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Muhammad Haider Farooq.

Registration no : 70111952.

Semester 6th.

Regime and International Organisation’s.

Mid Term.

As we all are well aware of the role of international organizations in developing harmony among

countries. If any conflict arise , these organizations tends to reduce its intensity by playing a vital

role. And under these duties they are also putting efforts in Russia-Ukraine war which led the

booming economies into recession which ends up in inflation. So , it becomes a very alarming

threat to one of the very major manifesto of these international organizations that is "Attaining

Peace". This objective is one of the very first priority for these organizations regarding Russia-

Ukraine war.

Main body

Role of United Nation:

Russia-Ukraine conflict not only disturbs these two countries but they have some serious effects

on others as well. As Russia and Ukraine are first and fifth main supplier of wheat which

includes a major number of countries but after this war this supply has been effected in a very

harsh manner , because of this wheat prices increased too much and threat of famine arise in this

global village and highly developed world. And this kind of probable risks are very alarming to

orgaisations like United Nations , International Peace Institute etc. And as a result to solve this
matter UN tried and made an agreement between Russia and Ukraine on supply of Grain through

Black Sea and it's still of the very few consensus between these two states.

This war also effects think tanks of World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) , as

these organizations have to support economies but this kind of hit is unprecedented. That's why

after this war these organizations keep in view that policies must be device after adjusting effect

of this conflict.

As according to the different media groups and other land sources the first invasion from Russian

troops is on 24th of February, 2022 . At that time , UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres

warned and potray the expected results and destruction to all the stakeholders just to make this

stop but all those efforts were in vain .

As further on March 2nd , a special resolution was presented on the floor of UN which demands

immediate back off from Russian troops and this resolution was accepted by 141 members

having 35 absenties and 5 of the states delegations vote against this.

These efforts are not stopped here , on March 24 one more resolution was presented that also

demands Russia to stop hostilities in Ukraine and this was also accepted by prominent majority

of 140 states.
Role of International Atomic Energy Agency:

As Russian invasion has many destructive effects and threats some are immeasurable, one of

them is misusage of Nuclear Plants of Ukraine . And we have example of Japan in our history

and at that time atomic energy related to today's innovation and modification were as minimum

as zero. This can't be over seen by the authorities so IAEA , so they sent a team for inspection of

the Chernobyl and after inspection it was stated by Mr. Grossi ; Director General of IAEA , that

if shelling continued near Zaporizhzhia ; Europe Largest Nuclear Plant , then the damage would

not only be restrained in Ukraine, but it's consequences will be on much wider area. After this

the solution was derived that Zaporizhzhia Power Plant will be operated by Ukrainian workforce

but under the control of Russians.

Role of European Union:

As far as this war goes , European Union has tried and continually trying to stop the invasion and

resolve the matter. In this process , the EU with the help of USA , UK , Japan and other countries

with same school of thought have strengthen the defense lines of Ukraine just to defy the law of

Jungle that , might is right. They also provoke and adopted the most severe sanctions against

Russia , and those will be lifted right after Russia back offs.

Role of Security Council:

The first release from the Security Council said that both parties should develop a consensus that

establish a win-win situation regarding the crisis. Security Council avoids to use the word of war,

invasion etc. just to maintain it's position at that time neutral so a peaceful way may pop up in to-

do list of both parties.

Role of United States Institute of Peace:

In early November of 2022 , USIP held a Twitter space explaining the long term implications of

Russian invasion in Ukraine on Syria and Middle East, so the word of potential risk and

awareness can be spread. So everyone tries and put efforts to stop this war.

As USIP is also totally against Russian way of dealing conflict which threats the peace of the

whole region , in February 2023 USIP hosted a conversation explaining their stance and

mentioning why they are supporting young democracy of Ukraine and also saying that total exit

of Russian troops from Ukrainian soil is the only solution.

Role of International Court of Justice:

Ukraine raise their voice in ICJ , and they demands the decision that "Russia has no lawful right

to take action against Ukraine and bring genocide in the region". After their petition, the case has

been heard in ICJ and in the final decision on March 16 2022 of ICJ it's been clearly stated , that

Russia must need to stop the military operations and Russia must make sure that no other person

take any further step of military operations on their behalf. This decision was accepted by judges

in the ratio of 13 to 2 and these 2 judges were from Russia and China so their decision was

already expected.

