An Adaptive Finite Element Method For Riesz Fractional Partial Integro Differential Equations

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Mathematical Sciences


An adaptive finite element method for Riesz fractional partial

integro‑differential equations
E. Adel1 · I. L. El‑Kalla1 · A. Elsaid1,2 · M. Sameeh1

Received: 28 February 2022 / Accepted: 7 July 2023

© The Author(s) 2023

The Riesz fractional derivative has been employed to describe the spatial derivative in a variety of mathematical models.
In this work, the accuracy of the finite element method (FEM) approximations to Riesz fractional derivative was enhanced
by using adaptive refinement. This was accomplished by deducing the Riesz derivatives of the FEM bases to work on non-
uniform meshes. We utilized these derivatives to recover the gradient in a space fractional partial integro-differential equa-
tion in the Riesz sense. The recovered gradient was used as an a posteriori error estimator to control the adaptive refinement
scheme. The stability and the error estimate for the proposed scheme are introduced. The results of some numerical examples
that we carried out illustrate the improvement in the performance of the adaptive technique.

Keywords Adaptive finite element method · Fractional partial integro-differential equation · Gradient recovery techniques ·
Riesz fractional derivative · Polynomial preserving recovery

Introduction viscoelasticity applications and solved it numerically using

graded meshes. In [7], an approach that depends on unsu-
The class of partial integro-differential equations (PIDEs) is pervised deep learning is also used to solve PIDEs. Time
the one that combines the unknown function’s partial differ- fractional PIDEs are solved with different methods as in [8],
entiation and integration. It is used in many cases where the where a compact FDM is utilized. Also, we see in [9] that a
memory effect should be considered. PIDEs appear in differ- new FDM is proposed to approximate time fractional PIDE
ent fields of engineering and physics such as heat conduction and the stability and convergence of the mentioned numeri-
[1], compression of poro-viscoelastic media [2], reaction cal scheme areas proved. PIDEs have been generalized to
diffusion problems [3], and nuclear reactor dynamics [4]. fractional order modeling and are referred to as fractional
Many techniques are used to solve PIDEs. These include partial integro-differential equations (FPIDEs) as in [10].
for example semianalytic techniques such as in [1] where During the past decades, great attention has been paid to
He’s variational iteration technique is employed. Some the so-called fractional calculus, with which we can consider
numerical methods have been proposed like the finite dif- integration and differentiation not only of integer order but
ference method (FDM) [2]. Also, the collocation method also of fractional ones. It is applied to generalize different
is used to solve PIDE as in [3]. A Fixed-Point Theorem of types of differential equations. This produces fractional dif-
type Monch–Krasnosel’skii is introduced in [5]. The authors ferential equations, which are distinguished from integer
of [6] considered a nonlinear form of PIDE that arises in ones as being able to describe the memory effect, which
increases its modeling ability. Publications [11–14] have
included a summary of fractional differential equations.
* M. Sameeh Fractional derivatives are defined using many definitions,
such as Caputo, Riemann–Liouville, Riesz fractional deriva-
Mathematics and Engineering Physics Department, Faculty tives, and many others.
of Engineering, Mansoura University, PO 35516, Mansoura, The Riesz fractional derivative is usually used with space
Egypt fractional derivatives. It was defined on finite and infinite
Department of Mathematics, Institute of Basic and Applied domains as well. Riesz definition on infinite domains was con-
Sciences, Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology sidered in [15–20], where semianalytic techniques were used,
(E-JUST), New Borg El‑Arab City, Alexandria, Egypt

Mathematical Sciences

and in [21] where similarity solution was used. While Riesz 1+𝛼
Here, the space fractional derivative 𝜕 𝜕|x|u(x,t)
1+𝛼 is the Riesz
definition on finite domains was considered in [22], where
fractional derivative of order (1 + 𝛼), defined by [41]
the McCormack numerical method was utilized. One of the
[ 1+𝛼 ]
numerical methods used to solve Riesz fractional partial dif- 𝜕 1+𝛼 u(x, t) 1 𝜕 u(x, t) 𝜕 1+𝛼 u(x, t)
ferential equations is the finite element method (FEM), as in = − + , (4)
𝜕|x|1+𝛼 2cos 𝜋(1+𝛼) 𝜕x1+𝛼 𝜕(−x)1+𝛼
[23, 24]. 2

The FEM is a powerful method that is useful and effective and

in solving different types of differential equations. Recently,
some appraised papers have been concerned with the FEM 𝜕 1+𝛼 u(x, t) 2

Γ(1 − 𝛼) ∫
1 −𝛼 𝜕
solution for fractional differential equations. Adolfsson [25] = (x − 𝜁) u(𝜁, t)d𝜁,
𝜕x1+𝛼 𝜕x2
and [26] proposed a numerical method based on the FEM for a
integrating the constitutive response of fractional order vis- b (5)
coelasticity. Roop and Ervin [27–30] analyzed theoretically 𝜕2
Γ(1 − 𝛼) ∫
𝜕 u(x, t) 1
= (𝜁 − x)−𝛼 2 u(𝜁, t)d𝜁.
the approximation of the Galerkin finite element method to 𝜕(−x)1+𝛼 𝜕x
some kinds of fractional partial differential equations (FPDEs).
Li [31] approximated numerically the fractional differential The outline of the paper is as follows: the fundamental rela-
equations with subdiffusion and superdiffusion by using the tions of the Riesz approximation on nonuniform mesh are
difference method and the finite element method. introduced in “Section Riesz approximation on nonuniform
For the FEM to be more reliable, adaptive techniques can mesh”. The method of solution to the FPIDE is introduced in
be used to control the error under some predefined tolerance. “Section Description of method”. “Section Gradient recov-
Adaptive techniques are procedures that iterate until the error ery and adaptive refinement” is about the gradient recovery
reaches a predefined tolerance. A significant improvement is using the PPR technique and the proposed adaptive refine-
achieved by a posteriori treatment of the finite element data. ment algorithm. “Section Error analysis and stability condi-
This is a post-process called recovery, which is utilized in the tion” contains the error analysis and the stability for the pro-
implementation of the recovery-based error estimator. Then, posed scheme. “Section 6” contains the numerical examples
the mesh is adaptively refined so that the accuracy satisfies the section where the results are presented and compared with
requirements of the user. Adaptive FEMs for different types the exact solution. The last section offers some conclusions
of equations have been considered by many authors; see, regarding the work presented in this article.
[32–34]. Adaptive techniques sometimes depend on recovery
techniques as in [35] where solution recovery is considered,
and in [36–40] where gradient recovery is considered. Riesz approximation on nonuniform mesh
In [23], an algorithm was proposed to solve FPIDEs using
FEM on a uniform mesh. In this work, we apply an adaptive Here, the basic relations and lemmas that are utilized in the
FEM which is a recovery-based technique, and this causes next sections are stated.
the mesh to be nonuniform. We modified the algorithm in First, we refer to the finite domain by Ω = [a, b] and (, )
[23] so that it is applicable in the case of nonuniform mesh. to be the inner product on the L2 (Ω) space. Then, for some
This is illustrated by applying the gradient recovery technique integer m, the nodes x0 , x1 , … , xm−1 , xm partition the domain
known as the polynomial preserving recovery (PPR) technique Ω into m nonuniform subintervals. The set of all nodes in the
to Riesz FPIDEs of the form partition forms the mesh Mh .
We denote the set of polynomials that are piecewise linear
𝜕 1+𝛼 u(x, t) over the mesh nodes to be the space Vh , which is defined as

