Astro Triggers Main Course

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This book is dedicated to

All the women who are still searching for a Love



ABOUT THIS BOOK ………………………………………………….….01

FOREWORDS ……………………………………………………..……...03

INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………..…….........06

PART I: The 12 LOVING HEARTS…………………..……08

ARIES: The wandering RAM finds the match ...………………………...10

TAURUS: The patient BULL learns to forgive ………………....……….12
GEMINI: The TWIN is ready to host ……………………………………15
CANCER: The devoted CRAB learns the freedom ……………………...18
LEO: The Ecstatic LION is Humble now.…………………………….….21
VIRGO: The VIRGIN learns fulfilment ………………………………....24
LIBRA: The balanced LIBRA learns the harmony ………………………27
SCORPIO: The passionate SCORPION surrenders ………………...........30
SAGITTARIUS: The honest ARCHER learns the loyalty ………………33
CAPRICORN: The wise GOAT learns selfless love …………………….35
AQUARIUS: The tolerant WATER BEARER finds the merger of love....37
PISCES: The compassionate FISH learns to unite the love element …….40


THE EPHEMERAL OF SUN-SIGNS …………………………………...42




•The approach. •Getting along the path.

•Making him comfortable. •Cooperation.
•What to open up to him about •The proposal.
you. •Congratulations.
•Building up the trust.

ARIES MAN …………………………………….…………………….……57

TAURUS MAN ……………………………………………………...…...…66
CANCER MAN ………………………………………………….…………86
LEO MAN …………………………………………………………….….…95
VIRGO MAN …………………………………………………………...…105
LIBRA MAN ………………………………………………………………115
SCORPIO MAN …………………………………………………………...124
SAGITTARIUS MAN ………………………………………………….….134
CAPRICORN MAN ……………………………………………………….145
AQUARIUS MAN ………………………………………………………...156
PISCES MAN ……………………………………………………………...165


CHEAT SHEET TO HIS HEART….….…………………………...……...180


EPILOGUE ……………………………...…………………………………189



Love, appears to be a challenging journey and finding a compatible partner,

even more terrifying.

But what if I told you, it’s not.

That, it’s not very hard to hook a man. How? Well, it’s easy if you know about
his desires, tastes, and demands; above all, his psyche even before you talk
to him.

What if you could know what he wants, likes and expects in his woman?

You'll be more confident in approaching him and will be ready for him.

Here, I am going to let you on the secrets of your "would-be lover", who isn’t
even sure if he has a capacity to love beyond the usual. Rather which arises
from the soul, the ability to love unconditionally.

You probably already know about Sun Signs and the Compatibility of the
Zodiacs’ or maybe you don’t. Any which way, what I am going to disclose here
will mesmerize your lover with a spell unknown to him.

He will feel like he is understood. Like, nobody else understands him better
than you. He will feel so comfortable in your company that he wouldn’t even
notice any other women around!

This book will give you a deep understanding of a man’s love psyche, be it


Aries, THE RAM or Taurus THE BULL through to Pisces THE FISH.
Every sign has a unique appeal in the love-game, a distinct blend to get

A well-informed partner can hook any man she desires and make him dance
to the tune of her heart! This book will give you all the guidance you need, to
win the heart of the man you desire so deeply.

You will also learn why men born in different Sun signs are so different on this
magical path of love. You will get to know, why, as human beings, we all have
our distinct desires, likes, and dislikes.

As the soul proceeds on the journey to find their one true love, he or she
comes across life’s experiences and teachings. Sometimes, it comes later.

Only if someone could tell you about all the secrets that the stars and
constellations have rooted within our souls at birth.

But fear not.

As you will read on, the secrets will be revealed to you one by one. By the
end of the book, you will become a master seductress.

After getting the sign-wise knowledge about your man's instincts and his hard-
wired character, you will be prepared with all the mantras to get him
completely smitten by you and YOU ALONE.

I will give you a step by step guide about every sign and the path our soul
takes to find the right partner. The one who makes us feel like the search is
finally over.



They say, God, made everything in pairs.

And that, ‘marriages are made in heaven’, or is it so?

If everything is made in pairs then marriages alone should not be bound to


Don’t you think, it’s also our relationships with people that we come across
every day? The ones who we identify, laugh or cry with.

Some of them can touch us in immeasurable ways.

I came across many people in this short-lived moment called life. I tried to find
answers to the questions of love and longing. To understand how do some
people touch our soul before they have even voiced a word. Is it because we
feel understood with a single glance?

We are human and we grow up wanting to be loved. Our search for love and
security helps us in reaching out into the world and finding ‘the one’, whose
warmth can make us feel like home.

These questions lead me to find their answers. I tried to look at this from a
logical point of view, but it got me nowhere.

And I realized that there must be a force beyond our comprehension. The


answers to which can only be “felt”.

I was soon on my journey to find out the play of destiny in helping us find
people within and outside of our lives.

I studied various books on love and relationships and I interacted with many

These were the people with broken and healthy relationships, some of them
who found their love match and others who were still thinking about whether
they made the right choice or not.

Then few just went through their relationships, having given up their hope to
have a happy ending. The ones who just get on with it.

I also came across the famous, love-hate relationships. In the end, I found
some answers that lead to this book which I am sharing with you.

After having observed a wide spectrum of relationships, I understood that we

all are born here with Karmic bonds. These are the purposes we have set for
ourselves. In order to fulfill them, we sometimes need to go through certain
relationships to learn a particular lesson.

Isn’t it relieving to know that the bad relationship you had in the past, which
made you feel like you could never trust another- was indeed just a blessing
in disguise? To open you to the possibility of a much higher, more deserving

This made me wonder if we knew about easier choices, would it make this
journey less difficult?
Then there would be lesser deviations and much lesser roadblocks. We will


be able to fulfill our life purpose painlessly.

Our ancestors and the masters of the past spent their lifetime in realizing their
purpose and discovering answers encompassing life. They were
philosophers, astrologers, numerologists to name a few.

The wisdom they left behind, can help us if we let it.

After many years of research, I present my work, to guide you into making
better choices in life’s journey while advancing on the love-path. To help you
make the best of this magical union called love.

I wish that you find your true love just as I did.



For thousands of years, Man has been looking at the moon and stars making
him wonder why some stars stay together since lifetime. Our ancestors
studied and related them to the birth bound karmic cycles. They came up with
what we now know as our birth charts or “Kundli”.

They drew many conclusions by noticing the uniqueness of time, place and
related omnipresent events. They observed certain events under the
influence of heavenly bodies. Even upon us.

They also found some similar personality traits associated with us. The
conclusion was to divide the constellation into twelve unique signatures
named Sun-signs and called the cluster as “The Zodiac”.

The Zodiac was split into twelve special sets and was named after their
distinct traits from Aries through to Pisces. The Sun-Signs affirm the Sun's
position in your horoscope and demonstrates the depth of your
trustworthiness and honesty, the ability to command, respect and authority,
to influence and inspire others etc.

Your Sun-sign specifies the hallmark of your character, the genuine essence
of your uniqueness.

It only makes me happier to present my work, especially for women who are
still seeking that right partner. It is for the ones who are already in a
relationship and also, for the ones who are still reflecting on the decision of a


proposal. Let me help you choose between the one who ‘seems’ the right
choice and the one who ‘is’ the right choice.

Divine guidance by the Universe and the thoughtful insight in these chapters
will certainly help you in some or the other way. Understand your man’s
psyche and then choose.

When we need some divine guidance, the Universe always takes care of us
by putting us in the right place at the right time. It has also given us the ability
to fulfil our duties as a father, a mother, a sister, a brother and as a lover.

We may not have the ability to choose our parents or children but with an
understanding, we can certainly create a better atmosphere for ourselves and
our relationships with others. As we understand the qualities each one of us
has, he or she can use them for one’s good and fulfil the commitment with
affection and in an optimistic way.

As I mentioned earlier, each of us has only qualities, it’s the wrong place and
the wrong time in a situation that marks a person’s personality unfavourable.
He or she is a misfit in that particular situation.

As time flows with your newfound experience, you will begin to see the light
of love within your partner, and from then on, you will begin to see the light of
love in everyone else you come across.

I wish that you will be blessed with divine help while realising your destiny and
making a better choice for yourself and your loved ones to find the right
partner. Amen!



For thousands of years, Man has been looking up at the moon and stars,
wondering why some stars seem prearranged since the start of life.

Our ancestors studied and related them to the birth bound karmic cycles.
They came up with what we now know as our birth charts or “Kundli”. Outlining
many conclusions by noticing the uniqueness of time, place and related
omnipresent events.

They observed the influence of heavenly bodies on certain events. Even upon

With this, they found that certain heavenly bodies, like planets, bequeathed
us with certain personality traits. The conclusion was to divide the
constellation into twelve unique signatures named Sun-signs. This cluster
came to be known as “The Zodiac”.

The Zodiac was split into twelve special sets and was named after their
distinct traits from Aries through to Pisces.

The Sun-Signs affirm Sun's position in our horoscope and ascertain the depth
of your trustworthiness and honesty, the ability to command and how you view
respect and authority to influence and inspire others, etc.

Your Sun-sign specifies the hallmark of your character, the genuine essence


of your uniqueness.

It only makes me happier to present my work, especially for women who are
still seeking that right partner. Let me help you choose between the one who
‘seems’ like the right choice and the one who ‘is’ the right choice.

Divine guidance by the Universe and the thoughtful insight in these chapters
will certainly help you in some or the other way. Understand your man’s
psyche and then choose.

When we need some divine guidance, the Universe always takes care of us
by putting us in the right place at the right time. It has also given us the ability
to fulfill our duties as a father, a mother, a sister, a brother and as a lover.

We may not have the ability to choose our parents or children but with an
understanding, we can certainly create a better atmosphere for ourselves and
our relationships with others.

As we understand the qualities each one of us has, we can use them for our
good and fulfill our commitment with affection and dedication.

As time flows with your newfound experience, you will begin to see the light
of love within your partner, and from then on, you will begin to see the light of
love in everyone else you come across.

I wish that you will be blessed with divine help while realizing your destiny and
making a better choice for yourself and your loved ones to find the right
partner. Amen.


The wandering RAM finds the match!

Being the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries is like a new-born. The symbolically
‘infant’ soul discovers its place in the world. Learning to see the eyes through
wonder and delight.

As the Aries soul begins to feel the new world, He senses: “I AM” or “I EXIST”.
Like a child in the cradle, this new growing awareness desires that his needs
be met with a single cry. Likewise, this causes him to be demanding. Wanting
the best of what life has to offer. Never settling for anything less.

The fiery element of this sign instills in them an unmissed intensity and a
strong resolve but their hearts carry heart-touching innocence and blind faith.
However, their naivety opens them up to hurt and disappointments, hardening
them from within.

That is why, when you come across an Aries, you can feel this sense of free-
ness mixed with a certain need for reserve and privacy.

Having dealt with the harsh reality of the world, this new-born soul absorbs all
the hurt, pain and disappointments and forms a tall thick wall to secure and
protect himself. Hence, they might come across as someone selfish, egoistic,
reckless and aggressive.

Whatever he is called, he surely knows his needs and always tries to fulfill
them. He seems like a selfish person but it only lasts till he finds love, his true

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love. When he finds that his needs are met in a partner, he settles and a
womanizer is now a one-woman man.

After many broken relationships and many cruel experiences in romance, the
learned man ascends to vow for his love, being the never backing off lover.

Aries, the crib-child, who knows no fear and never fathoms the risk, jumps to
defend his ultimate love.

Whatever the surroundings or the situations are, he knows no bounds to

reach for her hand and is determined to go against all odds to get his woman
if he has his woman's promise to stay on his side till death do them apart.

Having now found the trust in love, he becomes the most profound lover
among all others.

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The patient BULL learns to forgive!

In the process of a spiritual journey, the awareness of the soul enters into the
element Earth now. On this following level, the child in the cradle becomes a
baby. He now has learned the schedules of life, like the cycles of the day and

He has stopped complaining by crying and yelling blindly. This growth now
has taught him composure and understanding that his desires will be met on
time with patience.

With this, the Bull learns patience and the value of obedience. He learns
through experience and does not forget the lessons even if they were difficult
at times.

But in the end, he sticks to them as he sticks to his past life more than
anticipating the future. Unlike the risk-taker Aries, who is ever ready to dive
into something at an impulse, He matches the situation with his experience.

If you ever came to know about your Bull’s previous heartbreaks, his past
women can tell you the difference between then and now and that he surely
has learned to become a better lover.

His soul, now in the child-like state- experiences everything by touching,

smelling or chewing, just like a baby. And so, it comes to no surprise that the
gratification of material needs drives your Taurus man.

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With experience, he discovers new delights of lives. In life’s perspective, he

becomes possessive of things and lovers, alike.

Indulging in his innate need of feeling through physical senses, he feels loved
when he is held, cuddled, kissed and hugged. He responds to touch with
clucks and chuckles of ecstasy.

But this sensitive edge also comes with the side of possessiveness. Don’t
worry, he wouldn’t impose himself on you. But will try to keep you safe and

He is a determined man with conviction. His determination and strong

headedness also make room for stubbornness, lack of reason and bias at

But when one of these shadow aspects of his nature blend with his strength,
patience, and firmness, allowing him to bounce back from anything that life
throws at them.

To the Taurus soul, love is affection, given and received without questions.
He believes love to be an uncomplicated matter, accepting and returning love

And hence, for a Taurus, physical affection is important while giving and
receiving the same in return. He might just want to hold your hand for no
reason, just to feel you next to him while he talks to his friends at the party.

Since he is connected to the strength of purpose, he is very patient in

relationships, hardly ever in a rush. These same qualities can sometimes be
seen as obstinacy and lack of reason.

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He is straightforward and uncomplicated; therefore, he involves himself in

love with his senses without heeding much of its true value or worth at first.

But he soon begins to learn.

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The Twin is ready to host!

The Gemini soul is a toddler in the love-process, it has learned its way through
the soul's journey of karmic lessons. Evolving with love's innocence and the
patience called for; in the course.

The Gemini is ready to explore the amplified intensities of feelings and

emotions but after Taurus, now, on a more intellectual level. He is wiser with
his awareness of the self, moving towards communicating and expressing

Being the Air sign, it is positive and masculine.

He is a very good conversationalist and communicates by speaking, learning

to form words and piecing them together. Unlike the Taurus man, Gemini’s
learn past the physical senses and into words.

He will seldom be short of excuses and will probably sweep you off your feet
with their words when they propose to you. As they are no stranger to
charming a lady with words. They are very good with words and are a
persuasive talker.

He can flatter you with his poetic words without sounding poetic. Trust a
Gemini man to know how to do that!

If you think you can get a laugh or two out of your circle of friends, I have good
news for you. Gemini Men love good humor and are good at it themselves.

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Having a great vocabulary would be a cherry on the top. It will just reel him
into you. Exciting him to learn more about you.

As the Symbolical Twins, you’ll find him to be very experimental. Gemini men
explore both sides of the character. The duality (movable) and the polar
(fixed) sense of the self.

Unlike Taurus, who is a family bound man, Your Gemini man will rather long
for pleasures outside of the home, more amidst the society. This also leaves
him open to dangers without suspecting them in the process and learning life
the hard way.

With their ever-exploring nature, many times, they end up with things that
were unnoticed by others before them. Their discoveries have indebted the
world as they look for things that are yet to be seen or explored.

Similarly, in romance, they are endlessly willing to explore new things,

sometimes dragging their partners into unknown pleasures.

It is most likely that he will entice you with new adventures, always on the
lookout for out of reach wonders. With them, you can expect to end up in an
open field with a telescope even if you started the day with a simple romantic
date. Often taking you to places hidden away from the open eyes.

For a Gemini, each new dawn brings new and exciting hopes to experiment
with their lovers. They are boundless seducers and are less attached to the
closet full of old toys.

Because of their explorative nature, they can perceive things quickly with the
reasoning of a calculative mind. The Gemini man is often flexible when things
need a mutual decision with his lover.

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He will be versatile and alert about the things that matter most in your
relationship. But on a bad day, these same qualities make him restless,
unreliable and a self-deceiver.

He is always an adventure seeker and will not hold back if love feels
restrictive. They will enjoy being in a relationship, Happy that they found
somebody to explore and discover the hidden worlds together. However, they
are yet to learn how to settle down and sometimes, just be.

Love may hold them back from running away but if it feels like a barrier, they
will not second-guess themselves and will be ready to leave the security of
relationships behind as they jump into the unknown.

The Twins feel valued when there are no barriers to their freedom.

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The devoted Crab learns the freedom!

Having voyaged the ups and downs of life, witnessing adventures and being
nurtured, the soul reaches the stage of adolescence. This is a teenager, eager
to explore grow and gain.

Cancer believes in attracting rich new feelings and learning the sensual side
of the process of life. The poetic muses of this sign can be felt real now. This
opens a new journey towards the new seasons of life.

They find the true fragrance of life with newfound meanings.

A Cancer man dwells between the sweetness of a child and someone who is
trying to behave like an adult at the same time.

Similar to our own experience during adolescence, He might showcase an

eagerness to prove to be a grown-up while conveying his thoughts like a child
in the most naive way. A mind of a Cancer is an interesting place. It is full of
random yet intelligent topics, vivid images, and sensual desires.

It might get confusing for you to understand him at first as he could be very
funny, very quiet, and suddenly very sad in just one conversation. But only
because he feels things on a very deep level which can get overwhelming at

And that is why they need somebody to ground them and let them know that
it is okay to feel.

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Cancer is the happiest when surrounded by the people who make them feel
safe and secure, extravagant relations turn them off.

He will cherish an old friend who he has met after a long time. Around them,
he will go back to being the same way he used to be when they were young.
He has the heart of a dreamer, lost in its world. And so, sometimes he might
need you to help him face reality and be practical.

To him, not only sorrows but even the pleasures of life are a lesson to learn.
But despite their innate shyness, A Cancer soul does not hold himself back,
He learns to concern their illogical fears as something reasonable and begin
regarding them as cautions in life.

They may be quick to shed tears but a good company will never fail to comfort

You must know how to delicately respond in situations where your Cancer
man is being sensitive. To make sure you are not hurting him by laughing and
cracking a joke when he is being emotional. If not, this teenager might think
that this world is a cruel place, proceeding to retreat in their shell.

They are an epitome of care, sensitivity, and caution. Cancers find it difficult
to communicate what they’re feeling because they shut down all their
emotional responses when hurt.

They are also very creative, imaginative and caring people. When these
aspects are expressed in a negative light, He can be seen as being irritable,
timid, possessive and moody.
For Cancer, love comes above anything else but what they seek in a
relationship or their partner is the emotional security that it brings.

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To them, safety feels like home.

The Crab always craves for an emotionally secure atmosphere of safety,

something which feels like home.

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The Ecstatic Lion is Humble now!

The emotionally balanced Cancer has now become a confident, proud and
boyish young man. Since the soul has now learned the strength of life and
has overcome the fear, this masculine figure is one of the strongest
personalities among fire signs.

Their soul feels the element of fire with the known elements of life rather than
something new and unknown like the Aries.

The Lion emanates self-confidence in every aspect of life. He is an ardent

lover and is outspoken about his true feelings. He may not have the Gemini's
mastery of words, but is a confident speaker who is not shy to talk about

He is also very confident about his sexuality; he is neither in doubt of his inner
worth nor about his identity. Leo men take charge of love matters and lead
the ones who come under his shelter.

He affirms that one’s power lies in becoming a mature man. They can’t bear
being ridiculed even at a young age even for their own mistakes. They need
to be handled cautiously with flattery here and there as they always love to
be admired.

They are extremely sensitive to helpless people and will always take a stand
to protect them. While Leo men have enough confidence for everyone, that

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doesn’t mean they’re immune to bad days.

When one hits them, it is not unusual that their self-esteem takes a hit. While
they might know deep down what their strengths are, it is beyond helpful for
them to hear it from you about their good qualities.

It helps them to remind themselves that other people see them for their
greatness and that they aren’t making it up in their heads.

The Leo man is outspoken at times and might end up ignoring others around
him but he learns his way to respect the wise and take their advice. Once his
partner respects him as a man, he listens to her advice and follows it

But If a Leo man feels like he is being instructed or is being treated as a novice
he will completely neglect the people who do it.

For a Leo, life is as bright as a Sun and it may make them feel superior at
times because of the same. But soon, the harsh realities of life teach him
responsibility and he views life as it were.

He is generous noble and loyal in his relationships. He will take you to the
most exclusive parties but will always end up avoiding other guests to spend
time with you. He will kiss your hand while holding it and will proudly show
you off as his woman.

The Leo man takes life as a romantic journey, full of joy while loving every
scenery and relationship on the way. He is too generous in love, demanding
equal generosity and respect from his partner.

They find it difficult to bow down in love, only to learn later the beauty and

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depth that love is sacrifice and humility!

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The Virgin learns Fulfilment!

The teenager Leo's soul grows into maturity. And now, Virgo's maturity
demands responsibility pushing them to pick perfection over anything else.
They have a very responsible and mature aura around them.

