Interdisciplinary Research and Inquiry Reflective Essay

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Charlize Gougouniani

Interdisplinary & Inquiry

Capstone Course WI24

As an IAS student, we are taught Interdisciplinary inquiry and its importance in our very first
course. interdisciplinary inquiry is essential for addressing the interconnected and multifaceted
challenges facing society today. Fostering holistic understanding and problem-solving across
diverse disciplines enables researchers and practitioners to tackle complex issues more
effectively and create a positive impact. Through intentional exploration and engagement in
Interdisciplinary Inquiry, I have experienced significant personal and intellectual growth, as
evidenced by two distinct artifacts that represent pivotal moments in my journey.

This artifact is a slideshow titled “Losing is Fun” in which my teammates and I discuss the
concept of gamification in a consumer setting. Its relevance to Interdisciplinary Inquiry is close,
as it provides a framework for understanding and addressing the complexities inherent in
gamifying the real world. It enables the integration of diverse perspectives, promotes innovation,
considers ethical implications, and facilitates the evaluation of gamified experiences across
disciplines. This assignment was a challenging one because the material was quite heavy, and
dissecting the readings needed was challenging. I was unsure of how to inquire about the
concept, as at the beginning of the assignment I had little to no knowledge about gamification at
all. The more I navigated interdisciplinary boundaries within the assignment, integrating
knowledge and methodologies like I was taught to do, it was much easier to find the words
needed to describe the concept.

Gamification raises ethical questions related to privacy, manipulation, and fairness.

Interdisciplinary inquiry allows for a comprehensive examination of these ethical considerations,
drawing on insights from fields like ethics, law, and sociology to ensure responsible and ethical
implementation of gamified systems. Interdisciplinary inquiry supports the evaluation and
assessment of gamified interventions by considering various outcomes and impacts across
disciplines. It enables researchers to assess the effectiveness of gamification in achieving
desired goals and to refine strategies based on interdisciplinary insights. I discovered that
gamification often draws on insights from various disciplines, including psychology, game
design, education, and behavioral economics. Interdisciplinary inquiry allows for the integration
of these diverse perspectives to create effective gamified experiences. Gamification requires
understanding the complexities of human behavior, motivation, and learning. Interdisciplinary
approaches help in analyzing these challenges from multiple angles and developing holistic
solutions that address various factors influencing behavior and decision-making.

Overall, interdisciplinary inquiry provides a framework for understanding and addressing the
complexities inherent in gamifying the real world. It enables the integration of diverse
perspectives, promotes innovation, considers ethical implications, and facilitates the evaluation
of gamified experiences across disciplines.

The second artifact I will be discussing is my Pilot Paper. This artifact was a quarter-long project
focused specifically on interdisciplinary practices. It draws upon interdisciplinary thinking and
methodology such as qualitative and quantitative research and intellectual activism. In
comparison to my Gamification-based assignment, this course and assignment are specifically
curated with Interdisciplinary Inquiry in mind. My topic was the importance of Women-Led
organizations in Armenia concerning domestic violence. This assignment required lots of
research and finding group samples in which women-led NGOs have left a positive impact.

In the Pilot Paper, I utilized a variety of disciplinary perspectives to address multifaceted issues.
By integrating insights from diverse fields such as sociology, psychology, and economics, I was
able to offer a comprehensive analysis of the topic. For instance, I incorporated qualitative
research methods to understand the societal impact of certain policies related to women-owned
NGOs in Armenia, while also employing quantitative analysis to assess their economic
implications. This interdisciplinary approach allowed me to provide nuanced insights and
propose solutions to complex problems.Through this project, I gained proficiency in synthesizing
insights from diverse disciplines, conducting comprehensive research, and analyzing complex
issues through an interdisciplinary lens. Furthermore, the experience strengthened my ability to
communicate effectively across disciplinary boundaries and collaborate with experts from
various fields. As evidence of growth, I can point to the refined methodologies and innovative
solutions proposed in the Pilot Paper, demonstrating my increased proficiency in
interdisciplinary thinking and problem-solving.

In conclusion, interdisciplinary inquiry plays a vital role in addressing complex societal

challenges. Through the exploration of two distinct artifacts, I have experienced significant
personal and intellectual growth. The analysis of the slideshow "Losing is Fun" highlighted the
importance of interdisciplinary approaches in understanding gamification's ethical implications
and evaluating its effectiveness. Similarly, the examination of my Pilot Paper underscored my
ability to synthesize insights from diverse fields to address real-world issues, such as the role of
women-led organizations in combating domestic violence in Armenia. Moving forward, I am
committed to furthering my engagement with interdisciplinary inquiry to contribute to positive
societal change.

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