=c + K(t, s)u(x, s)ds + f (x, t), follows:
𝜕t 𝜕|x|1+𝛼 (1)
0 { }
x ∈ (a, b), t ∈ (0, T), Vh = v ∶ v|Ωi ∈ P1 (Ωi ), v ∈ C(Ω) (6)

with an initial condition where P1 (Ωi ) denotes the space of linear polynomials

a ≤ x ≤ b,
defined on Ωi . Then, the following is the representation of
u(x, 0) = 𝜓(x), (2) any v ∈ Vh
and boundary conditions ∑

0 ≤ t ≤ T,
v= v(xj )𝜙j ,
u(a, t) = 0, u(b, t) = 0, (3) j=0

where 0 < 𝛼 < 1, and u(x, t), f(x, t) are continuous functions.

Mathematical Sciences

where the nodal-based functions 𝜙0 , 𝜙1,..., 𝜙m of Vh are xi

(x − xi−1 ) (xi − x) (x − xi−1 )
∫ (xi − xi−1 ) (xi − xi−1 )
defined as follows: (𝜙i (x), 𝜙i−1 (x)) = dx = i .
� � xi−1
⎧ x−xi−1
, x ∈ xi−1 , xi
⎪ xi −xi−1 � �
𝜙i (x) = ⎨
xi+1 −x
, x ∈ xi , xi+1 (7) For j = i + 1, we have
xi+1 −xi
⎪ 0, otherwise.
⎩ xi+1
(xi+1 − x) (x − xi ) (xi+1 − xi )
∫ (xi+1 − xi ) (xi+1 − xi )
(𝜙i (x), 𝜙i+1 (x)) = dx = .
where i is an integer that takes values from 1 to m − 1, and 6
{ x −x [ ]
, x ∈ x0 , x1 Otherwise, from the definition of 𝜙i (x), the inner product
𝜙0 (x) = 1 0 ,
0, otherwise will always equal zero.  ◻
{ x−x [ ] (8)
, x ∈ xm−1 , xm
𝜙m (x) = xm −xm−1 Lemma 2 If i takes the values of 1, 2, … , m − 1, the frac-
0, otherwise. tional derivative of order 𝛼 for the basic functions will be
given by

⎧ 0, a ≤ x ≤ xi−1
𝜕 𝛼 𝜙i (x)
⎪ (x−xi−1 )1−𝛼 ,
⎪ (xi −xi−1 ) xi−1 ≤ x ≤ xi
xi ≤ x ≤ xi+1
Γ(2 − 𝛼) ⎨
= (x−xi−1 )1−𝛼 (x−x )1−𝛼 (x−x )1−𝛼
𝜕x 𝛼 − (x −xi ) − (x i−x ) ,
⎪ i i−11−𝛼
xi+1 ≤ x ≤ b
(x −x ) i i−1 i+1 i
⎪ (x−xi−1 ) − (x−xi )1−𝛼 − (x−xi )1−𝛼 + (x−xi−1 )1−𝛼
⎩ (xi −xi−1 ) (xi −xi−1 ) (xi+1 −xi ) (xi+1 −xi )

a ≤ x ≤ xi−1
1−𝛼 1−𝛼 1−𝛼 (xi−1 −x)1−𝛼
⎧ (xi+1 −x) − (xi −x) − (xi −x) + ,
xi−1 ≤ x ≤ xi
⎪ (x (x−x)
i+1 −xi )
(xi −xi−1 )
(xi −x)1−𝛼
(xi+1 −xi )
(xi −x)1−𝛼
(xi −xi−1 )
𝜕 𝛼 𝜙i (x) 1 ⎪ i+1 − − ,
xi ≤ x ≤ xi+1
𝜕(−x) 𝛼
= ⎨
Γ(2 − 𝛼) ⎪
(xi+1 −xi )
(x −x) 1−𝛼
(xi −xi−1 ) (xi+1 −xi )
xi+1 ≤ x ≤ b
⎪ (xi+1 −xi )
⎩ 0,

Lemma 1 If i takes the values of 1, 2, … , m − 1, the inner Proof From the definition of the first order left Caputo
product between the basic functions is given by derivative,
⎧ (xi − xi−1 ), j = i − 1, 𝜕 𝛼 𝜙i (x) 𝜕𝜙i (𝜁) d𝜁
Γ(1 − 𝛼) ∫
1 ⎪ (xi+1 − xi ), j = i + 1, = .
(𝜙i (x), 𝜙j (x)) = ⎨ (9) 𝜕x𝛼 𝜕𝜁 (x − 𝜁)𝛼
6 ⎪ 2(xi+1 − xi−1 ), j = i, a

If xi−1 ≤ x ≤ xi , and from definition of 𝜙i (x), we have

⎩ 0, otherwise.

