff. Enter the password. Got to be quick now. Yeah start program "retire". I have to transfer some money to a Swiss bank account using this guy userid. I get one transfer done. It took a couple of seconds. I had the file all ready to go. Now when the police wonder who has been looting the money from that slush fund at the college they will nail this guy. Then this guy account dissappears.

Perfect, no trace. What, I am stealing from the college. Hey.. I pay my fees. I am just getting some back. NOW! Besides most police department are just now becoming computer literate. Besides I used my crappy poly sci professers id. He is the one who spouts off about political correctness. Lets see him do political correctness when his name is on as the creator of the progam. I don't want to take the fall. Hey, you can never start a retirement fund to soon you know. Being the Bastard User From Hell means always having a retirement account. Well back to the program that goes and monitors the sysops commands. Got to see how they work before you can counter man them. Yeah......done. Some guy next to me calls in to the BOFH. "I need more space." he says "No, on my account stupid!" Uh-OH. Here come the fire works. Hey this will be a good time to see if the new version of the command monitoring program works. Boy is this guy back pedalling fast... but not fast enough. "4Megs.....aaaaaaaaaagggghhhhHHHH" Lets see, there is e-mail from some user. Dumb cluck gave his personal id and password to his girl friend over e-mail. Arn't monitoring programs fun. Oh here is how he got rid of that guys memory. Lets see I will have to change this and add that other user id and give him say 0.5 MEG. What would happen if he is working on a big project at the time this command takes affect. El jerko in my English class is about to loose that essay he keep bragging about. OOOhhhhhhhhh CCCCRRRRAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!. Alright....that command worked. More memory for me to use. Being the Bastard User From Hell means never running out of RAM.


It was thursday. I had to be in the lab. Not that I wanted to, but some professors tell us (the students) we HAVE to use the school computer. Something about funding, I guess. Some one has been trying to call the operator for about two hours. He has been swearing up a blue streak. Me, I just finish the stuff the professor wants (yes on my user id) the professor wants it that way.

Once I am done with that I get into another account (it pays to read e-mail). Some people know nothing of comm security. The program I am working on now does the following. Goes and changes the users password. Then it greps the passward file for similar encrypted words. Then dumps the results to another file on a dummy account. Dummy account, Yeah, I had a talk with the secratary of one of the departments. She says that she would do anything to get even with the BOFH. So I got into her computer remotely and found the purity test answers. Now she will and does do everything I need, qilling or not. (Interesting answers, she is so conservative, who would have guessed that she preferred.......) When you are the Bastard User From Hell you don't do thing. You get others to do it for you. Back to the program I am running. See what you get for reading magazines. I got a list of the 100 most popular passwords. Well, I just had to try it out. The guy how has been trying for two hours finally gets in. Then he goes over and does something on the terminal. AAAUUUUURRRRRGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!. The BOFH must have told him to do use rm for something else. More disk space for me. Some guy wants a printout. The BOFH comes back with one of the crappiest printouts I have seen. Man, what did he do to that one? Alright, the program I put in has got me at least 32 more accounts. There is going to be no problem of computer time now. And the program is only half through. That guy is still talking to the BOFH. He gives him his disketts...SUCKER are you done for now. Later I see him walking out with the disketts over his head. I do not even want to know. The program ends. I have 53 new user id and password I can use. Great.. that consulting work I am doing on the side will get done and I won't have to buy a new computer. Being the Bastard User From Hell means never running out of accessible userids.


