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UNIT 1 Who Am I?

Track 1.1
N: Listening, Unit 1, Page 8, B

ExN: You will hear a teenage girl asking a man about tennis lessons. Listen and complete
each question. You will hear the conversation twice.

Teenage girl: Hi, I’d like some information about the tennis lessons, please. Can I
speak to someone about them?
Man: Yes, of course. I give the lessons, actually, so I can help you. I’m Kyle
Teenage girl: Oh, great. Sorry, how do you spell your surname?
Man: It’s J-O-H-N-S-O-N. So, what do you want to know about the
Teenage girl: Well, first of all, how many lessons are there?
Man: It’s a twelve-week course and we meet twice a week. So that’s
twenty-four lessons.
Teenage girl: I see. And how long does each lesson last?
Man: The lessons begin at 6 pm and they are an hour and a half long. So
we finish at 7.30.
Teenage girl: OK. What days do we meet?
Man: Every Tuesday and Thursday.
Teenage girl: And how much does the course cost?
Man: Each lesson is 20 pounds, so the whole course is four hundred and
eighty pounds.
Teenage girl: OK, great. So, how do I join?
Man: Let me get you a pen and one of our forms … <fade out>

ExN: Now listen again.

Track 1.2
N: Listening, Unit 1, Page 8, C. Listen again and check your answers.

UNIT 2 Look At Me!

Track 2.1

N: Listening, Unit 2, Page 14, B

ExN: Listen to Alexander talk to his friend Rocco about a sporting team. For each question
choose the right answer (a, b or c). You will hear the conversation twice.

Rocco: Hey Alexander, did you enjoy the match last week?
Alexander: I had a great time, Rocco! My favourite player was playing – Roger
Stevens. I actually met him after the match. He’s really friendly.
Rocco: Oh, good. Sometimes sports stars are a bit unkind, you know. They
think they’re too famous to talk to you, so they’re just horrible.
Which one is he? I forget.

Alexander: He’s got bright red hair at the moment. He changed it a few weeks
ago. Sometimes it’s blonde, but his real hair colour is dark brown.
Rocco: Oh, yes. I saw him on TV a couple of weeks ago. He’s a great player.
He’s not very tall, though. How does he play basketball so well?
Alexander: You don’t need to be tall. You just need to be skilful. He started
when he was very young. Now he’s in his thirties.
Rocco: Who was his team playing against?
Alexander: A team from Lincoln. They’re not bad, but the team Roger played
against two weeks ago was better, the team from Brighton. Today
they’re playing in Leeds. I think Roger’s team might lose; the other
team is quite good!
Rocco: Who did you go to the match with?
Alexander: My friend Kyle was there, plus my dad. I wanted you to go too,
Rocco, but you were busy.
Rocco: Yeah, I had to study for an exam. I was in my room all night. But
maybe next time.
Alexander: Definitely! OK, talk to you later.

Ex N: Now listen again.

Track 2.2
N: Listening, Unit 2, Page 14, C. Listen again and check your answers.

UNIT 3 Let’s Get Together

Track 3.1
N: Listening, Unit 3, Page 22, B

ExN: You will hear five short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice. There is
one question for each conversation. For each question, choose the right answer (a, b or c).

Ex N: 1 What is Claire getting for her birthday?

Woman: What are we getting Claire for her birthday? I want to get her
something for school.
Man: What about a new rucksack? She needs something to carry her
books in, and the one she has is quite old.
Woman: Oh, she loves that rucksack! She’ll never throw it away. Maybe we
should get her something she can use to do her homework, like a
nice new desk.
Man: That’s a great idea. I know a great furniture shop. Let’s go there.
Ex N: Now listen again.

Ex N: 2 What is Tom wearing to the party?

Tom: Trish, help me choose a shirt to wear to the party tonight.
Trish: OK, Tom. Let’s see. How about this one? It’s summer, so white is a
good choice.
Tom: No, I’ll probably get it dirty. You know me! How about this shirt with
the black and white stripes? It’s fun, isn’t it?

Trish: I don’t like that one at all. I think maybe this black one is the best
choice. If you get it dirty, no one will know.
Tom: OK. It’s decided, then.
Ex N: Now listen again.

Ex N: 3 What time is the exam taking place?

Wendy: Are you ready for the exam tomorrow, Jason?
Jason: I think so, Wendy. I’m getting there a bit early to revise. We should
be there early anyway, the teacher said. She wants us to be in class
30 minutes before the start of the exam.
Wendy: It’s at 10 am, isn’t it?
Jason: Yes, so we should be there at 9.30. But I’m going at 9 so I have a full
hour to revise.
Ex N: Now listen again.

Ex N: 4 Where is Cindy going to hear music?

