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Shoulder Blade Squeeze 3 Sets of 8-12 Reps Standing upright with our shoulders relaxed (not
shrugged up/flexed), we want to squeeze our shoul-
der blades together and then hold this for 5 seconds
before relaxing our shoulders and returning to the
starting position.
Shoulder Rolls 3 Sets of 5 Reps We want to start this exercise off standing upright
with our chin slightly tucked. We then want to shrug
our shoulders up toward your ears, then up and back.
Circle your shoulders around in a circle to loosen up
the shoulder.
Shoulder Stretch 3 Sets of 5 Reps/Per Relax your shoulders. Raise one arm to shoulder
Arm height and then reach across your chest. We then want
to pull our arm slightly towards us with our other arm.
We want to hold this position for 5 seconds before
switching to the other arm.
Levator Scapulae Stretch 3 Sets of 10-30 Start by sitting in a chair with our shoulders relaxed.
Secs/Per Side We then want to turn our heads 45 degrees to one
side and look down, tucking our chin into our chest.
We then want to use the arm of the side we are loo-
king towards to gently pull our head further down.
We should feel a stretch on the back of our neck.
Hold this position for 10 – 30 seconds before repeating
on the other side.
Dead Hangs 3 Sets of 30-60 Secs When performing this exercise, we want to hang from
a pull up bar with our hands shoulder width apart,
with a double overhand grip.
All we want to do is hang from a pull up bar for 30-60
Knees to Chest Stretch 3 Sets of 30-60 When performing this exercise, we want to start off
Secs/Per Leg lying on our backs with both our knees bent and our
feet flat on the floor.
We want to keep our left knee bent or we want to
extend it straight out along the floor.
We then want to pull our right knee into our chests,
with our hands held behind our legs or on our shinbo-
We want to lengthen our spine all the way down
along our tailbones - try to not lift your hips.
We want to take deep breaths so any tension is
We want to hold this stretch for 30-60 seconds before
letting go and repeating with the
opposing leg.

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Cat-Cow Stretch 3 Sets of 1-2 Mins When performing this exercise, we want to start off on
all fours.
We want to then press into our hands and our feet as
we inhale to look up.
We want our stomachs full with air.
We then want to exhale, and as we exhale, we want
to tuck our chins into our chests
whilst arching our spines towards to the ceiling. We
want to continue with this pattern of movement, ai-
ming to move with every breath.
Super Mans 3 Sets of 10 Reps When performing this exercise, we want to start off
lying on our stomachs with our arms extended out in
front of us and our legs long.
We want to lift our hands and feet off the ground until
we begin to feel a contraction within our lower backs.
We want to be in a position where our belly buttons
are slightly off the floor whilst reaching away with our
hands and feet.
We want to hold this position for 2 seconds before re-
turning to the starting position.


Lying Hip Rotations 3 Sets of 5 Reps/Per We want to start this exercise off, laying on our backs
Leg with both of our knees bent.
We then want to cross one ankle over the opposing
Then we want to move in and out of this stretch by rot-
ating our hips in and out.
We want to use our hands to press down against our
raised/crossed knee to produce
Piriformis Stretch 3 Sets of 5 Reps/Per With this exercise we want to start off laying on our
Leg backs.
We then want to cross one leg fully over the opposing
leg, so that our knee is crossed over our thigh.
From here we want to pull the crossed knee towards
our opposing shoulder and then hold this for 3-5 se-
Butterfly Hip Stretch 3 Sets of 8 Reps/Per With this exercise we want to be sat down on the
Leg group with our feet together with our knees moving
down towards the ground.
From here we want to use one hand to press our knee
down to get a deep stretch before switching sides.

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