Its friday. The BOFH has not been in all morning. How do I know...well the computer is running fine for one thing. The other is that I paid a freshmen to watch the door while he

does his homework. When the BOFH comes in he will let me know. There is someone here who has been trying to get ahold of him all morning. Me....I am getting into the accademic records and updating my GPA to a 4.0. Than cyrpto program I was running worked just fine. And I did not even have to goto class (except the first day) Dam, am I good or am I good. Being the Bastard User From Hell means always getting good grades. The freahmen come in. The BOFH is in to create havoac. What? Another guy is on the phone and he is yelling at the BOFH. This should be fun. Me..I am finishing up that program for the consulting job I have. One has to make a living. The job allows me access to the companies computer remotely. But if I do it part time on the school computer I do not have to pay the modem bill. Let me tell you about purchase requests and userid. You can buy all sorts of stuff when your company NEEDS it. Why just the other day they needed a new 2GB hard drive. Lifes rough. See it like if you are good you use someone's userid on the computer to do all you nasty work. Then when the brown stuff hit the horizontal wind pusher you look really good because your userid just shows pure work like a good little corporate slave. Oh... the guy tell the BOFH his user id. This should be good. AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaagggggghhhhhh. Guess he lost his files. It was not even me. Gee I feel cheated. Tin fool, magnets, pillow cases. I don't even want to guess. Hey.. I found that guys account. Two files. Well, lets just run that tracking program for the password file. Yeah there it is. Now just run that puppy through the unencryption program....... presto a password. When your hot, your hot. Being the BASTARD USER FROM HELL means always get more computer time, free. See what happens when you work for a firm that does encryption stuff. You find out how they do that kind of thing. Then you come back to the computer and figure out what the algorithm is that the school computer uses and you are in like flint. It is nice to have power at your fingertips.


It lunch hour and the BOFH is not in. I saw him leave just after

the janitor went in to the sysop room. The must confer. That janitor likes to bust in on people in the restrooms. So.. what do I do. I grep all the e-mail readers for erotic word. What? Has the Bastard User From Hell gone in for porn. NNNOOO. After a quick scan, I see who is writing to who. There are userids I recognize. The others I run through the userid cross check file for names. This will make good blackmail material for a few favors when it comes time to get things done. Oh..... there is one from a junior who stood me up on a date. Well.....she is doing what with who. Make a copy and send to Western Union for a express delivery to her parents. Being the BASTARD USER FROM HELL means getting back for the date who stood you up. I go in and reset everyone elses priority to super slow. The BOFH had it set to slow already. He should not notice the difference. Mine is set to fast. I am having problem saving that 47MEG graphics program with animation. Lets see, who is not here. Oh... here is that TA's file from the Econ class. Econ is a mandatory taker. The TA is a jerk and does not let up. Well, lets just get into his account. My! Is this his thesis for the bachaloer committe? Well we will just do a "mv *.* /bin/bitbucket" Good, that frees up 7MEG of space. No problem Being the BASTARD USER FROM HELL means never wanting for disk space. Oh No, the BOFH is back. Someone phones in..lets see what he does. Something about saving documents. Jeeze she is not crying the BOFH must be having a mental lapse. WHAT????!!!!!. All the files on this disk dissappeared. Why that little no good for nothing BOFH. I had two important files (crypto craker and list of userid w/passwords) on that disk. Well, tranfer to another userid (you can never have enough) and run that undelete program. Lets hope he isn't watching the screen. Bingo. Now if I can just reserve the rest of this disk. Rats, only 478 MEG avalible. Darn, I wanted 500. Oh well can't be to greedy now. Some guy calls in and ends up walking away sobbing.

After a productive day I leave. On the way home (to my home, mortgage all paid, gee isn't being a BUFH so much fun) I see an ambulance and and a bunch of guys in white coats. Someone says something about some lady screaming she will get the BOFH for what he did to her computer and files. Gald to see I am not the only one working on that. I get in and login on the computer at home using my rentee password and his CompuServe id. Route it through a jerks userid at school. Going to be a long weekend with him away. Best part is someone else will get the blame. Being the BASTARD USER FROM HELL means never paying for access time.


