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Heading of a Report
By Xyz
celebrated its first
Place, Date: Yesterdau XYZ Public School
Annual Function.

Types of Reports
Reports are of two types:
L Newspaper Reports
Magazine Reports (Events/Functions/Celebrations)
14 Killed in a Road
by Sitharaman Das, Staff Correspondent, The
Madurai, 15", April 20XX Fourteen people, including a woman and atw0-month old baby. were kiled ir
The ill-fatedd
truck and a bus at Shanti Road, Madurai. bus was
a people road accident involving a
tragicfor a wedding partu from Chennai to Madurai. The truck, on the other hand, was loaded with iron
bars that were being carried to afactory when it collided head-on with thel bus, killing five of fthem on the
where they
rushed to the nearby hospital succumbed to death.
spot. The injured were immediately is said to be drunk
as the driver while
a cose against the truck driver
The Police have registered
During this mayhem, some destructive elements tried to set the truck ablaze. The police controlled the
custodu fo
commotion caused after the accident somehow and took the truck driver into the
interrogation. Inspector Ram said that the other people on the bus are safe and the driver will have to

face strict punishment for the accident

Write about what, when, where, how and why
Give the details of the people died, hospitalized, injured, lost things,
provided thereof
Give the details ofaccident site, rescue and relief
The action taken by Police and other responsible authorities.
Compensotion to the fomilies of those injured or killed
Latest state of the people involved in the mishap.

1, The efforts of 400 volunteers working with the NGO, 4Literacy, in the district of Malkangiri, Odisha,
was lauded by the District Collector, Shri V. Singh (AS). As a staff reporter of The Odisha Bhaskar,
write a report about this in 120-150 words covering all the details of the event, such as training,
teaching and infrastructure involved in the 'Each One Teach One' campaign, initiated by the distrit
administration in association with the NGO. [CBSE Term-2 SQP 2022]
Ans. what - the efforts of 400 volunteers in the Each One Teach One campaign lauded by the
District Collector
who were taught and what was taught
when & where
details of the volunteer work
training received by the volunteers by the NGO and district administration
the infrastructure -classrooms, black-board etc.
Any other alid. relevant informationd CBSE Marang Scheme Term-2 sOP 2022)
Volunteering at NGO, 4 Literacy
By Amit/ Amita, Staff Reporter The Odisha Bhaskar'
In an event, the efforts of 400 volunteers working with the NGO, 4Literacy, in the district of Malkanin.
Odisha, was lauded by the District Collector, Shri V. Singh (AS). The campaign aimed at providing
opportunities to the underprivileged children in rural and urban India by giving them education. It was
held in a government school after the school's regular working hours during weekends. The participants
were adolescents from marginalized class who were taught soft skills, personality development, tea
work and time management apart from age-appropriate basic education. The volunteers receveo
training by the NGO and district administrator and caried out their duty well All the basic inftastructue
such as classrooms and blackboard was appropriately provided to the participants. The programe w
a success and the NGO planned to organize more such campaigns in future, with an aim to teach bos
life skills and day-to day approach to deal with various situations.
Basant Panchami celebrations. ,
Ranikhet district, Uttarakhand, on the occasion of Bhisht. Your newspaper had deputed
organised a
day cultural festival. You are Bhupinder/ Priyanka reporter, use the given cues to cove
the inaugural event of this festival. As a newspaper
120-150 words.
OWh ideas to write a report about the same in
(1) Big crowds -main grounds of the marketplace
(2) Colourful decorations
(3) Inauguration-local panchayat member to inaugurate
(4) Folk dance and songs
(5) Speeches
[CBSE SQP 2020
Ushering in Spring
By Priyanka Bhisht, the Reporter
Ranikhet district,
9th January 20XX
In Uttrakhand,
Ranikhet district was decorated in vibrant colours to usher in spring and celebrate Basant Panchami
The annual festival draws large crowds each year and this year was no different.
The ground was overflowing with large crowds dressed in the state's traditional costume and the sku
was filled with beautiful kites. The market and the entire district was decorated and the people waited
eagerls for the festivities to begin. At 9:00 am the chief guest arrived and the
inauguration ceremony
began with the lighting of the lamp. This was followed by a special prayer seeking the blessings of
Goddess Saraswati. Roul, a tourist from Spain, spoke to us, 'l am so glad that Idecided to come here.
This is India at her best The amazing colours and dances are spectacular.
The folk dancers and singers from the neighbouring districts kept the spectators enthralled. Gayathri, a
folk dancer from Nainital said, "The interest of the crowd and their applause keep us motivated and we
come here every year to entertain them.
Festivals like this serve as a reminder of our rich heritage. More such festivals should be organised in the
cities to showcase the vibrant culture of our country.

