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THE 100:

The 100:
Abraham Lincoln

HRM-419 (SECTION: 01)

Submitted To:
Name: Engr. Kamrul Hassan
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Department of Business Administration
East West University

Name ID
Ikra Ishrar Sahir 2018-1-10-056

Submitted By: –

Course Name: Leadership, Power, and Influence

Deadline: 08th May 2022
Letter of Transmittal

Letter of Transmittal
May 05, 2022,
Engr. Kamrul Hassan
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
East West University
Aftabnagar, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.

Subject: Submission of the report on “The 100: Abraham Lincoln”

Dear Sir,
With due respect I would like to inform you that, I am submitting my report on “The 100:
Abraham Lincoln” as per your instruction. This report is the result of our knowledge which has
been acquired from the respective course “Leadership, Power, and Influence, HRM-419”
I would like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to do the report. The report attempts to
describe the knowledge that I have gained during the study. Despite several constraints, I several
constraints, I gave my full effort to make this report meaningful one. However, there may be
some shortcomings. I would be grateful if you consider those as excusable.
I have tried sincerely to comprehend and translate our knowledge in writing this assignment. I
enjoyed the work very much and gladly attend any of your call to clarify on this report.

Sincerely yours,
Ikra Ishrar Sahir

This report becomes a reality with the kind support and help of many individuals. I would like to
extend my sincere thanks to all of them.

Foremost, I want to offer this endeavor to our Almighty Allah for the wisdom, He bestowed
upon us, the strengths, peace of our mind and good health to finish this research.

I want to give a special thanks to our honorable faculty Engr. Kamrul Hassan (Sir) of this
course for giving us such opportunity so that I can improve our knowledge and skills and
acquiring all the ability by working on this report.
Our respected instructor has given us useful insight and responsive information on the suggested
topic, for this reason I can continue with our report so far. I would like to share our appreciation
to her for giving us valuable information, advice and time which have greatly helped us to
prepare this report. Many people, especially our classmates and team members, have made
valuable comment suggestions on this proposal which gave us an inspiration to improve our
assignment. I thank all the people for their help directly and indirectly to complete our term


Table of Contents
No. No.

01. Introduction 01-09

1.1 Early life
1.2 Education
1.3 Achievements
1.4 Contributions
1.5 Reasons Behind
1.6 Do you agree with him?
1.7 Leadership Style
1.8 Strengths and Weakness
1.9 Ratings
02. Conclusion 09

03. References 10
3.1 Articles
3.2 Magazine
3.3 Website
3.4 Picture

1.0 Introduction

“When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That's my religion.”

- Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln, from 1861 to his assassination in 1865, was an American lawyer and
statesman who served as the 16th president of the United States. Lincoln led the country through
the American Civil War, maintaining the Union, abolishing slavery, strengthening the federal
government, and modernizing the economy of the United States.
Lincoln was a religious skeptic as a young man. He was well-versed in the Bible, quoting and
praising it frequently. He kept his views on organized religion secret and respected the beliefs of
others. He never explicitly stated his Christian beliefs. Lincoln was prone to quote Scripture
during his whole public career.

1.1 Early Life


Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, in a log cabin on Sinking Spring Farm near
Hodgenville, Kentucky, to Thomas and Nancy Hanks Lincoln. He was a descendent of Samuel
Lincoln, an Englishman who moved to Hingham, Massachusetts, from Hingham, Norfolk, in
1638. Following that, the family moved west, travelling through New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and

Fig 1: Abraham’s First Home Fig 2: Young Abraham

Captain Abraham Lincoln and his wife Bathsheba (née Herring), Lincoln's paternal grandparents,
relocated the family from Virginia to Jefferson County, Kentucky. In 1786, the captain was
murdered in an Indian raid. The incident was observed by his children, including Abraham's
father, eight-year-old Thomas. Thomas did various jobs in Kentucky and Tennessee until settling
in Hardin County, Kentucky, with his family in the early 1800s.
Lincoln's mother Nancy's ancestry is unknown; however, it is usually thought that she was Lucy
Hanks' daughter. Thomas and Nancy married in Washington County on June 12, 1806, and
moved to Elizabethtown, Kentucky. Sarah, Abraham, and Thomas, who died as a baby, were
their three children.
Thomas Lincoln purchased or leased farms in Kentucky before losing all but 200 acres due to
property ownership problems in the courts. The family relocated to Indiana in 1816, where land
surveys and titles were more trustworthy. Thomas worked as a farmer, cabinetmaker, and
carpenter in Kentucky and Indiana.
He owned farms, animals, and town lots at various times, paid taxes, served on juries, appraised
estates, and was a member of county patrols. Thomas and Nancy belonged to a Separate Baptists
congregation that prohibited alcohol, dancing, and slavery. After overcoming financial
difficulties, Thomas secured undisputed title to 80 acres in Indiana in 1827, establishing the
Little Pigeon Creek Community.