Proof Let i = j, from definition of inner product and the defi- x

nition of 𝜙i (x), we have: 𝜕 𝛼 𝜙i (x)
Γ(1 − 𝛼) ∫ (xi − xi−1 ) (x − 𝜁)𝛼
1 1 d𝜁
xi xi+1 𝜕x
(x − xi−1 )2 (xi+1 − x)2 xi−1 (12)
∫ (xi − xi−1 )2 ∫ (xi+1 − xi )2
(𝜙i (x), 𝜙i (x)) = dx + dx 1 (x − xi−1 )1−𝛼
xi−1 xi
= .
Γ(2 − 𝛼) (xi − xi−1 )

If xi ≤ x ≤ xi+1, it follows that

(xi − xi−1 ) (xi+1 − xi ) (xi+1 − xi−1 )
= + = .
3 3 3
For j = i − 1, it follows that

Mathematical Sciences

x x
𝜕 𝛼 𝜙i (x) ⎡ i 𝜕 𝛼 𝜙i (x) ⎡ i
Γ(1 − 𝛼) ⎢∫ (xi − xi−1 ) (x − 𝜁)𝛼 𝜕(−x)𝛼 Γ(1 − 𝛼) ⎢∫ (xi − xi−1 ) (𝜁 − x)𝛼
1 ⎢ 1 d𝜁 −1 ⎢ 1 d𝜁
= =
⎣xi−1 ⎣x
⎤ ⎤
∫ (xi+1 − xi ) (𝜁 − x)𝛼 ⎥
−1 d𝜁 ⎥
∫ (xi+1 − xi ) (x − 𝜁)𝛼 ⎥
−1 d𝜁 ⎥
+ +
⎦ (13) xi ⎦ (17)
� � 1−𝛼
1 (x − xi−1 )1−𝛼 (x − xi )1−𝛼 1 (xi+1 − x)
= − =
Γ(2 − 𝛼) (xi − xi−1 ) (xi − xi−1 ) Γ(2 − 𝛼) (xi+1 − xi )
� �
(x − xi )1−𝛼 (xi − x)1−𝛼 (xi − x)1−𝛼
− . − − .
(xi+1 − xi ) (xi − xi−1 ) (xi+1 − xi )

If x ≥ xi+1 , we have If xi ≤ x ≤ xi+1, we have

⎡ i 𝜕 𝛼 𝜙i (x) ⎡ i+1 ⎤
𝜕 𝛼 𝜙i (x)
Γ(1 − 𝛼) ⎢∫ (xi+1 − xi ) (𝜁 − x)𝛼 ⎥
d𝜁 ⎥
Γ(1 − 𝛼) ⎢∫ (xi − xi−1 ) (x − 𝜁)𝛼
1 ⎢ 1 d𝜁 −1 ⎢ −1
= =
𝜕x𝛼 𝜕(−x)𝛼
⎣xi−1 ⎣x ⎦ (18)
� 1−𝛼 �
⎤ 1 (xi+1 − x)
∫ (xi+1 − xi ) (x − 𝜁)𝛼 ⎥
−1 d𝜁 ⎥ = .
+ Γ(2 − 𝛼) (xi+1 − xi )

If x ≥ xi+1 , 𝜙i (x) equal zero and

xi ⎦ 𝜕 𝛼 𝜙i (x)
� 1−𝛼 = 0.
1 (x − xi−1 ) (x − xi )1−𝛼 (x − xi )1−𝛼 𝜕(−x)𝛼
= − − From (12)–(18), Lemma 2 is proved.  ◻
Γ(2 − 𝛼) (xi − xi−1 ) (xi − xi−1 ) (xi+1 − xi )
1−𝛼 �
(x − xi−1 )
+ . Lemma 3 Let B = (xj − xj−1 ) and M = (xj+1 − xj ),, then, for
(xi+1 − xi ) i = 1, 2, … , m − 1, we have
If x ≤ xi−1 , 𝜙i (x) equal zero and 𝜕xi𝛼 = 0.
𝜕 𝛼 𝜙 (x) xi
𝜕 𝛼 𝜙j (x) 𝜕 𝛼 𝜙j (x)

Also, from the definition of the first order right Caputo ( − )dx = g(3) , (19)
𝜕x𝛼 𝜕(−x)𝛼 Γ(3 − 𝛼) i,j
derivative xi−1

𝜕 𝛼 𝜙i (x) 𝜕𝜙i (𝜁) d𝜁
Γ(1 − 𝛼) ∫
−1 𝜕 𝛼 𝜙j (x) 𝜕 𝛼 𝜙j (x)

= . 1
𝜕(−x) 𝛼 𝜕𝜁 (𝜁 − x)𝛼 ( − )dx = g(4) , (20)
x 𝜕x𝛼 𝜕(−x)𝛼 Γ(3 − 𝛼) i,j

If x ≤ xi−1 , and from definition of 𝜙i (x),, we have


𝜕 𝛼 𝜙i (x) ⎡
𝜕(−x)𝛼 Γ(1 − 𝛼) ⎢∫ (xi − xi−1 ) (𝜁 − x)𝛼
−1 ⎢ 1 d𝜁

∫ (xi+1 − xi ) (𝜁 − x)𝛼 ⎥
−1 d𝜁 ⎥
⎦ (16)

1 (xi+1 − x)1−𝛼 (xi − x)1−𝛼
= −
Γ(2 − 𝛼) (xi+1 − xi ) (xi − xi−1 )
1−𝛼 1−𝛼 �
(xi − x) (xi−1 − x)
− + .
(xi+1 − xi ) (xi − xi−1 )

If xi−1 ≤ x ≤ xi , it follows that

Mathematical Sciences

(xi −xj−1 )2−𝛼 (xi −xj )2−𝛼 (xi −xj )2−𝛼 (xi −xj+1 )2−𝛼
( − − + )
⎪ B
(xi−1 −xj−1 )2−𝛼
(xi−1 −xj )2−𝛼
(xi−1 −xj )2−𝛼
(xi−1 −xj+1 )2−𝛼 ,
⎪ −( − − + )
⎪ B B M M