Role of International Criminal Court:

Ukraine ICC issued arrest warrants of two individuals

1) Mr Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

2) Ms Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova.

President of Russia was held responsible for unlawful deportation of children from Ukrainian

occupied territories to Russian territories and while Ms Maria Alekseyevna currently

commissioner for children rights in Russia was also accused of the same crime and there are

reasonable grounds to believe that both of them conducted this crime individually or jointly

possibly going on from 24 February 2022 . During pre trials chamber-2 the chamber considered

that the warrants are to be kept secret in order to secure Victims as well as witnesses and for the

normal functioning of investigation.

Role of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom:

WILPF is one of the major platforms for women activists to raise their voice. Russia-Ukraine

conflict was on headlines since 2014 and WILPF is supporting Ukrainian females since then. But

as invasion on Russian soils make more threats towards freedom of women. Being an

international organization WILPF has provided platform to Russia-Ukraine war effected women

to have a dialogue with women of other parts of world , who were also war effected. Just for the

sake to defend women rights. This organization has also actively participated against the rape

cases which are reported due to invasion of Russian Military Forces. And this organization is

also working in effected area by escalating women to a safe place.

Role of North Atlantic Treaty Organization:

Ukraine's stability is very essential for North Atlantic's region development. Since 1990s

Ukraine and NATO relations are getting stronger , speaking of today they NATO is one of his

most substantial partnership with Ukraine. And when war begins , NATO strongly condems

Russian military operations and provided unprecedented support to Ukraine to maintain their

young democracy. NATO's point of view is bit different from other organizations, because they

consider Ukraine their member so they are providing as mach war support to Ukraine as they can

Role of International Federation of Football Association:

FIFA has a very large scale of audience and of those people who give Respect to their stance due

to their neutrality. After Russian invasion into Ukraine FIFA disqualify Russian football team to

play in FIFA World Cup 2022 , so the whole world should know what type of harm they have

done to peace. And also apply many sanctions , and make their stance that these all will be undo

right after Russia stops their military operations in Ukraine. FIFA foundation also provide first

aid medical kits to war effected people via road , and on the request of UAF , amount of 1

million dollar has been made available to FIFA foundation in respect of growing humanitarian

situation in the region.

Role of World Bank:

To bring peace and harmony , one thing that is of high importance is healthy financing towards a

state just to make sure that all basic human rights can be restored as much as they can and Workd

Bank has play a vital role in bringing these funds. As per the reports till date World Bank has

provided 23 Billion dollars as an emergency finance also include pledges and commitment from

other willing donors. PEACE project is one of the main project of World Bank. World Bank has

financed 20 Billion dollars under many projects , mainly including Public Expenditure for

Administrative Capacity Endurance (PEACE) project.


As a conclusion we can say that the whole world peace has been effected by Russia-Ukraine war

and many international bodies have tried to reduce the war damage that has been done due to

invasion and unlawful operations of Russia towards Ukraine. But this is a fact that Russian

economy and sanctions that are currently faced by the Russia makes them to think twice and all

the credit goes to all the International Organization. Because they condemn Russia and supports

Ukraine in the very efficient manner. These organizations have been working for maintaining

worlds peace from decades and this matter is of very much importance because consequences

destructive and needs to be stopped.


(With the invasion of Ukrain security Councils 2022 efforts to maintain International

peace stability Mired by widening Rifts between Veto-Wielding Members, 2023)

(Borrell, 2022)

(Pilipey, 2022)

(B.Taylor, 2022)

(Relations with Ukraine , 2023)

(bank, 2022)

(FIFA, 2022)
(Kathleen Magramo, 2023)


B.Taylor, A. W. (2022). Ambassador William Taylor on Ukraine's Spring Offensive. 40.

bank, T. W. (2022). Supporting Ukraine through the war.

Borrell, J. (2022). Russia's war against Ukraine; where do we stand and what can the future

bring? 34.

FIFA. (2022). FIfa foundation helps victim of war in Ukraine .

Kathleen Magramo, B. L. (2023). Russia-Ukraine news . CNN.

Pilipey, R. (2022). UN security council calls for peaceful solution on Ukraine. 36.

Relations with Ukraine . (2023). North Atlantic Treaty organization, 40.

With the invasion of Ukrain security Councils 2022 efforts to maintain International peace

stability Mired by widening Rifts between Veto-Wielding Members. (2023). Round up

Release Security council.

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