When you are with a Virgo, you will see their thirst for perfection.

They are attracted to women who particularly take good care of their looks
because it shows, those who maintain themselves will take care of the
relationship too.

Though everyone has their vulnerable moments, Virgos take a different

approach when they are having a rough time. While they could easily wallow,
they prefer to take charge of the rest of their day. They may not be able to
change the bad things, but they can make the best of their time. They can
adjust to any situation.

Your Virgo man knows how to balance life between work and play and will
give great importance to punctuality.

When you are trying to get a Virgo to notice you, be on time on dates as he
prefers keeping up with schedules.

He is very good at observing things. He might notice even the smallest details
about you. If you want to make him feel special, ask him little questions like

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how their day was and if they’re hungry.

Show that you are there to talk and want to be there with them. They need to
have stability.

They believe they have to be of service to others with a need to serve, they
are constant givers. It is most likely that they find themselves in relationships
in which they are the ultimate givers, not receiving the same back. They will
give even to their detriment.

This is why he needs someone who not only returns a favor but someone who
just starts helping from the very beginning without having to be asked.

They do show intellect and creative ability. They possess great power of self-
expression. On the life journey of the soul, the enthusiasm of Leo has become
vague in Virgo. He has learned that fun in worldly desires is like a waste of

So, He is cold about his passion activities. They don’t like to be dependent
on others or follow routines set by others. They fret themselves in control and
mind their own business most of the time. Life teaches them that fun is also
a part of growth, so they do go in search of their one true love.

Virgos are very practical, clear-headed. They respect punctuality and are
honest. They feel obliged to help people in need. But, on a bad day, this
develops as an inferiority complex, pessimism, and a fault-finding attribute.

His soul has learned that love is just the surrender of self. So, besides putting
excellence in courtship, they put themselves into love devotedly, often
ignoring the passion.

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But he will be subtle, dropping whatever they are doing to help you.

To make him open up to you, you have to be patient and take things slow.
Asking them for their opinions and being considerate.

The self-disciplined Virgin soul is yet to learn the true meaning of love.

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The balanced Libra learns the harmony!

The Libra soul has walked the path of love this far, with the knowledge of both
sides of the coin. Having learned and understood the consciousness, he has
grown from a youthful lad into a passionate lover.

The Libra man believes in both, the negative and positive aspects of life.

They are the sign of polarity between male and female- the symbol of balance.
Which is why they crave harmony and balance in all their relationships.

You can easily tell if a Libra is in or out of balance by watching them and how
they organize their surroundings. They reflect their state in what they do.

Libra people have an attractive personality and are lovers of music, poetry
and are artistic by nature. Here is the man, the life of the party and who will
be your number one cheerleader.

He will remember little things about you and will be able to easily uplift your
mood on a bad day. If you’re special to him, he would rather see you be happy
than him. And only those close to Libra will understand this sacrificial part of

Besides being excessively emotional and spiritually strong people, they are
also non-judgmental.

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In love, they get infatuated with surficial beauty, a perfectly clothed and
manicured woman has better chances of enticing a Libra man.

For him, deeper propositions come later after judging the mind, heart, logic,
and desire.

A Libran man is barely ever unfair to their partner. If they unintentionally

caused hurt, they will feel its utmost pain upon realization. As charming as
they are, they also are persuasive and will lose no time in winning his woman

With sweet-talk and stunning smiles, they are quick to win hearts. A romantic
at heart and lover of music and art, their favorite places to dwell are the art
galleries, and operas or concerts.

Libras are usually flirtatious. They know how to work their charms and they
do so by being witty and complimenting you. You will see that they are
agreeing to you and are taking your side in a group.

When Libras are looking for a partner, they carry this deep romantic urge
which always makes them take extra efforts to make you feel comfortable.

Librans have difficulty in searching for the right partner as they weigh the
aspects of pros and cons before approaching, every time.

The Librans can be found running in a constant search of the right partner.
Sooner or later when they find one, they settle down with stability.

You can always expect to go on romantic walks just to see the sunset as they
intertwine their hands with you. Libras are verbal lovers. If he cares about
you, he will open up to you.

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Libras love to share their lives with people they care about and they’ll tell you
personal things. They will make you feel good about yourself.

Love for a Libra is balancing the mind and heart which makes them distribute
the influence of passion and detachment equally in a relationship.

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The passionate Scorpion surrenders!

Through past experiences, the soul has gathered a lot to become a man.
They enter into the next phase to seek life’s understandings. The Scorpio soul
is now mature, having learned through the conscious lessons of the newborn
Aries through balanced Libra and perfectionist Virgo.

Now, Scorpios are ruled by Mars and Pluto, both planets give them two strong
traits enabling them to stay cold-blooded in the most eccentric of situations
as well as keeping their sensory alerts at the same time.

These men have an aura that can be sensed from a mile away. You can
recognize a Scorpio by looking into their eyes. They have the most intense
pair of eyes but with a very innocent face, a stark noticeable contrast.

When it comes to their personality traits, Scorpios are emotional, sensitive &
intuitively blended, a quality rarely possessed by other signs. It is a Scorpio’s
emotional state that determines his behavior.

They connect with people at a very deep emotional level and when they feel
ready to share these emotions, you know they have started becoming
comfortable around you.

Scorpios are sensitive in speeches because they are empathetic. They are
very good at expressing themselves emotionally and are gifted with highly
intuitive skills. The Scorpios, while doing a task are full of physical energy and

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can keep their cool at the same time.

Love for power is common in Scorpios; they have an investigative bent before
going ahead in a relationship. They love hard and are willing to sacrifice
themselves for the sake of love.

They will always make sure that they are respected in a relationship, honor is
of utmost priority to them. Seldom will a Scorpio man do something to bring
himself down in your eyes. He will never backstab you, if there is something
which is upsetting him, he will confront you when it becomes too much to hold
but will never go behind your back.

But if they are loyal to their mates, they are more so to themselves first.

In love-relations, the fully dedicated Scorpio will live by his promises. Loyalty
to them is eternal and they seek the same in their partner too. He will go to
any bounds to protect the ones he loves. He will never hurt you but will cross
any boundary to hurt the ones who hurt you.

For a Scorpio, sex is an intimate expression of their love. The soul has now
come to the mid-stage of the evolution of Zodiacs. This path is unexplored by
the previous signs and so, the Scorpio’s intimacy is unmatched with other

They are meditative and thrive to explore the inmost corners of the
subconscious and so they learn the power of silence on their path of soul-

His love will be intense, like long kisses that leave you breathless. Always
brushing that one strand of hair out of your face. Affectionate head bumps
and soft laughter. He will mischievously wink at you during the most innocent

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of things.

He will be loyal and gentle to you. No matter how he is to people on the

outside. Scorpios have charisma like a magnet and are very self-controlled
with will power; full of insight. But on a bad day, these can also take the form
of being suspicious, ruthless, revengeful and deeply sad self-haters.

Despite this, he needs to feel loved too. Show excitement about them! They
love to feel the same amount of passion that they give to you. They need to
feel appreciated for who they are.

The Scorpio man will conquer any challenge, sacrifice himself and burn in
flames for their love. He will forever cherish his connection and commitment
to you.

They never let go of what belongs to them, besides the love they possess.

- 32 -

The honest Archer learns the loyalty!

The rebirth of Sagittarius into the fire element begins to teach them the
unfathomed aspects of love. The known element of fire now teaches Archer
new ways of love and life.

As the day forces are felt again, the masculine consciousness evolves into
the maturity of a philosopher or an all-knowing sage. The Archer moves on to
explore the unknown, with keen logic, to find answers to life’s unknown

Sagittarius is the sign of the Gypsy; they love outdoor activities like horseback
riding, hunting, etc. Like an archer, they are direct and aim high in love-game.
They love to chase than the ones which appear to be too easy for a catch.

If you’re approaching a Sagittarius man, it’s better to spice up and spark a

hunt and seek, than being an easy catch. They have a variety of interests are
very curious. They have great intellectual strength and power of perception;
no other sign is capable of.

The Sagittarius man is quick to fathom shallowness because of his varied

interests and diverse knowledge. Sagittarius is the sign of philosophy, high
learning, and broad concepts.

He will be the happiest when he is discovering new ideas and exploring

faraway places. They don’t like getting tied down with personal commitments

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as it goes against their desire for freedom.

Being a free-flowing soul, they love to learn from the school of life and usually
pursue higher learning. They make their concepts towards religion and do not
settle on believing everything they hear from around them.

Sagittarius yearn to travel, to explore foreign lands, and to learn about the
folks of different origins. They yearn for spontaneous work and wandering
free, perhaps to prove that man is stronger than nature.

In the endeavor to explore the meaning of life, the Sagittarius begins to

discover true love. They need a partner who will be free with them, in every
sense of the word. Sagittarius loves freedom; freedom of thought, expression,
and creativity.

He will hold your hand without even realizing it. Showering you with lovesick
looks in public places. Being an expressive sign, they are the ones who will
read poems out loud about you. Touch-starved for you all the time.

If you want to surprise him, spontaneity is the key. They love random trips
and going on little adventures, preferring to keep things exciting and afresh.

If you help him calm his inner fear of being tied down, he will stay, knowing
that he has finally found someone to run free with.

When the Sagittarius man discovers that true love is not outside but is to be
searched within, they learn to keep it in their hearts and treasure it forever.

The Sagittarius now understands that love demands loyalty above all.

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The wise goat learns selfless love!

The Mountain Goat can ascend the heights with the advantage of every
foothold they may land upon. Yes, that’s the Capricorn soul, unabated by the
heights of a problem in Love and life. They always put forth their best foot
forward, one at a time.

The karmic cycle of the past nine levels has taught them so much, that they
don’t hinder any more. As steady as they are, the Earth element in a
Capricorn is the one for stability, giving him the strength to sustain the tough
walk of life.

Subsequently, Saturn, the ruler, always makes them abide by justice.

Harsh and tiring relationships drain their strength but you will never see them
losing their calm and composure. What you will see them doing is, they will
be quick to return to their wits and walking forward with authority and

The Capricorns carry leadership vibes in their soul, rarely whining for an
applaud. They thrive to earn reputation and status in the community or career.

He will be seen seeking praise and approval openly but when it comes to
personal relationships you will find that he is quite emotionally reserved.

They can place a ton of pressure on themselves and deal with bad days fairly
often. Whenever anything gets to be a bit too much, a reminder of all the

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things that they have achieved can do wonders to change their moods.

If you can affirm their positive qualities, it’s only a plus.

You’ll see him being very cautious about his duties when he is in charge. They
don’t seek recognition because responsibility is an obligation for them. They
teach others what they’ve learned the hard way but only when asked and
don’t preach unnecessarily.

They also go out of their boundary to support the needy, especially their
subordinates or dependents. They’re less prone to sentimentality and may
present themselves as cold-hearted.

But they pay attention to details. And with you, he would be warm and
affectionate. Like giving you their jacket when it’s cold out and telling you that
your love keeps him warm.

They may appear to be serious and hard on the outside but if you observe
closely, you’ll find them indulging in subtle jokes and pampering themselves
with rare pleasures at times.

Many times, they regret having done so because the mature soul pushes
them to stay practical and sternly stick to the responsibilities they are obliged

Love, for the Capricorns, is not an excessive emotion but rather an exchange
of gratification. For, as practical as they are, love is just a way to fulfill mutual
needs and desires.

The Capricorn is yet to learn the longing from within!

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The tolerant water bearer finds the merger of love!

This water bearer is the symbol of pouring knowledge and experiences to all,
as a gift, flowing freely and equally throughout their lifetime. As the evolved
soul now, they have most of the knowledge to impart with.

Aquarius men tend to give more than they ask for in return. And that would
be both, in love and life.

This is the sign of hope, you will find him dreaming many times. He will have
a big friend circle and a lot of well-wishers, all because of his helping and
humanitarian nature. They are always colorful and vibrant. Full of energy
which is greatly appreciated by their friends and especially by their lovers.

The psyche of this sign will showcase a sense of responsibility and caution.

If he once makes a decision, you’ll see that it is impossible thereafter, to

hinder them. They will stick to their ideas without deviating. This may turn
them into Radicals. He will surely be a visionary and you’ll see him foreseeing
future like none other.

They gather information and ideas through group discussions rather than
reading or personal contacts. They are good talkers and this helps them in
determining the better ways out of a tight situation.

They have a liberal and progressive nature. Mostly, they keep their own
opinion immovable but they may change it for a better idea entirely.

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He will listen to you patiently and will be completely sincere to his peers
maintaining pleasant interactions with them. He will keep his calm even in the
most diverse situations. He will also be one of the most spiritual people you’ve

But you may, sometimes, have to push him to face reality as he can tend to
behave impractically due to his dreaminess. He will carry an extensive array
of interests and will be skeptical at times.

They would love to have someone to discuss their newest philosophical

theories with. They treat everyone with the same respect and expect the same
in return.

Aquarius men go back and forth between their love for being an individual
and their fear of being so different that they don’t fit in anywhere. They want
a companion but not one who wants to completely unify because they need
to be their person.

They need someone to listen to even if you don’t understand them.

Someone who wouldn’t deny their authenticity and isn’t repelled by their
individuality. They will tell you that they love you without a warning and will
have a way of making you feel like you’re the only person who matters.

This tolerant and friendly man is a perfect choice if you want an original
inventive genius. But he may also be detached and rebellious in some corner
of his being.

For an Aquarian, love is like an emotion with no strings attached, they prefer
to explore and enjoy the joys that life offers.

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They are sometimes careless in keeping up with relationships and amount it

to a friendship.

The Aquarius seeks worldly pleasures in love rather than realizing that love
is the merger of truth and promises.

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The compassionate Fish learns to unite the love element!

The soul has finally swum in every ocean and knows everything there is to
know about spirituality, mysteries of life and the secrets of Love. The Piscean
sign, through the evolution of the soul, has learned all there was to learn and
experience in reaching enlightenment.

As the soul picks up the journey on the aspect of love, through the Aries’
innocence to the development of maturity in phase after phase, the soul must
arrive at the end of the spiritual cycle.

Then there will be unfinished tasks and experiences to attend to, by returning
to a particular sign again. And when the soul has absorbed and mastered
everything, it comes back to help the ones still struggling to grasp all the
remaining experiences.

Astrologers often call Pisces an ‘old soul’.

The sign of Pisces is two fishes, swimming in opposite directions, symbolizing

the shifting of emotional currents, desires, and extremes of temperaments.
This is the sign of dreams and mysticism, setting more emphasis on spiritual
values in life.

This sign can mix up with water, the solvent of all materials, and this proves
the presence of fluidity and instability in him. They can start going in any
direction they want.
This also symbolizes duality in his nature.

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He will be compassionate to everyone he will come across, helping people

getting rid of their problems. This sign understands human nature better than
any other. You can trust him when it comes to secrets.

Pisces men are very forgiving. They will try to understand you before forming
any decision or judgment. Be it his friends or you.

And Because they have been through the entire zodiac evolution to grow into
this last sign, they carry the properties of all the others. This surfaces with the
innocence of Aries, the pride of Leo and so on.

This may lead them to be confused sometimes, and so they may be known
to have a wavering nature.

For him Love will always mean selflessness, he will tend to help others more
than they will ask for. This sign floats with many other souls having many
relationships on the way.

Honestly, they are less prone to keep any relation for long.

Out of fear of being tied down and left with no other option, they are scared
of a permanent emotional commitment.

But after your Pisces man finds the right partner, it will teach him the essence
of spirituality- the oneness of love.

The Fish often runs away from reality into the blessed land of dreams.

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The Ephemeral of Sun-Signs.

By now, you have a fair idea of the path a newborn soul takes towards
enlightenment, of how the soul learns and teaches during this journey.

Beginning into the unknown as an infant Aries through to the all-knowing


It is the journey of the soul and not the person of that sign.

On the way to attain enlightenment, the soul has to learn every aspect of love
and life. This is not an Astrology book, I did not write this to talk about planets
or to read birth-charts.

It is the book about the music of loving hearts, the tunes they play and the
resonance they get along with. The artful and heartful essence of this music
can only be understood by learning the notes.

This book is here to help you to tune your heart-beat with his. To meet your
frequency and understanding with his. Above all, matching the passionate
‘you’ with the passionate ’him’.

So that you get a complete understanding in knowing every bit about the hard-
wired, born-traits of any man as well as his likes and dislikes, his strengths

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and weaknesses.

This book will also help you decide whether he can be your perfect match.
And if he is, how you can approach him to ensure that he reciprocates your

The Spirit governing Universe also governs us, right from the time of our birth.
Some traits or nature of man stay inflexible, while some change over time and
others can be moulded.

Let’s begin it in an easy way.

You will have to understand a little bit about astrodynamics, the study of
correlations between celestial events and humanly meaningful events.

It sounds complicated, but it’s not. Let me show you how.

First, check the birth date of your man, the following table shows the date
range for each of the twelve signs along with their sign related aspects. This
will give you the Sun-sign that he is born in.

If he was born in a cusp of a sign, like on the end date of a sign and beginning
of another, he may showcase traits of both the signs.

If he was born an Aries, he is an Aries.

In the chart below, which includes the beginning dates as well as the closing
dates for a particular sign reflect his Sun-Sign. A person has only one Sun-
sign, no one has two Sun-signs.

Now, once you know his sun-sign, you sure get the knowledge of his deepest

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desires, the traits he was born with to confirm whether he will match with you,
or if you’ll have to compromise.
Or if he is the right man to fall for.

The Zodiac consists of twelve Sun-signs. It is determined through the

positioning of the Sun and where it was during that time period. This period
lasts almost a month for every sign. So, the entire Zodiac is covered in twelve
months or a year.

In short, a Sun-sign or a Zodiac of a person is determined according to their

date of birth.

For example, if you were born on the 1st of January, your sign will be ‘Aries’.
Similarly, if you were born on 31st December, your sign will be ‘Capricorn’.
You can check the person’s sign by referring to the table below.

To get the exact traits of a person in particular, his birth chart needs to be
prepared using his exact birth-time, birth-place(location) and birth-date
precisely. But we are not learning birth-chart preparation here for now.

The following chart summarizes it.

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Sun-Sign Chart:

Date Sign Symbol Ruler Element

(Mar 21-Apr 19) Aries Ram Mars FIRE

(Apr 20-May 20) Taurus Bull Venus EARTH

(May 21-June 20) Gemini Twins Mercury AIR

(Jun 21-Jul 22) Cancer Crab Moon WATER

(Jul 23-Aug 22) Leo Lion Sun FIRE

(Aug 23-Sep 22) Virgo Virgin Mercury EARTH

(Sep 23-Oct 22) Libra Scales Venus AIR

(Oct 23-Nov 21) Scorpio Scorpion Mars/Pluto WATER

(Nov 22-Dec 21) Sagittarius Archer Jupiter FIRE

(Dec 22-Jan 19) Capricorn Sea Goat Saturn EARTH

(Jan 20-Feb 18) Aquarius Water Bearer Saturn/Uranus AIR

(Feb 19-Mar 20) Pisces Fish Jupiter/Neptune WATER

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Effects of The Elements In Brief

Now let’s understand the cardinal elements and their effects on us.

Likewise, there are four elements in astrology- Fire, Earth, Air, Water.

Fire Sign: (Restless, Energetic, Optimistic, & Assertive)

They live in a highly excited spirit, inspired activity & upholding this state of
being is crucial for the fire signs to stay healthy and happy.

• Reacts to changing experiences with witty and direct action with enthusiasm.

• Feels comfortable while expressing confidence and strength.

• Motivated by inspiration and aspirations.

• Recharges energy through vigorous, physically demanding activity and by

pursuing new visions for the future.

Earth Sign: (Practical, Sensual, Persevering & Reserved)

They are grounded in physical reality; the material world and considerations
are related to security. Achievements motivate their behavior more than
anything else.

• Reacts to changing experiences with witty steadiness and stability.

• Feels comfortable with self, when being productive and working towards

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• Motivated by material needs and practicality.

• Recharges energy through working with the physical world, being

productive, feeding the senses.

Air Sign: (Objective, Sociable, Independent, & Mentally active)

They live in the abstract realm of thought. A thought for them is as real as any
material object.

• Reacts to changing experiences with a clever forethought and objective


• Feels comfortable with self when expressing ideas & interacting.

• Motivated by intellectual concepts and social ideals.

• Recharges energy through social involvement and intellectual stimulation.

Water Sign: (Emotional, Sensitive & Intuitive)

They live in the feelings. It is their emotional state that determines their
behavior than anything else.

• Reacts to changing experiences with sensitivity and emotion.

• Feels comfortable with self when feelings are deeply involved.

• Motivated by deep emotional yearnings and desires.

• Recharges energy through intense emotional experience and intimate

involvement with people.

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Out of the twelve signs, three are falling in each of the 4 elements. That is,
Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. A person born in a sign is under the influence of
the element associated with it. Depending on the positions of other planets at
birth, the degree of effect can be- Strong, Balanced, or Moderate.