⎪ (xi −xi−2 )2−𝛼

(xi −xi−1 )2−𝛼
− 2M 1−𝛼 − B1−𝛼 , j=i−1
⎪ B B
=⎨ ,
⎪ 2B1−𝛼 +M 1−𝛼

(xi+1 −xi−1 )2−𝛼
(xi −xi−1 )2−𝛼
, j=i
⎪ M M

(xj −xi )2−𝛼 (xj−1 −xi )2−𝛼 (xj+1 −xi )2−𝛼 (xj −xi )2−𝛼
⎪ −( B
− B
− M
+ M
⎪ (xj −xi−1 )2−𝛼 (xj−1 −xi−1 )2−𝛼 (xj+1 −xi−1 )2−𝛼 (xj −xi−1 )2−𝛼 ,
⎩ +( B
− B
− M
+ M
) (21)

, j≤i−1
(x −x )2−𝛼 (x −x )2−𝛼 (x −x )2−𝛼 (x −x )2−𝛼
⎪ ( i+1 Bj−1 − i+1 B j − i+1 M j + i+1 Mj+1 )
⎪ (x −x )2−𝛼 (x −x )2−𝛼 (x −x )2−𝛼 (x −x )2−𝛼
⎪ −( i Bj−1 − i Bj − i Mj + i Mj+1 )

⎪ (xi+1 −xi−1 )2−𝛼 (xi+1 −xi )2−𝛼
⎪ − − 2M 1−𝛼 − B1−𝛼 , j=i
g(4) =⎨ B B . (22)
⎪ (x −x )2−𝛼 (x −x )2−𝛼
⎪ 2B1−𝛼 + M 1−𝛼 − j+1 i + j Mi , j=i+1
⎪ M

, j≥i+2
(xj −xi+1 )2−𝛼 (xj−1 −xi+1 ) 2−𝛼 (xj+1 −xi+1 )2−𝛼 (xj −xi+1 )2−𝛼
⎪ −( − − + )
⎪ B
(xj −xi )2−𝛼
(xj−1 −xi )2−𝛼
(xj+1 −xi )2−𝛼
(xj −xi )2−𝛼
⎪ +( B − − + )
⎩ B M M

Proof From Eq. (19) along with Lemma 2, we get for j = i

For j = i − 1, we have
𝜕 𝛼 𝜙j (x)

𝜕 𝛼 𝜙j (x) 𝜕 𝛼 𝜙j (x) 𝜕 𝛼 𝜙j (x)

− )dx ( − )dx
𝜕(−x)𝛼 𝜕x𝛼 𝜕(−x)𝛼
xi xi−1
(x − xi−1 )1−𝛼
Γ(2 − 𝛼) ∫ (xi − xi−1 )
1 xi
= (x − xi−2 )1−𝛼
Γ(2 − 𝛼) ∫ (xi−1 − xi−2 )
(23) 1
(xi+1 − x)1−𝛼 (xi − x)1−𝛼 (xi − x)1−𝛼
− + + dx (x − xi−1 )1−𝛼 (x − xi−1 )1−𝛼 (xi − x)1−𝛼 (24)
(xi+1 − xi ) (xi − xi−1 ) (xi+1 − xi ) − − − dx
1 [ 1−𝛼 (xi−1 − xi−2 ) (xi − xi−1 ) (xi − xi−1 )
= 2B + M 1−𝛼 [ 2−𝛼
Γ(3 − 𝛼) 1 (xi − xi−2 )
] =
(xi+1 − xi−1 )2−𝛼 (xi − xi−1 )2−𝛼 Γ(3 − 𝛼) B
− + , 2−𝛼 ]
M M (x − xi−1 )
− i − 2M 1−𝛼 − B1−𝛼 .
where B = (xj − xj−1 ) and M = (xj+1 − xj ).
If j ≤ i − 2, it follows that

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𝜕 𝛼 𝜙j (x) 𝜕 𝛼 𝜙j (x)

( − )dx
𝜕x𝛼 𝜕(−x)𝛼
(x − xj−1 )2−𝛼
Γ(2 − 𝛼) ∫ (xj − xj−1 )
xi−1 (25)
(x − xj )2−𝛼 (x − xj )2−𝛼 (x − xj+1 )2−𝛼
− − + − 0 dx
(xj − xj−1 ) (xj+1 − xj ) (xj+1 − xj )
[ (x −x )2−𝛼 (x −x )2−𝛼 (x −x )2−𝛼 (x −x )2−𝛼
1 ( i Bj−1 − i Bj − i Mj + i Mj+1 )
= 2−𝛼 2−𝛼 2−𝛼 2−𝛼 .
Γ(3 − 𝛼) −( (xi−1 −xj−1 ) − (xi−1 −xj ) − (xi−1 −xj ) + (xi−1 −xj+1 ) )

If j ≥ i + 1, we have

𝜕 𝛼 𝜙j (x) 𝜕 𝛼 𝜙j (x)

( − )dx
𝜕x𝛼 𝜕(−x)𝛼
(xj+1 − x)1−𝛼 (xj − x)1−𝛼
Γ(2 − 𝛼) ∫
= 0− +
(xj+1 − xj ) (xj − xj−1 )
xi−1 (26)
(xj − x) 1−𝛼 (xj−1 − x) 1−𝛼
+ − dx
(xj+1 − xj ) (xj − xj−1 )
[ (x −x )2−𝛼 (x −x )2−𝛼 (xj+1 −xi )2−𝛼 (xj −xi )2−𝛼
1 −( j Bi − j−1 B i − M
+ M
= (xj −xi−1 )2−𝛼 (xj−1 −xi−1 )2−𝛼 (xj+1 −xi−1 )2−𝛼 (xj −xi−1 )2−𝛼 .
Γ(3 − 𝛼) +( − − + )

From (23)–(26), it is proved that 𝜕u c 𝜕 1+𝛼 u(x, t) 𝜕 1+𝛼 u(x, t)

=− ( + )
xi 𝜕t 2 cos 𝜋(1+𝛼) 𝜕x1+𝛼 𝜕(−x)1+𝛼
𝜕 𝛼 𝜙j (x) 𝜕 𝛼 𝜙j (x) 2

( − )dx = g(3) , t
𝜕x𝛼 𝜕(−x)𝛼 Γ(3 − 𝛼) i,j

xi−1 + K(t, s)u(x, s)ds + f (x, t) (27)
where is defined as in (21).
In the same way, Eq. (20) is proved where g(4) is defined

i,j 𝜕
= −𝜌 H(x, t) + K(t, s)u(x, s)ds + f (x, t),
as in (22).  ◻ 𝜕x


Description of method 𝜌=
, H(x, t) =
𝜕 𝛼 u(x, t) 𝜕 𝛼 u(x, t)
− . (28)
2 cos 𝜋(1+𝛼) 𝜕x𝛼 𝜕(−x)𝛼
Consider the FPIDE with the Riesz space fractional deriva-
tive of the form (1)–(3). The equations can be written as The weak form of this problem is given by

