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Men and women have been found to be different on a number of dimensions of personality. On
some characteristics male score higher and on some females. In case of some traits stereotypically
thought to be female traits, men score higher e.g. in case of talkativeness. Researches on gender
differences do not provide us any conclusive evidence, and a basis to consider men and women as
tow entirely different entities. Some differences has been found, however research shows that
these differences are insignificant and inconsistent (Huston, 1985; Hyde, 1984, 1986; Maccoby,
1990). According to Feshbach et al., 1996, “There appear to be relatively few basic psychological
differences between the sexes, although members of the tow sexes are socialized t behave in
different ways.” Research does not provide substantial evidence of gender differences in most
traits, aggression being an exception.

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