6. You are Amit Srivastava, a staff reporter for Hindustan Timnes. Write a
on miscreants hijacking and looting a bus from Bhopal, bound for Kota,
report for your newspope
should be of 120-150 words. Use the following cues: Rajasthan. Your repo
(1) Deluxe bus looted
(2) Driver noticed road
(3) Women compelled to take off jewellery and men
costly items
(4) Case registered in Kota Police Station


This type of report is usually written by the school students. It is the
functions, competitions, exhibitions, etc., happened in the schooL
description of an event. celebration,
Prepare yourself to suggest the relative highlights d

Example (Subjective type):

Aseminar on "Water Conservation" was held in St.
Stephen's School. As Harshit. Arora, the Head
in 120-150 words for the school magazine. Use the cues given below:
areport Boy,
(1) Attended by diferent schools
(2) Mayor and Water Board members present
(3) Speeches by students
(4) Tips to save water by Water Board members
Water Conservation Seminar Held at St. Stephen's School
By Harshit Arora, Head Boy
As a part of the World Water Day celebrations, St. Stephen's School organized a seminar
Conservation' in the school on 23rd March, 20XX. The seminar was attended by students of on "Water
schools of the city. The Jury comprised the Mayor of the city and the eminent people
Municipal Water Board. The Mayor of the city was the Chief Guest who delivered diferent
from the
The seminar was followed by a small documentary showing various ways how the opening
people wasteaddress
The students delivered speeches on the necessity of saving water. At last, the
Boord told ways like rainwater harvesting, optimal use of water, taking shortermembers of the Wet
the foucets and pipes when not in use, etc. to save water. It was an
showers, turninn st
enlightening seminar with all +h
students learning a lot.

Write about the occasion or the kind of the event happened.
Write obout date time, duration and place of the event.
- Give the details of the Chief Guests, if any, invited to the event.
Write about the main highlights of the program.
Prize distribution, inauguration, vote of thanks by the Jury or Chief Guests.
-Conclusion or closure of the event

1. MMD School, Nashik, recently organised a science symposium on the topic: Effect of pollution
quality of ife'. You are Amit/Amita Raazdan, Editor of the school magazine. Write a report on the
event for your school magazine. (120-150 words)* [CBSE 2018]
Effects of Pollutionon Quality of Life
By Amit/Amita Razdaan
MMD School, Nashik, organized a science symposium on the Effects of Pollution on the qudlity of Lie
on 4th of May, 20XX. The symposium witnessed several students from different stotes, displaying ie
amazing models and structures on how pollution affects the air, water and land and thus, affects tYhe
lives of the people. The event was hosted by the Head of Science Department, Mr Narang Seth.
The young bright participants enthusiasticalls exhibited their models to make every one aware o
bad effects of the pollution on human lives. Mr Surjeet Chawla, the Mayor of the city, was the
Guest for the event. He highls appreciated the efforts of the management and the ideas that the y
minds displayed in the symposium. At last, the best nmodels were given the highest accolade wi
vouchers and certificates. The event was a big success as it was all over the newspapers of tne