Mathematical Sciences

𝜕u 𝜕v ∑m
( , v) = 𝜌(H, ) ( unj 𝜙j (x), 𝜙i (x)) − (K(tn , tn )u(x, tn ), 𝜙i (x))
𝜕t 𝜕x 2
t j=0

+ ( K(t, s)u(x, s)ds, v) + (f , v), ∀ v ∈ Vh ∑
m+1 unj 𝜕 𝛼 𝜙j (x) 𝜕 𝛼 𝜙j (x, t)
(xi − xi−1 ) ∫
− 𝜌Δt( ( − )dx
𝜕x𝛼 𝜕(−x)𝛼
Discretizing the first order time derivative by the finite dif- xi+1
ference method (FDM) with a time step Δt as follows: ∑
m+1 unj 𝜕 𝛼 𝜙j (x) 𝜕 𝛼 𝜙j (x, t)
(xi+1 − xi ) ∫
− ( − )dx)
n n−1 j=1
𝜕x𝛼 𝜕(−x)𝛼
𝜕u u − u xi
= , (30)
𝜕t Δt ∑ m
=( un−1
j 𝜙j (x), 𝜙i (x)) + (K(tn , t0 )u(x, t0 ), 𝜙i (x))
also, using the trapezoidal rule to approximate the integral j=0
term as follows

t + (Δt)2 ( K(tn , tj )u(x, tj ), 𝜙i (x)) + Δt(f (x, tn ), 𝜙i (x)).

Δt j=1
K(t, s)u(x, s)ds = K(tn , t0 )u(x, t0 ) (34)
(31) From Lemma 1 and Lemma 3, it follows that

+ Δt K(tn , tj )u(x, tj ) + K(tn , tn )u(x, tn ), 1
2 ((x − xi−1 )uni−1 + 2(xi+1 − xi−1 )uni
j=1 6 i
+ (xi+1 − xi )uni+1 )
we get
𝜕v (Δt)2 − (K(tn , tn )u(x, tn ), 𝜙i (x))
(un , v) − (un−1 , v) =𝜌Δt(H n , ) + (K(tn , t0 )u(x, t0 ), v) 2
𝜕x 2 ∑
m+1 g(3) g(4)
i,j i,j

− 𝜌Δt( n
uj ( − ))
+ (Δt)2 ( K(tn , tj )u(x, tj ), v) j=1
(xi − xi−1 ) (xi+1 − xi )
((x − xi−1 )un−1 (35)
(Δt)2 i−1 + 2(xi+1
+ (K(tn , tn )u(x, tn ), v) + Δt(f , v). 6 i
2 − xi−1 )un−1 + (xi+1 − xi )un−1
i+1 )
(32) i

m (Δt)2
Letunh = unj 𝜙j (x) ∈ Vh (a, b), while Vh (a, b) represents the + (K(tn , t0 )u(x, t0 ), 𝜙i (x))
space of functions that are continuous and piecewise linear ∑
+ (Δt)2 ( K(tn , tj )u(x, tj ),
regarding the partition of the space, and they take the value j=1
of zero at the boundaries, and unj = uh (xj , tn ). Also choosing
𝜙i (x)) + Δt(f (x, tn ), 𝜙i (x)).
every function v to be 𝜙i (x), i = 1, 2, … , m , it follows that
∑m Now, we have a system of linear equations that can be solved
( unj 𝜙j (x), 𝜙i (x)) − (K(tn , tn )u(x, tn ), 𝜙i (x)) for uni .

𝜕 𝛼 𝜙j (x) 𝜕 𝛼 𝜙j (x, t) 𝜕𝜙i (x)

− 𝜌Δt( unj ( − ). dx)
𝜕x𝛼 𝜕(−x)𝛼 𝜕x Gradient recovery and adaptive refinement
= ( un−1 𝜙 (x), 𝜙 (x)) + (K(tn , t0 )u(x, t0 ), 𝜙i (x)) There are many techniques that were developed for the
j i
recovery of the gradient, and these techniques have been
used in practice due to their efficiency as a posteriori error

+ (Δt)2 ( K(tn , tj )u(x, tj ), 𝜙i (x)) + Δt(f (x, tn ), 𝜙i (x)). estimators, ease of implementation, and superconvergence
j=1 (see [42–48] and references therein).
(33) In [43, 49], the PPR technique was introduced for the
From definition (7), it follows that recovery of the gradient, which works methodically in FEMs
of different orders. It possesses a superconvergence property,
which means that the a posteriori error estimator based on
recovery is asymptotically precise.

Mathematical Sciences

The way the PPR technique works to recover the gradient For any 𝜎 > 0, we define l H0𝜎 (Ω) and r H0𝜎 (Ω) to be the
at a mesh node d can be illustrated as follows: closure of C0∞ (Ω) with respect to the norms ‖v‖l H 𝜎 (Ω) and
Let Mh denotes the set of mesh nodes. For any node
‖v‖r H 𝜎 (Ω) , respectively, where
d ∈ Mh , we first construct a patch of elements which is 0

denoted by 𝜒d , which contains the union of elements in the ‖v‖l H 𝜎 (Ω) =(‖v‖2L + �v�2l H 𝜎 (Ω) )1∕2 , (40)
0 2
first n layers around d, i.e.,

𝜒d (d, n) = ∪{E ∶ E ∈ Eh , E ∩ 𝜒d (d, n − 1) ≠ 𝜙}, (36) ‖v‖r H 𝜎 (Ω) =(‖v‖2L + �v�2r H 𝜎 (Ω) )1∕2 , (41)
0 2 0

where Eh is the set of mesh elements and 𝜒d (d, 0) = {d}.

