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Operating Techniques

Managing your activities Indicative BAT

Accident Management 1. The company use automatic process controls backed-up by manual supervision, microprocessor control, trips and
process interlocks, coupled with independent level, temperature, flow and pressure metering and high or low alarms.
This is evident in the sugar silo filling areas where high level alarms and pressure alarms are fitted to all silos.
Interlocked earthing and pipefittings also prevent accidental release.
2. Use techniques and procedures to prevent overfilling of tanks - liquid or powder- (eg. This is evident in the sugar silo
filling areas where high level alarms and pressure alarms are fitted to all silos. Interlocked earthing and pipefittings
also prevent accidental release.
Use measures to detect variation in effluent composition eg in-line TOC measurement (see monitoring section) Effluent
treatment Plant in place. Monitoring is carried out by sewerage undertaker via Aquacell Stationary Wastewater Sampler
S300 Series located on the Effluent Treatment Plant.
The operation of the EFT is generally automatic, but a written procedure for the operation of the ETP is being developed.
1. The fat silo is monitored and alarmed.
2. Procedures are in place for spillages
3. A full internal drainage plan is being developed.
Identify the major risks associated with the effluent treatment plant (ETP) and have procedures in place to minimise them.
The installation of binning off points on the production lines has reduced the amount of solids reaching the EFT and
therefore reduced the overuse of the EFT and reduced the amount of caustic additive used. Written procedures on how
the ETP operates are currently being developed.
Effluent buffer storage is delivered in bulk to a tank on the EFT. It is pumped directly from tanker to tank at a tonne at a
time. Spillage procedures in place and spill kits in place. Tanks protected.
1. No spill kits or emergency procedures available.
2. Spill kits available in some areas.
3. Map of spill kits required.
4. Vessels checked for leaks regularly.
Energy efficiency 1. An ESOS report has been compiled and the company is awaiting details on the recommendations.
2. The company has reviewed the use of recovered heat and has not identified any feasible projects.
3. Unused steam is recycled back to the boiler. The company will review options to recover heat from condensed steam.
4. Minimise water use and use recirculating water systems.
5. Each production department is metered and water usage can be monitored.
6. There is no water reuse, but washouts are recirculated rather than sent to drain.
7. Depression taps are used to reduce consumption.
8. Cistermisers fitted in toilets.
Max daily volume - 80 cubic metres per day
Max flow rate – 1 litre per second
COD – 4000 kg per day
Suspended solids – 5000 mg per litre
pH – 6.0 ~ 11.0
Efficient use of raw 1. The company advocates recycling or reuse of water where possible and continues to review techniques that can
materials and water improve efficiency.
• The recycling within production vessels of washout water is an example or recirculation to reduced water useage.
Raw materials- Animal
Calculations on our animal raw materials
Squashies are 2.4%,
Chew is 0.39%,
Butterscotch is 7.7%. We can therefore confirm that overall we will be below 5%
100% rework in chew department.
Waste goes to animal (pig) feed.
Details of waste to pigfeed required.
• We can process up to 80m3 in a 24 hour period through our system, Our typical running throughput is 50m3 per
24 hours.
Avoidance recovery and 100% rework in chew department.
disposal of wastes Waste goes to animal (pig) feed.

Process control 1. 100% rework in chew department.

1. Effluent monitoring to provide baseline information on wastewater loadings (kg COD and volume).
Max daily volume - 80 cubic metres per day
Max flow rate – 1 litre per second
COD – 4000 kg per day
Suspended solids – 5000 mg per litre
pH – 6.0 ~ 11.0
Heat processing using 1. The company will explore avenues to reduce energy consumption by re-using heat contained in vapours by, for
steam or water example:
• vapour recompression
• a condensate re-use system
Separation and Recovering valuable soluble components.
concentration of food Rework is used across the business. All products have an element of rework in their recipe.
Cleaning and sanitation 1. Wherever possible raw materials and product should be kept out of the wastewater system. The company has fitted
binning off points to prevent product and raw materials entering the Effluent Treatment Plant.
2. Equipment design:
3. Housekeeping is identified as a key way of reducing
• wherever practicable, process lines and operations that cause excessive spillage of material onto the floor are
modified to eliminate or reduce the problem
• dry clean-up procedures remove as much residual material as possible from vessels and equipment before they
are washed.
• drains are equipped with binning off points and catchpoint.
• trigger operated spray guns or hoses have an automatic water supply shut off across the site.
Good housekeeping:
• Trays are used to collect waste to prevent it falling to the floor
• spilt material is swept, shovelled and vacuumed rather than hosed down the drain. ATEX rated vacuum for
• Cleaning stations are positioned around the site - suitable dry clean-up equipment is always readily available
• Bins are provided as receptacles for the collected waste
• Cleaning schedules are optimised by the engineer.
• Cleaning cycle durations are matched to the vessel size
4. Manual cleaning:
• Hoses are only used after dry clean-up
• trigger controls fitted on hand-held hoses to minimise the use of washdown water
5. Cleaning chemicals usage:
• Staff (and contract cleaners) are trained in the handling, making up and application of working solutions. In
particular, the correct concentration of chemical agent should be used. Overuse of chemicals should be avoided,
particularly where manual dosing is used. (ECOLAB)
6. Cleaning-in-place (CIP):
• dry product is removed before the start of the wash cycle by gravity draining, pigging or air blowdown
• pre-rinsing enables remaining product to be recovered for re-use.
• the use of turbidity in rework detector to maximise product recovery
• automatic dosing of chemicals at correct concentrations
• internal recycling of water and chemicals
• water-efficient spray devices Use dry clean-up techniques where practicable to reduce wastewater strength
Emissions and Medium combustion plant
monitoring M5 compliant MCERTS stack monitoring being organised.
Fugitive emissions Regular inspection of pipe joints, shaft seals and gaskets in the refrigeration plant using proprietary leak detection
equipment. FGAS compliant.
A system log book is kept which records:
• quantity of refrigerant and oil added to or removed from the system(s)
• leakage testing results
• location and details of specific leakage incidents.
Odour 1. No significant odour issues.
Monitoring ETP monitoring completed.
Environmental noise assessment is being organised by the Health and Safety Manager.

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