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Can TV reinforce education by stimulating the abilities necessary for school

achievement? How or why not?

While TV can offer educational content and stimulate certain abilities, such
as language skills or exposure to new ideas, it often falls short in promoting
critical thinking, deep understanding, and active engagement with the
material. Passive consumption of TV content may not effectively develop the
analytical skills and comprehension needed for academic success.

How can students be convinced to spend more time reading?

Students can be encouraged to spend more time reading by providing access

to a variety of engaging and age-appropriate reading materials, fostering a
culture of reading at home and in school, setting aside dedicated time for
reading without distractions, modeling reading behavior by parents and
teachers, and celebrating reading achievements.

What are the possible consequences of spending much time listening and
watching? Explain why working in silence is/is not important.

Spending excessive time listening and watching can lead to poor

concentration, a short attention span, and superficial understanding of
information. Working in silence is important because it allows individuals to
focus their attention fully on the task at hand, promoting deeper
comprehension and critical thinking skills. Silence provides a conducive
environment for concentration and reflection, essential for effective learning
and problem-solving.

How can parents adequately control how their children spend their time?

Parents can control how their children spend their time by setting clear rules
and boundaries around screen time, monitoring and limiting access to
electronic devices, providing alternative activities that promote physical
activity and social interaction, leading by example through their own
behavior, and actively engaging with their children to understand their
interests and activities.

How can parents encourage their children’s reading?

Parents can encourage their children's reading by creating a home

environment that values and supports reading, providing access to a variety of
books and reading materials, reading together as a family, discussing books
and sharing reading experiences, visiting libraries and bookstores, and setting
aside dedicated time for reading each day.

Would Romanian parents be willing to share more responsibilities with the

school teachers? How?

Romanian parents may be willing to share more responsibilities with school

teachers if they are provided with clear communication and opportunities for
involvement. This could include parent-teacher conferences, workshops or
seminars on parenting and education, volunteering opportunities within the
school, participation in decision-making processes, and open channels of
communication between parents and teachers to discuss their child's progress
and needs.

Express your agreement or disagreement concerning the various points stated

by Mr. Roberts.

Mr. Roberts makes valid points about the potential negative effects of
excessive screen time on children's academic performance and the importance
of parental involvement in shaping their children's educational habits. I agree
that parents play a crucial role in fostering a culture of learning and reading at
home, and that limiting distractions like TV and computer games can benefit
children's academic development.

Speech by Mr. Roberts at Oakbank School:

Good evening, parents of Oakbank School students. I appreciate your

attendance at this meeting as we discuss an important topic: your role in your
children's education.

As the headmaster of Oakbank School, I have observed a concerning trend

among our students - the prevalence of distractions in their bedrooms, namely
televisions, videos, and computer games. These distractions often hinder their
academic progress and hinder their ability to concentrate and understand
complex concepts deeply.

I firmly believe that high-level reading skills are essential for academic
success. Reading enables children to draw conclusions, understand structure,
and learn new ideas. Unfortunately, excessive screen time can impede the
development of these skills, leaving our children at a disadvantage in school
and later in life.
Parents, you have a crucial part to play in your children's education. You are
not just spectators but active participants in shaping their habits and
behaviors. By limiting screen time, providing suitable conditions for
homework, and modeling reading behavior, you can create a conducive
environment for learning at home.

Furthermore, I urge you to prioritize conversation and interaction with your

children. Spend time talking to them, discussing their interests, and engaging
in activities that promote verbal skills and critical thinking. Your involvement
and encouragement are invaluable in fostering a love for reading and learning
in your children.

At Oakbank School, we have initiated a partnership agreement that

emphasizes the values of the school and asks parents to commit to supporting
their children's education. I am pleased to see that many of you have already
signed this agreement, demonstrating your commitment to your children's

Together, let us re-open the world of imagination and learning that books
offer. Let us work hand in hand to ensure that our children have every
opportunity to achieve their potential and succeed academically.

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to our continued partnership
in the education of our children.

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