Kyle: Are you excited about the music festival tomorrow, Cindy?
Cindy: I am, although my brother isn’t coming. He wants to go to a football
match at the stadium instead. I asked him to come with us, but he
says no. How often do we hear music in the streets of our own
Kyle: Yes, he should come. But, oh well, he can do what he wants. We’re
meeting in the park later that day if you want to join us after the
Cindy: I’d love to!
Ex N: Now listen again.

Ex N: 5 When is Paul coming for a visit?

Renee: Isn’t your friend visiting you soon, Bobby?
Bobby: Yes, my friend Paul. School starts in September, so he’s coming after
Renee: I see. Well, there’s a big art exhibition in October. Hopefully, he’ll be
here for that.
Bobby: Yes, that’s what he’s coming for. Well, and to see me, although we’ll
see each other in December when we have the winter holidays.
Ex N: Now listen again.

Track 3.2
N: Listening, Unit 3, Page 22, C. Listen again and check your answers.

UNIT 4 A Day in the Life

Track 4.1
N: Listening, Unit 4, Page 28, B

ExN: Listen to Nia talking to her friend Sam about cooking. For each question, choose the
right answer (a, b or c). You will hear the conversation twice.

Nia: Hi Sam, are you coming over to my house to cook today?

Sam: Yes, Nia. I’m looking forward to it. I’m waiting for my mum to get back from
the restaurant where she works. Then I’ll leave my house and walk over to
Nia: OK, great. Are you hungry? I made some sandwiches. We can eat those
before we start cooking.
Sam: Oh, good. I don’t want a big lunch, so that’s fine. Then we can make the
chocolate banana cake! It’s my favourite dessert in the world!
Nia: Yes, I’m really excited about making it, with your help of course. What time
will you get here?
Sam: Mum gets home at one, so I’ll probably leave my house at two. It takes an
hour, so I’ll see you at three. Is that OK?
Nia: Sure. I’m glad we’re doing this because I want to practise making a dessert.
My family will love it!
Sam: We’re going to make a delicious cake. You could sell it for a lot of money, it’ll
be so good!
Nia: Yeah! Do you know how long it will take to make it?
Sam: Yes, it’ll take us about 25 minutes to get it ready for the oven. Then we’ll put
it in the oven for 35 minutes. So, all in all, it will take about an hour.
Nia: Great. That’s not long at all. So, I’ll wait for you to get here.
Sam: OK, Nia, see you soon!

Ex N: Now listen again.

Track 4.2
N: Listening, Unit 4, Page 28, C. Listen again and check your answers.

UNIT 5 Home Sweet Home

Track 5.1
N: Listening, Unit 5, Page 36, B

ExN: Listen to two friends talking about jobs around the house. Who does which job? For
questions 1–5 write a letter A–G next to each item. You will hear the conversation twice.

Peter: Julie, have you got a lot of jobs to do in the house?

Julie: Not really, Peter. There are four of us in my family, plus my mum and dad.
These days I just do the washing up. I used to tidy the living room, but I
don’t do that anymore.
Peter: I see. With so many people in the house, there’s less work for everyone to
do. I’ve got a big family, too, and the only thing I have to do is clean my
Julie: I share a bedroom with my sister Sandra. We’re both so tidy that our
bedroom is never messy. And because I do the washing up, Sandra’s job is to
clean the bathroom that we share. She’s quite cool about it. She doesn’t
Peter: I wish my brother Hank were that cool. He’s supposed to hang out the
washing, but he’s lazy. He does it eventually, though.
Julie: What about your garden? Who takes care of that?

Peter: We actually pay someone to do it. My family doesn’t like doing much with
the garden. I don’t either!
Julie: Oh, that’s a shame. We don’t have a garden, but we do have a small patio,
and my brother Bill keeps that tidy.
Peter: Well, speaking of cleaning, I’ve got some to do, so I think I should go. Talk to
you later.
Julie: Bye!

Ex N: Now listen again.

Track 5.2
N: Listening, Unit 5, Page 36, C. Listen again and check your answers.

UNIT 6 The Place to Be

Track 6.1
N: Listening, Unit 6, Page 42, B

ExN: You will hear some information about a sports centre. Listen and complete each
question. You will hear the information twice.

Man: You have reached Al’s Sports Centre. The centre is closed at the moment. It
is open from 9 am to 11 pm daily. If you need to speak to someone straight
away, you can call the sports centre’s manager, Al Black, on 0446728731.

At Al’s Sports Centre, our job is to give you the best workout you can get. All
of our machines and equipment are new, and our employees are here to
help you as much as we can. The centre is at 126 Shelton Road, just down
the road from Richmond Stadium. Our monthly fees start at 35 pounds for a
basic membership.

We would also like to tell you about our new yoga class. Our instructor,
Natasha Cho, is a trained yoga instructor with 15 years’ experience. The
class starts on the 6th of September and will be twice a week. Call during
our opening hours for more information.