Then, we define a polynomial Pd that best fits the FEM
solution (uh ) at the mesh nodes in 𝜒d in the least squares |v|2l H 𝜎 (Ω) =‖c 𝜎 ‖2
‖a Dx v‖L2 (Ω) , (42)
sense. This polynomial is the least squares approximation of 0

uh at d. Then, the recovered gradient Rh is defined as follows:

∑ |v|2r H 𝜎 (Ω) =‖c 𝜎 ‖2
‖x Db v‖L2 (Ω) . (43)
Rh = Rh (d)𝜙d , 0

d∈Mh (37) In the usual Sobolev space H0𝜎 (Ω), we also have the
Rh (d) =∇Pd (d). definition
Depending on the recovered gradient, an adaptive procedure ‖v‖H 𝜎 (Ω) = (‖v‖2L + �v�2H 𝜎 (Ω) )1∕2 ,
2 (Ω)
is applied, and it can be illustrated as follows: The procedure 0 0

starts with an initial mesh and the system is solved for the where
FEM solution. Then, using the PPR technique, the recov-
ered gradient Rh is calculated. After that, the error ( ek ) in (ca D𝜎x v,cx D𝜎b v)L2 (Ω)
|v|2H 𝜎 (Ω) = ( ). (45)
the finite element gradient on every element is calculated 0 cos(𝜋𝜎)
using the recovered gradient instead of the exact one. When
compared to some predefined tolerance 𝜏 , the maximum
error is checked so that the algorithm ends if the tolerance
is reached. Otherwise, we use a marking strategy to mark Error analysis
certain elements that meet the criteria ek > 𝜂 ∗ 𝜏 for a posi-
tive parameter 𝜂 < 1. The marked elements are refined; then,
the mesh is adapted. Here, the system is solved using our Lemma 4 (see [41, 50]) For real 0 < 𝛾 < 1, 0 < 𝛿 < 1 if
formulation for Riesz FPIDE with nonuniform mesh. Again, v(0) = 0, x ∈ (a, b) then
the PPR technique is applied; then, the error is checked, and (1) c 𝛾+𝛿
D v(x) =(ca D𝛾x )(ca D𝛿x )v(x) ∀v ∈ H 𝛾+𝛿 (a, b),
the procedure continues until the tolerance is reached. a x
(2) c 𝛾
(a Dx w, v)L2 =(w,cx D𝛾b v)L2 ∀w ∈ H 𝛾 (a, b), v ∈ C0∞ (a, b).

Lemma 5 (see [50]) Let 0 < 𝛾 < 1, then for any

w, v ∈ H0 (Ω)
Error analysis and stability condition
(ca D𝛾x w, v)L2 = (ca D𝛾∕2 c
x w,x Db v)L2 .
In this section, we present the error analysis and stability
condition of the proposed scheme. We begin by listing some Lemma 6 (see [51]) For 𝛾 > 0, v ∈ C0∞ (R), then
of the definitions and symbols that are used in this section.
(ca D𝛾x v,cx D𝛾b v) = cos(𝜋𝛾)‖c 𝛾 ‖ 2
The inner product and norm of the space L2(Ω) are defined ‖a Dx v‖L 2(Ω)
by ‖ ‖2
(ca D𝛾x v,cx D𝛾b v) = cos(𝜋𝛾)‖cx D𝛾b v‖ .
‖ ‖L2(Ω)
∫ Lemma 7 (see [52]) Let u ∈ H r (Ω), 0 < r ≤ m, and
(u, v)L2 (Ω) = uv dx, (38)
0 ≤ s ≤ r , then, there exists a constant CA depending only

and on Ω such that

‖u‖L2 =(u, u)L

1∕2 (39) �u − I u� s ≤ C hr−s ‖u‖ r ,
, ∀u, v ∈ L2(Ω) , � h �H (Ω) A H (Ω)

respectively. where Ih is a projection operator from H r (Ω) ∩ H s (Ω) to Vh .

Mathematical Sciences

Based on lemma 4, the variational form of Eq. (32) can be (ca D𝛾∕2 c 𝛾∕2
x (Jh u − u),x Db (Jh u − u))L2
written in the following form 𝛾∕2
+ (cx Db (Jh u − u),ca D𝛾∕2
(Jh u − u))L2
≤ ‖ca D𝛾∕2
(1 − 0.5(Δt) K(tn , tn ))(u , v) + n
𝜌Δt(ca D𝛾∕2 n c
x u ,x Db v) ‖ ‖ ‖ 𝛾∕2 ‖
(Jh u − u)‖ ‖cx Db (Ih u − u)‖
𝛾∕2 ‖ x ‖L2 ‖ ‖L2
+ 𝜌Δt(cx Db un ,ca D𝛾∕2
v) (46) ‖c 𝛾∕2 ‖ ‖c 𝛾∕2 ‖
+ ‖x Db (Jh u − u)‖ ‖a Dx (Ih u − u)‖
= (G(x, t), v) v∈
Hb , ‖ ‖L2 ‖ ‖L2 (51)
≤ (‖a Dx (Jh u − u)‖
‖c 𝛾∕2 ‖
where ‖ ‖L2
‖c 𝛾∕2 ‖ ‖ ‖
+ ‖x Db (Jh u − u)‖ ) ∗ (‖ca D𝛾∕2 (I u − u)‖
(Δt)2 ‖ ‖L2 ‖ x h ‖L2
G(x, t) = un−1 + K(tn , t0 )u(x, t0 )
2 ‖ 𝛾∕2 ‖
+ ‖cx Db (Ih u − u)‖ ).

n−1 (47) ‖ ‖L2
+ (Δt)2 K(tn , tj )u(x, tj ) + Δtf (x, t).
j=1 Note that
The semidiscrete problem of (27) is to find the approximate (ca D𝛾∕2 c
x (Jh u − u),x Db (Jh u − u))L2
solution uh (x, t) ∈ Vh such that 𝛾∕2
+ (cx Db (Jh u − u),ca D𝛾∕2
(Jh u − u))L2 (52)
− 0.5(Δt) K(tn , tn ))(unh , v) 𝜌Δt(ca D𝛾∕2 n c 𝛾∕2 ‖ ‖ ‖ 𝛾∕2 ‖
(1 + x u h ,x Db v) ≳ (‖ca D𝛾∕2 (Jh u − u)‖ + ‖cx Db (Jh u − u)‖ )2 ,
‖ x ‖L2 ‖ ‖L2
+ 𝜌Δt(cx Db unh ,ca D𝛾∕2
v) (48)
where the expression A ≲ B (A ≳ B) means that there exists
a positive real number c such that A ≤ cB (A ≥ cB).
= (G(x, t), v), v ∈ Vh .