In astrology, there is a further elementary division of every sign into three

decans or decanates. Every sign has 3 decanates of 10 degrees each, 1st,
2nd and 3rd.

Decanate 1: (00 – 10 degrees) or

Decanate 2: (11 – 20 degrees) or

Decanate 3: (21-30 degrees).

Since they are given 30 degrees in each sign and there are 3 decans to each
house, each decan is 10 degrees.

In the astrological natal chart, writing and reading Zodiac is treated as a wheel
of 360 degrees. There are 12 signs with decanates of 30 degrees each.

So, 12 signs with 30 degrees (3 decans per sign), make 360 degrees of the

A decan or decanate is a division of each of the signs into three equal

segments of 10 degrees each, making 36 decans in total.

The effects under each decanoate are: the 1st decan is of the parent element,
2nd decan is of the parent element of the successive sign, 3rd decan is of the
parent element of the third sign in the triplicity of the element.

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(e.g. Fire element triplicity- Aries-Leo-Sagittarius and so on for other


None the less, every sign is born out of one dominating element of these four

The triplicates of these signs are:

Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.

Earth Sign: Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo.

Air Sign: Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini.

Water Sign: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

Fire and air are complimentary signs, Water and Earth are complementary

Though these triplicates have a common element, the same element affects
all the three signs differently according to the principles and rules of Astrology.

Many other factors influence one’s nature and character.

And that’s due to the polarity of negative-positive charge, of being masculine-

feminine signs among the other celestial forces.

The Trinity of the Zodiac

• Aries, Taurus, and Gemini form the Intellectual or Logical Trinity

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• Cancer, Leo, and Virgo form the Maternal or Tender Trinity

• Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius form the Reproductive or Generative Trinity

• Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces form the Serving or Helping Trinity

As we are physically made out of these four material elements (Fire, Earth,
Air, and water) the fifth element is “LOVE”.

Our entire life, we long to find this element of Love outside of us.

Like it is something that does not flow through us but outside of us.

When we realize that it was within us, in every moment, then we, the ever-
evolving souls, the conscious born out of the superconscious, the children of
the father, ultimately understand- what it is like to ‘be’ the fifth element!

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In the Zodiac, every sign has some traits which complement the other signs
in harmony. This opposition makes them a better match than others. They are
like Yin and Yang, Masculine and Feminine.

Likewise, some elements compensate for the lack of characteristics in one

sign with the abundance of those in the other signs, I will call these suitable
signs as dynamic pairs.


Let’s have a look at these dynamic pairs.

Now, if you know a person’s Sun-sign, it is like having access codes to his

All you need to know is, how to unlock it.

I will tell you all the unlocking secrets and guide you through the steps one by
one. While also helping you to master these skills and read a person like a

You will have the entire world to test and practice your skills, to sharpen your
judgments about other people you meet every day. You will be able to impress
your friends by telling them unknown secrets about their beaus, which even
they were not aware of.

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The table below shows the personality traits of each sign which can be
counterbalanced by its opposite sign.

In Astrology, these six pairs are considered to be complementary opposite

signs. They make for an understanding and fulfilling relationship, given their
counterbalancing traits.

Reference of Dynamic Pairs (complimentary opposite signs of Zodiac): -

A B * G H

Aries Libra * Cancer Capricorn

Self-Centred Social * Introspective Ambitious

Lover of Public
Impatient Tolerant * Love of Home

Self –Willed Disciplined * Sentimental Realistic

Irresponsible Responsible * Dutiful Lover of Fame

- 52 -

C D * I J

Taurus Scorpio * Leo Aquarius

Compiler Analytical * Individualist Communist

Love of Self-
* Self-Confident Organizer
\Comforts Sacrificing

Contented Introspective * Autocrat

Love of
Love of Power *

Patient Diplomatic *

- 53 -

E F * K L

Gemini Sagittarius * Virgo Pisces

Sense of
Far Reaching * Practical Sensitive

Superficial Depth * Punctual Irregular

Salesman Propagandist * Serving Dreamy

Statistical Truth Seeker *

Reasonable Intuitive *

As we can observe, every sign on the left-side has the characteristics

opposite to the ones on their right side. These signs, when united, balance
each other with their special traits.

Why these are considered better couples than other sign-combinations?

All the signs and combinations may seem diverse in nature and might even
seem to have different traits. However, they are not that diverse. If you review
closely, they vary according to the elements.

The dynamic-pair signs have more of their parental element (Air, Fire, Earth,
Water) and less of other element and they don’t lack other elemental

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properties either.

Every person born, has effects of all four elements (Air, Fire, Earth, Water) in
him/her. You only have to figure out which element is dominant and which is
submissive. I will explain this in detail in the latter part of the book. In the
section “The dynamics of pairing”.

First, I will tell you how other sign-combinations are likely to stay in a
relationship, and how to overcome their conflicting aspects.

What I mean is, a woman from any sign in the Zodiac can match with a man
of her dreams from any of the twelve signs with little or no difficulty. Only if
she knows how to tackle unfavourable situations and conflicts. Approaching
these situation in the right way.

I will reveal to you, the secrets to open the “Back Door” to every man’s heart
and make him yours forever. It will make him trust you, and love you, as he
totally surrenders himself to you.

If you already have your man, it will give you the insights to know him better.
If you are still in search, these guides will help you overcome your fear of
approach and will make you feel confident when you are ready to run towards
him because it will not be a guesswork anymore.

You will be able to understand him better than the others. You’ll know when
he reacts in a particular pattern and how to manage that situation to bring
harmony in your relationship again.

This book will teach you the best ways to convince him.

You will be able to make your moves with the best, fail-proof methods and

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leave him love-struck.

The following chapters are enticement commands to approach and attract

Men from all of the twelve Zodiac signs.

Like a detailed route-map based on ‘His’ Sun-sign.

You can skip from here and jump to read about your man’s sign if you cannot
wait to make him love you!

Go get him!

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W I N N I N G T H E 1 2 L O V I N G H E A R T S.

The Aries Man

Target: Aries Man.

Here's him, the man you adore, he turns out to be an Aries, Wow. That’s a
running horse, you know. Easy to attract but hard to tame.

This flirtatious breed is always on the run. If he is the man you are going to
win the heart of, chances are that he is available and has already seen you

He will be restless in the crowd, waiting for his one true love to come and get

Aries men would like to lead instead of being led. So, you will have to follow
him initially, until the trust is built. He would love to show you his collections
of possessions, the places they have visited and will take you to their most
admired places.

Be patient, you have to give him the lead as if he were a child, eager to show
his toys to a newly made friend. In the meantime, you will get to know how
charismatic he is.

You will find him talking about himself most of the time. He is a kind of me,
me, me, man!
But therein lies his innocence and purity, the trustworthiness of his company.

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As he starts trusting you, he will slowly but surely open his heart to you, Once
he has trusted you, he won’t second guess you.

Gradually you will find fire and passion within him, the passion which will hold
his do or die love for you.

· The approach

Okay, so you have spotted your guy, now what? As is always the case, the
over-excitement slows down the approach. What the Aries guy likes, is the
‘direct approach’.

Given their fiery nature, they are always in a hurry and seek excitement to the
point where they get bored easily, if they are familiar with what is coming or if
something is being repeated.

They like to know, and know, and know more. Now, here’s the point, you have
to carry that mysterious aura around him. Keep him curious, as to ‘there’s
something more to come’.

To give you an example, if you tell him, “I come from a mass-media

background”, they will know to be interested in what kind of person you are.
A smart, investigative woman and a traveler on the edge, just like him.

Liking what he hears, he will quickly send you a signal to get involved and talk
about the every-day new and unexpected events in your life and profession.

You’ve to play the part of a mysterious woman who has the attitude of ‘more-
to-come’ anticipation. Just like that ‘new’ in vanilla makes it feel exciting,
similar to an expected taste but a more-to-be-found thrill. As they love living
on the edge, unlike the other fire-signs: Leo and Sagittarius.

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Aries men get along quickly when the fun is the common ground. And that’s
only for the beginning.

Your man is puzzling, himself when it comes to sharing the matters of the
heart but it is not long before you start to see the silver lining.

· Making him comfortable

Here goes the curious Ram. As you both get to know each other, let it be slow
when talking about you and let the me-man talk. Ask about his achievements
and the kind of adventures he had.

Talk about the jungle, the adrenaline rush he must’ve felt. And you will be
reading the Ram like an open book, soon.

He will most likely be the talker when you first meet. Leave some guesswork
to keep him hooked and to keep him excited for the next date.

Though Aries want to know all and quickly, they lose interest once there’s
nothing to know more. So, be gentle with him. Soon you will find the
innocence and honesty in your man and you will be able to mold him your

Talk about the excitement he experiences when he indulges in an adventure.

These men love a high adrenaline rush.

To know him more, talk about Track Racing or his favorite action movies.
Even about the times when he tackled a challenge or an obstacle with
courage. I’m sure, he’ll have many stories to tell you.

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His favorite places will mostly be nature-based, When he talks about the
places he has visited or the ones on his travel-bucket list, Find out about the
similar places you may share, as this will be useful in planning your together-
trip later.

· What he should know about you

Now it’s your turn to let him know about you. Talk about your social circle. If
you’ve involved yourself in any charity work or any helping hand you might
have extended towards anyone in need, tell him why you did so.

This will hit him right in his heart, the sacrifice people make without expecting
anything in return. The authenticity of your giving heart will touch him and he
will bring his heart and focus completely onto you.

Here, be careful not to stir his heart with intense talks, right now. Keep that
for later. Crying with an Aries man is like two souls feeling the pain or pleasure
as one.

But that’ll come later when he is the one you want to spend your life with. Not
now, because the intense emotions will surely make him respect or
sympathize with you, but not attract him towards you. He may go behind a
curtain if he hasn’t done anything similar.

Talk about your current responsibilities without sounding like a responsible

woman. Discuss subtle things and not just serious matters. For example, if
you are talking about a trip you had with your family, tell him about the role
you played, like looking after the little ones or keeping an eye on the flight

This way, your sense of responsibility is instinctively identified by him. Without

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even realizing that it is making him want you more and whilst deeming you as
an aimless wanderer, like him.

· Building up trust

Now as you two are excited to dig further, the time is to allow your man to
lead. Let him decide upon the venue for your next date.

If you are going on a date with an Aries, he will surely take you to the nicest
place, he thinks will excite you. He will be a gentleman and not the awful
rough edge dweller that he is.

As you already know his favorite places by now, take interest in the ones he
feels he had had a great time at. Once you have shown excitement and have
agreed to go there, he will feel more comfortable at his place.

All by his true-self at a place familiar to him, he will be like an open book. You
can then decide if you want him. If he is the one.

Aries have the ‘eager to start and quick to finish’ attitude in the beginning. So
keep the excitement up with newly found actions. Do not give in too easily,
the horse is not an easy catch and you shouldn’t be either.

Aries men like intellectual and funny girls over serious. He may be outspoken
and witty at times and serious on others. You have to be willing to figure out
his pace and match yours with him.

The time taken for this depends on your mutual pace. If you are a fire sign,
chances are- there will be fireworks soon.

· Getting along the path

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Now, you have been to his places and know him more than he does himself,
let’s check his vulnerability now.

As a fire sign, Aries men are volatile. Like a flame, they have no particular
form but every inch feels the same kind of hot. What I mean to say is that
even though Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo have a similar temper, they still differ
on the intensity. Aries men’s fiery nature typically manifests itself as bravery,
curiosity, and originality.

So, their courageous heart always persuades them to take the risk. He will be
the one to take charge when it comes to talking to your parents.

Or just to get you your favorite ice cream in the middle of the night, even if it
requires walking across town.

The Ram prefers to be original. He doesn’t attend to his outer appearance,

and this is where he needs your help. As women take care of their looks
(commonly), so do men. But Aries men are less likely to pay too much
attention to their looks or clothing.

He will probably go for comfort than get in that tight suit just because it is
required for that party. In short, you better decide on what he should be
wearing, and prepare his wardrobe.

You will be thrilled to choose his wardrobe for different occasions and he will
be happy about that. He will be the one to prefer your chosen pieces rather
than buying one out of a store-shelf unless it is too fascinating.

Aries don’t prefer surprises either, so to speak, it’s a plan in advance which is
more likely to encourage him to partake. He will prefer to be acknowledged

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and involved rather than being asked to come on a pre-booked vacation.

Dating an Aries is like freeing yourself from the taboo of reservations, they
require freedom and you will be provided with the same. In his company, you
will be able to enjoy all the freedom a relationship demands without much of
a hassle.

He is a self-willed person as well as a good team worker, he would like to

discuss important matters with you instead of imposing his decisions on you.
The Ram leads with his head more than his heart.

· Cooperation

Aries men always show qualities of self-will, urge for action and self-assertion.
He is the careless-wanderer and there you have your potential man. Your one
true love.

Like all fire signs, an Aries man can be irritable and touchy when it comes to
sharing their belongings. If you need to use his things, better ask him first.

They never betray and don’t forgive betrayals easily.

Your Aries man will always be protective over you and will take care of you
throughout. Once he is in a steady relationship like marriage, he will hardly
ever wander. At times, it may appear as if he is trying to flirt with your best
friend but deep inside, they are too innocent to hurt you.

An Aries will be always enthusiastic around your friends but he has one heart
and unlike others, he will only reserve it for you.

· The proposal

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So now that you’ve decided upon him. He will be the one to propose, first.

He will feel the passion that he might not have felt before. When he realizes
how serious you are about him, the precautionary flirt will transform into a
serious family man. You will see his search coming to an end and the
‘anything for you’, a man emerging.

Once he has settled with the feeling that you are the one, he will be the king
of your dreams, a completely excited man, inside out. You will see him hooting
like a kid who is getting his most awaited gift, finally.

· Congratulations

Now that you’ve decided to live together forever, you know your man will
never leave you. He will always be beside you when you need him the most.
In return, you need to take care of him just as he will take care of you.

The energetic Ram will be all over you, with a deep understanding of who you
are. Going forward, match his energy with yours.

If you are a sign who is different than the ones listed in his potential dynamic
pairs, I have given the details later in the section of “The dynamics of pairing”,
on how to keep the warmth of your relationship with an Aries man, without
compromising on much.

In today’s complicated world of communication-era, as an evolved species,

we constantly share our feelings on social platforms but not with our spouses.

The Ram will be all-ears for you if only you could tell him about your true
feelings. Just like every sign has its limitations, once understood, they

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miraculously become neighbor’s envy but the owner’s pride.

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The Taurus Man

Target: Taurus Man.

Okay, so your man is Taurus, the family man, an Earth sign with a steady
nature. Alright, the Bull has his eyes set for the most beautiful woman of the

You better be in your best attire as the bull’s eye is keen on outer
appearances and how you present yourself.

The Taurus sun-sign is a fixed one which makes him more of a material man
than a fantasy seeker.

You will see him wearing an expensive watch and a branded tuxedo because
he takes great interest in accumulating material resources and worldly
desires. Practicality is what will attract him rather than dreaminess.

Sometimes, he may be so practical that he’ll miss the other dimensions of life.
But other factors need to counterbalance this or you’ll see him as an individual
who is materialistic, insensitive, and unimaginative.

And you will figure that out soon.

Though all the four elements are present in every sign, it is the parent element
affecting the sign in the quest. What if there were no Earth element in a
person? He will tend to become a person who is impractical and unreliable.

The level of the effect depends on the planets in his birth chart but we are not
here to foretell his future. You have to know your bull more than he knows

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Whatever the level, he sure is charmingly dressed and meticulously

conversant. He is amongst the ones who follow conservative ideals.

· The approach

He will be tenacious and careful, not the one waiting for Ms. Right when you
first meet him. Though he will notice your gait before he notices you. When
you will be approaching him for the first time, be in your best-looking dress
but not so outspokenly modern.

He’ll turn and notice you when you’ll be in traditional wrap-ups, but make sure
they’re not from the Victorian-era either.

Now that you have his eyes on you, a direct approach like the one with Aries
works less here. The all-woman shyness will carry a stroke of better luck with
your Bull.

Being a humble and traditional man, he will prefer his woman to be all
feminine. He is that one friend who shields you from random guys while you're
trying to dance at a party.

As a suggestion, you should step forward with a rather classic approach. Try
getting some acquaintance to introduce you to him, that will work better than
you going up to him and introducing yourself. The bull is shy on the inside,
though he won’t show it. A direct approach may catch him off guard and make
him cautious.

He needs to be lured in with confidence.

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He will be shy at first and it would take some time for him to open up. The
diplomatic banker will be all yours soon.

· Making him comfortable

Taurus is a possessive sign, Earthy, fixed, and feminine. He is a seeker of

fruitful results with high regard for his possessions. And if you don't mind a
dominant man, protective and caring, then he is certainly the one you are
looking for.

You’ll see that he has immense knowledge, He can talk about economies and
politics nonstop. You can trust him to keep a tab on all your finances and can
leave all the financial matters to him without worrying about a penny.

For more, you can indulge him in a conversation by asking about his most
prized possessions. Or the kind of cars he likes to drive and he will start
pouring his heart out, bringing back memories from his childhood as to why
he fell in love with that particular car. Though he is not much of a talker he will
surely talk about his extravagant collections back home, excitedly.

Many Taurus people have melodious voices. They are great in

communication as well as in singing. Try requesting him and after some
hesitation, he will start to sing you his favorite songs.

That is another luxury the Bull recuperates whenever the chance comes.
Sometimes, this may lead them to pursue a career in singing.

Apart from being passionate about prosperity, he will also act as a

peacemaker. You can be sure that every Taurus man has his humorous side
hidden behind the visible reserved facade.

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The laughter will come, but slowly. And when he starts to trust you, he will
come up with jokes to make you laugh, you can be assured now that you have
knocked his reservations down.

· What he should know about you

A Taurus man's Earthy nature presents itself as his interest and skill in the
accumulation of material resources. This guy will get more overwhelmed by
the packaging than the product inside.

You can try talking about those luxurious things he just boasted about, it will
open up an area he never gave a second thought to. It will be like looking
beyond that beautiful wrap.

As a judge of appearances, Taurus men do not pay attention to things in life

which do not look great. Only to learn how pathetic those good-looking things
turn out to be when used.

A Taurus man doesn’t look for new territory often, so you've got to be that
new territory.

He will not only look a woman with a beautiful face but will also seek an
analytical thinker who sees beyond comfort. The one who sees the practical
usefulness of the material world beyond the packaging; will be his choice. The
woman who will complete him.

Your man will always carry a practical outlook but at times he will be stubborn
and resistant to new ideas. When that happens, you will need to bring out
your diplomatic and thoughtful perspective, to help him see beyond. A woman
who sees things differently but will not shy away when he'll smother you with
security and affection.

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Talking about baseless dreams is not their cup of tea.

He will value stability and constructive ability in his woman, as he is highly
reliable. Sure, playing the role of a woman who is reliable and prefers stability
over fragile choices is going to nail the Bull.

· Building up the trust

You will never witness him jumping to conclusions. He cannot be easily

moved either, but to bring his best out, he needs to be in a company of
someone trustworthy.

When a Taurus seeks a partner whom he can trust, it calls for an

understanding of his sense of humor, first.

Moreover, understanding his psyche of not admitting mistakes should not be

considered as his stubbornness because for him, admitting a mistake is
uncomfortably close to being weak. And the very word weakness makes a
Bull see red.

He might not accept his mistakes on the outside but once he realizes his error,
he would repent, and will never repeat it twice.

His greatest strength is his trustworthiness, steadiness, and firmness. He may

sound like an insistent person but he is also composed & conservative.

The immoveable Bull will become an irresistible force, once you are trusted.

His other virtues are his stubbornness and determination. His strong desire
for pleasure may also sound like he is being greedy but he will share all his
pleasures with you once he begins trusting you.

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Probably you would have cherished his artistic and musical talents by now.

When you are his goal, He will be approaching you, step-by-step. He wouldn't
jump or run. He feels content as he enjoys his hard-earned rewards in its own
due time.

Being a man of preparations, the Bull rarely worries about a rainy day. He
may carry heavy loads of responsibilities but they are bravely accepted,
tiresome duties don’t make him give up as his great Bull-heart takes them all.

· Getting along the path

He will be a logical thinker. Yet his thoroughness is a marked characteristic

of his sun-sign. Before taking a task in hands, he will analyze and see if it is
possible or not. Only when it can be thoroughly completed, he begins working
on it.

In the relationships too, Taurus men pay attention to the logical aspect before
the emotional one and so he will prefer a partner who is intellectual and logical
rather than a sensitive dreamer.

After you have decided to take your journey a little further, the time is to find
out what’s in your Bull’s mind.

A Taurus man is a patient lot, he can wait longer for you when you show up
late on a date. You will be surprised to find that he is still wearing that
charming smile without bothering to dig deep into the cause of delay.

But when the moment is nearing, the Bull takes charge. The practical and
persistent bull will sweat to plow the field and build a house rather than

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painting the town red for you.