ues to b0ard questions before 2020 are not given as they were not given.
incident of chain snatching near your school
4 Last week on your way to school, you witnessed anthe snatcher, caught him and handed him over
A couple of senior students of your school chased100-125 words for your school magazine. You are
to the poice. Write a report on this daring act in [CBSE 2013]
Ans. The Brave Students of Our
By Amar/Amrita
'braveru knows no age' however, it turned into a reality on the 12th
that from the chain
We all have heard the phrase
couple of senior students from our school saved the victim Akshat Verma of
of February. 20XX, whena on the spot and handing him over to
the police.
snatcher by chasing and catching him
XIl- C were returning to their homes after the school
Arhaan Khan of Class of stealing her necklace. The
Class XI- A, Dev Ahuja and chain-snatcher in an attempt anything
hit by a without fearing
when they saw o lady getting chain but our brave students chased the robber police.
ran away after snatching thestudents then handed over the chain-snatcher to the police were
and caught him quickly. The appreciated their concern for the other people. The"heroes of the
students and appreciated them by making them
The lads thanked the students and
the young
amazed by the daring act of this brave act by the
also given cash award for
week. The students were
Your school recently organised the inter-state athletics meet. As thein cultural captain, you have
150 wOrdeeh
asked to write a report for the school mggazine. Write the report not more than
the help of the given cues. Sign yourself as Anushree/Rudra Pratap.
(1) Young athletes from all over the country showcased their talents.
(2) Responsibilities given to the members in advance.
(3) Opening ceremony included dignitaries from different states.

Young Athletes Shine

By Anushree, Class XIl D
Young talented athletes from all over the countru showCased their talent in the week-long interstate
athletics meet, hosted by the school. The meet was a success on all fronts, right from the organisation to
the level of competition. The preparations for the mega event began a month in advance. A
headed by principal, Ms Alka and comprising of seven members was responsible for all the planning.
Responsibilities were assigned and each member was informed of what needed to be done within
given time frame.
The opening ceremony was a gala affair with dignitaries from all states gracing the occasion.
Inaugurating the meet, Chief Guest Mr Kiren Rijiju, congratulated the athletes and encouraged them
to practice hard and strive for excellence. The events began with the contingents of all states marching
smartly. Manipur won the best marching contingent trophy.
Records tumbled in the track event on the first day with Binu Joseph of Karnataka, breaking the
standing 100 m record.
away medals
The closing ceremcny was another glittering event with the Governor of the state giving learn from
to the winners. 'We should have these meets organised regularly, so that we get a chance to
each other said Joshua, from Bombay.
was held on the
You are Sahil/Samina Parvez, of Lady Fatima School, Aligarh. As a Fancs Show 120-150 words
Children's Day in your school on 14th November, this year,thewrite a report in about
magazine. Use following cues:
on The Fancy Dress Show' for your school
and junior sections
(1) Different themes for senior
(2) Students dressed up
(3) Winners rewarded with
consolation prizes.
(4) Runner-ups given
Aeuper specialty hospital was inaugurated in the city by the Helth Minister. As a reporter from
rhe Hindu', write a report in not more than 120-150 words on the same to be published in the
newspaper. You are Ritu Jha, the staff reporter. Use the given cues.
(1) 500-bed hospital
() Fully equipped, ife support ambulances
(3) In-house blood bank
(4) 5000 m area
(5) Twenty-eight crore rupees expenditure
Super Specialty Hospital Inaugurated
by Ritu Jha, Staff Reporter, The Hindu
Agra, 8th January 20XX: 'Aarogya' super specialty hospital was inaugurated by the Health Minister or
State in the city of Taj on Friday. The 500-bed hospital seemed to be equipped with the most advanced
machines and equipment with the latest infrastructure to back up exigencies. Fully equipped, advanced
life-support ambulances have been made available round the clock. Besides having an in-house blood
bank, its information system has been linked to the other major blood banks in the country to enable
the right group of blood made available at the shortest notice.
The hospital covers an area of 5,000 m² and the total expenditure in building the hospital is said to
be twenty eight crore rupees. Addressing the people, Dr Sneh Bansal, the Medical Superintendent
reinforced the need for dedicated and committed staff. He sincerely hoped that the hospital would
provide the best health care services to the people at a nominal cost.

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