1.2 Education
Lincoln was mostly self-taught. Itinerant teachers provided his official education. It includes two
short spells in Kentucky, where he learned to read but not write, at the age of seven, and in
Indiana, where he went to school infrequently due to agricultural chores, for a total of fewer than
12 months by the age of fifteen. He continued to be an eager reader and learner throughout his
Fearing another epidemic of milk fever, numerous members of the Lincoln family, including
Abraham, went west to Illinois, a free state, and settled in Macon County in March 1830.
Because of his father's lack of knowledge, Abraham became further estranged from Thomas. As
Thomas and his family prepared to relocate to a new homestead in Coles County, Illinois,
Abraham went it alone. For six years, he lived in New Salem, Illinois. Lincoln and his friends
traveled to New Orleans, Louisiana, via flatboat, where he first encountered slavery.
1.3 Achievements
Abraham Lincoln became president during one of the most trying periods in American history.
Many people today admire and remember him for not only maintaining the Union throughout the
American Civil War, but also for his exceptional speaking and thinking ability.
“House Divided” Speech
In 1858, Lincoln launched his campaign for the United States Senate against Stephen A. Douglas
with this succinct yet powerful speech. "A house divided against itself will collapse." "I believe
that a government that is half slave and half free cannot last forever," Lincoln told the Illinois
Republican state convention. "It'll either be all one thing or all the other." To put it another way,
slavery would be lawful or illegal across the United States.
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Senator Stephen A. Douglas was a Democrat from Illinois. Lincoln ran against him as a
Republican. The two debated in seven different towns around the state. The majority of their
differences centered on whether the country should allow slavery to be extended into Kansas and
Nebraska. Slavery was morally abhorrent, so Lincoln said no. Douglas argued that the settlers in
such areas should have a say in the matter. In 1858, Lincoln was defeated in the election.
However, the debates elevated him to a national celebrity, prompting speculation about whether
he would be a viable presidential candidate.
Presidential Election of 1860
Two years after their Senate race, Lincoln ran against Douglas again. The election was for the
presidency this time. Lincoln triumphed over Douglas and two other contenders. Due to the
crowded field, Lincoln was able to win the president with little to no Southern backing. South
Carolina became the first state to separate from the Union a few weeks after the election.


First Inaugural Address

"I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States
where it exists," Lincoln declared in this 1861 speech. I don't believe I have any legal authority
to do so, and I have no desire to do so." He also stated that the US would not be able to disband
until all sides agreed. He declared, "The Union of these States is Perpetual." In addition, Lincoln
stated that he would not invade any section of the country until it first attacked the Union. "There
should be no murder or violence," he declared, "and there will be none until it is imposed on the
national government."
Wartime Leadership

Even though Lincoln was not present at the Battle of Fort Sumter in South Carolina in April
1861, his decisions influenced the outcome of the American Civil War's first battle. When the
Confederates secured control of the fort, Lincoln had the option of withdrawing Union soldiers.
The fort itself was of no military significance. He could have also authorized an attack, but he
didn't want the Union to open the war with a shot. Food supplies were sent to Union troops
stationed at Fort Sumter by Lincoln. The Confederates attacked before the supplies arrived,
firing the first shots of the war. Lincoln's presidency was completely consumed by the Civil War
that followed.
Other Achievements:
 Emancipation Proclamation
 Gettysburg Address
 Second Inaugural Address

1.4 Contribution to Humankind

Lincoln's reputation is built on his monumental accomplishments: he successfully waged a
political fight and civil war that preserved the Union, abolished slavery, and provided African
Americans with civic and social freedom. His killing, however, prevented him from overseeing
the Union's reconstruction, which he had helped rescue. The assassination also transformed
Lincoln into a martyr of nearly legendary proportions. "Now he belongs to the ages," Edwin