I end up in one of the required class. Psych. Yeah, let me near a computer and I'll psych you out all right. And the teacher. She is one of those b***** (excuse me, female dog) who blames all of the world's ill on the male gender. Jesss give me a break. If it was not for some male she would not even be here. Ever take a Bio class lady! The female has been going on and on about how things are screwed up. Yeah, I know I am sitting in this class just thinking of how to really screw things up... FOR HER. Then she mentions computers always fail...Bingo, here is my chance. "Well, you know that the communication lines that are bounced of the stratosphere are being interupted by falling satellite parts and this causes comupter to miss the synching cycle." I say. When you walk the walk and talk the talk..... "Huh" she says. "Well, yeah, with the synch cycle out the computer does not know what you are trying to tell it so it makes something up and that is why the satellites are falling." If you can not blind um with your brilliance, baffel um with the bullcrap. Her... BB in a Boxcar when it comes to technical stuff. Got her going for five minutes before she got back on men designed satellites and that is why they fall out of the sky etc.etc.etc. Ppplleeaassseeee!!!!!. After class I go over to the computer center and tap into the reserve userid file. Guess whos id is on the system. Yeah..It PAY BACK TIME. Being the Bastard User From Hell means always out psyching the your psych instructor.

I'll just make up some stuff and report it. Whats this. EUREKA.....PAYDIRT. And I did not have to make it up. I call my friend at the newspaper (help him in a class once). Got to know the computer system at the newspaper. Comes in handy when you want to spread some dirt around. LIKE NOW. "Hey Tom...John" "Oh hi.. thanks for the help on the last exam." "No problem...hey you want a story about a teacher that the state is paying good money to run a sex bulliten board?" I say. "Is it a big one?" he asks "You would not believe how big!" I say. I send him a file with a bunch of stuff (userid, password, other crap). I also get in and download the user names from four other bulletin boards about the same stuff I ran across. Never know when info comes in handy. He thanks me and says "Do not eat at the cafeteria at school. Some one keeps sending organ transplate stuff there." I hand up and say darn that was a good one. I should have thought of that. I wonder who... no I don't. I go back home and get ready for a job interview. What you say! The Bastard User From Hell is giving in to the corporate world. Guess again. It is at a bank that has a large network of ATM machines. Only as long as it takes to figure out how to crack the system and set my self up with several million and computer access for the rest of my life. Being the Bastard User From Hell means never running out of cash. On the way out I hear a couple people saying how this nice man taught them how the "rm" command is the remark command. I wonder who that could be.


I had just got done withdrawing some cash from an ATM and was taking off the the picture mask(for the video cams) of my French teacher when I notice the police ticketing my Vette RATS! I go over and talk really polite to the officer (He has a gun! OK) Of course I get his name and badge number and say I am really sorry and I won't do it again. Thank you for only a small fine officer. I will deal with the parking ticket later. I have to go to French

class.. It's my mandatory foreign language class. On the way over I notice the BOFH getting out of his car and write down the licence plate number. Might as well kill two birds with one stone later. In French class the instructor is his normal stuck up self. The French they iz the prezisaomo when it comes to zi women. Like with your ugly mug you probably had to pay money guy. The deep nasal sound we had to practice. If I had a baseball bat I would make he do nasal sounds. Maybe later. After class I am back in the lab and tap into the police data base. Now for that ticket. What ticket..HAHAHAHAHA And the officer...Oh he just lost the registration for his car. Let him explain that one. Now for the BOFH. Lets just report that one stolen. He will get out of it but it is fun to harass. I am just about done when my cellular phone rings. Being the Bastard User From Hell means never being out of touch. It know from the newspaper. "John...Tom..what can you tell me about Mr. Renee? I understand he is your French techer." "Besides being a lousy French teacher and a stuck up jack ass and living beyond his means not much. Why?" "He just got arrested for taking money from the banks ATM using false ATM cards." DAMMM those bank guys are getting close. I am going to have to redo the banks accounts and give me some more breathing room. They must have a couple a sharp cookies working for them. "Can you hang on for five minutes and I will call you right back?" "OK" Tom says. to get into the system. (Using a fake id of course) Where is his account. There we go. Got to make a few (couple dozen extra transactions). Back date them of course. Quickly set up a dummy account for savings. Say put in $20K. Then I will have to ***WATCHER ALERT**** Damm those bank guys are getting better. I got 30 seconds. Get into the other account. 20 sec. Put in two numbers from the drug dealers Swiss bank account 10 sec. Run the back date software

