Evaluación Del Tercer Bimestre Inglés C1a 500

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NOMBRE DEL ALUMNO: ____________________________________ GRUPO: __________

Exam Value Number of items Number of points Total points Mark

30% 49 100

OBJECTIVE: The exam is to measure knowledge you have achieved during the term with regards lexis, grammar and
INSTRUCTIONS: Read carefully, develop the activities by following the established specifications, write legibly in black or
blue ink, pay attention to spelling, and avoid speaking or asking for any material. If the document doesn’t include the
student’s name, the exam will be cancelled.
A. You are going to watch a video about the power of the Sun and its importance to humans. Watch
carefully and solve the following activities. (2 pts. e/o Total: 32 pts.)

1. Watch the video, then tick the topics included and mark with an “X” the ones that are not included.

a) The Sun’s importance for tourism.

b) The location and physical properties of the Sun.
c) Production of coal, oil and gas.
d) The Sun and health.
e) Reasons to find a new source of energy.
f) How solar power is produced.
g) Cars fuelled by solar power.
h) Prospects for the future.

2. Watch the video again and correct the statements.

a) Humans have always known a lot about the Sun.

b) The Sun is made up of two gases in equal parts.
c) Traditional sources provide 68% of the world's energy.
d) Avra Valley is located in New Mexico.
e) People will drive less because of Avra Valley.
f) Solar energy is cheap to produce.
g) The production of solar energy is energy-efficient.
h) The cost of producing solar energy is likely to stabilize in the future.
B. You now have some sentences, read them carefully and choose the best option. (2 pts. e/o Total: 12 pts.)

a) Everyone was excited as the company's new webpage was ______ to go live.
1. Back 2. Over 3. Out 4. On

b) ______ years to come, people will excavate ditches and find a deluge of discarded electronic devices.
1. On 2. In 3. By 4. From

c) Artefacts found at Sutton Hoo in the east of England have been found to date back ______ Anglo-Saxon times.
1. From 2. By 3. In 4. To

d) Car owners should check their tres and brakes ______ regular intervals to ensure they are in good working
1. For 2. At 3. In 4. By

e) When our boss told us that no paid overtime would be authorised ______ the foreseeable future, everyone's
mood darkened.
1. At 2. On 3. For 4. By

f) ______ the outset, my instinct told me to trust my new colleague. Time proved me right.
1. On 2. By 3. Over 4. From

C. Match 1 to 6 with a to h. There are two options you do not need. (2 pts. e/o Total: 12 pts.)

1. It might seem a bit of a funny one but actually one of my earliest ______
2. The island where my husband and I went for our honeymoon holds fantastic ______
3. As all my grandparents died when I was a young child, I only have hazy ______
4. Although I lived in Guatemala some twenty years ago, I still vividly ______
5. Listening to my dad's old jazz records always brings ______
6. Every time I hear Jimi Hendrix's song, Purple Haze, the memories of seeing him play live ______

a) back a lot of wonderful childhood memories.

b) recollections of the smells and colours of the city where I lived.
c) memories of primary school is of the class where Mr Joyce showed us a video about falcons.
d) memories that we will always cherish.
e) remember them being very kind to me.
f) remember a lot of what I experienced there.
g) come flooding back to me.
h) recollections of what they looked like.

D. Cross out the unnecessary words in each sentence. (3 pts. e/o Total: 33 pts.)

a) I don't know if Miguel's coming to my party but I hope he is coming.

b) A: Will you have to pay to retake the exam?
B: I think so much.
c) My brother loves eating cheesecake and so does the rest of our family love it.
d) Do you remember what you said to me when we first met?
e) Pat forgot to buy bread and she also forgot to buy cheese so we haven't got anything for lunch.
f) I'll help you later if you want me to help you later.
g) These shoes are too tight and those shoes are too big. What a shame!
h) So, have you ever been to Venezuela?
i) Hi, do you fancy a beer?
j) A: What do you like best? Sushi or curry?
B: Well, I like both but I prefer the first one of the two.
k) When he asked me if I had everything I needed, I replied, 'I think so I have everything I need, thanks.

E. Complete the text with the words from the box. (1.1 pts. e/o Total: 11 pts.)

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