CDS Diferent SnO2 Substrate

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Applied Surface Science 140 Ž1999.


Cadmium sulphide growth investigations on different SnO 2

M.A. Martınez )
´ J. Herrero
, C. Guillen,
´ RenoÕables (CIEMAT), AÕda. Complutense 22, E-28040 Madrid, Spain
Departamento de Energıas
Received 20 August 1998; accepted 30 September 1998


Optical, structural and morphological properties of chemical bath deposited cadmium sulphide, CdS, on different
commercial SnO 2rglass substrates have been analysed. Although CdS–SnO 2 bilayer optical behaviour is directly deter-
mined by tin oxide characteristics, cadmium sulphide optical features remain independent on substrates. CdS covers the layer
underneath in a continuous and homogeneous way, having a grain size between 100 and 300 nm, dependent on substrate
morphology. 4008C, 20 min air-annealing treatment has produced only a light decrease in the average visible transmission of
CdS–SnO 2 bilayers. q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: CdS; Polycrystalline; Thin film; Buffer layer

1. Introduction this kind of applications, because this technique of-

fers the advantages of a conformal coverage on
Superstrate-type CdTe and CuInSe 2-based photo-
rough surface at minimal thicknesses, easily and at a
voltaic solar cells are made on glass coated by
low cost w1,3,5x.
transparent conductive oxides, TCO, such as tin
The objective of this work is to study the CdS
oxide, SnO 2 , or indium tin oxide, ITO, over which a
growth on commercial glass and SnO 2rglass sub-
thin cadmium sulphide, CdS, layer is deposited w1,2x.
strates by CBD under different preparation condi-
The investigation on combined TCO–CdS window
tions. A high optical transmission is an essential
layers has recently been developed owing to the
requirement for window bilayers but, also, structure,
great interest in better understanding the effect of
morphology and grain configuration are very impor-
these bilayers on the final photovoltaic response
w3,4x. Although TCO-coated glass substrates are tant for junction formation, contacting and photon
engineering. Taking into account this fact, the influ-
commercially available with suitable photovoltaic
ence of the substrate and chemicals ratio on the
quality, CdS optimisation remains still in progress at
optical, structural and morphological properties has
laboratory scale. Chemical bath deposition, CBD, is
been evaluated.
the most adequate method to produce CdS films for
Considering the photovoltaic applications, in
which after CdS deposition subsequent device fabri-
Corresponding author. Tel.: q34-91-3466669; Fax: q34-91- cation processes involve heat treatments at high tem-
3466037; E-mail: peratures w1,2x, the effect of a typical air-annealing

0169-4332r99r$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 9 - 4 3 3 2 Ž 9 8 . 0 0 5 8 7 - X
´ et al.r Applied Surface Science 140 (1999) 182–189
M.A. Martınez 183

treatment on CdS–SnO 2rglass window bilayers has in Fig. 1. Considering its photovoltaic applications,
been also studied. the study has been focused on the global CdS–SnO 2
bilayer optical behaviour, as more useful window
parameter than the minute aspects of the individual
2. Experimental procedure or interface features. Data deduced from the optical
spectra have been analysed Žsee Fig. 2. in two
Cadmium sulphide thin films have been grown distinct intervals: visible Ž400–800 nm. and infrared
both on uncoated sodalime glass and two commer- Ž800–1500 nm., in order to evaluate the influence of
cial tin oxide coatings, named A and B-type SnO 2 , CdS and SnO 2rglass substrates on each region. Ex-
with different characteristics. Previous investigations perimental data have demonstrated CdS–SnO 2 bi-
on CdS growth process onto uncoated glass sub- layer transmission is more dependent on type of
strates have allowed us to choose some of the depo- SnO 2 substrates than on thiourea concentration used
sition parameters to obtain a good CdS quality with during CdS deposition process. SnO 2 ŽA.rglass sub-
an accurate thickness control w5,6x. Such parameters strate has shown a higher average transmission in the
have been maintained constant at: wCdSO4 x s 1 mM, visible range, about 10%, and in the infrared one,
wNH 3 x s 2 M, 10 min deposition time and 708C bath about 5%. CdS–SnO 2 bilayers have maintained the
temperature. Only thiourea, SCŽNH 2 . 2 , named also same average transmission ratios than SnO 2 sub-
TU, concentration has been varied between 10 and strates. A light increase in the optical transmission,
100 mM. not higher than 5%, appears with thiourea raise in
Film thicknesses have been measured by utilising both SnO 2rglass substrates. This CdS transmission
a Dektak 3030 surface profile measurement unit. increase with wTUx has been already observed on
Optical transmission has been evaluated at room uncoated glass substrates w5,6x and it has been at-
temperature with unpolarised light at normal inci- tributed to the growth process limitation on the glass
dence in the wavelength range from 300 to 1500 nm, by enhancing the one in the bulk of the solution.
with a Perkin-Elmer Lambda 9 double beam spectro- Taking into account that after CdS deposition
photometer. Crystalline structure has been analysed subsequent photovoltaic device fabrication processes
by a Philips X’Pert Ž40 kV, 50 mA. X-ray diffrac- involve heat treatments at high temperatures w1,2x,
tometer using the filtered K a emission line of cop- the influence of a typical 4008C air-annealing on
per. Morphology has been studied by a JEOL- CdS–SnO 2rglass has been also tested. In this way,
JSM5800 scanning electron microscope. Topography 4008C air-annealed CdS–SnO 2 bilayers have pre-
imaging and roughness quantification have been car-
ried out by a Topometerix TMX2000 atomic force
microscope. Samples have been studied as-grown
and also after an air-annealing at 4008C for 20 min
in a tubular furnace, in order to test and compare
their evolution.