5 sec sign off. Made it by 2 sec. Being the Bastard User From Hell means never getting caught. "Tom...John" "Yeah...what do you have" "Tom..sit down and write this down and then take it to the police and you never talked to me understand" "Yeah...OK...why" "He has $20K in a saving account, number ############# at BofA. He has made dozens of withdrawal in the last month. He also has the number to some Swiss bank account in his account ########## at the bank. I think there may be some drug running in this one." "DAAMMMM. How did you find out all that so quick?" "Do you want me to help you with the homework or not?" I say. "Never mind.. I get this to the police" "Thanks for the story?" Tom says. "No problem man" Being the Bastard User From Hell means always out nasaling your Frecnh instructor.


It had been one of those semesters. The BUFH ran into the BPFH (Bastard Professor From Hell). And he was in the computer science department at that. This guy was every student's WORST nightmare. He was so good he even has a quadruple encypher on his acadenmic records that changed everytime he used it. This is besides the password from the lower neither regions of the world. He also had to tracking software to record who did what to his account. Funny, students in his class dropped like flies. Not me! I wonder why? Every now and then you have to admit that someone is better than you are......BUT NOT FOR LONG BPFH. I came home (freshly furished with VISA cards that always showed a zero ballance and six digit line of credit). Being the Bastard User From Hell means always having a zero balance on your credit cards. The tax forms for the year showed up. Oh joy. Well something more to work on. Hey, didn't they just use computers to automate the tax system...hhhmmm.

A couple of quick trips to the lab and some good savings may result. It took me three days to get in and reprogram the computer at the IRS facility. They had a few people watching but the IRS guys were not that bright. It was the spooks that one has to worry about. One thing about big brother... he will spend $10,000 to get his 50 cents back. I had to be careful. Evidently they called in the spooks. People started showing up on campus asking all sorts of questions. Had to get things done quick. Damm, must be loosing my touch. Nay, I was to tired trying to survive the BPFH class that I start to get worn down. I go into the lab when I find out my C.V. file is gone. I look and it is no where. Huh. I could have sworn I had it. Maybe I deleted it by accident. I have to call the sysop. Please not the BOFH, not today. "Yes" the sysop says. "I've accidently delted my C.V." "You have? What was your username?" he says Do I have to give it to this guy.. well OK "Ah no, you didn't delete it - I did." "WHAT!" "I deleted it. It was full of shit! You didn't ever get more than a B- in any of your subjects!" he says. "Huh?" "And that crap about being a foreign exchange student, that was your girlfriend and we both know it." "Huh?!!" How did he find out? "Your academic records. I checked them, you were lying..". WHAT THE......."How did y.." "It's you isn't it? THE BASTARD OPERATOR FROM HELL!" I say. "In the flesh, on the phone and in your account.... You shouldn't have called you know. You especially shouldn't have given me your username.." >clickety< >click< "Neither should you have sent that mail to the System Manager telling him what you think of him in graphic terms..." "I didn't send any.." >clickety< >click<...... "No, you didn't did you? But who can tell these days. Not to worry though, It'll all be over VERY soon.." >clickety click< " "b-b-b.." I blurt, this guy has got me good. "Goodbye now" he say pleasantly, "you've got bags to pack and a life to start over..." SON OF A F****** B****. (Falling Brick) This is war, but he don't know it yet.

