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Drawing with FORCE

Assignment 1
Arm Templates Draw Overs

Fig. 1 Observe each pose to analyze the arm move- Fig. 2 Remember to flow from the shoulder into the Fig. 3 Draw the templates over the model's pose,
ment and position. arm. analyzing the rhythms of the leg.

In this assignment, create draw overs identifying the arm templates being used. Draw Remember that the arms can be used as
five (5) figures analyzing the arms. You can choose to work digitally or traditionally a balancing factor when posing.
with printouts and tracing papers. Use the same references your used in last week's
assignments. Consider the rhythms; flow from the shoulder into the bottom of the arm.
Materials: Option 1: Digital hardware and software Option 2: Printouts of the model
references, tracing paper, and pencil

Assignment 2
Utilizing the Arm Templates to Draw the Model

Fig. 4 Flow from the shoulders into the arm. Fig. 5 There are two endpoints in a standard arm Fig. 6 For the hyper-extended arms, flow from the
template; the shoulder and the hand shoulder to the elbow and stop. Then, flow from the
elbow to the hand.

In this assignment, analyze and draw the arms utilizing the arm templates. Draw seven Draw in the template of the arms. No
(7) poses. Use the same references and drawings used in last week's assignment. Add need to establish the structures and
on the arms to your drawings; use a different color to illustrate the rhythm of the arms. construction of the arms.
Flow from the shoulder to and down the arm. Look out for hyper-extended arms that
will use the three (3) force template.
Materials: Pastel, graphite or china marker, and newsprint

New Masters Academy 1

Drawing with FORCE

Assignment 3
Head Templates Draw Overs

Fig. 7 From the front view, connect the next to the Fig. 8 From the side view; capture the angle of the Fig. 9 Flow from the neck to around the neck. Block
sternum. of jar against the curve of the front of the face. in the head and the major proportions of the face.

In this assignment, create draw overs identifying the head and neck templates being Utilize the soft-touch technique and
used. Draw over five (5) figures analyzing the head. You can choose to work digitally or FORCE line to draw in the templates over
traditionally with printouts and tracing papers. Use the same references you used in last the model.
week's assignments. Consider the rhythms of the head and how the neck flows.
Materials: Option 1: Digital hardware and software Option 2: Printouts of the model
references, tracing paper, and pencil

Assignment 4
Using the Head Templates to Draw the Model

Fig. 10 Establish the rhythm and flow of the head Fig. 11 Block in the head, think of it as a point of Fig. 12 Consider how the neck flows from the ster-
and neck. balance for the rest of the pose. num into the head.

In this assignment, analyze and draw the head utilizing the head templates. Draw seven Don't worry about the features of the
(7) heads using the same references and drawings used in last week's assignment. head. Draw on the major shapes.
Add in the head and neck to your drawings. Refine the structures of the neck using the
Materials: Pastel, graphite or china marker, and newsprint

New Masters Academy 2

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