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General Cross-Section of Flexible Pavement

A typical cross-section of a flexible pavement consists of the following layers:

Fig 2: Cross-section of flexible pavement

a. Surface Course:

The surface course is the topmost layer of the flexible pavement and is generally the
layer of the best quality as it has to withstand maximum stress and wear and tear.

It is primarily designed to resist the imposed loads, prevent water ingress to the
underlying layers, and ensure a skid-resistant riding surface.

It is generally made with bitumen bonded with aggregates graded 25 mm – 0.75 mm

( filler ).

Its thickness varies between 25 to 50 mm.

b. Binder Course:

The binder course is the intermediate layer between the surface course and the base
course and duly transmits the wheel load from the surface to the base course.

It is a bitumen-bound aggregate ( nominal size ) layer.

This course is also called a levelling course.

Its thickness ranges from 50 mm to 100 mm.

c. Base Course:

Mainly, hard crushed aggregates are used in the construction of this layer.

The base course is the backbone of flexible pavement.

Its thickness ranges from 100 mm to 300 mm.

d. Sub-base Course:

The sub-base course is the layer beneath the base course that provides additional
structural support and boosts sub-surface drainage.

It is usually an optional layer and may not be constructed if the base course comprises
superior quality materials.

Its thickness ranges from 100 mm to 300 mm.

e. Sub-grade:
The sub-grade is the lowermost layer of the flexible pavement and usually consists of
a compacted layer of natural soil. Its primary function is to bear all the imposed
stresses from the upper layers.

what are the element involved in highway geometrics design?



Highway geometric design involves various elements that work together to create a
safe, efficient, and user-friendly transportation system. These elements can be
broadly categorized into three main aspects:

1. Horizontal Alignment: This refers to the horizontal layout of the road, including:

 Straight sections: These are relatively straight portions of the road connecting
 Horizontal curves: These are sections of the road where the alignment changes
direction. The design of curves considers factors like speed, vehicle type, and
stopping sight distance to ensure safe navigation.



2. Vertical Alignment: This refers to the vertical profile of the road, which includes:

 Grades: These are the inclined sections of the road, expressed as a percentage of
rise or fall over a horizontal distance.
 Vertical curves: These are sections of the road where the grade changes, such as
at the top of a hill or the bottom of a valley. They are designed to ensure smooth
transitions and maintain adequate sight distance.



3. Cross-Section: This refers to the transverse shape of the road, encompassing

various components:
 Travel lanes: These are the designated lanes for vehicles to travel in both directions.
 Shoulders: Paved or unpaved areas adjacent to travel lanes that provide additional
width for emergencies or stopping.
 Medians: The central separation area separating opposing traffic lanes. It can be a
raised median, a landscaped median, or a flush median.
 Side slopes: The inclined areas connecting the travel lanes or shoulders to the
surrounding terrain.
 Drainage ditches: Channels that collect and convey stormwater away from the
pavement structure.



These elements are crucial for creating a safe and efficient highway system. By
carefully considering factors like traffic volume, vehicle types, terrain, and
environmental concerns, engineers can design highways that meet the needs of all
users while minimizing environmental impact.

What is the CBR method?

The CBR method is an empirical approach to designing flexible pavements. It's

based on the results of a strength test called the "California Bearing Ratio Test". The
method's primary goal is to determine the necessary thickness of different pavement
layers to accommodate anticipated traffic loads without significant deformation.

Understanding the CBR Test:

1. Soil Preparation: A soil sample representing the subgrade is prepared at the

desired density and moisture content.
2. Penetration Test: A standard cylindrical piston (50mm diameter) is used to
penetrate the soil at a constant rate of 1.25mm/minute.
3. Load Measurement: The load required to achieve penetrations of 2.5mm and
5.0mm is recorded.
4. CBR Calculation: The CBR is calculated as the ratio of the measured load to
the load required to achieve the same penetration in standard crushed rock,
expressed as a percentage.

CBR and Pavement Design:

1. Traffic Estimation: The anticipated traffic volume over the design life of the
pavement is calculated in terms of Equivalent Single Axle Loads (ESALs).
2. CBR Determination: Conduct the CBR test on representative soil samples.
Higher CBR values indicate stronger soil supporting the pavement.
3. Design Charts and Formulas: Using either design charts or empirical
formulas provided by agencies like the Indian Roads Congress (IRC) or the
Asphalt Institute, the CBR value, and the traffic estimate are translated into
total pavement thickness requirements.
4. Layer Thicknesses: The total thickness is then divided into thicknesses for
different layers:
o Subbase: Provides drainage and additional support.
o Base course: Distributes the load over a larger area.
o Surface course: Provides a wear-resistant surface.

Advantages of the CBR Method:

 Simplicity: Relatively simple test and design procedure.

 Accessibility: Widely adopted due to its accessibility to most laboratories.
 Good for Preliminary Designs: Useful for initial pavement design estimates.

what is crushing test of aggregate?

The crushing test of aggregate is a procedure used to assess the resistance of

coarse aggregates to crushing under a gradually applied compressive load. It's
crucial in evaluating the suitability of aggregates for various construction
applications, particularly those involving bearing high loads, such as:

 Road pavements: Crushed aggregates form the base and subbase layers of roads,
and their ability to withstand repeated traffic loads is vital for pavement performance.
 Runways: Similar to roads, airport runways need strong aggregates to support the
weight of airplanes.
 Concrete structures: Crushed aggregates are often used as constituents in
concrete mixes, and their crushing resistance impacts the overall strength and
durability of the concrete.

Here's a breakdown of the key aspects of the crushing test:

Test Procedure:

1. Sample Preparation: Aggregates are sieved to obtain a specific size range, typically
between 10mm and 12.5mm, and then oven-dried to remove any moisture.
2. Crushing Apparatus: A specialized testing machine applies a gradually increasing
load to the sample placed in a cylindrical mold.
3. Crushing Value Determination: After reaching a specific load, the crushed material
passing through a designated sieve (usually 2.36mm) is weighed.
4. Calculation: The crushing value is expressed as a percentage and calculated by
dividing the weight of the crushed material by the total weight of the original sample.

 Lower crushing value: Indicates higher resistance to crushing and is generally

preferred for high-load applications.
 Higher crushing value: Indicates lower resistance to crushing and might be
suitable for less demanding applications.


The crushing test is typically conducted following standardized procedures

established by organizations like ASTM International (ASTM D 1633) or national
standards bodies like the Indian Standard (IS 2386). These standards define the
specific test apparatus, sample preparation, loading conditions, and calculation

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