The Bull hardly loses his temper but he sure will when opposed. Do not
challenge him, for anyone who does, they make a fatal mistake. When he
believes in his partner’s stability, he will make every effort to keep the relation
with his partner everlasting.

Another unique characteristic of the Bull surfaces when less determined

spirits fall. The Bull continues overcoming every obstacle on his way till the

He would love to have a partner with equal willpower by his side. You have to
be the woman he can rely upon when treading the same path.

· Cooperation

A Taurus man re-energizes himself by working in the physical world, you've

got to be ready and help him pack his gym-bag if he is a bodybuilding
enthusiast. If he tends to be a surfer, you've got yourself a great companion
for beach-surfing.

His patience is not to be confused with laziness; you will find that he is always
being productive.

You will have to be ready to have a good time with him. He will take you to
the most expensive yacht and surprise you with a candle-lit dinner.

You will truly see him where he feels most comfortable. He will fall deeper in
love with you when you make him feel comfortable in his skin, while he is
being productive and working towards his goals. Helping him reach there

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He will never hurt you with foul words but will rather express himself
differently. He will be persistent with his woman, always listening to her
patiently, with caution and specifically attending to her whenever she needs

The Bull’s thoughts are influenced by practical considerations and colored by

traditional attitudes. You will have to understand his taste, the way his
affection and appreciation are expressed materially, unvaryingly and

You will find that he emphasizes himself through concrete achievements,

through patience and persistence with everyone involved.

That is the key to his physical energy. He gets stimulated by hard work, self-
discipline, challenge, and responsibility.

His inner faith will flow into you when you tune into practicality and
dependability. As you indulge in the experiences of the senses along with
your Bull.

· The proposal

So, you have decided to indulge in the sensory pleasures and the depths of
luxury with your man. Congratulations! The efforts should now be put to
mastering the physical world and developing a systematic approach like him,
for mutual harmony.

By now you know that he is an unshakable man of word. When he accepts

your proposal, he will not change his mind. His proposal will come after
analyzing the thorough interests of life in the long term rather than settling for

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limited benefits.

When all the various possibilities have been carefully judged and seriously
considered, the Bull is ready to get down on his knee.

Nothing will please him more than you wearing the dress he gifted you with a
radiant charming smile. He will be gentle and kind when tending to your

As you're the love of his life.

His overconfident attitude may worry you but his great self-reliance and
determination will melt your heart for sure.

· Congratulations

The peacemaker is finally yours. With all the hard shells broken, the true self
of mighty Bull is finally out in the open.

You are on a blissful path towards a happily ever after.

Patience and determination will pay high dividends of love, fun, and recreation
with him.

Though Taurus has his shortcomings, he is no less than the other Sun-signs
in the love-games. He could be shy but knows how to be passionate about
his lover. He could be slow with his reactions but will always come up with
firm decisions. He could be called materialistic but the love of finer things in
life makes him a finer lover too.

He could be possessive but then who is he possessing now? You. He is going

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to take the absolute care of his newfound possession, you.

He could be called inflexible and rigid but then again; he won’t change
partners that easily either, once unmovable, always unmovable.

He may have limited interests and conventional outlook but won’t he be a

great family man every woman wishes for?

You have noticed, his slowness in reactions leads to his inability to change
his mind easily. And now since it is accepted between you two, you need to
stabilize your efficiency and precision in work and in handling daily
responsibilities as he does.

That’s the Bull being nailed as he submits to your love, you finally won his

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The Gemini Man

Target: Gemini Man.

Fallen for that charming sweet talker? Well, he is the Master of words, the
“Twins” is a blend of two personalities carrying the charismatic aura of duality,
with manners of a gentleman and a rogue combined.

Don’t just fall for his innocent looks, he is intelligent and witty as well.

He will greet you as if he knows you like an old acquaintance or one of his
close friends. If you find that offending, he will be quick to adapt a subdued
stance. He will perceive your every expression and tone to reflect it back to

The Gemini man is going to make you comfortable at every moment.

Gradually learning about your preferences and likes. Talk to him about
anything and he will always have something to add. In an argument, he can
make you doubt your confidence about the facts.

Ask him about this “Harry” or that “Samantha” in town, he will probably know
them. I’m sure by now you can surely tell that he isn’t shy to socialize and put
himself out there.

Your man is a quick talker, jumping from topic to topic, slyly slipping his
advices and tips regarding the do’s and don’ts for just about anything. His
sensitive approach besides being conversant will mesmerize you before you
even realize it.

His ready understanding of you will draw you nearer to him.

Before long, the unstable ‘Twins’ might come off as a superficial and disloyal

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person with his multiple interests. Here, you have to take a step towards
analysing and contemplating his façade and be willing to see past this and
into what he hides beneath.

He is highly selective and analytical. But once he has set his heart and eyes
on you, stay assured, you were not just a random pick. He came to trust you
after a complete scrutiny and finally decided to let you reach his secret vault.
His heart.

· The approach

Now that you’ve grown a little closer than before, you wouldn’t have even
noticed the unintentional hand holding and shoulder brushes. Why? Well
that’s the Twin’s suave approach to get closer to you. Approaching a Gemini
is not a bumpy ride, he is a man with vibrant energy, both physical and

Now that you’ve established a familiarity, his comfort makes you confide in
him. He feels like an old friend. Encouraging you to express yourself while he
looks at you with undivided attention.

His trustworthiness starts to grow on you. This is also the secret of how he
manages to expand his social circle.

Want to know how he manages to be so likeable? Talk to him about a made-

up scenario of a friend who is having difficulty with his/her partner and keep
a possible result in your mind.

Ask him about the solution to the problem and you will be presented with very
quick solutions and suggestions with an assertion of no better options.

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Now bring in your version of the solution, the one you had already decided
upon and do mention, “that’s what I think it should be like”. Voila! The Twin
will immediately approve of your version to be the best possible solution.

He is approving your version over his because this version is yours. That’s
the Gemini's power of influencing. Hesitancy or cover-up has nothing to do
with it, he is merely giving you a freedom of thought.

Does he sound like a double-talker? Well, he is. Just wait till he presents his
opinions from a stereoscopic perspective with an in-depth analysis like no

The ever-colorful Gemini is fairly approachable, this sun-sign is ruled by the

speedy Mercury, forcing him to try on a hundred different masks only to go
ahead to get rid of them.

It is an effort to find ‘the self’. To search for his identity.

· Making him comfortable

This won’t be a problem with a Gemini man, the ever-smiling man is already
comfortable with you, or is he? Gemini men are friendly and have many
friends and followers due to their free spoken nature.

They attend to everyone, newcomers and old friends alike as they can quickly
jump to a new conclusion. They mix up with familiar people as well as new
ones equally.

They handle a situation at hand better than any long-term goal or singular
decisions, which is where they have to work harder.

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Repetitive things bore them. So, they jump onto a new activity to overwrite
the lingering taste of familiarity. He would rather try out all the dishes piece
by piece than finishing just one.

With a Gemini, you can expect to join him for a new chapter while leaving the
previous one half-read. Eventually, although finishing the book in intervals but
completing it with a deeper understanding than that of a continuous reader.

The Twin prefers to look at things superficially. Being an air sign, Gemini’s
nature typically manifests as the ability to understand, utilize, and
communicate facts.

Gemini men are natural teachers and communicators. Anything about

literature excites them. And yes, he will be happier with selling you his ideas,
so do offer your imagination, allowing him to exercise his mental skills.

· What he should know about you

Being a woman, it’s natural for you to look beyond the fabric of personality
where there is more than what meets the eye. And this is where the Twin will
stop and begin to think and seek the truth with you.

Take him to far-reaching aspects of everyday life. Talk to him about the day
after tomorrow and he wouldn't be too sure about anything else other than the
t-shirt he is going to wear the next day.

This Air-sign although good in calculating and quantifying things, tends to

overlook the truth. You will have to start where he stops, towards the deeper
meaning and magnificence, beyond the data-analysis.

What I mean here is that the Gemini man is quick, witty and impulsive; you

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have to be the one who takes time to conclude. Don’t worry you won’t sound
slow to him as he has already made up his mind to stay back.

When he looks deep in thought, he is actually generating yet another opinion

about you or has already began smiling to himself about an inside joke. The
Twin is fond of his arguments.

And now you know the secret behind his always smiling face, he is not always
sarcastic but amused at his ability to have missed things in the first place.

You have caressed his analytical near-sightedness and he is quietly growing

respect for you. Depending on the situation, he will start asking for your
opinion about the things he cares about, initially from made-up scenarios to
the real problems at hand.

You will know the transition soon.

.· Building up the trust

So, the sweet talker has homed you in. He has made you plunge with him
into the unknown and now you are ready to tread on? You will soon be
proposed to if not already.

From the moment the thinker starts to sense the million unknown capacities
of the world, he is deciding upon the possibility of depending on someone to
explore it with, someone he should not let go of.

The conversant Gemini won’t let you down ever, however he may have his
own opinions. Well, that’s the Twin’s baseline.

He has both; positive and negative poles to his personality and is open for

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various possible outcomes in any contour. The lawyer is ever ready to discuss
both sides with no opinions initially, each side enticing him into representing

Gemini men love their freedom particularly the freedom of expression. But
they always allow others to express their opinions first, before they do so.

Your Gemini man may not have plans in his mind yet. But the thrill of getting
along with you, of course, will tinkle their bells. Coming home from work from
feeling freedom outside, the Twin also wishes to find the same freedom in
your arms.

The ever-changing chameleon will love to have his own version of forever
with you. Finally, the impulsive Twin is giving in to the feelings of love, a
newfound truth that life is too profound to only be witnessed from afar.

· Getting along the path

So, you are walking with the storyteller of the Zodiac! That’s great, he surely
will tickle you in the ribs. Gemini, the intellectual sign has something to say
for every sentence that is being said.

This charming suave man, can now explore the wonders of the world with you
beside him. Your Gemini man will be the perfect counterpart, never short of
humor, ever entertaining you with his wit and charm.

Gemini men weigh life in equal terms with everyone. It is in their nature to
treat everyone equally. Well, putting aside his sarcasm, he secretly enjoys
the amusing banter.

The only concern here is, his freedom of expression. He tends to say

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whatever he wants to say, and to whoever he wants to say to. Most of these
situations do not deliberate him to think about the consequences.

Life with him will bring out your own laid-back aspect, depending on your sun-
sign. You will also learn about the unexacting side of sarcasm. He will
encourage you to go with the flow. As he will look after the consequences by

Despite their laid-back approach to life, they do get into trouble due to their
outspoken sarcasm. There are always a few people he will end up offending,
unknowingly. And here’s where you are going to hold his hand and walk him
out of that trouble by asking him to see beneath the surface of this situation.

Inspiring him to cultivate a sense of sensitivity towards his environment.

· Cooperation points

The Gemini is hard wired to the adapt to change. He knows how to go with
the flow. You might have encountered a situation or two by now about his
adapting nature. You need to be adaptable and flexible like him, being able
to change your perception and expression with changing circumstances.

Being gentle with your man will help a lot with the relationship.

He gives least importance to standing his ground and being rigid. If you are
the one to be unshakable in your beliefs, chances are he will back off, allowing
you to win the situation anyway. But too much of it, and away he goes.

You may call him the chameleon of the Zodiac, since he can change and
adapt personalities according to the time’s demand.

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Among the other Air-signs, the Twins are blessed with an incredible

Gemini men enjoy the process of learning with an unmatched enthusiasm. He

will teach you his ways of fair play and diplomacy, making you well-liked by
others in the process. Undoubtedly, you would appreciate this in the long run.

The beauty in flexibility of a Gemini personality, is that he is adaptable and

not rigid. This will certainly be a plus point in bringing harmony in your

He will be selfless and quick to help you at every moment and will go above
and beyond himself to make sure you’re okay. Often surpassing his breaking
point which can leave him feeling drained at times.

· The proposal

He must have proposed to you by now or is it not the time yet? Stay put as
having been through many ups and downs, the sublime Twin is growing more
trust in you.

He has finally given you the much-awaited security clearance to his heart.
The man of wits and humour has finally understood what it means to be in

He has now learned that romance and true love are separated by a thin line
he could never really see for himself, and that is where he had to make efforts
to cross this line for you.

He has finally given up the analytical thinking to become more conducive to

uncalculated true happiness. However, this is also linked to achievement and

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success he hardly cared for till now.

Deep down his heart, he is thankful for you and how you opened up a new
world of possibilities and sincere love. The capacity of which he held within
himself, all this time.

He can now grasp his own identity. He is now reaching towards the singularity
of life’s purpose.

He is coming out of the Twin-paradox within himself.

· Congratulations

There you go with your man of dreams. A great friend to all is yours forever
now. The liberator of every situation, is quiet and smiling. Only this time, with
no amusement in his eyes but pure appreciation for you love and support to
keep him grounded.

He will stay with you forever. To have found someone to lay by his side
looking up at the sky, exploring world mysteries with you is a dream come
true for him. And now all kinds of feelings are surfacing within him, something
which his logic cannot explain.

The sharp, sympathetic and intuitive Gemini has the capacity to tackle a
situation before it gets worst, while taking care of your concerns first and

At times, however, his desire to please every one of your family members or
friends at a get together can get him into trouble. While agreeing with
everyone, he may sound like an unreliable person, coming across as a two-
faced man. All this in the name of aiming to please you.

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Which is why, your assurance and support will help him develop more
confidence in himself.

He will need you everywhere, allowing you to take control, even though it is
as simple as tying a bow tie for the party, that’s the romantic Twin’s new way
of admiring you, showing you how much he needs you.

The free soul is finally your companion forever.

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The Cancer Man

Target: Cancer Man.

Has a Cancer, The Crab, hit you hard in the heart? Don’t be surprised, he has
already sensed your infatuation, while you were awaiting approaching him.
Given that, Cancers are highly intuitive.

Your man will have a fair idea of your purpose even when you would’ve barely
introduced yourself. Their psychic abilities are no match to the other signs.

The Crabs’ love-psyche is superficial in the physical world. He can effortlessly

pick up the energies of a room. If he is calm and available then, the place and
moment are right to strike a conversation.

Cancer is the only sign in the Zodiac ruled by the Moon, our satellite. How
dreamy, Moon, a recipe for romantic poetry, influencing lovers through ages.

Cancer men are innovative and self-motivated, you can’t push them without
a good reason. They like to initiate first and then involve themselves in a
project. As a water sign, they are motivated by deep emotional longings and

They recharge their energy through intense emotional experiences and

intimate association with people in the flesh and not lifeless objects.

The Moon being the effective influencer on a Cancer man makes him more
feeling-led than a logical and linear thinker.

The ‘feeling-guy’ cares a lot about self-image and comes up with Conditional

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Responses. Let’s find out.

· The approach

The Crab is highly sensitive to his environment, as well as extremely self-

protective. If he would have sensed any danger, he would have probably
retreated into his shell.

Now that you have him here, start with a greeting and he will be more than
happy to welcome you. He will probably offer you the seat next to him even if
he is not acquainted with you.

Cancer is gentle in appearance and is feminine in nature, which gives him the
quality of being tender and nurturing. The conversation with your man is going
to be humble and meaningful. Towards life and the spiritual aspect than about
material desires.

Talk to him about any sensitive issue and he will get carried away with it. Ask
him to tell you his views on life as a whole and will tell you how important love
is for him.

If you want to get to his core, talk about what brings him emotional security.
This soft-hearted man, veiled behind a hard shell, will always feel better in an
emotionally secure environment.

People of this Sun-Sign hardly express their sorrows but may carry them deep

They shed their tears alone when no one is looking but will carry a smile to
suppress it. You may not find it in the first meeting, only when he knows you
enough, will he open his wounds, if any.

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· Making him comfortable

Take the Crab to the sea-side, waterfall or any near-water place and he will
thank you. Nature attracts them and so does the sound of waves crashing
against the shore, wherein he will feel elevated and balanced.

He is the deepest well himself when it comes to keeping secrets. Never letting
them surface but an ocean full of waves always whirling within. Longing to
find that safe place to unwind; from years of holding back.

Though he enjoys travel and adventure, he is not a wanderer, like an Aries or

a Gemini who like to venture into unknown places. He is more of an indoor
man preferring an accustomed place over unfamiliar lands.

A familiar place would be fine with him, where he won’t care to look around

Better choose a known place where he has already been, so that instead of
looking around, he can open up with you, bringing himself into the

And you will see that he begins to shine within, directing and molding his
thought process into the shape of his personality.

Let him take his own time, let him open up on his own, with his own version
of the world around. Let the topic roll off of his tongue and you will see him
grow more and more comfortable.

You may have your own version of the things in this ongoing conversation but
when you are presenting a different opinion than his or if his views and your

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answers mismatch, you will find that it seems a little difficult for him to engage
and he’ll just shake it off quietly.

Gradually the Crab begins to come out of his shell, slowly clawing out of his
cautious character.

· What he should know about you

Someone with an open and passionate nature always appeals to a Cancer.

When he feels emotionally secure with you, he recognizes that his search for
a partner is coming to an end, wondering if you are the one. Here, you will
need to initiate a sense of belonging, making him feel right about himself.

To a Cancer man, love is the most important truth. For him, it makes him feel
safe and at home.

He craves to always feel safe and secure like how we feel in the atmosphere
of our families. If you two can balance this aspect of your relationships with
harmony, you got him.

Cancer can have intense, feminine energy, and you have to be the one who
can help them in releasing this energy. Cancer men tend to be sentimental
and prefer to slow down every once in a while as they appreciate delicate
moments of life instead of rushing on to the next big thing.

As Moon controls the tides of Earth, quietly affecting all life; Cancer works
behind the scenes in the same way. If you like to be the one to handle rush-
hour chores, there could be a match sooner than expected.

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· Building up the trust

Keep an optimistic mindset when you approach a Cancer man. Pessimism

may scare him away because all he cares to feel with you is openness, inner
contentment and a flowing, adaptable sense of self.

That’s the key to a Crabs heart.

In the evolution of the soul, he still lacks freedom and security that love brings,
but not until the right partner manages to change this.

And that’s where the strong sense of devotion in love begins to pave a way
for him to express freedom in love.

When he starts to see a carefree person in your reflection. A partner who is

equally ready to dedicate herself to love, you have successfully ensured his
trust in you.

The cautious Crab has begun to surrender wilfully.

You can help your Cancer man by reassuring him that they are needed.
Additionally, you will have to be a good listener. The Crab is strongly
instinctive, their advice can help you avoid making silly mistakes and rash
decisions. Most of which are caused due to a lack of planning.

When he gets to know that your enthusiasm and realistic ambitions are
matching his devotion and sensitivity, he then becomes a quiet admirer of
yours. And begins to feel security and comfort in your presence.

· Getting along the path

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It is important for a Cancer man to understand how you handle relationships.

Moreover, your emotional response to situations & experiences become a big
interest factor.

They love to hold onto the past as it is what feels familiar and sometimes
practically lives in it. This accounts for the way they seek new experiences
yet always roundabout to past experiences.

Bringing up happy memories from the past will uplift them whenever they are
in a foul mood. Yes, they too have their fair share of different moods. Like
moon-phases, they have varying moods.

There might be times when you disagree on something. Be careful to be kind

as arguments wear them down and criticism wounds them. And like a Crab,
they rush back into their shells.

They are humanitarians and philanthropists. They devote themselves to

worthy causes and all it takes to motivate them is appreciation. Letting them
know that their effort counts.

He will also be persistent and strong-willed. While he would like to get over
tough times on his own. You better stay close to him during these times.

He might weep alone but will never shed crocodile tears.

· Cooperation points

A Cancer man makes a great partner because he knows what it takes to make
a relationship last.

By now, you might have felt his facades slowly fade away. Maybe you caught

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him in the eye and saw the truth of the wicked world hurting him. Or you saw
past his hard-outer shell that protects his tender, defenseless heart

He is confident in his ability to make you feel good about yourself. That said,
he can sometimes end up feeling insecure regarding how you feel about him,
making him retreat in his shell where he starts acting passively.

Accusing him of being untrustworthy when you start to feel him pull away will
only make things worse.

It is not that he doesn’t want to try anymore. But maybe there are some
personal issues he is trying to work through, which makes it hard for him to
talk to you.

You can always gently ask him about what is it that is hurting him, then being
uncompromising in these situations.

Cancer men are responsible. They try to fulfill their obligations than whining
over reasons to postpone them for later.

The same will be expected from you too. And if you cannot, for some reason,
he is not going to complain but rather will stop depending on you.

You better commit your promises to memory because he does. Stay assured
because he will put all his energy into keeping his promise.

He is now becoming dependent on you for his emotional needs and granted,
yours will be taken care of by him unfailingly.

· The proposal

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When you have been involved with him on a sentimental level, you will find
his acceptance without words, he will know that you do mean a lot to him.

The Cancer man knows exactly how to take a woman into his gentle grip. He
is sentimental and is going to want to propose to you at the hotel where your
first date was or the city where your first-ever vacation was.