Thank you for calling Al’s Sports Centre. Good bye.

Ex N: Now listen again.

Track 6.2
N: Listening, Unit 6, Page 42, C. Listen again and check your answers.

UNIT 7 Time Out!

Track 7.1
N: Listening, Unit 7, Page 50, B

ExN: Listen to Sylvia and Patrick talking about their friends and different activities. What
does each person do in their free time? For questions 1–5, write a letter A–G next to each
person. You will hear the conversation twice.

Sylvia: I’m so glad our exams are finally over, aren’t you? I need some time to relax.
Patrick: I know. I haven’t been able to do anything I like doing, only studying. I miss
going hiking, which is my favourite thing to do.
Sylvia: Oh, really? That’s cool. I usually hang out round the house reading
magazines when I have nothing to do. I enjoy that a lot.
Patrick: You’re welcome to go hiking with me if you like. I ask my brother Louis to
come all the time, but he always says no. He’s busy with his video games.
That’s fun sometimes, but not all the time, you know?
Sylvia: Yes, it’s just like Miranda. She never stops talking on the phone.
Patrick: Actually, I think she chats online instead now. Talking on the phone is
expensive, and online chat is free.
Sylvia: Oh, I see. Well, at least she’s saving money. Have you seen Hamish lately?
Has he been busy at the swimming club?
Patrick: Not exactly. He gave up swimming a while ago. He said he got bored with it.
He spends a lot of time in his garden now. I visited him last weekend and it
looks really great.
Sylvia: Ah, that’s a good thing to do in your free time. I’ll have to see what he’s
done. Well, I had better go. Talk to you later, Patrick!
Patrick: Bye, Sylvia!

Ex N: Now listen again.

Track 7.2
N: Listening, Unit 7, Page 50, C. Listen again and check your answers.

UNIT 8 Personal Best

Track 8.1
N: Listening, Unit 8, Page 56, B

ExN: You will hear a woman on the radio talking about a rock climbing class. Listen and
complete each question. You will hear the information twice.

Woman: I’m happy to announce that Hamilton’s Gym has built a new rock climbing
area. That’s great news for all those adventurous people who don’t have
time to drive to the mountains every day! The gym is starting a rock climbing
class. You can join the class from the sixteenth of this month. The teacher
only has space for forty climbers, so make sure you join soon before the
class is full. You have to be thirteen or older to join, so younger children will
have to wait a few more years. The course is five weeks long and costs 35
pounds, so it’s a good deal. You don’t have to be a member of the gym to
join, so that’s great for people who just want to do rock climbing. Call
Hamilton’s Gym for more information on 00448732.
Ex N: Now listen again.

Track 8.2

N: Listening, Unit 8, Page 56, C. Listen again and check your answers.

UNIT 9 Take a Break

Track 9.1
N: Listening, Unit 9, Page 64, B

ExN: You will hear five short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice. There is
one question for each conversation. For each question, choose the right answer (a, b or c).

Ex N: 1 Which continent is the man visiting?

Speaker A: Did you finally decide where to go on holiday? Let me guess …
Speaker B: You would think so, but no. It’s a bit far away. Plus it’s winter there
at the moment. Not much fun.
Speaker A: Oh, so you’re going somewhere warm. Let me see … is it Brazil?
Speaker B: Actually, I’ve been to South America already. I wanted to go
somewhere new. I’m going on an African safari. And I’m all ready to
Ex N: Now listen again.

Ex N: 2 How long are the couple going on holiday for?

Speaker A: I can’t wait to go on holiday. It’s only one week away, isn’t it?
Speaker B: That’s right. Then it’s two weeks in sunny Thailand. We’re going to
have a great time.
Speaker A: Yeah! It’s a shame we can’t stay an extra week.
Speaker B: It’s OK. Three weeks is too long to be on holiday anyway.
Ex N: Now listen again.

Ex N: 3 Where is the boy going to stay?

Speaker A: Are you ready for your camping trip?
Speaker B: Oh, didn’t I tell you? There has been a change of plan. My parents
decided that they weren’t keen on camping. It might rain.
Speaker A: Oh, so you’re going to stay in a hotel then?
Speaker B: Well, we’ve got the caravan, so we’re just going to take that. It’s got
everything we need, really.
Ex N: Now listen again.

Ex N: 4 When is Natalie’s flight?

Speaker A: Are you looking forward to your holiday, Natalie?
Speaker B: I am, except that I have to get up so early to catch the flight. The
plane leaves at 8 am, so I won’t have much time to get ready.
Speaker A: That’s not so bad, is it?
Speaker B: Well, I have to get to the airport at 7 am. And that means I have to
leave the house at 6. It’s very early when you think about it!
Ex N: Now listen again.

Ex N: 5 How did John feel on his holiday?