Of all the people to run into now. I do not need this. Man, I am going to get that new computer and do the stuff at home. Lucky for me I used my rentee userid. At least I have a couple dozen more left. Why do you think I bought a big house and alot of the computer sci user stay there. Hey what are roomie for anyway. I leave. You know who is watching. I get home, have a beer, finsih the project and send it on its way. At least I got the class done. My roomie comes in and turns on the T.V. There is a knock on the door followed by POLICE! BAMMMM!!the front door is reduced to splinters. I am diving for cover. My roomie is frozen in terror. In come the FBI, DEA, Secret Service, Police and Lord knows what else. Lets just say looking down the barrel of lots of M-16 is not fun. Well they tear up the place and handcuff us. One geek with glasses kept saying "Make my day!" Yes, he had a BIG gun. I did not make his day. They found all the stuff about taxes in the computer. Under another roomie id of course and a few other computer users id with other stuff. DAMM going to have to redo that stuff when I get out.. Thank goodnes I learned early on to never, never use you own id. Being the Bastard User From Hell means letting other people take the blame for the crap that you pull.


I had just finished redoing the furiture in the house (I wonder why) (Thank You Uncle Sam). When a rentee comes in and turn on the TV. I am not paying much attention except when they mention the Japanese Super Model Alica Naksone would be in town. What.....It spring....Has the Bastard User From Hell let his hormones rule his life. Has he been bitten by spring fever. Is he interested in more than just bits and bytes. Say it ain't so!!!! It Ain't So! OK! Her Grand father and dad both hold high position in NTT. That means lots of BUFH opportunities. Besides some day I might get married and it would be nice if she was good looking elbow ornament. Then they mention that her escort for the weekend would be picked by computer selection for the best representation of out fine city. Did he say selected by computer....welll, welll, well. It seems that for some reason most of the "likely" canidates did not

get selected. Being the Bastard User From Hell means always winning at comupter selection games. Alica turned out to be a very nice lady. She even knew alot about computers (her minor in school). I managed to have her give me her phone number and address to keep in touch. (As if I had not already located the non-listed number, address, income statements, measurements, etc., etc.) After that week several local companies had new subscribers to their phone systems. Each had a couple (not to many) calls to Japan a month after that. You get several so you can rotate the calling so no one get interested too much and in case one goes down. Being the Bastard User From Hell means never having to pay a phone bill. The next day I was in the lab making the buzzer go off at random intervals in the sysop terminal when the lead cheerleader ( can you say one fine looking lady with absolutely no computer sense) walks up and says "I heard you can help me with computers." "Yes, I would be glad to help...what is your userid please?" Me She gives it to me.....Yes. Then she puts in her password (slowly). Double Yes. That another account to mess with. I am having a good time helping her (yes I am being nice...FOR NOW) When in walks Bob. Bob is her boyfriend..front nose guard...6ft 5" 248 lb of meat and very little brains....Can you say ox. He also is a very jellous type. How do I know...I have read his e-mail. "What are you doing next to Debbie you pip squeek?" he says. Pip Squeek....did he say Pip Squeek? "I don't let anyone get close to her." he says. Debbie says "He was just help me with my computer homework, Bob." "Yeah right.. probably trying to take you away." Bob says. I say "Ohhh...your Bob....Bob Caldolewisky....SSAN 546-87-0958 Lives at 123-54 Medford Lane....telephone number 256-8756. He blinks..."Yeah" Hey .... Information is power. I say "I have just a couple things to say....." "18 Feb 1993..."(no response) "userid clsmith" Was that a little fear I say in his eye.... "What does that have to do with anything?" Bob says. Debbie is looking back and forth at both of us trying to figure out

