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Activity 1: Induction

1. Name technical innovations that have revolutionized societies.

 The invention of the wheel, believed to have originated in Mesopotamia around 3500
BC, had a profound impact on societies worldwide. The wheel made transportation
and trade more efficient and helped create new economic systems.

 The development of electricity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries has
transformed society. Electricity revolutionized communication, allowing for the
invention of the telephone and eventually the internet.

2. Do "human limits" evolve over time?

"Human limits" can evolve due to technological advancements, knowledge, and
For example, our understanding of the human body and medicine has led to developing
treatments and procedures to enhance human health and extend life expectancy.

3. To what extent does the mastery of technology make it possible to go

beyond human limits?
North/West African kingdoms and Mesoamerica, experienced technological advancements,
which influenced their societies and allowed them to go beyond certain limits.
For instance, the West African kingdom of Ghana utilized iron smelting technology, which
improved their ability to produce tools and weapons. This innovation allowed them to expand
their influence and military power.
Mesoamerican civilizations, such as the Maya and the Aztecs, developed sophisticated
agricultural techniques, including terrace farming and the use of chinampas (artificial
islands), which increased their food production and supported their growing populations.
These technological advancements allowed these societies to thrive and surpass certain
limitations in terms of food production, trade, and military capabilities.

Activity 2: Exploration

1. List different innovations North and West African kingdoms developed to

expand their territories.
 The establishment of trade networks: The Kingdom of Ghana for instance
developed extensive trade networks that allowed them to expand their influence
and control over new territories.
 Military advancements: Some kingdoms, like the Mali Empire, developed
advanced military strategies, weapons, and tactics which enabled them to
conquer and control new territories.

2. Explain how did innovative agricultural techniques and technological progress

contribute to the growth and development of ancient Mesoamerican
 Chinampas: The Aztecs developed chinampas, or floating gardens, which were
artificial islands used for agriculture. This technique allowed them to produce high
yields of crops and sustain large populations.
 Terracing: Mesoamerican civilizations like the Incas used terracing, which involved
creating stepped agricultural fields on sloping terrain. This prevented soil erosion
and maximized agricultural productivity.
 Irrigation systems: Mesoamerican civilizations constructed elaborate irrigation
systems that controlled water flow and ensured a stable water supply for their
 Iron metallurgy: the Nok, Benin, and Great Zimbabwe smelt and forged iron,
allowing them to develop more efficient farming tools like iron hoes, leading to
increased agricultural productivity.

3. To what extent does adopting new technologies and cultural innovations make
it possible to go beyond human limits?
 Technological innovations have allowed humans to achieve great feats such as
space exploration, advancements in medicine, and communication. These
innovations have expanded our knowledge and capabilities, enabling us to
surpass previous limitations.
 Cultural innovations, such as the development of written language and systems of
knowledge, have allowed humans to preserve and share information across
generations, enabling progress and pushing boundaries in various fields.
However, there are also limits to what technology and cultural innovations can
achieve. They cannot completely eradicate physical limitations, such as human
mortality or the generation of infinite resources. Moreover, their impact and
potential can be influenced by external factors like sociopolitical constraints,
environmental limitations, or ethical considerations.

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