Whenever he does it, it is going to mean something extremely personal and

specific to your relationship.

He is going to propose to you and when he does, know that he is saying it

from every ounce of his heart and soul. His intuitive instinct will play its own

Your man may propose you with a beautiful handwritten note or a self-written
poem when he goes down on one knee.

And if you are eager to propose, he needs to be proposed at the right time.
To bring his attention from insignificant ideas and activities to the more
important matters like this, you ought to bring your efforts and be direct with

· Congratulations

You have seen his sunshine beside his Moon-shine but sometimes, there can
be emotional suffering to the point of nervous exhaustion due to the workload
at an office or while dealing with relations in general.

That’s where he will need you the most. For them, co-operation with other
partners in the service idea is the best way to personal satisfaction. You know

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his ideal by now, don’t you?

They are capable of great personal devotion to their partners. Their

intellectual ability makes them priceless in the control of great actions.

However, discouragement and lack of appreciation of their efforts is their

weakness and they are liable to indulge too much in unjustified self-pity.

Though, wide understanding and keen analytical ability are the great assets
of these people. They keep a variety of interest and need to engage the
attention of their highly active minds.

And he has finally found the center of his attention in you.

The Cancer may be stiff, grumpy and irritable, but possess a legendary heart
of gold. A sentimental persona who is soft in the core will make a sacrifice for
you in every need.

The great heart of Gold is all yours now.

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The Leo Man

Target: Leo Man.

Going for a Lion-hunting? You better get ready to tame the majestic Lion!
That’s a Lioness's choice and probably, you are one.

The Lions are so majestic in the presence that it can be felt by almost
everyone in the room. There is no other sign that comes close to being as
regal as a Leo.

Ever heard of a lionheart?. That’s him. Of course, it comes along with a few
shortcomings on the side but that’s okay; we all have a few. That said, The
Lion is the king of the jungle and so is Leo, when it comes to the Zodiac.

They radiate warmth at such a degree, that it feels as if the Sun has just
descended upon earth and into the room on a royal red carpet. They are
commanding but in a way that it feels like a parent’s regard. Protective and

Sometimes, they tend to over impose themselves on people who

underperform. But it is only because they want everybody to be confident in
their abilities and on to be on equal footing with everyone else.

They address them affectionately and infuse them with hope and courage.

This comes from their tendency to lend a helping hand to the weak and is
ever ready to lead others, always protective over their teammate and their

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The Leo man is capable of enduring great pain and taking even greater risks
than others, when on a mission. Leading everybody with unmatched bravery.
This Sun-sign carries Lion’s graciousness and loyalty.

They expect the same in return. The Leo man would rather sustain a stab in
the chest than their back. They can’t stand a traitor; a weak character is
loathed by a Leo.

They can also be dreadfully egotistical and often get carried away by false
pride. Their warmth and temperaments can change without a warning, if and
when someone crosses a line.

Like a Lion, he will roar and forewarn of any consequences and will remind
them of the respect they deserve.

· The approach

Leo, the sign ruled by the Sun itself will charm you with their warmth and
brightness even before you approach him. His rumbling laughter and
confident tone can be heard by everyone in the room. This royal king will greet
you humbly, keeping his Armor aside.

His majesty will take your hand in his poised hands to show respect.

His presence will bring you delight like no other. He will be attentive when you
speak. At the same time, when he starts speaking, he will do so with a self-
assured tone of a man in charge.

The Leo man is sharp and wise which is why a person with manners and
intellect immediately seizes their attention, even from across the room.

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Talk about the powerful people around the town and he will know all about
them. In a way, he considers himself to be one as well.

You can spot him as a handsome and confident man with luxurious manners
and a graceful walk.

He can be romantically irresistible, their charisma will engage you. And his
protective demeanor will make sure you’re okay and safe.

If somebody crashes into you, say, on the dance floor; the wrath in his eyes
won’t go amiss but when the person apologizes, you will see that fury slowly
melting away, now gazing at you to make sure you feel comfortable by the

He will be protective of you, just like a Lion over his Lioness.

· Making him comfortable

Leos tend to follow themselves more than they follow others, so you’ve got to
give him the lead. Talk to him about his ambitions and you will get to know he
likes big things, big car, big house, a bigger role in society and everything

He will be reasonable and practical, unlike any other mindless thinker. Talk to
him about the glorious things life can offer and he will let the virtue of his heart
paint its picture. His far-reaching desires and wishes will leave you inspired.

If you ask him about the ones who cannot afford those things or a world view
like his, you will be touched by his humanitarian views. His views will be like
an initiator, not only resonating with what can be done but about what he can

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Many times, you may feel like kicking him in the derrière when he is playing
too much of a decorous, egotistical "King”, who is never wrong. Even if he is,
you cannot get a Leo to admit his mistake.

Leo men are short of humility, they never surrender. Others need to back off
if it is something he disagrees with because the Lion will not.

They have a great sense of honour. The only time they will entertain a harsh
comment towards them, is during a joke. However, they will quickly dismiss it
with a laugh.

Whatever your views could be, he will respect your idea and will tolerate it as
well. But If it is something they disapprove of, the Lion will tell you outright as
they are very straightforward.

Ask him to take a bold step and he will be ready to take a bolder one. When
nothing is challenging in his near surroundings, the Lion calmly sits and waits,
waits and listens to the partner adoringly.

· What he should know about you

Leo men concentrate on the administrative aspect of a task since they tend
to see the broader sense of the things.

A person with planning abilities, who has an independent streak, intrigues the
Lion. You have to be independent and self-confident. A person who seeks out
any favour because of their inability is sure a no-no for him.

On the other hand, it changes when there is a genuine helpless situation.

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Where you’re facing failures despite putting in absolute efforts, this easily
softens his resilient heart.

As he is sensitive to helpless people, he can understand the burden of such


Though a Leo man is a follower of traditions, a partner who pursues new

visions for the future, makes him want her more. A partner who has great
ideas to influence others and does so, without sounding forceful.

Who can communicate with clear reasonable facts.

You have to be the one who brings harmony in the relationship and still
doesn’t mind letting him lead and guide you through it all. He will appreciate
your efforts while he decides upon the risks, bravely.

That’s a Lion working for self-satisfaction. Leo men can hold a conversation
regarding any topic, be bold to present yourself through your views and
perspectives and they won’t hesitate to discuss.

· Building up the trust

As a leader, Leo men are born with an innate capacity to lead others in the
right direction. This also requires his subordinates to follow him,

However, this is not the case when it comes to love. Here, he prefers his
partner to decide upon the course of action and then matches that with his

That’s the Lioness he needs to be with, not just a delicate and appealing doll.

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He values modesty in his woman. Faint-hearted beauty is not appreciated by

a Leo man. You have to have a strong-willed character with a determination
to stand your ground to win him.

And if his ambitions match with yours, you get to enjoy his smothering
affection and attention.

When he finds a truth-seeker in you, the one with dignity and values, with a
purpose in life coupled with scenic tastes, rest assured. The Lion is looking
nowhere else.

His high standards will constantly drive him to put in dedicated efforts for you.

The urge of personal ambition, however, is the principal force that guides
them. They are always fully conscious of their superiority and capabilities.

This time, when that force is fired by someone so desirable, the only ambition
they have is you!

· Getting along the path

You guys came strong together this far, the further journey still has to be
exciting with the Autocratic Monarch.

Ever dreamed of the prince and felt like being his princess? Here you need to
think about how it feels like being a Queen with a King. Leo will fall more for
a practical and realistic character.

Dreams about the future will be discussed on the way. The difficulties will be
seen and discussed ahead of time. Go ahead and unite with him where your

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soul finds it forever loves. He will be more than happy to lead you out into his

Your nobility will determine how well you get along together. An aristocrat will
always feel comfortable in the company of an aristocrat than with a mediocre.

You need to have an understanding of what it is like to be a regal person. You

should know how to treat your Lion with respect and authenticity when
commenting or complimenting him.

Leo men despise the use of flattery to get them interested. As it holds no
value to them. The Lions know the difference between words and spirited
factual remarks.

A Leo man is motivated by inspiration and aspiration, a partner who constantly

motivates him, inspires him during hard times and the one who encourages
his ambition, will always make him cherish her for the lifetime.

· Cooperation points

They spend a lot on living a lavish life and tend to overspend in the course.

He is going to buy all those expensive gifts. This daring man will not care
about a rainy day, as his risk-taking tendencies might make him fall short in
managing the savings department.

When his partner is comprehensive in handling his finances, there will be

lesser circumstances of economic troubles. You will have to have this area
covered for him.

Leo men recharge their energy through physically demanding activities. He

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wouldn’t mind if you are less interested in joining him for gym but if you help
pack his gym-bag proactively or push him for that additional set of workout,
he will value your added encouragement with a charming smile.

If you both have common ambitions, he is going to help you make things
easier. If your ambitions are not at par, the Leo man will still make sure you
pursue what you want.

He feels encouraged and inspired by being with someone as enthusiastic as

him when it comes to pursuing one’s ambitions.

· The proposal

Leos have no difficulty in proposing when they have found what they want,
they are not the shy-type.

They are well capable of expressing themselves. The moment they know that
you are the one, to them, it feels like being hit by a thunderbolt. When that
happens, he just can’t wait and will propose to you even at an odd time or an
odd place. Anywhere!

He may be that dramatic out-of-the movie character, with a heartfelt

proposition and a performance which is no less of a lover.

His warm words and authenticity will not only melt your heart but if there are
onlookers around, they will feel it too. That’s a Leo, the King proposing.

At that moment, you will be transfixed at the grand display of his affection as
he shows you off in front of the whole world. Claiming you as his.

Once the Lion has his Lioness accept his proposal, he will leave no stone

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unturned to fulfill the promises he just made. He will sacrifice anything to stick
by his words.

He will stand like a rock to protect you.

That moment will show you why he is called a Lion-heart.

With your king on your side forever now, you will need to stabilize your identity
and be able to express your creative energy with more consistency and

His boundless kindness will extend toward you, enveloping you in his love.
His words gaining newfound meanings.

The temperaments he might have had so far will be softening in his love for
you and he will already look forward to being the family man.

· Congratulations

The man with purpose is all yours. The one with the power to inspire others
is inspired by you, now.

Get ready to be showered by the infallible affections of the Lion. Now, that
you are a match, his generosity and sense of responsibility will multiply. You
will be there on his mind during every meeting, sport or event he is attending.

The person of passionate and dynamic action is willing to understand the

methods of life, the buoyancy giving new ways of maturity. For Leo,
opportunities are taken with stimulated efforts when he takes risks to express
himself and try new things.

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And now, when your efforts would be put into making him the master of the
physical world. Your views will help him develop a systematic approach
towards life, together.

This man who was once proud and arrogant will be balanced by your
unconditional love, forever.

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The Virgo Man

Target: Virgo Man

So, Virgo, the perfectionist Virgin is the one you are going to persuade. Very
well, this man has a belief about how this world runs chaotically and somehow
tries hard to make it perfect in his own way.

Which is to say, he will learn to bring synchronicity out of chaos itself or at

least accept it the way it is for his own good.

Virgo men are practical and carry a go-getter attitude, always looking for new
ways to improve. People may perceive them as uptight but from within, there
is a party animal waiting for the right time to come out.

They are the most sorted personalities. They dislike violence, arguments and
even curse words. Your Virgo man will be generous and gentle and full of life,
keeping you grounded with his honesty.

Virgos are sensual as well, assimilating a lot by their sensory organs than the
visual ones. However, they are hard-wired to self-protection. Perseverance is
another quality of the Virgin. Mostly the reserved kind, only a select set of
people have access to their vulnerability.

A Virgo’s circle of friends will be hand-picked, the majority of which will reflect
those flawless mannerisms, he appreciates.

The Virgo men are ruled by Mercury, the ruler of intelligence and reason,
hence the intelligence of the Virgo is unquestionable. He is a great
communicator and a grand strategist.

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· The approach

A Virgo man places a great deal of value on appearance when it comes to

their partners. However, they’ll prefer a neat and coordinated look over trendy
fashions, so your look must be simple yet elegant.

So, do go in wearing matching earrings with your graceful dress and a purse,
he will surely notice it. And yes, be on time, Virgos don’t like to wait for
someone. He sure will be there on the decided time, probably earlier.

Being punctual and proper is what he will expect and desire. The practical
Virgo will also prefer to meet you at an organized place over a shabby one.

While he is there already, you may find him busy reading a book or probably
dreaming about the perfect world.

The daydreamer can be woken up by great news about ongoing research of

his interest and it better be a practical one. You will admire him for being
faultless at things.

This makes them hard with taking failures, it’s also a rare chance as he will
be almost perfect with everything he takes upon.

There will be so much to learn from a Virgo. We sometimes miss the attention
required to get things done on time whereas the Virgo will keep up with the
deadline. He will always plan in advance and with a keen eye on details.

Talk about the weather as we normally do and you will be surprised to know
his knowledge about the climate as a whole. But when he opens up, you find
the talkative Virgo’s humour always reality-related, you’ll know that he loves

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hearing his parents telling stories of their childhood and relaxing after a hard
long day. They are really fun people to be around.

· Making him comfortable

Virgo has the Earth as their element which has the common elemental force
of Stability. Virgo’s character by this force effectively comes through attention
to details, attention to physical health, and the ability to construct material

This habit of their will show while they’ll put effort in building a relationship. It
will be worthwhile as he will take care of small details about you and notice
tender things. He will surprise you with your favourite things and have all the
intimate knowledge of this deep bond.

You have to be realistic in whatever topic you two talk about, they don’t go
well with daydreams.

You better have the knowledge to strike a topic of interest. You will be carried
away by the communicator Virgo and his growing interest. Ask him about the
recent new learning lessons he took to sharpen his ability.

It will be amazing to know how much he seeks to know the subject, which he
is talking about, or his favourite one. Be very generous with him and do
involve yourself in his talks.

Physical health is another area that interests the Virgo. You can even get
details about the calorie count of the food on his table. Tell him about your
favourite food and you will get to know what all junk you eat, also the healthier
foods will be advisable by the health-conscious Virgin.

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While talking, you will always find topics about realistic phenomena with the
constructive Virgin.

Talk about imaginative groundless things like a child’s dream, and you will
know if he is too materialistic or our normal Virgo. Moreover, too much of
Earth in his chart can make him miss out on other dimensions of life.

If he is bound with profound interests in acquiring material possessions or is

insensitive to the feelings, he needs to counterbalance this by a partner who
is more imaginative and sensitive than him.

· What to open up to him about you

One thing missing in Virgos is, they tend to think more in the practicality of life
than they can feel things.

They have an intensity and love for the niceties. The Virgo will neglect the
subtle parts of life in the process, which connect to happiness. As sensual as
they are, they hardly pay attention to things not comprehendible outside of
the five senses.

Someone with the ideas that are outside the sensory inputs makes them
wonder, they get amazed to know more- hey how do you do that? You can
better use your imagination and creativity to impress him for ones.

Though they are intuitive but too much logical analysis doesn’t work in love-
game, right? And they themselves would be more interested while you bring
up humorous topics and real-world mess-ups rather than unrealistic jokes.

Pick the jokes about goof-ups or factual errors and it will make them laugh

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The Virgos being as smart as they are, they may get cut off from sympathy.
If you asked him, he will give you his honest opinion even if it is rude.

Things may be a bit difficult to deal with in th beginning but you’ll see equal
efforts from the opposite end. And ones things accelerate he will be the one
taking initiatives as well.

If he finds you are messed up, he will have the best suggestions for you. He
will guide you with intense details and suggestions. But for this, you will have
to tell him about your problem - in detail.

Ask him to guess about you and he will give you a number of possibilities. All
based on what he saw and heard with a logical robotic expression.

His answers will be constructed upon how much he has known you so far,
how you look, the brands you are wearing, where you come from and likewise

If you tried to bring his imagination to the unseizable and mystical world, like
paranormal, he will feel like you are elbowing him in his ribs. He will begin to
get to the unknown areas of his psyche not yet used later on.

· Building up the trust

Romance needs imagination where the Virgin fails. To fall in love, you convey
your feelings certainly, but not on the scrutiny of current affairs. So, this will
be your department fairly, but no doubt you’ll receive enough appreciation for

On the feeling-related love-topics, he is sceptic of his abilities. It baffles him

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to know things the way he never imagined before. As a self-protective person,

he won’t worry about things he cannot imagine.

Sensitive issues won’t bother him either. And when he is at peace with you,
he shows up the signs of trust.

As practical as he sounds, this Virgo is open to suggestions and inputs. They

believe in constructive criticism. They may also become defensive
sometimes, but that will be because they want you and our bond to be the
best it can be.

One thing he will dislike is- the irregularity and the chaotic mess. But then, the
urgent matters in hand don’t require a system, they are supposed to be done
at that nick of time- intuitively.

That’s where our man gets panicked and irritated at disorderly things. Life
does take you to the circumstances at times where you have to decide in that
split second and act without pondering upon the result, without judging the
pros and cons of the options available.

You take your chance relying on your instincts and there you go. Mostly, the
instinctive results of that act turn out to be the best.

When someone sensitive and imaginative takes him to the other side of the
Moon or at least provokes imagination in life’s non-factual places, it will draw
his attention.

You will have to distract him from his analytical thoughts to trigger his
emotions. To let the non-dreamer Virgo, understand the feelings of subtle
things of life. To open his mind’s eye, to see things which cannot be seen by
the naked eyes.

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He will have to comprehend the delicacy to sense the waves of feelings rather
than contemplating the problems. The intellectual and analytical Virgin will
begin to get comfortable with aspects of life that were unknown to him till now.

· Getting along the path

The person capable of bringing order out of the chaos is the one who is going
to be his best buddy.

You must also know that their pride is rooted in being of service. They will
help everyone because it makes them feel good about themselves.

Virgos are the biggest givers of the zodiac, but often at times their generosity
goes unnoticed. You make sure that they know how much you appreciate
them, and compliment them on their selflessness and generosity.

The Virgo will learn intuitive perceptions on the path of love soon. His
imaginative abilities need to be provoked with your ideology.

He will regain missing points, the points which are not yet there, the hunch
will come up subconsciously in a whiff and he wouldn’t know where it came
from. You got him in awe if you have that in you.

What I mean is, the Virgo needs facts, the things which are already there to
look upon, to gather those things and decide and analyse. But you can be the
one to offer him more and leave him amazed and attracted.

· Cooperation points

Self-centeredness is the main theme of the Virgos. Their whole world is

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centred around them and them alone till someone with a determined gait of
confidence walks in their life. Someone who shakes their belief system. And
that can be YOU!

They are so immersed in rational thinking and sound decision making that
they will feel the nervous breakdown sometimes.

The tendency to absorb things with the general characteristics of the whole
personality, leaving out no room for errors, re-analysing and figuring the next
set of errors, kind of keep them in this loop forever.

They require to be dragged out of it sometimes and to feel that life has much
more to offer than just this.

However, critic, he may be, the mother nature has put the heart in him too.
To feel the unknown is called for by that person whom he trusts by now.

The Virgo could be great in science, literature or psychology, utmost fields

that they are suitable in but their relationships of the heart will be merged
outside their workshops.

When you take him by the hand and make him understand, the analyst sees
the world through his inner eyes, sees new colours he could never see

Feeling fulfilment in the vision of a perfectly ordered-world, makes him let go

of the vision of disorder which was obvious before.

The Virgin ultimately understands natures organized-chaos!

· The proposal

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Virgo, the Virgin, the symbol of purity and originality has found the missing
piece of his puzzle in you finally.

When the Virgo is ready to accept the wise-decision he made, he will not let
you go, he will fall to his knee before he even knows it. He is not the impulsive
and fiery in disposition but a careful verdict seeker.

He is ready by now and seeks your consent so he will ask you a direct
question instead of giving any hint.

You answer too, better be straight and right.

In spite of their remarkable mechanical skills and being best in intellectual

quests, there comes a time when a Virgo has reached a stage to let
somebody acquire the land of his heart.

When he will propose, and while waiting for your response, be it a few
seconds, he will feel like that teenager who has finally completed his journal
of love and presenting it to his mentor to approve.

He is no longer classified as cold, dry or down-to-earth but his feminine nature

is surfacing. Making him as common and changeable as a growing human
can be. Ideas about reality merging up with the enhanced sense of self for

His critical and unsympathetic self is now singing the song in the chorus with

· Congratulations

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The complex thinker has finally solved the enigma of love. The headbanger
is no more banging his fist on the table to demand proofs of reality.

He is no more the mystery solver; he has solved the biggest one already.

To him, you are now the sole purpose of his life, he is busy guessing the world
with you in its factual colours. The life ahead including your looks, fascinating
as never before. He will need you by his side wishing to spend every moment
with you.

His emotions, enveloped with yours will play a large part in colouring his ideas
on a new canvas.

The sky will look brighter in the day, shinier at night, stars are no more rocks
made up of elements in the periodic table. They carry the dreams of tomorrow,
their twinkling no more made-up of photons but a love-poem.

