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Due to the global concern in decreasing the visual consequences of global warming, some people

raised the question “how could individuals take action to save the planet”. Indeed, there are many
ways to reuse inorganic material, minimize air pollution and raise awareness about this common

First of all, some people follow the 3R’s rules which means “Reuse, Reduce and Recycle”. Applying
this simple approach to daily life, individuals could improve the reduction of wastes. For example,
some plastic wrappers and glass containers can be reused as household vessels.

Furthermore, individuals may opt for walking and cycling instead of driving an automobile. Not
only it will help to diminish the carbon footprint in the air, but also it will be beneficial for their
physical health.

In addition, the best way to ensure these strategies is by educating society. This can be achieved
by raising awareness through campaign and talks that show the negative effects that is causing
contamination all around the world.

All in all, it is worth acknowledging that individual’s effort is not enough to controvert pollution
worldwide because it depends, in its majority, on the industrial activity ruled by big companies.

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