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Essay : is a zoo useful

Some people think that a zoo is no useful purpose, certains in contrary think that zoos are useful. If i
were faced with this issue , i would think that a zoo is useful. I n the follolwing discussions, i would
like to reason and provide evidence to support my viewpoint.

A zoo is undeniably useful. Thirstly, the zoo is an alternative to species extinction. Many animals are
protected in the zoo, thez won’t be killed , who would be well feeded and will live longer and
reproduce. If there weren’t a zoo, a lot of animals would be left to themselves in the forest where
they would be the victims of

Secondly, the zoo is a wonderful place for children to visit. They ; can see real animals at close upand
learn a lot better than with books.

Thirdly, a zoo can improve the economic of a country. People of others origins can pay to visit the zoo.
It helps promote the culture of the country.

In summary

Is it right to ban smoking ?

Nowadays a lot of people smome. Some smoke to release their stress and some to follow the trend.
SHould we ban smoking ? If i were faced with this issue, i would say yes. In the following discussions, i
would like to reason and provide evidence to support my viewpoint.

The main reason we should ban smokinf is because it’s dangerous. Smokinf is bad for one health.
Doctors proved that smoking cause damage to the lungs which can result to cardiovasculars diseases.
Also people who smoke have little appetite. They eat little because the smoke make them feel full.
They can miss a lot of essentials nutrients.

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