Let Jh ∶ H 𝛾∕2 (Ω) ⟶ Vh be the elliptic projection defined by Combining Eqs. (51) and (52), we obtain
‖c 𝛾∕2 ‖ ‖ 𝛾∕2 ‖
𝜌(ca D𝛾∕2 c 𝛾∕2 c c 𝛾∕2 𝛾∕2 ‖a Dx (Jh u − u)‖ + ‖cx Db (Jh u − u)‖
x Jh u,x Db v)L2 + 𝜌(x Db Jh u,a Dx v)L2 ‖ ‖L2 ‖ ‖L2
𝛾∕2 𝛾∕2 ‖c 𝛾∕2 ‖ ‖c 𝛾∕2 ‖ (53)
= 𝜌(ca D𝛾∕2 c c c 𝛾∕2
x u,x Db v)L2 + 𝜌(x Db u,a Dx v)L2 , v ∈ Vh . ≲ ‖a Dx (Ih u − u)‖ + ‖x Db (Ih u − u)‖ .
‖ ‖L2 ‖ ‖L2
From lemma 7,
Lemma 8 For Jh defined by (49) and any v ∈ H r (Ω) ∩ H0 ,
�c 𝛾∕2 �
the following inequality holds �a Dx (Ih u − u)� ≲ � I u − u�
�H 𝛾∕2 (Ω) ≲ h
‖u‖H r (Ω).
� � L2 � h
�a Dx (Jh u − u)� ≤ hr−𝛾∕2 ‖v‖H r (Ω) .
�c 𝛾∕2 � (54)
� �L2 Similarly,
Proof Let Ih be a projection operator from H r (Ω) ∩ H 𝛾∕2 (Ω) �c 𝛾∕2 �
�x Db (Ih u − u)� ≲ � I u − u�
�H 𝛾∕2 (Ω) ≲ h
‖u‖H r (Ω).
to Vh , and from definition of L2(Ω), we obtain � � L2 � h
(ca D𝛾∕2
x (Jh u − u),cx Db (Jh u − u))L2 Combining Eqs. (53), (54) and (55), we obtain
+ (cx Db (Jh u − u),ca D𝛾∕2 (Jh u − u))L2 �c 𝛾∕2 �
�a Dx (Jh u − u)� ≲ hr−𝛾∕2 ‖u‖H r (Ω). (56)
𝛾∕2 � �L2
= (ca D𝛾∕2
(Jh u − u),cx Db (Jh u − Ih u))L2
+ (cx Db (Jh u − u),ca D𝛾∕2  ◻
x (Jh u − Ih u))L2
+ (ca D𝛾∕2
(Jh u − u),cx Db (Ih u − u))L2 Theorem 1 Let un and unh be the solution of (46) and (48 ),
(cx Db (Jh u − u),ca D𝛾∕2 (Ih u − u))L2 . respectively, the following estimate holds
‖un − un ‖ = O((Δt)2 ) + O(hr−𝛾∕2 ).
Let v = Jh u − Ih u in (49), we obtain ‖ h‖

unh − un = 𝜓 + 𝜙, (57)
𝜓 = unh − Jh un , 𝜙 = Jh un − un .

From lemma 8,

Mathematical Sciences

‖𝜙‖2 ≲ h2r−𝛾 ‖un ‖2H r (Ω). (58) (1 − 0.5(Δt)2 K(tn , tn ))(un , un )

𝛾∕2 𝛾∕2
+ 𝜌Δt(ca D𝛾∕2 un ,cx Db un ) + 𝜌Δt(cx Db un ,ca D𝛾∕2 un )
Subtracting (48)–(46) and taking v = 𝜓 = unh − Jh un , we get x x
CB (unh − un , unh − Jh un ) = (un−1 , un ) + K(tn , t0 )(u0 , un )
+ 𝜌Δt(ca D𝛾∕2
(unh − Jh un ),cx Db (unh − Jh un )) ∑

𝛾∕2 (59) + (Δt)2 K(tn , tj )(uj , un ).

+ 𝜌Δt(cx Db (unh − Jh un ),ca D𝛾∕2 n n
x (uh − Jh u )) j=1

= zero + O((Δt)2 ), (65)

Using Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, we obtain
where CB = (1 − 0.5(Δt)2 K(tn , tn )). By lemma 6, we get
(un−k , un ) ≤
1 � n−k �2
CB (unh − Jh un , unh − Jh un ) [�u � + ‖un ‖2 ].
2 � �
+ CB (Jh un − un , unh − Jh un ) + CD ||unh − Jh un ||H 𝛾∕2
(60) From Eq. (65) and Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, we obtain
= zero + O((Δt) ),
(1 − 0.5(Δt)2 K(tn , tn ))‖un ‖2L
where CD = 2 cos( 𝜋𝛾 )𝜌Δt. Arranging the terms of Eq. (60),

+ 2𝜌(Δt)(cos 𝜋𝛾)�c 𝛾 n�
2 2
we get �a Dx u �L 2

≤ [�un−1 � + ‖un ‖2 ] +
1 � �2 (Δt)2 � �2 (66)
CB (unh − Jh un , unh − Jh un ) + CD ||unh − Jh un ||H 𝛾∕2 K(tn , t0 )[�u0 �

(61) 2 � � 4 � �
= CB (un − Jh un , unh − Jh un ) + O((Δt) ). 2 �
(Δt) � �2
+ ‖un ‖2 ] + K(tn , tj )[�uj � + ‖un ‖2 ].
2 � �
For any small 𝜀 > 0, we have j=1

‖un − J un ‖2 𝛾∕2 ≲ C ‖un − J un ‖2 Equation (66) can be simplified to

‖ h h ‖H 𝜀‖ h ‖
‖ n n ‖2
+ 𝜀‖uh − Jh u ‖ + O((Δt)2 ), 1 1 (Δt)2
[ − (Δt)2 K(tn , tn ) − K(tn , t0 )
2 2 4
where C𝜀 is a constant with respect to 𝜀.
(Δt)2 �

