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25 Self-test 4 (units: 21 – 26): plosives

ST.4.1. Exercise 1
Match words in spelling (column A) with their transcriptions (column B). There
are more transcriptions than necessary.

1. ache a. !lNHrsm
2. Anthony b !aUR
3. begged c. kTjc
4. bush d. !rUsk
5. lager e. !zmS?mh
6. looked f. okh9r
7. moisten g. !rsUl?j
8. partridge h. !aTR
9. please i. !o@9qsqHcY
10. scheme j. !zms?mh
11. stomach k. !rUask
12. subtle l. okh9y
m. Rh9l
n. kTjs
o. adfc
p. !k@9f?
r. !lNHrm
s. dHsR
t. dHj
u. !k@9cY?
v. rjh9l
x. !rsUl?sR
y. adfs
z. !o@9sqHcY

ST.4.1. Answers 1
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

ST.4.2. Exercise 2 – CD.III.26
Cross out silent letters in the following words. There is one mute letter in each

castle diaphragm knew limb pneumonia reign

Christmas doubt knight listen psalm science
comb feign knit moisten psychology sign
cupboard glisten knowledge muscle psychopath subtle
debt gnaw lamb pestle receipt thumb

ST.4.3. Exercise 3 – CD.III.27

Find 16 mistakes in the transcription of a poem. There is one mistake in each
C? s`HlsdHa'?(k ?e kdHyha?Tmy fqUmch The Timetable of Lazybones Grundy
@9q^dk rsh9u'?(mrPm (R.L. Stevenson)

!kdyha?Tmr !fqUmch Lazybones Grundy

l?rs ct9 !rUly eN9 !lUmch Must do sums for Monday.
?mc s?!cdH Hs Hr !sit9ych “And today it is Tuesday”,
rdr !kdHyha?Tmy !fqUmch Says lazybones Grundy,
r?T^`Hk !ct9^Hs^Pm !vdmrch “So, I’ll do it on Wednesday310,
He !mPs { Cdm^Pm !C29ych If not – then on Thursday,
N9^!h9udm^Pm !eq`Hch Or even on Friday,”
Says lazybones Grundy.
rdy !kdHyha?vmy !fqUmch {
Now very soon comes Friday
m`T udqh !rt9m jUlr !eq`Hch
And Saturday comes,
?mc !rzsTcdH !jUly
But lazybones Grundy
a?s !kdHyha?Tmy !fqzmch Has no time for sums.
gdy !m?T s`Hl e? !rUly “never mind”, says Grundy,
mdu? !l`Hms { rdy !fqUmch “I’ll do it on Sunday!”
`Hk !ct9^Hs^Pm !r@9mch{{

According to Wells (2008) the most frequent pronunciation of this word is the one
with the first silent /d/, that is .!vdmycdH., although .!vdc?mycdH+ ,ch., the version with
/d/ is also correct.

ST.4.4. Exercise 4 – CD.III.28
Circle all the aspirated plosives in the following words. There are only 8
examples of them:

account attend card claim cry doctor obtain oppose

play poker practice support teddy tomato trim twenty

ST.4.5. Exercise 5 – CD.III.29

Transcribe the following words:

1. comb 7. liquor
2. dawn 8. moisten
3. don’t 9. muscle
4. ghost 10. receipt
5. gnaw 11. subtle
6. hiccough 12. Thomas

ST.4.6. Exercise 6 – CD.III.30

Transcribe the following sentences:

1. Pip’s as proud as a peacock. 1.

2. Tit for tat! It’s just like that. 2.
3. Dave’s a good driver, indeed. 3.
4. A good dog deserves a good bone. 4.
5. Believe it or not, boys will be boys. 5.
6. Care killed a cat, not work, paradoxically. 6.

ST.4.7. Exercise 7 – CD.III.31

ASPIRATION. Read the following sentences, pay particular attention to the
pronunciation of the distinguished aspirated consonants in each line:

1. [ph] - Those people pulled Paul to pieces.

2. [ph] - Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. If Peter Piper picked a peck of
pickled peppers, where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
3. [th] - Tess totally lost her temper with Ted Turner.
4. [th] – Shall I tip or not to tip every time I take time out and I’m out on a trip?
5. [kh] - If you agree to carry the calf, they’ll make you carry the cow.
6. [ph, th, kh] - Ken wasn’t too keen on packing up his car racing kit again.

ST.4.8. Exercise 8 – CD.III.32
Read the following sentences and then write them in spelling:

1. itc !ads?^!mPs ah9s^?!a`Ts C?^!aTR

2. `Hu !fPs^Hs^?s C?^!sHo^?u l`H^!sUM
3. !l`Hmc C?^!gdc { !rsit9oHc { N9^itk ah^!cdc^?y^?^!c?Tc?T
4. !oPok?y^?^jv`Hs !oPoiTk?^!oqzjsHjkh^N9k^!?Tu?^C?^!okdHr
5. kUj!YT?qh?r^!@9s fzk?qhy^?^!fqdHskh^!Hmsq?rsHc^Hm !fzkHj^!@9s
6. !jPjr !jq`T { !jzsr !jzs?vN9k { !jq?Ty !jN9 { !cUjr !jvzj { !oh9jPjr !rjqh9l

ST.4.9. Exercise 9 – CD.III.33

Read the poem from transcription.

cit9sh^?u C?^rsit9cms

Hs^!Hy C?^!ct9sh^?u C?^!rsit9cms

vHC!`Ts^Hj!rdoRm s?^ah^!oqt9cms
He !rl@9s?^C?m gHy !sh9sR? { !szjs
cH!l@9mcy C?s 'g(h^j?m!rh9ky C?^!ezjs{{

ST.4.10. Exercise 10
In the space below transcribe the words, from units 21-26, which you found


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