what is going on. I say "Tango" BINGO...I see fear...FEAR in his eyes. Imtimidation is so easy when you read others e-mail. He open his mouth to say something.....nothing comes out.....YES The Bastard User From Hell strikes again. I say "I must be mistaken..I confused you with some one else.. I apalogize...please forgive me." WHAT ....Has the Bastard User From Hell turned chicken and given up.. Is he letting this big ox get away with insulting him? NOT ON YOUR LIFE! One rule is never back a guy in a corner with his girlfriend watching, especially if he is much bigger than you. "Yeah ok...Debbie lets go." They leave. Now its PAYBACK TIME!!!!!!!! I get on the computer and change all his grades to "Fs". Then I scramble his files...Then I get into the municiple utilities and shut off the water, electricity and gas to his place. Then I get on the NAACP bulleting board and overlay a picture of the KKK areamashal with his photo. Arn't computer fun. Then I send him a message that reads.... Dear Bob: After our conversation this afternoon, there are a few things I wish to remind you of in case you decide to mess with me. One..Steve..Math test Two..Dr Philips..Medical treatments..three, 18 Feb 1993..Cindy Smith Tange for Two and last Championship house.. copy made. Lay off. BUFH. Being the Bastard User From Hell means getting the last laugh...ALWAYS. After that the football team never bothered me.. I wonder why? On the way out I go to a lecture hall where my arch neminis the BOFH giving a lecture...This should be fun. Some guy askes about computer privacy... BOFH says coming out of the closet AAAAAAAGGGGGHHH Then someone about CMS1136 userid (yes I am recording these userid) Something about NNGggggAAAAAAAAAGHGHGH. After that the hall empties fast. I do not stick around... It seems to me that I need to read some more e-mail.

BASATARD USER FROM HELL #11 I am at home after reading a bunch a people e-mail...nothing interesting, when Hank comes in. "What do you know about the spell checker program on the school's computer?" "Its flawed, why?" I say. "Well Pete called in for instructions and is calling him back for some reason." Hanks says. "I better go straighten him out....later" I does Hank. Being the Bastard User From Hell means showing up after the damage is done so you can be the hero....always. >Crash<....What the >Crash< Huh... "What is going on" "Its coming from Pete's room." Hank says. >CRASH..CRASH..CRASH...CRASH...CRASH< AAAAAUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHHH. "I am going to kill that !@#$%^&*()(*&^&^%$##@@#$#$%%^^&*( BOFH" As we look, out runs Pete with his 9mm. Pete is on the pistol team. Pete is mad...Pete has a gun...Run pete run..Run far from us Pete. Hank and I look at each other then say "Ain't my problem man!" Being the Bastard User From Hell means being other people's problem not them being your problem. Later that evening word comes that the BOFH is in the hospital. WHAT......NOT DEAD.... DAMM. But this means the computer will be working fine for a couple of weeks. So......I get into the medical data base and remove the BOFH's medical insurance. Then I take and put in a message about infected with AIDS in both the BOFH and Bob's medical records. Then I grep on all the medical record with "AIDS" and send the results to the local sleaze tabloid. Then I go in and update Dr Philips account to show an entry from sleaze tabloids for $1000. The I take and issue an arrest warrent for the BUFH for transportation of Biohazards. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. Oh, it was grand. In the mean time I figured out how to do land regristration via the computer. Funny...I didn't know I owned a 800 acres of land near Lake Tahoe with a 8000 square foot custome built house.

Then I learned how to do this in Sinapore, England, Japan... need I say more. Alica got a new penthouse in downtown Being the Bastard User From Hell means never paying full price for property. I heard that Bob and Debbie broke is full of broken romances. Oh yeah, I went to work part time at a new computer company. What has the Bastard User From Hell gone coporate? Only until I get the information I need. The company builds the new optical processors. CAN YOU SAY FFFFAAAASSSSSSTTTT Computing. The controller there was such a geek. I ended up setting up the inventory tracking and security systems. YES...They never showed the lattest greatest model that dissappeared. Neither did they show the massive amount of telecomputing that went on with other companies. In the mean time I went and broke into some companies database that had tons of stuff on stock transfer via computer trading. Jess... one has to own a few stocks and bonds. Being the Bastard User From Hell means always making a profit in the stock market. I also found some little company that had lots of stuff on encryption. Things were going fine until I say a signiture from the head of the NSA on a company memo. Oh..No..the spooks. Exit stage left. The BOFH returned and everything slowed to a crawl... I had to be a little more careful. I am a patient man, BOFH. Later that evening I read about some lady who commited suicide by taking the leads from her computer power supply and licking them. The police say the last number called was the school computer room. She must have talked to the BOFH. I just smilled as my computer reported that the IRS did not know I stock portfolio hit $100 mill.. and I owned 16,000 acres of land. Being the Bastard User From Hell means being filthy stinking rich.


