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Blood Bowl

Team Manager Card Game

Bloody Tournament League

Version 1.0
Created by Daniel Johnson (aka cloud7a)

This game play style will be for 4 players done in a more normal style of normal football
but since there are only 4 players and only using 4 out of the current 2 races this will be
a 1vs1 but with 2 games going on at the same time.

Each player sets up their deck as normal.

Set all of the deck in the center of the table dividing the table in half.

Team upgrades will go on opposite ends if the table.

Each 2 player will get a full 4 set of highlights and 1 spike mag headline for there game.

Separate the major events out for specific use later, you will be using only "the
Dungeonbowl, the chaos cup and the blood bowl" for this game.

After players have completed the round they will need to keep track of how many wins
and losses for use later in the game.

After each 2 rounds and the bowl round players will trade places to be able to complete
against different opponents, by the end of 8 rounds you should have fought against
each opponent.

Gameplay goes normal from there. Once players have cleared out the the highlights
deck, shuffle it and then deal 2 highlights on each side of the table and put out "The
Dungeonbowl" event. Game play for the 4 highlights in this round and for the chaos cup
will be able to be shared.
After this bowl is complete first and second are concerned wins for scoring third and
fourth are losses.

After "The Dungeonbowl" game play will continue as normal for 2 more rounds with
normal spike headlines(there should be enought to last you till the end.) and then you
will deal out the chaos cup and go through game play as before. Same as the first bowl,
after this bowl is complete first and second are concerned wins for scoring third and
fourth are losses.

Finally do 2 more rounds of normal game play and then at the end of these 2 rounds.
Please tally up all the wins and those 2 players only will be completing in the blood
bowl. Deal out 4 more highlights and then players will complete until the round ends at
this time game is over and the last 2 competing players will compare there fans and the
player with the most fans wins.

Additional rules and game play mods:

Pre season rules:

Players can start out with a with an additional 2 more rounds of game play and also will
compete in the spike magazine trophy event, all drafted players, cheat tokens, team
upgrades, staff upgrades and fans will carry over to the full season but all wins and
losses will not.

Home games and away games.

This is 2 different rule sets that can be added in.

For home games rules are one or the other or both, your choice.
Either a you can add one star power to each competing highlight or add on one ability to
one of your players durning a round.

For away games its the reverse, but again you can either use one or both of these.
Subtract one star power from each competing highlight or the other player can choose
one of the ability on one of your players to be nulled out but must do so when the
players card comes out and can only be use once per full round.

Cheaters never win:

Cheating is now optional. If caught cheating you must one star power from the players
card that was trying to cheat.

To determine if the referee caught you cheating you will roll one tackle for each cheating
attempt made by players card. On a tackle the cheating attempt is successful and
player receives one cheat token, on a blank nothing happens and no token is issued
and finally on a self tackle the referee has caught you cheating. No token will be issues
and that players card will be subjected to a -1star power for the of the round.

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