3. Results and discussion

Preceding studies have indicated CdS deposited

on glass substrates, under deposition conditions men-
tioned in Section 2, presents simultaneously a very
accurate thickness, 70 " 10 nm and a good optoelec-
tronic, structural and morphological quality w5,6x.
Owing to this fact, CdS has been prepared in such Fig. 1. Optical transmission spectra related to different
conditions on different SnO 2rglass substrates and SnO 2 rglass substrates and the corresponding CdS–SnO 2 bilay-
some typical optical transmission spectra can be seen ers. CdS has been prepared in the same conditions.
184 ´ et al.r Applied Surface Science 140 (1999) 182–189
M.A. Martınez

Fig. 2. Evolution of average transmission with thiourea concentra-

tion for CdS samples deposited on distinct SnO 2 rglass substrates. Fig. 4. XRD spectra associated with CdS grown on various
substrates: Ža. glass, Žb. SnO 2 ŽA.rglass and Žc. SnO 2 ŽB.rglass.

sented only a light decrease in the 400-800 nm X-ray diffraction patterns related to CBD–CdS
wavelength range associated with the bandgap nar- thin films on glass and A and B-type SnO 2rglass
rowing of the CdS w6–8x due to the out diffusion of substrates are plotted in Fig. 4. Tin oxide substrates
hydrogen and oxygen species w9x. Annealed samples present a mixture of phases corresponding with te-
have exhibited a visually detected colour change tragonal 1 and cubic 2 systems, having A-type SnO 2
from light-yellow to brownish-orange. Fig. 3 illus- lower crystallinity than B-type and different prefer-
trates this effect for a CdS sample made on B-type ential orientation. Three CdS diffraction peaks can
SnO 2rglass substrate. Similar effect has been de- be identified on the glass substrate, corresponding
tected for both uncoated glass w6x and A-type with 3.34 " 0.03, 2.05 " 0.01 and 1.75 " 0.01 A ˚
SnO 2rglass substrates. interplanar spacings. These experimental data may
The most important conclusions obtained from be attributed to the hexagonal structure 3 , but the
optical characterisation are that the type of SnO 2 three highest hexagonal peaks do not match with the
substrate does not affect optical CdS properties, and detected ones. Our experimental X-ray diffraction
CdS–SnO 2 bilayer optical features are directly deter- positions are more close to the three main Ž111.,
mined by tin oxide behaviour. Ž220. and Ž311. CdS cubic peaks 4 and, then, the
cubic structure has been assigned to these CBD–CdS
films. Unfortunately, Ž111. and Ž311. peaks are
screened by the more crystalline tin oxide structure,
but the detected Ž220. cadmium sulphide peak does
not show any variation neither with the thiourea
ˇ ´
concentration nor with the substrate used. Touskova
et al. w10x have reported, by using more sensitive
XRD measurements, also cubic structure for CBD–
CdS layers, independent both on substrate type and
bath solution. 4008C air-annealing treatment does not
modify the CdS–SnO 2 crystalline structure, thus in-