Graduation had come. It was my turn to get even with the school for putting through four years of the BOFH and the BPFH. SSSSSOOOOOOO........

The schools play got a roaring round of laughter when the CO2 canisters were also filled with NO2 (laughing gas). The Dean's graduation speech got really messed up as he was reading it off the special computer screen installed on stage. The BOFH probably wonder why he did not do it. The Class Idiot (GPA = 1.1) was elected Validictorian. The dorms were turned into orgy centers and classes cancelled when someone accidently ordered an aphrodeziac instead of the correct water purification chemicals for the schools water supply. (Order by computer of course). (I live off campus with a water filter on my house). All finals had to be redone as the answers were all posted on the students e-mail. The teachers went crazy over the security breach. The BPFH got his e-mail flooded because someone posted an add in the Gay Times, The Necrophila Times and the S&M nets saying send in msgs for possible pairing. A list of all the gay professors and students(who had not come out of the closet) some how appeared on the right side of the newspaper front page. In addition a list of professors who were sleeping with students appeared on the left side of the front page. (The 700 Club got a copy of the paper.) Tom called and asked me about that one. I gave him the account on the medical doctor (Dr Philips) who was supplying steriods to students. He thanked me and ask politly that I not mess things up too badly. Tom grovelled very well. His salary went up $10K this year. Lastly I redirected the ATT/Bell Telephone/Sprint complain number to the BOFH home phone. It took ATT/Bell/Sprint two days to undo that one. You know, .... have the work order say hard wire. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE Being the Bastard User From Hell means always getting more than even. Two days after graduation... ( everyone was recovering from the party because of the free beer) Seems Budwiser did not realize they had a delivery until it showed up on the warehouse computer. Being the Bastard User From Hell means getting beer cheep (free). ......there was a knock on the door. Hank went (stumbled) to get it. "Hi were from the government we would like to speak to Mr. John William Fox!" Oh..No. Hank."Let me see if he is in." Good going Hank as I run to the back door and look out. Six guys in suits in the back yard and two roofers on each roof of every house around. There are four people not working on the electrical lines and six people from the water company who are not working either. Things look bleak for our hero. Hank comes in and says "John there.."

"Yeah, Yeah, I know. I'll talk to them." Being the Bastard User From Hell means knowing when to talk and knowing when to run. I go in and say "Hi, I am John Fox, can I help you?" Mr three piece suit with shades says "Funny you should ask." "You broke into a company database a couple weeks ago and got some information on say....... protecting data." Boy these guys don't even know how to make small talk. I say."I was attempting to download product information concerning possible interfacing of equipment with the company I was at for future co-development project and to get a feel for the job openings at the company." Please take the bait, Bismuth Breath. Mr three piece suit "Yeah right!, You broke in and we have been watching you for the past week. You made 42 money transfers, 17 land title switches, traded $30 million in stocks and bonds and ordered a truck load of beer and snack from US companies." DAMM, these spooks are good. "So here is the deal, you give all the stuff from the US companies back. The foreign stuff we do not care about but you..WILL.. tell us how you did it. And besides you talked about job opportunities you start in one week for a year with us!" Damm, he didn't even ask me what salary I wanted. I looked over at the guy on the right who was balancing a tooth pick on his left finger while standing on one leg (for the whole conversation) and over at the guy on the left who was craking brazil nuts with his thumb and pointer finger and make a quality decision. "Where is the job at?" Mr three piece suit..."You don't need to know that!" "What is the salary?" Mr three piece suit..."Enough!" The guy on the right was balancing two tooth picks on two fingers (1/ea) and guy on left was up to two brazil nuts at a time. "Sounds good to me...glad to be on board" Being the Bastard User From Hell means knowing when to say yes and knowing when to say no. Mr three piece suit said "Good..we will send the movers over to start packing tommorrw. Mr Toothpick will pick you up in three days to get you to work and Mr Brazil Nut will stay with you to ensure your safety." "Say What!?" Mr three piece suit. "Oh, don't even think of can't" "Have a nice day."