Speaker A: Hi, John. Did you enjoy the long weekend?
Speaker B: No, I didn’t have fun at all. My dad lost his wallet, which made him
quite angry. My sister just listened to music all the time. I think she
was bored.
Speaker A: And you? Were you bored as well?
Speaker B: In fact, I was really ill. I had to stay in the hotel the whole time. It
wasn’t the best weekend, to say the least.
Ex N: Now listen again.

Track 9.2
N: Listening, Unit 9, Page 64, C. Listen again and check your answers.

UNIT 10 Road Trip!

Track 10.1
N: Listening, Unit 10, Page 70, B

ExN: You will hear a woman asking a man about a guided tour. Listen and complete each
question. You will hear the conversation twice.

Man: Beijing Tours. How can I help you?

Woman: Hi, I would like some information about your tour of the Great Wall
of China.
Man: Yes, of course. What would you like to know?
Woman: How long does the walking tour last?
Man: It is an all-day tour which lasts about eight hours. We tour some
parts of the wall that are near the city.
Woman: Great. And what time does the tour begin?
Man: We leave from the Royal Hotel at 7 am and go straight to the part of
the wall called the Mutianyu Great Wall. It is very well-preserved
and quite pleasant for walking.
Woman: Sounds nice. And what about lunch?
Man: We will stop for a traditional Chinese lunch at 12.30 pm at a
restaurant near the wall.
Woman: Lovely. How much of the wall will we see?
Man: Well, the wall in the Beijing region is 620 kilometres long. We won’t
see all of it, of course! But we’ll see some of the best parts of it.
Woman: Right. And finally, how much is the tour?
Man: It’s 23 pounds per person.
Woman: Great. Well, I’d like tickets for two people, please.
Man: Certainly, I can help you with that … <fade out>

Ex N: Now listen again.

Track 10.2
N: Listening, Unit 10, Page 70, C. Listen again and check your answers.

UNIT 11 It’s Raining Cats & Dogs

Track 11.1
N: Listening, Unit 11, Page 78, B

ExN: You will hear a student tell their class about a recent holiday. Listen and complete each
question. You will hear the information twice.

Speaker: This summer I travelled with my parents to my dad’s village in India

where he grew up. My dad is from a beautiful and very green part of
northeast India, near Mawsynram. The temperature was 28 degrees
during the day, and not much lower at night. What’s interesting
about this area is it has a very long rainy season. It gets the most
rain of anywhere in the world. In fact, in 1985, while my dad was still
living there, the region had 2,600 centimetres of rain. That’s a lot of
water! Luckily, it doesn’t rain that much every year. However, we
visited during July, which happened to be the wettest month of the
year. So, it rained every day we were there, but I still loved it

Ex N: Now listen again.

Track 11.2
N: Listening, Unit 11, Page 78, C. Listen again and check your answers.

UNIT 12 The World Around Us

Track 12.1
N: Listening, Unit 12, Page 84, B

ExN: Listen to Jessica talking to her classmate Jorge about his home country. For each
question, choose the right answer (a, b or c). You will hear the conversation twice.

Jessica: Hi, Jorge. How was your summer holiday? Did you go back to Spain?
Jorge: No, actually I didn’t do much this summer. My parents and I went
back to our village in spring, so we didn’t go again in summer. Now
that it’s autumn, though, I wish I did.
Jessica: Ah, really? Do you miss Spain?
Jorge: Sometimes. I love the UK, but there are some things I like to do
there that aren’t as good here, like swimming. Of course, I don’t
miss the hot summer weather in Spain, or the fact that it doesn’t
rain a lot for a long time.
Jessica: Well, there’s plenty of rain here! So where did you use to swim in
Jorge: I lived in Andalucia, in a city called Jerez. We used to go to beaches
on the Atlantic Ocean. They were about ten kilometres from our
house, so we could be there in about twenty minutes. We used to
stay for hours, having fun.
Jessica: Was there anything to do besides swimming?

Jorge: Well, it used to get windy, so you could go windsurfing. That’s

exciting, although it’s very tiring. The beach is near a national park,
where you can go bird watching and enjoy nature. I like visiting,
although I’m not keen on watching birds. It’s a bit boring! My
brother and I often rode bikes.
Jessica: It sounds beautiful. Do lots of animals live in the park?
Jorge: Oh yes. There are wild cats, deer and turtles. There are even horses
there, which is what I love seeing the most. The park is known for its
Iberian lynx, which is a type of wild cat. They’re really beautiful, but
they’re at risk of becoming extinct. I’m glad they have a protected
area to live in.
Jessica: Gosh, that sounds like a terrific park to grow up near. I’d love to
Jorge: One day we’ll go!

Ex N: Now listen again.

Track 12.2
N: Listening, Unit 12, Page 84, C. Listen again and check your answers.

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