There is no more unknown to know, no issue to solve, as his mind is united

with his heart, syncing with yours in unison forever!

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The Libra Man

Target: Libra Man.

Libra is ruled by Venus, Goddess of Love and beauty, it is given the symbol
of “Scales” in Astrology. This is the sign of peaceful symmetry, keeping the
balance of emotions.

As luxurious as it sounds, they do indulge in the love of Luxury.

No wonder, you fell for a Libra man, for his charm, intelligence and optimism
are irresistible. I mean who wouldn’t? Libra men are great in their judgments
and could be your go-to person when confused. Although, ironically they do
get a bit confused with their own life decisions.

Talking about the power to influence a larger group of people, a Libra man is
a true team leader, who believes in teamwork rather than bossing over his
subordinates. He makes the work more enjoyable and creates a space of
comfort for you.

The kind of boss with whom you would booze after work.

If love is in the air, well I think, it means A Libra man is somewhere around.
Belonging to the second of the Air signs, they share their good communicative
skill with the other Air sign mate -Gemini and share their intelligence with the
third Air sign- Aquarius.

Air signs hold the torch for good communication, and they can light up the
path with a good speech.

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They can woo you with their choice of words and know what to say, for the
given situation. The typical, right time- right word guy!

· The approach

As you are walking towards your Libra man, he’ll greet you with the kind of
infectious smile you never even knew existed.

Nah! Don’t be surprised as your eyes catch the calm, dutiful, responsible,
poised man, as he leads you to the dinner table. Here, don’t hesitate to take
his hand, as the happy go lucky chap appreciates reciprocating what he gives

The kind of attention you expect out of a Libra man is just a call away. He
appreciates initiatives. So what are you waiting for? Hit him up, and you shall
be blessed to meet him with his infectious smile, again.

He will be the one in control of his emotions and you can trust it. When he
notices that there’s a need to be calm, he will be.

But at the crack of a joke, his laughter will be felt by everyone involved.

A Libra man would compromise on anything but his peace of mind. Thus any
time you pick a fight or end up in an argument, he will resolve the same
without bloodshed.

Creating a fuss about an unnecessary argument is not their forte, he is not

going to argue if your lipstick shade was Ruby woo or Russian red, on your
previous date night out.

They indulge in conversations of two different parameters with the same kind

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of interest, and you do not need to worry if the topics you bring to the table
are going to be of any interest to him.

He’s the kind of man with whom you can talk about the red-color pencil you
lost as a kid, or even about the things that made your face look red.

The Libra man has both the worlds covered in every situation. They have a
strong hatred towards vulgarity or blatancy. You will hardly see a Libra man
using profanity in his speech, even if he is angry.

So don’t judge him if he cusses an “arse” for an ass.

You don’t have to worry about him noticing or complimenting the efforts you
put into dressing up or the way you look. Your efforts will not go to waste as
he’ll shower you with compliments and cheer you up for more.

Deny it or not, who does not love being complimented.

Not only he’ll pull the chair for you, pour you some wine (or any choice of your
favorite drink), but will also make your date with him feel like home, a cozy
space where you get assuring words and comfort.

A safe space.

· Making him comfortable

When you are planning on a vacation together and you have to decide on
destination, as you choose for the east and his heart desires for the west, he
contemplates his view.

He considers the pros and cons of both versions until he decides. He calls a

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spade a spade when it comes to making the best decision- unbiased! It does
not matter whose suggestion it was.

Librans know their way around winning hearts and are very tolerant of others'
wrongdoings but they do not deal with anything and everything thrown at

Like someone said, “Do not test his waters, or he shall drown you in the
same”. Do not, I repeat, do not put his patience to test.

Your Libra man with a liberal soul will justify his actions as of what or why he
did something yet wouldn’t stubbornly refuse to change his stand on the
same, i.e the reasons behind his actions.

Librans, the known diplomats, finds it safe to stay with a set of likeminded
people as it’s easier for them to stay conflict-free and not put their peace at

He could be found blocking any confrontational situation by plugging in his

earphones and turning the volume up as he listens to his favorite jam.

They would avoid disturbing their inner peace at all costs.

Do not worry about running out of topics to talk about as poetry, art, and
literature, can keep the conversation alive and the night young.

When confused about where to take him, opt for quiet places such as an art
gallery or a museum. It will create the right atmosphere for him to open up to

It will let him talk about his profound interests and his desires for life's luxuries.

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He is the kind of person who provides the same kind of luxury to his partner,
that you’ll feel nothing less than a Queen beside the Libran King.

· What he should know about you

If you sustain your relationship or bond with the Libra man, after your date at
the art gallery or the above-mentioned museum, you can exhibit your powers
by wearing the grace and discipline of your unique being.

His Libran soul will admire you beyond how you look.

They get awakened by the charm of a woman with these qualities. As a

tolerant Libra himself, your challenging persona can get him to envy you.

Show him your traits of open-mindedness, as he appreciates the same, but

runs away from the opposites, the narrow-minded ones.

He would appreciate it when his efforts are reciprocated thus you can shower
him with compliments just like how he does for you.

Extra brownie points for the politeness you bring into the table for he cannot
deal with someone arrogant or rude.

· Building up the trust

Being someone, who lets others make decisions for him. He often ends up
feeling deceived or feels that he has to settle with leftovers because the
people who he trusts his decisions with, take the best for themselves first and
provides him with what’s left.

People tend to take advantage of his discipline of considering others' opinions

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over his, which is why you shouldn't end up being one of them. Choose and
take him to the best of destinations, when he lets you take the wheel.

Among the crowd, you will spot the Libra man as someone easy-going and
open-minded, who expects the same out of his partner, someone who has no
hesitations or doubts about the world around their partner.

If you ever see him being impatient, believe that he has a strong reason
behind it.

Through thick and thin, the Libra man will try to keep you safe and satisfied
by taking greater responsibilities during tough times. Acknowledge and
appreciate his efforts.

When he shows even the slightest hint of self-doubt, nurture his soul with self-
love, motivation and endless support.

Tell him you are there for him. He loves assurances.

· Getting along the path

As a person who puts others’ opinions and choices over his own, he tends to
settle. He doesn’t consider his own opinions to be the ultimate one.

Clearly shows how much he seeks the company and reassurance of the
people around him. Thus he will choose to go with a bunch of people than
choosing to go solo.

He can fearlessly take a stand and go advocating for his fellow beings,

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Being a good judge himself and a diplomat he can always settle conflicts
between peers or any groups by diving in and negotiating with facts and fair

His affections and appreciations for you will be expressed through sturdy
verbal communication giving you a sense of companionship.

When he feels loved and close to you, he will give you his fair share of secrets
and ambitions.

When he sees that you finally see what he sees in himself, his friendliness
will give rise to his expression of love. This is when he brings his charming
personality and ardent affection to the surface.

At this point, you will realize you no longer need to be self-reliant, As you've
got him by your side.

· Cooperation points

A Libra man can feel like a fish outside water if they are not surrounded by
people. They tend to exhibit excessive dependence upon others, but also
equally care for the people they surround themselves with. However, he
wouldn't hesitate to cut you off if being with you costs him his inner peace.

His innate kindness makes way for a tendency to help others come out of any
kind of confusion or dilemma.

When together, he will expect you to cooperate and support his views when
you are already with him on your path together.

Let him know that you two are like a single soul residing in two different

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bodies, and he will know he is not alone, creating a sense of security in him.

When you succeed in understanding his nature with a love of generosity and
social association, you will match up to his spirit.

He has an optimistic outlook and good reasoning power which can help your
relationship, or the advancement of your relationship.

Don’t hesitate to encourage his love for artistic things and he will reward you
with a heartwarming smile.

· The proposal

Now that you hold a place in his heart, it’s your time to decide if you wish to
share even more eventful moments.

You would have taken your decision, but the indecisive Libran man needs a
bit of time to figure out the same. He often feels like he shouldn’t make a
mistake by making an impulsive decision.

He will constantly question himself, is he is taking the right decision by

proposing to you or not? Is he capable of taking good care of you? Will he be
able to justify your needs and emotions? And a million other questions
popping in his head.

This does not show a lack of self-confidence but rather his mechanism in
learning to face reality.

This means that maybe you can go down on your knees or hold his hand and
make the first move if at all you feel that he is delaying it.

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This will ease his anxiety about whether he will be the right partner for you,
only to be proven right in the end.

Now that you have gotten into his heart, he is obliged to give you the best
because it’s only fair that way.

Take a moment to congratulate yourself because you won an indecisive Libra

man’s heart. Of course, it’s huge!

· Congratulations

Your Libran lover has finally found his canvas to paint the picture he longed
for, and with his eye for aesthetics, be assured to get a masterpiece out of
the same.

His loud social life slowly adjusts itself as he falls equally in love with domestic
life, with you by his side.

The great orator is now in the win-win situation with you forever.

For the Libran man now, every ambition of you has merged with his. His
charm of mannerisms is no more superficial.

His uncertainty of purpose has shifted into a secure faith in himself and you.

The scale lastly resting in equilibrium! Peace out! (Literally).

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The Scorpio Man

Target: Scorpio Man

You are targeting the Scorpio? The sign of the sleuth, the investigator. They
love making others around them happy.

It is also the sign of inheritance and are known to leave legacies behind,
inspiring others to fall into their footsteps and march ahead with will power.

As the name suggests, they take behind their symbol, the Scorpion. The
Scorpion has a deadly weapon, their sting. And naturally, this sign follows
closely along, woven with intricate deep emotions with the right touch of

Not leaving much room for anyone to disrupt their inner equilibrium or their
sting will come after.

The Scorpio’s life goal is to attain higher consciousness, the higher self. They
thrive to experience ultimate emotions without leaving the base, the ground
of consciousness.

Yet not leaving his idealism behind in pursuit of his higher self.

They belong to the 8th house of Zodiac in astrology the house of

transformation. The Scorpios’ symbol also has an Eagle or Phoenix, the bird
of immortality and regeneration.

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It signifies their connection between ground and sky, crawl and flights. He
is one with everything, connected with the lower consciousness as well as the

They are called as the secretive sun-sign. Which means they are the keepers
of your secrets. You can confide in them, have faith, but not to mess with their
emotions or betray them, else get ready for that deadly sting.

The Scorpio is additionally the most sacrificial sign of the Zodiac. A Scorpio
will sacrifice himself for their love. Belonging to the water element, they are a
fixed sign, meaning they prefer stability over volatility.

· The approach

When you are en-route to meet him, you can be whoever you are, he is not
concerned with you till you greet him. Initially, he may not sound like much of
the talker kind, but his broad welcoming smile won’t go amiss, which you can
surely take as a mark of diplomacy.

Transformation of self is the Scorpio’s chief principal, they thrive to ever

expand with the knowledge of the world around them, formulating their own
questions and seeking answers on the journey called life.

They are innovative and the creators of new ideas. Their ideas will be brand
new, of course but won’t be baseless or derived out of wishful thinking.

Their ideas will be prone to change the use of existing things into new and
might add better functionality in a new way, an original pathway to success.

While in conversation, you may discuss an existing issue and pay all praise
for his valuable suggestions.

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You will be amazed to know the solutions given by him. And even more
surprised to see that they were there in the open already, only no one noticed
them. This opens us to another element of Scorpio men, they are very sharp

In Astrology, the body part they are affiliated with is the sex organs. The new
life-creating, most vital parts of every creature.

Once you grow familiar to him and he has found you to be as humorous as
he is, with your intellect so obvious to him, the Scorpio opens up and the
welcoming smile soon turns into a warm smile. Acknowledging his growing
interest in you.

This sun-sign constantly attempts to amuse everyone by keeping their group

or the one they are with, equally pleased. That’s the Scorpio’s version of
spreading happiness.

And in no time, you have made a faithful buddy in him.

· Making him comfortable

While you are laughing and giggling together, he is making efforts to let you
forget your problems in his company. You will wish to be able to spend time
with him again and again.

You have to adjust to his patience, nudging him every now and then with a
witty remark to keep drawing his attention toward you to help him open up.
The tactful Scorpio is more of an introvert persona.

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He is not an aficionado of greater comforts but he is obsessed with things

which make life easier for everyone.

He works with his head more than physically, prefers more of the mental
exercises like puzzles or the game of chess besides the acts of physical

Because he is sensitive and emotional, he is lesser inclined to become hard

like a rock with more rigorous or demanding and bone-cracking activities.

The intelligent Scorpio is a player at heart all the while. Surely you can
challenge him for a chess or board game duet to get closer to him and know
him inside out or his subtle perspective towards life.

Take him to the game lounges to see the hidden side of his and see him
winning all the first prizes for you.

Take him to the recreational gardens and he will tell you things which will
make you believe that you are walking in the Garden of Eden with him.

· What to open up to him about you

By this time, you are way familiar with your man’s emotional responses and
have started to see his warm side.

The worldly needs of the introvert Scorpion coming straight slowly. The
Scorpio man is the one to take time to think things thoroughly until they are
settled emotionally.

Your journey with him so far means you are getting beneath the firm Scorpio’s
softer and sensitive out-of-reach ‘him’.

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With him, you need not wear any mask, they are for him to wear, neither you
got to be a fancy cheerful doll.

Just go ahead and make him laugh. Touch him in his delicacy there. If he is
carrying any pain behind that mask, try to unmask the man behind those
waves of laughter. Staying in his world without any hidden agendas and being
open with sincerity will make him peel of his guise for you.

Be who you are, the real you, a happy go lucky charmer like him. A peek of
your resiliency will encourage him to be more open to you. A woman with
absolute courage to face the difficulties of life will surely get under his skin
and into his heart.

You could be someone the Scorpio admires. He admires the ones who walk
the less-trodden road without the slightest hesitation in their step.

The ones who go grab the opportunity to create something from nothing.
Instead of crying and complaining over it.

· Building up the trust

You will have to adapt the attitude of a strong-willed woman, the one who has
taken charge of her life. Not someone who is used to living life as it unfolds
with scores of deficiencies.

You have got to be the lover of his life with a zest to acquire what you deserve.
Striving to work harder, to get better than what is given to you. Someone with
determination to go ahead and get things done on your terms, not
compromising for mediocrity.

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The other strong feature you have to attain is patience.

He is going to need this asset in the woman he decides to live the rest of his
life with. A woman with courage, patience, and determination.

Scorpio's power of steely will is the strongest of the Zodiac.

He is blessed with the overwhelming and regenerative ability of the Eagle too.
You will have to show him your heart, all of your sincerity and love.

The real trustworthy mate for the Scorpio will be the woman who is equally
able to make any sacrifice for him, at any given time and moment. His passion
and fire needs to be reciprocated by someone of equal potential.

· Getting along the path

Scorpios are good at hiding their emotions well, they never show their pain
on the surface, like the Cancer as if hiding themselves behind a veil of a

On the surface, they look calm and reserved, icily detached and cold
practically. But beneath the calm waters, they are blazing with the fire of
intense emotions.

Someone with the intention to be his life-partner has to understand their need
to disguise themselves under a veil of indifference.

When their emotions are accepted, you will began to feel the warmth of their
blazing emotions. The Scorpio man will decide to settle with the one who
understands him better than himself. A communication devoid of words, only
your love and desire’s intensity.

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Letting them know they can finally rest their soul in your arms.

Among other things, another characteristic of the Scorpios is their will of steel.
And you have to be captivating enough to make him want you with equal
enthusiasm. You need to be assertive which they sometimes fail to achieve.
He will admire you for that.

When emotions take over, a smart partner who gives less emotional value to
some situations is surely the winner.

· Cooperation points

In Astrology, water represents empathy, instinct, feeling, and changeability.

The Scorpio is a Water-sign, his empathy establishes itself into a more
creative and perceptual compassion for others.

Likewise, the element of water also exemplifies the personalities ruled by it,
to be obsessed with compassion then cultivate it and foster protection.

Whenever he begins to act in an over protective manner, you need not worry,
it is his love toward you.

The emotional sensitivity of the water element presents itself somewhat

differently in each sign of water triplicity. In Scorpio, it makes him emerge as
a person who has strong feelings about sex, death, and occult mysteries.

The Scorpio is also under the rulership of planet Mars. It associates the
resolve of purpose into him. Coupled with the carefulness of completing it
through grace. This makes them highly efficient individuals who are capable
of tackling even the most formidable problems.

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The Scorpio men have courage embedded into them. They are fortunately
hardened by the measure of caution. This saves them from indulging in
unnecessary traits of their existence. Otherwise, their rigid determination
might bring them to non-essentials acts in life.

You should not be surprised if you sense the related traits in your man, he is
being influenced by the heavens. As you two keep up good faith with each
other, the passion in Scorpio will surface and you will be met with the most
passionate persona of the Zodiac.

· The proposal

Comparable to his dynamic emotional quotient, you have won the heart of the
most sensible person of the fixed and negative sign.

So, with him, you seem to have the same desire to remain firm in conviction
and set your own ways matching up with his.

However, a Scorpio man is often at war within himself as a result of his intense
personality of contradictory tendencies. Which on bad days will appear as the
depth of his character and the replacement of his emotional force, making him
appear cold and distant.

His rulers are Mars and Pluto. Where, Pluto is the ancient God of the nether
world and of the dead. And Mars with force like that of Aries, will magnify
the unavoidable aspect of war, a war within himself.

Pluto rules regenerative forces and the beginning and end phases of life. Your
ability to harmonize emotions will play a great part in the stability of your
relationship with the Scorpio.

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He will go out of his way to make you happy. When a Scorpio man falls in
love, he falls hard. If you’re lucky, he will confess his love for you when he is
sure that you are here for forever.

Scorpios have another tremendous ability; they can stare into someone's
eyes like an Eagle in-depth, penetrating their soul and bring out any person's

You can learn that from only a Scorpio, and if you could master this ability,
the Scorpio is all yours!

When he feels that you are the only woman worth the risk, he will waste no
time to get on his knees with a ring.

· Congratulations

Finally, you guys have reached the point where you have decided to live
together forever. You are marrying the most amazing man ever. You know
his strengths already.

That’s the Scorpio man you have, his unfailing loyalty will be showered upon
you with every nerve and inch of his soul. And he expects the same in return.

One thing to keep in mind, your life together has to be like fire and water. A
large fire can either dry up the ocean or make room for change and growth
with the necessary cycle of cleansing.

On the other hand, large amounts of Water can drown the Fire and put out its

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Therefore, instead of impulsively blaming each-other, each of you has to

respect the other. Both of you will need to unite with your intuitive sense, to
bring both even more closer to each other.

The choice lies equally with both of you as individuals and as a couple in love.

The very strength of a Scorpio’s character also makes for certain

weaknesses. This creates a certain degree of insensitivity towards the
feelings of others.

If there is any dishonesty in your relationship, they tend to be indifferent to the

normal human feelings and reactions.

The Scorpio stings with his vicious sting! And so, Honesty is the key in every
relationship, more so with the Scorpio.

Last but not the least, he’ll be your knight in shining armor. Ready to help his
fair lady with all her needs.

Let his intense eyes take you to all they places you once dreamed of.

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The Sagittarius Man

Target: Sagittarius Man.

Fallen for the Gypsy? Well, that must be a Sagittarius, the traveller, and an
outdoor-activity man. Always after some chase.

This sign is basically a sports freak, its influence is strongly on sports and
outdoor life, horseback riding, hunting and so on.

The Sagittarius men are positive thinkers like Gemini and not persistent like
the earth signs. They are fiery in pursuit and they have the flexibility of
changing themselves when needed.

Having an edgy nature, they are mostly confident and express themselves
and their desires straightforwardly.

Not your typical shy type, you know.

They prefer to be like a wanderer. The Sagittarius has a fiery nature which
makes him determined towards his high goals of social or religious principles.

Being the third of the fire signs, the enthusiasm and burning ardour of fire is
now combined with the determination to rise in life for the Sagittarius.

They follow their ideals unfailingly.

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They are the Centaurs, half human-half horse, depicted as aiming their arrow
toward the sky. It represents them to be free-ranging people, not to be bound
at the same place for a long period of time.

Moreover, the human part having a bow and arrow pointing upward. This
means they aim for higher goals in life and they work toward achieving them.
This further represents that, their wisdom is not troubled by the earthly

Since their opinion stays towards higher ideals of life rather than fussing on
pointless matters.

· The approach

As clear as it seems, the Nomad Sagittarius, the seeker of upper echelons, is

hardly bothered by anyone in the daily routine of his life.

Stable work with a stable living is not their criteria. They look for adventures,
something new all the time. You can go greet them any time or at any odd
hour but you will not find them annoyed as they are still available.

Though they may have a questionable look, they will not look puzzled at all.

When you are talking to a Sagittarius, the conversation of philosophy will get
them involved intuitively. As a thinker, not only they constantly thrive to
understand life as it is presented, but they also look for signs of prosperity into

And they implore to prosper in consciousness instead of the material world.

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Sagittarius is a sign of philosophy, high learning, and broad concepts. Your

conversation with the Archer will be refreshing, with his own new ideas about
life as a whole.