Being the Bastard User From Hell means knowing when to give up a round in a fight (but not the match). Well one year later..(I can`t talk about it but lets just say I got one HELL of a computer education)... The BASTARD USER FROM HELL is back. Oh Mr Toothpick got a semitracker trailer full of toothpicks delivered to his house the next week. Mr Brazil Nut got a railrod car full at his apartment. Mr three peice suit got charged for 100 three peice suits on his VISA. Mr BPFH (Bastard Professor From Hell) suddenly found that his protection software failed ( every day and printed the test out on his students e-mail accounts). He also lost his retirement accounts and got on the IRS audit every year from here to eternity list. Being the Bastard User From Hell means getting the last screw for the professors who screwed you. During my year of working for Uncle Sam... MR BOFH (Bastard Operator From Hell)...YYYEEEEESSSSSS. It seemed that for one whole year there was a message that appeared every morning on his counsole saying "This is from the BUFH. BOFH I am comming to get you HAHA!" He was never able to find out where it came from. (You don't need to know remember). Then I heard the BOFH got promoted to a manager. Tom got an article about how managers at the school were wasting taxpayer dollars for bull crap. There was one manager with the first name of Simon who was singled out. The next day every one at the newspaper was fired (BOFH) The day later every manager at the school was fired (BUFH) Two months later my VISA suddenly had a $1,000,000 bill. (BOFH) The next day the national debt got credited to the BOFH's card (BUFH) One month later the police showed up at my front door with an arrest warrent. (BOFH) The next day a demolition crew showed up at the BOFH house (BUFH) The warrent dissappeared about two days later. So did someone house. Another time my car was impounded for non paying of fines (BOFH) The next day the BOFH's car was towed to a wrecking comany and crushed for scrap. (BUFH) Finally I was free from the government and could turn my whole energies on one person.....Yes Mr. BOFH, you. The Nazi bulletin board got a death threat from Simon saying they were going to loose because he was Jewish and knew who they were. The JDL got a message that Simon was trying to become the new NAZI extermination chair person.

The KKK got a message that a man named Simon was selling information concerning their bulletin boards. The NAACP and Black Solider of Fortune and all law enforcment agencies got a message saying Simon was the leader of the ultra-radical KKK underground lynching unit. All of his finances dissappeared. His new car was trashed by some bikers because somehow Simon said Harleys were for sissies on the Rec.HellAngles net. The Gay community named him public enemy number one after a newspaper article quoted him as say a few things (not repeatable here). There were three ambulances from Shady Acres that showed up at his door. They arrived just before the SWAT team showed up to serve a warrent for illegal transportation of plutonium. Finally. I went and messed with the spooks one more time. (VERY CAREFULLY) The directors of the NSA / CIA / FBI got messages from a Russian computer (at least that is where it was tracked to) saying that Simon had infiltrated agencies with time bomb computer codes and that he appeared to be insane. He was a deep mole that they feared would start another war if he was not stopped and put into complete isolation with absolutely NO computer acceess (or phone, or electronic). Since this appeared on the internal NSA / CIA / FBI secure network. Do I have to say more. Being the BASTARD USER FROM HELL mens always getting the best and last when it comes to REVENGE. I am driving off into the sunset (doing 145 in the Lamboghini) with Alica by my side from our new Southern style mansion on 6000 acres of land (cost = $0.00), when some cop pulls me over. I pay the ticket and smile as I get his name and badge number and remember I have a personal data assistance in the glove compartment. The BASTARD USER FROM HELL IS ALIVE AND WELL. The end. John W. Fox

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