Pride Sample

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Pride Sample

This picture represents the three people I am most proud of.

Starting with the first little girl in the middle of the picture, that’s me. I would say
I’m proud of myself because of how far I have come with all of the hardships that I
have gone through my entire life. Growing up I would've never thought I would've
made it this far in life. By that, I just mean that I didn’t think I’d live to see me be
successful in high school. I did good in school in middle school and graduated with
straight A’s all four years. Then when COVID-19 hit that’s when I thought my life
was over. I was severely depressed I was going through a lot of moving in and out of
my mom and feeling so alone. When I started my freshman year I stuck with the
mindset that I was going to fail and I was going to end my life before I turned 18. I
lived every day thinking my life didn’t matter and my grades started to drastically
decline. Slowly but surely I gained more confidence in myself and started to have
more people remind me I can do it if I want to. So I pushed myself. Senior year
started I finally made up the majority of my credits and I was finally able to take
that deep breath and say I could graduate and I would live to see my life past 18. I’m
18 now and I’m just so proud I was able to make it this far.
Now the woman to the left is my mom. We’ve had a rough relationship while I was
growing up. I constantly felt like she didn’t love or value me the way she did her 5
other kids. I struggled with this feeling up until these past few years. She struggles
with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and a whole lot of health issues. Not only
was she suffering from all of those she was also in a mentally draining relationship
with her husband. They got divorced and later on, we went through an extremely
traumatic moment together and I thought I was gonna lose her forever. Then she
got into drugs again. I had to move in with my best friend and she went to rehab.
After she became this woman I never knew, in a good way. I never felt my mom
truly loved me until recently. I see her finally getting out of the horrible state of
being after suffering my whole life. It might not be a perfect life she’s living but,
shes enjoying it so much more and I’m just so proud of the woman she has become
Last but not least my Tia Crystal on the right. I’m overall just so proud of the
woman she is. She has raised me into such a good lady today. She’s never given up
on me and has always pushed me to be the best that I can. I have always looked up
to her growing up and I just always felt so loved and taken care of. She is someone
who really works for what she wants, she thrives to be the best for herself and the
people around her. I’m just proud and so happy she was able to step up as my
parent when I didn’t have anyone by my side and really showed me the right way
things should be done.

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