These people are happiest when discovering new ideas, so go ahead talk to
him about exploring distant places and share your knowledge about the
places you have been to.

Talk to him about the places you have visited and he hasn’t, you will find him
curiously digging you with questions about it.

The conversation will carry on until you are done with answering all his
questions. They are extremely curious to know the unknown. Equally, your
traveler’s spirit will ignite curiosity within him.

Where he will slowly surrender to your spirit, which will soon engulf him.

· Making him comfortable

Archer’s roaming nature doesn’t apply to stability. They don’t prefer getting
tied down with personal commitments.

So, someone with a quick commitment in mind will be disappointed in him.

Conduct yourself as a free soul to him, be friendly, talk like you don’t care
about an obligation and there you catch his attention.

Initially, he won’t sound serious either, just the way he is- a free soul. He
contemplates more before settling down with somebody but that will come
later. However, for now, the Sagittarius will enjoy talking about good fortune
with interest.

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Topics of hidden treasure will excite him like you are talking about his
favourite dream, just indulge him in a treasure hunt and you got him all around

The excitement so visible, honestly, it’s not the money, but the adventure of
the expedition is what he seeks the most.

His ruler is Jupiter, the most important roman God; the ruler of the heavens.
The Sagittarius seeks heaven everywhere. He lurks universally in the search
for his heaven, only in the end he finds that heaven is within!

He also loves to talk optimistically. Negative or hopeless talks will depress


He will evade from those topics, instead, the hopes of expansion and
possibilities of abundance are what the Archer likes to attend.

When you see the Archer is at ease, you will find the signs uplifting his
conscience. He will begin to respect you and will be curious about the next

· What to open up to him about you

The Archer seeks the nearness in life to be with an elevated soul, the person
of higher thinking. Usually, they follow them like a disciple by means of their
search for an ideal.

The perfect person for the Archer will be one who is a far thinker, the one who
could get him the visions of the events in the long term, not the everyday
problem solver.

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They desist people who cannot envision more than tomorrow or day after
tomorrow at the max.

The easily achievable and universally available objects are not their choice.
For them, it adds value to their possessions when they are hard-earned.
Likewise, the quest for the ‘hard to reach’ mate in their subconscious.

A woman with depth in her vision of life, the one who is rooted
to her grand beliefs, will surely attract him.

She would be a truth seeker like him, the one with a clear conscience and
open to facts. You have to be the woman of substance with the solid tastes
of life.

The Sagittarius of the dreamy sort. They get extremely indulged in their
search of higher meanings of life, while consequently missing out on minute
things which are equally important.

While everyday care is necessary for a happy life, the Sagittarius cares less
for it, eventually missing the finer parts of life. A woman with a detailed chart
of his chorus will bring the Archer closer to her.

Equally adorable will be the woman who is good at positively exposing the
self-made notions. She has to be able to let him know clearly about her

A woman who is not concealing facts from him. Because the Archer dislikes
the roundabout news, be it good or bad, just speak up on time to keep up the
relationship in balance.

· Building up the trust

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The Archers have honesty in common. The mate who is outright to give an
honest answer to an honest question and equally has no qualms to ask a
direct question will quench their psyche.

They have the energy to stay ever-youthful among other signs. They do keep
fit by the daily activity when they roam around, walking, jogging or cycling to
seek the unknown.

When you are with this nomad, you better prepare to be roaming places with

He will be more interested in a mate who has no uncertainties in planning a

rootless journey either. Other than the ever youthfulness in her heart, she got
to be a stimulating and uplifting woman every time she is meeting him.

A cheerful persona with wits is going to be his lady. The awkwardness in

dressing up or that unfit hairstyle is okay for him. He doesn’t care about your
outer looks than when you are combined with gracefulness.

Though every Archer possesses the characteristics of a Gypsy.

Comparatively, some of them are extroverts and they love to be magnificent
in their appearances as well.

They also like to talk about their ownerships, wherein some are introverts and
keep their luxurious cool assets to themselves. Some even avoid talking
about them unless asked.

They are mostly enthusiasts of collector’s items. Some Sagittarians are quiet,
nervous, and shy but most of them are outward-bound. Here you will have to
know your man and become his aid and not the opposer.

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· Getting along the path

You will find your Sagittarius man inspirational, seldom taking the life low.

Whenever you approach him with sadness, he will quietly come to you and
ask you about the problem tenderly. He is going to inspire you to come out of
that sadness in no time, keeping up with your problems to help you solve
them with assurance.

He is a quick thinker too, coming up with the solutions and help which you
can apply practically.

He is of an adaptable and flexible sort, not an intolerable man. When you

bring up your own views about something which he doesn’t agree with, he will
give you the freedom to express without letting you down.

Besides, he can get stimulated by your new ideas and the argument itself can
become a perfect solution.

Sometimes he may show up randomly, not working on a pattern and it may

come as a surprise to you. But fret not, maybe he is getting stimulated and
wants to involve you in new pleasures wanting to surprise you. You have to
give him his space during these times.

The Sagittarius is also good at convincing. On unagreeable grounds, he will

make you believe that he is right with the right amount of woos and croons.

They will never force you to accept them.

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His idealistic manners and communicative skills will make you spellbound.
You will discover his enticing personality. Be amused with the way he comes
up to persuade you.

And in such persuasions, you will notice his longing for you.

· Cooperation point

When you get together, you will have to make the choices in ways where you
both can admire the opposite traits of each other. You are supposed to grow
and mature spiritually in his company in the long run.

You need to match up the Gypsy in you, with his traits now known to. You
need not fear a Sagittarius. Just admire the opposite qualities of him, and try
to put the inequal ones down.

Keep each other’s pride high and help him in doing his own things. Provide
him his personal space at times. He is the independent nomad, you know.

Energy is the dominant characteristic of the Sagittarius people. They are

largely in the ranks of sportsmen. They gain so much energy through sports-
mainly outdoors, that it seems they cannot live without running around without
a purpose.

As if to recharge themselves on the mental levels.

Their freedom of expression and their attitude is based on unshakeable
honesty in their mates. When he has found the honesty with your
outspokenness, it will bind him with you.

While his own mental dynamism in addition to his bluntness, he will show his
enthusiasm in accepting you as you are. He will not ask you to change.

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Though, the Sagittarius may appropriately occupy any of the outdoor

occupations. The very suitable for him could be such professions which are
connected with oratory skills. Like teaching on Law, Ministry of Philosophy.

He will sound like any one of these when you stay with him long enough. If
you allow him to teach you the finer aspects of life by any of that professional
point of view, you’ve got a perfect guide for life.

A rather philosophical cast of minds can make him your teacher and you, his
pupil besides his closest buddy. He will teach you all he learned in his life
without charging you a penny. Soon, you are going to change your roles when
you are going to teach him the other aspects.

· The proposal

Ready to settle your life with a Sagittarius? Great, you have made your mark
on the nomad, the person with no purpose in the Earthly life has finally found

But as a wanderer of life, as he has always been, he is habitual of seeing life

as it comes and decides for his own.

When he has found the honesty in your words, he will find you to be his most
loyal and the noblest guide.

Since he got you now, it’s time to make him understand the obligation of a
commitment and the necessity of a vouch. This will make him sit and think
about the other and the real meaning of life.

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It is neither the knowledge of life nor its circumstances but the search for
heaven which we can’t see. We can only contemplate how heaven can be,
but the absolute heaven is inside each of us.

When we find true love for someone, the door to that heaven is opened giving
us the experiences we never anticipated before.

The Archer, when anticipates the lessons of life in new ways, it imparts the
honesty in love. He learns that the other name of love is loyalty, which he has
always been ardent of, but in a surficial way so far.

And when you’re ready with the decision, he will accept your proposal or
better yet, will propose you himself!

· Congratulations

So finally, you taught him to commit, cheers! He can now reserve his calm
nature and the general kindness of his intentions to you alone.

The very lively and flamboyant sound in his personality is well decorated with
your name all over him. Yes, it is louder too.

You are now the one who can incite him into action that the Archer would
never have taken without being stirred by you.

The action man of the wilderness is going to be yours now.

The Archer in the pursuit of the higher heavens has lastly aimed his cupid’s
arrow at you. The ever seeker of philosophy with keen intelligence has
understood the feelings in its true essence.

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The constant struggle to understand the way of life, often encouraged by

ambition; has found the purpose of his stroll towards the gates of heaven on

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The Capricorn Man

Target: Capricorn Man.

So, Capricorn, the Achiever has homed you in? That’s cool, the third Earth
sign depicts practicality, the most successful businessman of the lot.

Yes, they have every skill required to run a business. It could be the
intelligence required to run a business or the push of morality required in
employees to achieve set goals for the company. The Goat is capable of
equally taking care of them in their endeavour.

The strongest element in this sun sign is an honour. They are pretty reserved
in their love relationships.

When the Capricorns are in love, they express their affections noticeably and
they do display dependability to their partner emotionally and physically.
Always showing their appreciation to the loved ones.

The Capricorn will be a socially successful man. He will be popular among his
circle. Genuineness could be their second name. At times, they do show the
tendency of downheartedness, as if drowned in the emotional energies, they
don’t show it to others but to their partners.

The Capricorns have a likeness to the conventional attitude but they express
appreciation of modernity nonetheless. Which could be in the form of material
gains or gifts from the people they adore.

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Besides the tendency of playing with deception, the Goat is sometimes visible
in an impulsive nature. This tendency is seen the most when they are dealing
with tough situations.

The Capricorn will carry his head over his shoulders in most situations proving
their executive’s mindset. This could be due to the ‘people-handling’ strategy
they are hard-wired with.

Sometimes the Capricorns also tend to cast aside insignificant things or

people they are dealing, if those are not found up to the mark.

· The approach

Going ahead to meet the Capricorn? Go ahead to see the Goat for yourself.
When you are reaching him, you will feel the Jupiter ruled Capricorn’s
illuminating energy just like his ruler-planet.

You will find him radiating energy more than others around. The Goats are
better at giving more than they receive.

He will be the man of softness, an aura releasing from his personality. He will
greet you with a priestly stance, curious to help. The Capricorn is keeping up
with his ruling Planet Jupiter- the lord and teacher of the ancient gods.

The man of fortune with immaculate manners and discipline will let you feel
at ease. Giving no suspicious look but that of a mentor, as if he is curious to
help, awaiting your query.

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He will seem like an open book. The chapters will unfold before you
effortlessly. The Capricorn’s friendly manner of talking will attract you towards
him instantly.

You will be encouraged to know him more and to ask questions. You will find
joy while you are with the businessman, a man of traditional fortune.

As Capricorns have one notion in life to never fall short of the bear-minimum,
they always save for that rainy day. The necessary juice of life today,
called- money. It is the means to sustain life on your terms, on this planet.

As they say ‘luck and well-being come to those who work and wait, wait for
the least and work the most’.

This is fairly true with the Goat, they work with their heart and patience in
whatever they do, no doubt they will be prosperous of the lot. He will be
equally cooperating and charming with flawless behaviour every time you go
to see him.

That’s the charisma of the Capricorn personality.

· Making him comfortable

The feature of any Earth-sign is the stability and practicality it infuses in the
person. With the Capricorn, his earthy nature typically manifests the talent to
manage a business.

At any given time, they carry their business in one hand and the current task
in the other. As the Erath blends with water, so does the Goat.

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He is not the typical emotional type but he does give away to his emotions.
The Mother Earth showing her tender nature through him.

Talk to him about the general matters and he will tell you how better the poor
conditions can be brought to work, in their full efficiency. All with the existing
situation- from whatever is handy- without big changes.

The Capricorn brings out his talents to manage in a better way, efficiently.

It is constantly obvious that he is a thinker of solutions rather than ranting

about the absence of the gears required. The Goat anyhow has a handling-
talent to sort things out with minimum requirements.

In love-relationship too he will make peace with whatever is handy.

The Capricorn has an attraction towards the strength and will power in a
person’s character. Talk about your strengths instead of your weaknesses, to
keep the conversation going the way he prefers.

Poke him about something he wishes he had and others already own, you
will get to see that aura of jealousy in him. Yes, the Goats do feel jealous
sometimes, about things they don’t have even after trying hard as they always

The Goats hate mediocrity. They feel jealous instead of feeling pity for
themselves for the lack of possessions.

Similarly, they have a tendency of being possessive too. This is yet the other
side of an Earth sign. They do keep fragile connections without many

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complaints. But when they stick to a stable relationship with you, they certainly
do not betray you.

· What to open up to him about you

The Capricorns have great potential for growth and expansion at many levels.
They take care of their physical needs and mostly keep themselves fit.

Since they don’t want to fall sick when they require their physical strength the
most. They are motivated by their ‘planning ahead’ nature. If you are a fitness
buff, you got a partner in him.

The Goats are intellectual and spiritual both, they have a cultural mindset too.
Since they are ruled by Jupiter which presents optimism and aspirations.
They indulge in the accumulation of material assets, power, and status.

During your pursuit of the Capricorn, you will find him as an introspective
person. The calm Goats are comparatively less ambitious themselves.
However, when a passionate mate shows aspirations to chase her glowing
dream, she has surely caught his eye.

As the Capricorns neither seek any pleasure in hunting the future nor do they
carry dreams in the head. They surely admire people with dreams. For him,
the reality which can be perceived and felt in the present is all there is.

The current affairs man will tend to crack the code himself later. But for now,
he is that wide-eyed and serious inquisitive fellow who is fumbling to
differentiate between a dream and hallucination. To him, they are alike and
away from reality.

He has always felt the safety at home.

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As for the sentiments, he is capable of going out of his set boundaries at

times, to help the ones in need.

You got to be the one to remind him to think logically too in such situations
and he will be obliged to you later for having saved his day.

· Building up the trust

One thing a Capricorn hates is, to be ridiculed for his mistakes; he will hide
all his wrong-doings under a composed look.

The Capricorn is a secretive persona. Getting his characteristics from the fear
of being rejected, he cannot bear the burden of doing things and failing, utter
wastage of resources, time and money.

The same reason goes for not taking risks and trying new things, hence not
ambitious. It is better for him to stay cool in the current affairs.

You have to take care of this aspect to not to bother him, or else he gets
disheartened. Better to not remind him of his wrongdoings. Admiration for his
efforts and then making him aware of the better choices available is healthier
for the Goat.

An understanding of these shortcomings of the Goat will melt his heart for
you. So, no putdowns for the Goat!

Another equally peculiar characteristic which is stronger in the Capricorns is

that of their Earth’s un-movable strong element. Which remains where it is
unless moved by inner explosion or extremely strong outside forces.

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Similarly, only strong motivational involvement with someone moves the

Capricorn into actions for a joint-venture.

Here, the outside forces of a mate who is determined on her aspect of the
expansion merge her own ambitions with the Goat. Then they can do wonders
together. Alike
Earth which provides superb life opportunities upon proper nourishments, the
Capricorn provides ways for expansion and success in a relationship.

And if she is narrowminded with poor aspects and a no-good with ambitions,
there could be foolhardy actions with little care for the good moments with the

· Getting along the path

Getting enthusiastic with your Capricorn man? Very well! Moving ahead with
him will require a little bit of workaround.

The power of attentiveness gives them a massive driving force along pre-set
lines. They are capable of careful attention to detail. So, whenever there is a
situation, you better be ready with details if he needs to be involved.

When you need his help in any matter of your interest, he will need every little
information to ponder on your trouble, in order to help you out.

The Capricorns are excellent organizers too. Due to cautiousness in their

nature, they tend to limit the range of their organizations. That is due to their
fear of failure- bigger the size of the organization, bigger the room for errors.

Then again, the limited number of aides or dependents make them egotistical-
feeding vigour to their self.

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The Goats always tend to build their lives on the conception of- the orderly
framework. They don’t even nudge for- out of order framework which could
become a lethal cause for their failure sometimes.

But they tend to be so popular among their companions that all types of
routine work could rely upon them. The organisations give them scope to
exercise their talents. Their talents work finest in any kind of work which
demands discipline and supervision.

There you go with that disciplined Goat who steps sideways sometimes but
for sure to reach the end results.

· Cooperation point

A Capricorn’s strength of character is intense and more obvious on account

of the substantial power they have of self-expression. This strong talent
allows them to rise above the level of their unique environment and gain fame,
which they continuously thrive for.

You will hear him explain subjects so well that you will get carried away with
his oratory qualities. Now you both can do storytelling and fact-finding
simultaneously without offending each other.

The Capricorns are strictly practical and they love community work. This is
obviously so, because of the strictly practical outlines of his work.

This is many times their best field to work on, owing to their considerable
administrative ability. This1 is helpful in the continuation of productive
proposals. Your cooperation here is expected and accepted any time by the

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Occasionally; these people may be considered as a complex personality but

they are soundly balanced by keeping their activities on fairly steady lines.
They do best when in co-operation with others, and attuned partnership with
some others. They ignore working alone owing to their reservations.

And now, with you as a partner, he is getting ready to work on the chapter
called life.

A unification with a likeminded and encouraging mate is all they want next to
accumulating wealth and reputation which they have worked hard for.

They could be impulsive but personal feelings predominate them far too
much. Personal feelings motivate them to find one steady relationship.

As they have considerable ability in handling others with efficiency, it is best

when their efforts are directed towards the common good. It’s your time to go
ahead and open up to him about your feelings towards him.

· The proposal

The Goats have that measured determination to get things done, He will be
the first to

The Capricorns have absolute devotion to the work on hand. This makes
these people singularly forceful in action, they rest after the completion of
whatever they work on.

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The proposal could come as a surprise to you or perhaps you have already
anticipated it. And once the Goat has decided- determined rather, you to be
his life partner, any denial will be pleaded till you are affirmative.

Their career usually means a great deal to them and so is their conjugal
status. They are always anxious to constitute in the public eye and don’t want
to be left out or called a loner.

Fortunately, social work or public welfare, health, and community

development have a special appeal for them. Good citizenship is the ideal
behind their activities.

The Goat is incapable of running these things alone. You have probably been
openly given the signs to consider by now.

The Capricorn’s tendency of too much worship for their reputable position
makes them sound stubborn sometimes. And sometimes they are prone to
weigh the material value of gifts they receive, to estimate their own worth or
value in the image of others.

The same self-estimation-criterion could be in play while decorating their ring

finger with the marriage-ring, perhaps to be counted as the family man.

· Congratulations

So, finally, you are going to say those words three magical words.

You got into the safest nest of the Capricorn, the mountain Goat to be precise.
The one who can reach any height- unachievable by others. And that too on
the meanest of plateaus.

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And if any man can be dominant, loving, and kind all at once, it's this one, the
sure-footed Goat.

However much he tries to be the modern thinker, his conservative ideology

doesn’t give away.

He fundamentally believes in marital life; his woman's place is at a secured

home. He further succeeds to make that home for his woman- a home so
secured that your world will be filled with it.

The fertile Earth is uniting with his similar fertile heart. Now stay assured for
the permanence of his love without the fear of being hurt, for the reliable lover
he is.

He will appropriately take care of you and your emotional needs. Expecting
nothing but the delicacy of romance needs in return.

Your mutual love will become a strong and long-lasting chord to bind you both

With your understanding of his deficiency, convey his emotional force within,
it is going to be you alone to help him release it. Because you are his grand
channel now on.

Go, grow the patience and courage required to climb with your Goat to see
the world from that mountain top which will give you the sight of- the world
unlimited- forever!

You now have the ultimate magnificence and strength of the love of a

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The Aquarius Man

Target: Aquarius Man.

Your man is highly intuitive and is a thoughtful giver. He may even know
what’s on your mind, without you voicing it. That’s also the reason why the
Aquarius man is known as a ‘Thinker’.

By the time you approach him, he will already have an idea of your
background, your likes and dislikes because he observes and makes himself
familiar in a situation.

He will be more than ready to comfort you and will start helping you right
away. Be it anything, even before you ask.

The Aquarius man has unimaginable ideas. He has an air of comfort around
him which makes you feel like everything is possible. While he is not only
curious, he will also keep anticipating the best possible answer at the

Even out-witting you with their comeback.

Astrologically, Air represents everything mental. And so, Ideas and

communications are the most important aspects for people who have a
predominant influence of air element.

They love helping others and are great conversationalists.

You can keep him engaged by elevating his brain and heart. Talk about deep,

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thought-provoking topics and theories which will keep him curious and
involved. Making him feel like he can explore and learn things with you

Astrologically, Air represents everything mental. And so, Ideas and

communications are the most important aspects for people who have a
predominant influence of air element.

With an Aquarius man, his chirpy nature and weird jokes will keep you
occupied all day and night, just like that!

• The approach

The introduction felt pretty easy, I guess? It must have felt breezy like the air.
That’s what being around an Aquarius man feels like. Easy and comfortable.
You open up to them in ways you didn’t think you ever would.

If you are in a sore mood or are feeling depressed, visit him before visiting a
doctor. Try talking to him about the most despairing situations and he will
have better answers, full of possibilities and assurance.