Stanton said when Lincoln died, and Lincoln has had no shortage of idolaters who saw him as a
near-supernatural symbol of American creativity. Lincoln as a practical genius is a lot more
He had a compassionate, tolerant, and patient temperament. He could also observe events clearly
and adjust to them, responding decisively when necessary. Above all, there's his civil rights
evolution. He started the Civil War with the goal of restoring the Union, but he ended up
dedicating the country to African-American freedom. One of history's great unanswered puzzles
is how our country's social trajectory may have changed if Lincoln had lived to complete his
second term.
1.5 Reason Behind Michael H. Hart Chosen Napoleon Bonaparte in his list
Michael H. Hart ranked Abraham Lincoln in 50 th position in his book “The 100” as the most
influential persons in history. Abraham Lincoln was a hero because he emancipated black people
from slavery and dedicated his life to improving our country. Abraham Lincoln was the man who
assured that African people in America would never be enslaved again. He dedicated his life to
make America a free country for all. However, he experienced numerous challenges along the
A hero is someone who has a vision of what could happen and then acts on it. In a crisis, they
treat everyone the same and do everything they can to help everyone who is in danger. That is
exactly what Abraham Lincoln did when he offered his life for a cause he believed in. But he
didn't fail, and on Presidents Day, we remember how he emancipated us from slavery. Many
people today thank him for his valiant efforts to eradicate slavery. He was a hero for fighting to
abolish slavery and serving as President of the United States.
1.6 Do you agree with him?
Yes, I agree with him (Michael H. Hart). Abraham Lincoln was a wonderful guy, and his unusual
upbringing may have played a role in that. He had a difficult childhood. The Lincolns were
distraught when his brother, Thomas, died at birth. Abraham grew a little more, and tragedy
struck again not long after. His mother passed away, leaving his father as the family's head. As a
result, Abe, also known as "Honest Abe," was promoted to second in command, with a slew of
new responsibilities. He became a lawyer when he was old enough and practiced for a while.
Mary Todd was his wife. But Abraham Lincoln grew tired of being a lawyer. So, he decided to
run for president. With 301 electoral votes, he was elected.
1.7 Leadership style
President Abraham Lincoln is a Democratic Leader. Democratic leadership, also known as
participative leadership or shared leadership, is a leadership style in which group members
participate in decision-making. Any institution, from private firms to schools to the government,
may benefit from this sort of leadership.


Everyone can engage in democratic leadership, ideas are freely communicated, and debate is
encouraged. While this approach emphasizes group equality and free exchange of ideas, the
democratic leader remains in place to provide direction and control.
The democratic leader is also in charge of choosing who belongs in the group and who is
allowed to participate in decision-making. According to research, democratic leadership is one of
the most effective styles, leading to increased productivity, better contributions from group
members, and improved group morale.
Characteristics of Democratic Leadership
The following are some of the most important features of democratic leadership:
 Even though the leader has the last say on choices, group members are encouraged to
contribute their thoughts and opinions.
 The group members are more involved in the process.
 Creativity is valued and encouraged.
Good democratic leaders, according to researchers, have unique characteristics such as being a
team player, being open to change, having a fair mind, and being involved in the process.
1.8 Strengths and Weakness of Democratic Leadership
The democratic leadership style, also known as shared leadership or participative leadership,
enables team members to take on decision-making tasks. Any leader in any business, from
corporations to educational institutions to government posts, can employ this leadership style.
Everyone is encouraged to participate, which is a hallmark of democratic leadership. Ideas are
shared openly and without prejudice. Instead of relying on a single person to decide what is best
for everyone, the goal is to take use of a team's diversity and explore all views.
List of Benefits of Democratic Leadership Style:
1. It is effective while attempting to resolve a complex issue.
Leaders have problem-solving skills, but they may not be able to solve all of them. Their
education and experience are the extent of their knowledge. The democratic leadership style
encourages leaders to work collaboratively with their team to establish open channels of
communication that recognize the challenges they encounter. Allowing everyone to work on a
solution using their unique education and expertise encourages innovation, allowing complicated
and crucial issues to be addressed.
2. It promotes innovation.
The democratic leadership style is more laissez-faire in nature. Leaders employ this method to
stimulate individualized creativity rather than micromanaging the situation. Because each team