X-ray powder data file JCPDS no. 41-1445.
X-ray powder data file JCPDS no. 33-1374.
Fig. 3. Effect of the 4008C, 20 min air-annealing treatment on the X-ray powder data file JCPDS no. 41-1049.
average transmission of CdS–SnO 2 ŽB. bilayers. X-ray powder data file JCPDS no. 10-0454.
´ et al.r Applied Surface Science 140 (1999) 182–189
M.A. Martınez 185

dicating that any recrystallisation and interdiffusion and homogeneous way, having a grain size depen-
processes have not taken place significantly. Dis- dent on substrate. In this way, while cadmium sul-
crepancies about the CdS structural changes by an- phide deposited on SnO 2 ŽA.rglass presents grain
nealing have been found in literature. Some authors diameters between 100 and 150 nm, these ones
w11x have reported a structural variation in CdS, increase up to 200–300 nm when a SnO 2 ŽB.rglass
taking place near about 3008C. On the contrary, substrate is utilised. Such grain size variation may be
another experimental data w10,12x, more similar to attributed to the differently ordered topography of
ours, have shown steady CdS structure following the SnO 2 sublayers. The improvement of the CdS
annealing at 4008C in air atmosphere, even though grain size cannot be related with any XRD peak
the optical bandgap and sample colour change, prob- modification, thus indicating that each grain ob-
ably owing to compositional but not structural modi- served under the microscope could be a cluster of
fication w6–9x. submicroscopic crystallites. SnO 2 sublayer topogra-
CdS on SnO 2rglass substrates morphology as phy influences CdS cluster size but not the submi-
analysed by means of SEM is illustrated in Fig. 5. croscopic crystalline structure.
From these images, it has been proven that cadmium In order to achieve more insight into surface
sulphide covers the layer underneath in a continuous structural features of substrates and CdS–SnO 2 bi-

Fig. 5. Frontal and cross-sectional SEM images of two different CdS–SnO 2 bilayers. Ža. CdS on SnO 2 ŽA.rglass and Žb. CdS on
SnO 2 ŽB.rglass.
186 ´ et al.r Applied Surface Science 140 (1999) 182–189
M.A. Martınez

Fig. 6. AFM images of the distinct substrates: Ža. glass, Žb. SnO 2 ŽA.rglass and Žc. SnO 2 ŽB.rglass.
´ et al.r Applied Surface Science 140 (1999) 182–189
M.A. Martınez 187

Fig. 7. AFM images related to: Ža. CdS on glass, Žb. CdS on SnO 2 ŽA.rglass and Žc. CdS on SnO 2 ŽB.rglass.
188 ´ et al.r Applied Surface Science 140 (1999) 182–189
M.A. Martınez

layers, AFM images have been performed. This tech- tural and morphologically studied for photovoltaic
nique offers digital images which allow quantitative applications.
measurements of surface features, such as root mean Optical characterisation has proven CdS proper-
square, RMS, or average roughnesses, R a , and the ties are not affected by type of SnO 2 substrate, and
analysis of images from different perspectives, in- CdS–SnO 2 bilayer features are directly determined
cluding three-dimensional simulation. Fig. 6 indi- by the SnO 2 optical behaviour. The CdS cubic crys-
cates that the topography of the substrates used talline nature seems not to be significantly influ-
during these investigations is very different, present- enced by the substrate polycrystalline structure. Nev-
ing the quantitative analysis values of RMS s 4 nm ertheless, cadmium sulphide reproduces morphology
and R a s 3 nm for glass, RMS s 12 nm and R a s 9 and roughness related to the sublayer underneath,
nm for SnO 2 ŽA.rglass and RMS s 39 nm and R a s thus indicating that the growth is conformal and
33 nm for SnO 2 ŽB.rglass. It is important to note the uniform.
values obtained are averages and there is a statistical
variation associated with them, which depends on the
location on the sample where the measurement is Acknowledgements
performed. To minimise these errors, we have done
many measurements of each parameter. Fig. 7 shows
the influence of the distinct substrates on the final The authors would like to thank ‘BP Solar’ for
CdS grain size and bilayer morphology and rough- provision of tin oxide substrates, ‘ISOM-Grupo de
ness. A great difference in CdS grain diameter can ´
Dispositivos Magneticos’ ŽUPM-ESTIT. for SEM
be detected depending on surface substrate and the characterisation and Dra. Paloma Dıaz ´ Aroca
ŽCIEMAT. for XRD measurements. This work has
line analysis at various positions on each sample has
proven the grain size evolution is similar to the been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Industry
observed in SEM images. Cadmium sulphide repro- and Energy through CIEMAT-DER Project: ‘Desar-
duces morphology and roughness related to the sub- rollo de Materiales y Dispositivos Fotovoltaicos’, the
layer underneath, which act as a seed for enhancing CICYT under Project TIC96-0479 and the European
the CdS grain size. This CdS morphology improve- Commission from JOULE III Programme Project
ment is very important because not only its own JOR3-CT97-0124.
optoelectronic quality can be modified, but also that
of the following layers constituting the photovoltaic
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´ ´ J. Herrero, Appl. Surf. Sci. 136
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´ M.A. Martınez,
´ J. Herrero, to be published in
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M.A. Martınez 189

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