�un − J un � 𝛾∕2 ≲ C ‖𝜙‖ 𝛾∕2 + − K(tn , tj )]‖un ‖2

� h h �H 𝜀 H 2 j=1
(63) (67)
≤ �un−1 � +
O((Δt)2 ) ≲ hr−𝛾∕2 ‖un ‖H r + O((Δt)2 ). 1� �2 (Δt)2 � �2
K(tn , t0 )�u0 �
2� � 4 � �
Combining Eqs. (58) and (62), we get
(Δt)2 �
� �2
�un − un � 𝛾∕2 = ‖𝜓 + 𝜙‖ 𝛾∕2 = O(hr−𝛾∕2 ) + O((Δt)2 ). (64) + K(tn , tj )�uj � .
� h �H H 2 � �

 ◻ We prove the stability of Eq. (48) by induction, at n = 1,

we have

K(t1 , t0 )]‖u1 ‖ ≤ [ +
Stability 1 1 (Δt)2 ‖ ‖2 1
[ − (Δt)2 K(t1 , t1 ) −
2 2 4 ‖ ‖L 2

(Δt)2 ‖ 0 ‖2
Theorem 2 The FEM defined in (46) is unconditionally K(t1 , t0 )]‖u ‖ ,
4 ‖ ‖
which leads to
Proof Let v = u n,
f (x, t) = 0, from Eq. (46), we have ‖ 1‖ ‖ 0‖
‖u ‖ ≲ ‖u ‖.
‖ ‖ ‖ ‖
For the induction step, we have
‖ n−1 ‖ ‖ n−2 ‖ ‖ ‖
‖u ‖ ≲ ‖u ‖ ≲ ⋯ ≲ ‖u0 ‖.
‖ ‖ ‖ ‖ ‖ ‖
Using this result, we obtain

Mathematical Sciences

1 1 (Δt)2 Numerical examples

[ − (Δt)2 K(tn , tn ) − K(tn , t0 )
2 2 4
The following examples are introduced to illustrate the
(Δt)2 �
− K(tn , tj )]‖un ‖2 accuracy of the procedure proposed. For this purpose, two
2 j=1 (69)
figures are shown for each example. The first figure shows
the L2norm of error with respect to the number of degrees of
≤[ +
(Δt)2 �
1 (Δt)2 � �2
K(tn , t0 ) + K(tn , tj )]�u0 � , freedom (DOFs), and the second figure shows the L∞norm
2 4 2 j=1 � �
of error. In the following examples, 𝛼 will denotes the frac-
which leads to tional order of Riesz, T denotes the final time, 𝜏 denotes the
tolerance, and Δt denotes the time step. The three examples
� � are presented at different values for 𝛼, Δt and T to present
‖un ‖ ≲ �u0 �.
� � different cases for the problems.
Example 1 Consider the following problem

Fig. 1  L2norm of error over the domain of example (1) Fig. 3  L2norm of error over the domain of example (2)

Fig. 2  L∞norm of error over the domain of example (1) Fig. 4  L∞norm of error over the domain of example (2)

Mathematical Sciences

Example 2 Consider Eq. (70) with boundary and initial con-

ditions as in (71), while the exact solution is provided by
u(x, t) = x(2a) (1 − x(2a) ) .
Here, we take 𝛼 = 0.9, T = 0.5, 𝜏 = 10−3 , Δt = 0.01.
The L2 norm of error and the L∞norm of the error are
calculated for the gradient and shown in Figs. 3 and 4,

Example 3 Consider Eq. (70), while the exact solution is

provided by

u(x, t) = (1 − x2 ) sin−1 (x)e−t ,

Fig. 5  L2norm of error over the domain of example (3)
with boundary and initial conditions as in (71). In this
example, we take 𝛼 = 0.5, T = 1, 𝜏 = 10−2 , Δt = 0.001.The
proposed procedure is applied and the L2norm and the L∞
norm of the error of the gradient and shown in Figs. 5 and 6,
Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the three examples show that
the error of the adaptive refinement is better than that of
the uniform refinement at the same number of nodes. This
reflects the strength of the proposed procedure as it indicates
that the adaptive scheme was successful in refining the mesh
at the elements which have the higher error.


The aim of this work is to increase the accuracy of FEM

Fig. 6  L∞norm of error over the domain of example (3)
approximations to space fractional partial integro-differential
equation defined in Riesz sense via using an adaptive refine-
ment scheme. Thus, we deduced the fractional derivatives of
𝜕u 𝜕 1+𝛼 u(x, t) FEM bases at nonuniform mesh. These derivatives were suc-

= + (t2 + s2 )u(x, s)ds + f (x, t), cessfully employed to recover the gradient of the considered
𝜕t 𝜕|x| 1+𝛼
0 problem and use this recovered gradient as an a posteriori
x ∈ (0, 1), t ∈ (0, T), error estimator that controls the adaptive refinement process.
Some numerical simulations were performed, and the results
with the boundary and initial conditions given as follows clearly show that the proposed adaptive scheme yields better
u(x, 0) =0, 0 < x < 1, accuracy than the uniform refinement at the same number of
(71) nodes. Also, the theoretical analysis for the error estimate
u(0, t) =0, u(1, t) = 0, 0 < t < T,
and the stability of the scheme was presented. These find-
while the exact solution is provided by ings can help researchers to obtain high-accuracy results
for problems that involve Riesz fractional order derivative
u(x, t) = 25 ∗ e−t x6 (1 − x)6 . (72) where the solution exhibits fast changes while maintaining
low computational cost. The non-classical differentiation of
In this example, we take 𝛼 = 0.9, T = 1, 𝜏 = 10−4 , Δt = 0.01.
the basic functions for FEM solutions to problems should
Fig. 1 shows the L2norm of error calculated for the gradient
be designed to suit nonuniform meshes to allow for adaptive
in two cases, the adaptive case and the uniform refinement
refinement techniques.
case, whereas Fig. 2 shows the L∞norm of the error over all
the elements in the whole domain, which is also calculated
for the two cases. Funding Open access funding provided by The Science, Technology
& Innovation Funding Authority (STDF) in cooperation with The

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