member is encouraged to use their abilities to benefit everyone, this results in increased levels of
productivity and insightful insights for many teams.
3. It strengthens a team's relationships.
People who work with a democratic leader create closer, more supportive ties with one another
than people who work with leaders that use other leadership styles. Because everyone values
their thoughts and input, team members are organically connected to one another. It is a
leadership style that promotes voluntary participation, the expression of one's own opinion, and
the creation of a beneficial influence for all.
4. It is an approach to leadership that anyone can use.
A democratic leadership style can be implemented by any leader in any business. Even leaders
who don't naturally use this style might learn to apply its approaches over time to modify their
ideas. This leadership style is preferred by team members because it helps them feel like a valued
member of the organization.
5. It promotes integrity in the workplace.
The democratic leadership model only works if the leader is trustworthy. Leaders must be able to
accurately convey the situation in order for decisions and comments to be based on factual data.
Even though leaders have final authority, the honesty demanded by this model forces each leader
to be open and honest.
List of Weakness of Democratic Leadership Style:
1. It has the potential to elicit negative feelings.
The democratic leadership approach does invite people to share their thoughts, ideas, and
experiences. It will also distinguish between team members with great creative abilities and those
who do not. Other team members may get resentful of the leadership style if one team member's
ideas are repeatedly implemented. It makes individuals feel as if their opinions are unimportant,
and as a result, they quit engaging in the process.
2. It may encourage procrastination.
Leaders who employ this style of leadership may find themselves in a risky situation. They defer
to their team for ideas rather than making a judgment. It is not always possible to do so. Being a
leader often entails making a decision that affects the entire team.
3. Reaching an agreement takes time.
Even if procrastination is eliminated from the leadership style, democratic leadership still takes
longer to reach a consensus than other forms. This is because everyone has the opportunity to
express an opinion or propose an idea. Before a concept can be eliminated, it must be thoroughly


discussed. In larger groups, the conversations might cause productivity delays as everyone tries
to come up with the best answer and get on the same page.
4. It provides a sense of unpredictability.
Because of the necessity to make quick judgments, democratic leadership approaches can
produce emotions of uneasiness among a team. If executives make these critical decisions
without involving their employees, they may worry when or if they will be consulted again in the
future. It puts the leader in an impossible predicament.
5. It is frequently ill-defined.
Instead of following a well-defined theory, the democratic leadership style is frequently
established by the leader. Because definitions matter, especially when working with people,
evaluating the outcomes and responses elicited by this style can be challenging. Many leaders
assume they are adopting this leadership style with their team when they are not.
1.9 Rating him as a leader from the leadership theory perspective
So, is there something about Abraham Lincoln that made him such a great leader?
How did young Abraham Lincoln learn not simply reading, writing, and arithmetic, but also the
abilities necessary to practice law and eventually become President of the United States? He was
an unconventional student.
Here are five lessons we can learn from Abraham Lincoln on how to reach greatness without
following the conventional path. Let’s go and see.

1. Self-Awareness of Weaknesses. Lincoln's inclination to give individuals too many

opportunities was one of his flaws, according to Kearns Goodwin, and since he was
aware of it, he was able to compensate for it. She cited George McClellan, the Union
Army's Commander in Chief, as an example of someone who refused to follow orders
regarding the war effort. Lincoln finally set a deadline for McClellan's resignation and
fired him.
2. Learn by yourself. Lincoln educated himself in his leisure time after spending much of
his youth helping his father on the farm. He created his own homeschool using books
donated by his stepmother, neighbors, and instructors, all of whom were aware of his
desire to study. Later, he began studying law, eventually learning enough to be admitted
to the Illinois bar and practice law. He never took a class in law school.
3. Try something different. Lincoln took advantage of the technology available to him at
the time, becoming the first president to utilize the telegraph (the Internet of his day).
Historians believe he communicated with generals by telegraph, similar to how we
communicate now via email. Take Lincoln's lead and venture outside your comfort zone
to acquire a new skill or take a new course.
4. Continue to read. To ensure that you get an A on an exam, you can study from a book.
You can read one just for fun. You may also learn for the rest of your life by reading
books and other reading materials. To summarize, you can be like Abraham Lincoln, who
continued his search for knowledge even after achieving many of his objectives. He

borrowed books from the Library of Congress on a regular basis while president. He also
read newspapers and classics on a daily basis, including Shakespeare's works and
Homer's Iliad.
5. Ability to Communicate Vision and Goals. Lincoln had a "rare capacity to explain his
ideals to his compatriots," according to Kearns Goodwin. He made complex issues easy
and spoke with sensitivity to citizens' concerns.
Lincoln did not focus on his successes after the war finished and he was re-elected,
according to Kearns Goodwin. Rather, as shown in the following extract from Lincoln's
second inaugural speech, he concentrated on bringing the country together.

2.0 Conclusion

In America, Abraham Lincoln will always be remembered. Abraham Lincoln is a hero because
he abolished slavery and possessed noble qualities. Finally, Abraham Lincoln is a hero because
he abolished slavery by his compassion, altruism, and honesty, and provided African Americans
with independence.
Lincoln had the right mix of moral certainty and moral humility. He was confident enough in his
convictions to act on them, yet modest enough to admit the chance that he may be wrong.


3.0 References
1) Articles-
2) Magazine-
 My-Hero

3) Website-
 Wikipedia (

4) Picture-
 Young Abraham Lincoln

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