He will not forget to wish you on your birthday or even when he knows your
important personal or family dates.

An Aquarius man is an idealist. If you ask him who he admires as his ideal,
you might be able to figure out the qualities he appreciates in a person.

If you bring up world issues, the humanitarian in him will be moved for sure.
You will be captivated by his compassion towards the issues of the world.
However, you may find that he appears distant and detached when you first
meet him as a result of over-analyzing things.

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• Making him comfortable

The Aquarius man is witty and impressive when he is explaining his version
of things. When you get to the center of his narratives, you will know how
sensitive he is towards understanding life’s struggles.

He wants everyone around him to feel content and happy, like his family
members and friends and is very concerned about them. When they are in
need, he listens to them to find out what they need and then goes out of his
way to help them.

There comes a time when one has to think about himself or has to become
self-interested. This is one area that he neglects.

To him, his concerns come last.

Whether you are associated with any charity, or not, you will find that he will
be very much involved with those working for a better cause. With him, you
need to let him know that you equally care about the world and the

They are always a source of great energy. But you might also find that though
they can instantly lift others with their presence, they sometimes struggle to
lift themselves.

They can even develop low self-esteem as not being able to help somebody
causes them to question themselves. Convincing him to feel helpless for not
being able to relieve them of their pain.

Although, they are an outgoing sign. Very out there and over the top, it is

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sometimes hard for them to pin-point exactly where they belong.

A confident and optimistic partner will help him tackle these emotions head-
front, to help him get back up on his feet and letting him know that they are
loved for how different and unique they are. That they are one of a kind.

Give them a sense of identity and belonging.

• What he should know about you

This persistent man has a bigger heart and a will to do more for humanity. But
they lack something.

That is, they overlook the needs of the ones who are in the open, naked to
the eye but rather recognize the pain of the ones who are not visible. These
men are immersed in world peace circumstances.

You will have to be the one who gets his eyes around up-close. To shake him
out of his dreams and bring him to the real scenario at hand.

To ask him to get an umbrella first for his neighbor before joining the red cross

Make him understand that merely touching the fabric of your donation with
your tears will not heal the pain of these beings. It takes one to go out there
and take action, in reality, to feel the satisfaction in helping others.

The satisfaction to nurture his self-esteem.

You have to be the one who keeps him up and active towards caring for real
people in real need. To let him know that sheer ideas are not sufficient, putting

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them to test and applying in the real world is going to heal it.

He might be good with the intellectual concepts of social needs but lacks the
practicality in getting things going.

When you have shaken his ideology and beliefs enough, this man begins to
reconsider his role in playing for the greater good of the society in a
completely different perspective.

His realization of the oneness of love begins to bring him home.

• Building up the trust

Now, as your words bring him back to reality, he begins to understand you
and your assurance to be with him. This makes him rethink his perceptions.

He can change the unexpected, bringing innovation and modern science into
existence. Being the awakener and the rebel, both.

Hence, an Aquarian man is liberal as well as progressive, yet unchanging in

his opinion. When you have begun to understand this ideology, he begins to
trust you. Knowing that he is being appreciated for who he is and is not being
asked to fit into just another mold.

He has just begun to understand that love is oneness and immersion of self
with another is the key. He understands that the philosophy he has been
carrying around needs to be merged with the oneness of mind and reality.

Aquarius is the sign of hopes, dreams, friends, and wishes. They tend to be
idealistic humanitarians. While they are friends with larger issues of the world,
they remain personally detached in their relationships.

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This new learning will shake his core-ideas. He, who is more accustomed to
his ideologies, is slowly uniting with you. You are becoming the closest person
to him.

For life.

• Getting along the path

When it comes to love, an Aquarian man is no quitter. No matter the

obstacles, he will stick by your side.

He learns about the honesty of purpose.

His love to be of service to others begins to merge with your purpose, unifying
the reflection of your sincerity, patience, and understanding with his.

Your assurance on this journey is going to help him become the King of your
dreams. His ability to rise above any challenging situations, alone, matter no

You will be involved in every step with him now, his very determination
merging with yours. His resolve, as before, promising a secure and firm
partnership with you.

When you are the nest of his ideas, the Aquarius man acquires new ways of
self-expression. The person who was hard to budge from his preconceived
ideas is now a person open to change, with you.

The idealist will be faithful to his commitments towards you. With you, his
pleasure, affection and love affairs find new meaning. He will look for fun and

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good times to make you happy.

The intimate ties with others will bond with yours more now, dominated with
you on his mind.

• Cooperation points

You have reached a new understanding of each other and the journey ahead
has to be equally exciting for both of you.

As he is getting attached to you, his temperament becomes easy, his thoughts

no more bound by the overwhelming feelings, as before. He needs someone
closer to him than friends and he knows it.

So, he allows his mind to give way to his emotions.

He lacks the driving force. Hence, you will be his moving force, encouraging
him on the way, persuasively. With you on his side, his requirement for
independence will find new meaning.

Liberating him to finally look at the misfortune of humanity through new hopes
of a better tomorrow. His reactions to changing experiences need to be settled
by witty forethoughts and not an objective evaluation.

He is good with vivid imaginations and is quite expressive when he wants to

be. You love will encourage him to release the need to suppress deeper
As he learns to let go and flow with love being the guiding force.

Let his insights give way to eternal imagination. The intensity of your desire
to help him find new meanings in love and life.

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• The proposal

Ready to go ahead with the Aquarius man? This will be a walk in the clouds,
now that he has decided to tie the knot.

He may be reserved initially but he certainly isn’t shy. So, chances are, he
might have already proposed to you.

And if he hasn’t, his affections and appreciations for you will be expressed
through his philosophical words. He is not a poet but his words carry an
intense sense of companionship. This will surely bring you to your knees.

His expression varies with anxiety as if he isn’t sure of your answer. And when
you agree, the thinker becomes a strong-willed, ground-bound man of reality,

His feelings of love and intimacy will become a union of two hearts.

Becoming the soft pleasant tones of love, coming straight out from his heart,
every day.

You will be his ‘Idealism’ from now on.

His unconventional sincerity obvious to you, his great attachment and

dependence centered on you, alone.

His lively and remarkable remarks and free-spirited imaginations will soften
your heart in this loving union.

• Congratulations

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Finally, the water bearer has learned about the poise and dignity of the man
of reality. Congratulations!

The man of cultured personality and high principles is now bound to you. He
turns into an artist, appreciating love from his heart and mind.

His inner faith will be stimulated by exploring new ideas with you for common
future goals. His sensitive understanding of materials will find a new vision in
addition to understanding the needs of others, in the ways unknown to him

His mind prepares to stabilize his thinking positively without completely

lapsing into the unknown. With you, he will be more efficient in handling social
responsibilities with sincerity.

His colorful life will come alive for you. Harmonizing the spirits from within, for
a shared purpose of Love.

The deep wells of love within, filled with joy forever and after.

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The Pisces Man

Target: Pisces Man

So, the Pisces, the dreamer, has got you. Not a surprise, the “Old Soul” can
get anyone only with their subtle looks and sensitive nature in addition to their
deep understanding of the pain of other souls.

Alright, the Pisces may have more heartbreaks than the other signs of the
Zodiac, but why so? Well, because they trust each one who expresses their
feelings without judging their motive.

The most compassionate sign of the Zodiac, is taken advantage of by the

misled ones for their own gains, all the time. And the ones who falsely confront
saying they have fallen in love and then- boom! They leave the dear Piscean
man stranded.

Yet the kind Pisces holds it all in their heart carrying the burden of somebody
else’s wrongdoing. But the problem is, you’ll never what’s bothering him, as
most of the time he himself won’t realise.

The Pisces is the third and the last of the water signs. The name and symbol
itself speak about them. They are sensitive to everything- be it the
temperature of the weather or the woman in front.

They are great communicators. Proficient in telling you serious things like a
flowing story where you’ll get lost in that world. They’ll use all their sensitivity
and emotions on the way.

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As for other water signs; this Sun-sign is intuitive too, more toward the subtle
things. They get a subtle feeling like a warning saying- ‘I don’t feel good about
something’ before opening that door to the closet and that may turn out to be
a little cockroach. Was it not a true warning though?

Although he can turn out to the most surprising personality. They’re kind of
enigmatic, you’ll never really know their intensions. But when they are in a
relationship, their mate is the centre of their universe.

Every warning or worry will be predicted beforehand, only to get rebutted for
being foolish.

His philanthropic devotion to public work is of a Piscean soul. He feels for

other human beings. He has a generous nature in giving his possessions to
the needy as well.

His strong social sense and feeling of civic duty may become an obsession
sometimes, but as always, he can be easily persuaded out of it. If things are
getting really serious, all you have to do is- a few words of love and emotions
in the right contrast.

· The approach

So, your heart is beating for the fish, the all proper mannered innocent-looking
dude? Great! That’s a fish you are going for, sounds an easy catch?

Could be, but you got to keep him alive and breathing out of the water as well
or get into the water and learn to breathe like a mermaid.

Besides other characteristics, your man is insightful and strategic. You’ve got
to approach him tenderly; in case any alarm goes off beforehand.

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He will be vulnerable and shy, also not the first one to admit anything, so
when you have been properly introduced by some common acquaintance
between you two, it will make him at ease that you at least have a trustworthy
person in between.

But at direct and cold call, he may be sceptic at the beginning, as he usually

You will be instantly drawn to his charms, the smile, emitting his emotions of
good faith. Talk about the arts and he will have a lot to tell you. You’ll also see
him being competitive.

He will always wish to be the best for what he is good at. All because of how
passionate and creative these Pisceans are!

This emotionally intuitive lot of the crowd, see into the truest soul of people.
They will always want people to be the best they can be. Hence, he will make
you comfortable with his genuine opinions about you, your talks, your
interests, etc.

His easy nature will surely touch you when he shares all those little secrets
with you so early. It will mean only one thing- he trusts you and not that he is
weak in holding his secrets.

· Making him comfortable: -

The Pisces, the ‘old soul’ is like one size fits for all. When they are with a
person- either a new or an old pal, they wouldn’t mind taking both with equal
demeanour. That’s in their nature and it’s neither being biased nor flirting.

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They may get carried away in a conversation but hardly ever they flirt. Ask
him yourself and you will find him searching for the right words to explain what
a “flirt” is.

It takes time for the Fish to ponder upon the questions of knotting with
someone. They have to get involved entirely with the ‘person in question’
before committing. Because, for a Piscean, this kind of commitment is made
and kept.

When a Piscean has committed, they never even look at anyone else other
than their companion.

You have to be equally enthusiastic as him during the conversation and

equally involved to show you are attentive. Talk to him about another topic of
interest - mysticism. He might have a lot of stories to tell you.

And when the Fish is getting along, you will get vibes of compassion from
him. They are good at sending besides sensing the signals subconsciously,
and you will begin to feel the change in the weather like he does.

Since he wants to give you his best, he may have the difficulty in choosing
the best for you. He doesn’t want to compromise on that for you. That is
his care and not the wavering nature they are misinterpreted with.

· What to open up to him about you

The Fish is an insecure persona. They do have the qualities of compassion

and they need the protection of their emotional psyche. Therefore, they need
a similar person to be able to understand them better and to avoid the conflicts
mentioned above.

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Now, that you are aware of what goes on beneath those watery innocent
eyes, you can understand him better than anyone else so far.

You will see the twinkle of joy in those eyes when he feels you are the one.
The answer will be pretty earlier than expected. He is also a person of
responsibility. He takes his duties and responsibilities seriously at every level.
Be it in the family and friends or handling a business.

He will always be loyal to everyone. Their loyalty can be weighed on any given
day by watching how busy they stay to keep their words.

You will hardly find him with a rock-hard ‘no’ for an answer, even if they
disagree. Upon repeated requests, their ‘no’ modifies into a ‘yes’. Is it the
weakness of their character? Not really; it’s the elasticity of the heart of
the most compassionate Pisces.

Repeated requests melt his heart for the wellbeing of the requester. They
compromise or sacrifice for the good of that ‘person’; taking one more blame
upon their shoulders.

· Building up the trust

Due to the emotional subtlety, he will be good to go in any normal situation

easily. He will be really friendly and a great company. It may become hard to
stay away from him once you have been befriended.

He will hear all you say, not flinching even an inch.

When you tell him about your mistakes and tell him how you are feeling for
those, you will find the Piscean blending with you, not only sympathizing but
also getting involved with you as if it was their deed.

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In no time they will mix up with you with similar repentance if there is any.

They will be the one to lend you their shoulder to cry upon and that too, any
time you need.

A Piscean’s persistence is unquestionable. If any commitment will be made

by him, he will surely stick to it; no matter what. This is yet another character
of their trustworthiness. They feel great by appealing deeper feelings and the
needs of others.

They get sort of energized by simple yearnings- owing to the most sensitive
nature they have. When there are positive desires, they seem all colourful,
but they equally get heartbroken if those are bad feelings from the past.

On the other hand, you will have to work hard for becoming accustomed to
his subtle intuitions and his intensity of the emotional experience.

They tend to be their own enemy when it comes to anger and resentment. It
can also be really bad if it reaches a point where they mellow. If you can, try
to help them break the cycle of negative thoughts.

You also need to supply him the oxygen of good feelings every time he is
downhearted, but you will see him coming out of it in no time.

· Getting along the path

Emotionalism is the second name you might have learned that about him by
now. You will make a great companion if you are equally intrigued by the
emotions of others. Susceptibility is another criterion of them, they change
easily to get normal if they are crying. The mood can be altered according to

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the situations.

They also get equally hit by outside influences like someone else’s happiness
or sorrow. If they hear of any good news of say- a birth in a family of someone
unknown like his maid’s tenth cousin, he will be fascinated by it like the tenth
cousin himself. The same goes for mourners.

His impatience will be another area to know and work on. If you make a
promise, be ready for the constant reminders, that’s his impatience calling.

The feeling to get something is kept on top, more so from a lover, the fact that
the emotional Fish begins to expect it at soonest is because he felt the
happiness of getting it as if already done due to the imaginative power of

The reality might need him to wait but due to the subtlety of his inborn
characteristic, he just can’t.

Sometimes, the unhappiness may show up and it may stay for a long time
with him. The Pisces cannot forget the pain easily- a small trace will always
remain deep down. Just recalling is enough for bringing those tears fresh
again. This could be for their Antipathy with someone or something out of their

· Cooperation points

His inner faith is inspired through the depth of an emotional experience, a

mate who is capable of getting that in-depth with her emotions or to
understand his, will be the one he will surely prefer to spend his life with. And
that can be YOU!

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He will expresses this through the positive expressions of his compassion and
imagination. Here, you have got to get along with his psyche either as a
supporter or displaying you are equally interested.

That will keep the things going forever between you two.

Again, his core beliefs are, that opportunities come when one is sensitive and
caring towards the others. And when one intuitively follows his inner desires.
So be it- with you.

His sociability is rooted at a deeper level. Your friendliness will equally matter
to him when you are in tune with him on the ground of similar roots.

Though he is the Fish of considerable practical ability, his deficiency of strong

driving force may play a role sometimes. In those times of insufficient will-
power and absence of constructive ability, you have to jump in to inspire him
if you feel the cause is right.

The Piscean is motivated by inspiration. When you let him know of your
support, he will take it as an appreciable character in you.

Moreover, aspirations will become easier for him with you, making him his
confidante and friend for life or perhaps a lover.

· The proposal

Alright, so the things went as expected and you are thinking of proposing or
expecting him to propose. It must have been felt by both of you during these
times of togetherness. And surely the moment is coming.

A Piscean’s formal commitment is imminent. He is already pursuing new

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visions for the future of you two.

For your information, they’ll never get bored of the same restaurant and.
They’ll love a rooftop decorated with fairy lights for dinner, and going to a
garden at starry nights.

Also with him, you wont require to spend a lot of dinner dates, instead you’ll
always have your own creative ways.

The Pisces has the easiest going temperament, people play with them all the
while. It is better to restrain from this with him and he will be obliged to you

His motivation of kindliness toward you comes up from the depth of his
feelings for you. Call him biased but he will be biased toward his love, he will
be hellbent to make sure you are treated the right way every time.

You have to take good care of him in times of over-indulgence in emotional

experiences and his habit of worrying. They will be based on strong hang-ups
of the past. Understanding him better and helping him balance his emotions
is what the Piscean will expect from you.

Nothing more!

· Congratulations

That’s the new beginning you both are catching up. Marvellous! Now, you
both will feel comfortable with each other when feelings are deeply involved.

He will be grandeur in expressing the imagination of already been united.

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His extreme sensitiveness being taken good care of by you will make him
yours forever. What all you will get from him now is- his kind and affectionate
dispositions for you.
You will be his visionary idealism, you will be his sole reality, the weakness of
will is gone and replaced by the strong will for your love alone.

His romanticism and optimistic outlook with you will make his face brighter
and his eyes wetter with happiness. Finally, the value of labour, patience, and
intelligence of the Piscean paid well!

For the end, just tell them they’re a dream come true, they make flowers
bloom, they give you a sense of care and purpose and that they’re an escape
from reality.

Then see your life turning into a living heaven with him by your side.

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The Dynamics of Pairing

Okay! So, you know every Sun-sign’s “MAN” in and out now. You know the
secrets of their psyche, weaknesses and the strength of their characters.

In PART 1. The 12 LOVING HEARTS, a Man’s common characteristics are

revealed, wherein PART 3. WINNING THE 12 LOVING HEARTS discloses
the secrets of their deep emotions and love-psyche. Every man is profoundly

Likewise, I have given suggestions as to how to tune your heart with the finer
parts of their emotions. Harmonizing your two hearts, into one.

Previous chapters give you the information you will need to step ahead
confidently - even in a situation of conflict.

They make you equipped to hop on your journey towards winning the heart
of your man.

You too were born under a Sun-sign, you acquired your nature, which plays
an important part in how you present yourself to the world. Consciously as
well as unconsciously, giving you that unique personality you call “I”.

With so many beautiful skills, you can swim through some waters with no
efforts and overcome any difficult situations in no time.

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Then, there comes the tough waterfronts, where you need to take extra
precautions. You measure your moves and come out as a winner.

The journey towards the heart of your man is complete. You’ve found your
man; everything is going on very well. Great! Congratulations, you got him.

Now, for those who have their own ‘I’ concerns may feel like something is still
not matching up.

You find that you will have to compromise; and it feels like you have to adjust
due to some of these concerns or maybe he has to. It all depends on how
much you are willing to give up for that man who too wants to spend the rest
of his life with you.

Both of you have to find the middle ground where neither one of you has to
suppress your feelings. In every human to human relationship, we all make
room for the other to adjust, to fit in because we care for him or her.

And then we settle upon a few things to find our middle grounds.

What if you knew these beforehand? Allowing you to set expectations from
the beginning for the common good between you two?

Here, I will discuss the conflicts which may arise due to your own
characteristics based on your sun-sign and his. If you follow the suggestions
wisely, you are less likely to get stuck.

This will help you in becoming his dynamic pair and making him yours.
Corresponding to the Sun-signs of each other to live your dream-life in

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Now that you both have decided to live together happily-ever-after, what
follows is the knowledge of the difference in traits with each corresponding
personality type- based on dominant elements and their likelihood of minor,
mild or major conflicts.

That’s where you have to work things out for the peace of your relationships.
This will involve both of you to sort things out, to stay happily-ever-after!

As I have stated at the beginning of this book, we all are on the path of
evolution- spiritually.

As an evolving soul, It has taken us many-many births to reach this ‘vehicle’

we call our body for a fraction of the time we call ‘life’!

We come across many kinds of people, beginning with our parents then our
siblings, finally our spouses.
We keep searching for our twin soul to complete that cycle to its fullness.
When the love between these two souls is felt, the search is finally over.

Both the souls feel the harmony of vibrations, both feel synced with each other
in similar melodies of love for each other. Where each one is ready for any
greater sacrifice for the other.

Finally, we feel to have no expectations in return and we just keep on giving

and giving- our ‘unconditional’ love to the other.

The love in its own essence is not our everyday infactuation towards a good-
looking person. It is deeper than that. It comes out from the core of our hearts;
it flows in our veins like blood.

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Only, we don’t just realize it because we are too busy in our day to day
tantrums of life. When we begin to feel that love, it feels like the blood in our
veins. It is just there! The beating of our hearts that assuring us of the feeling.

And then- “LOVE” happens.

You discover that the “love” in itself is “true love”.

And you begin to ‘feel’ the blood flow from your heart into your entire body.

At the beginning of this book, I mentioned the various people we come across
and our feeling towards them. Reaching so far, I have tried to help those of
you who are looking for their matching ‘better half’. Their right partner.

The “One” who would be your life partner with an unconditional love we desire
so intensely.

May you find the man of your dreams with the guidance I presented. May you
find the harmony with him to step ahead together in search of ‘the endless
love’. Amen!

If you are ready to go ahead with him for that golden-life, you may have to
settle with his few rough edges and smoothen some on the way. We all have
some or other less liked traits by others, we do know our weaknesses and we
constantly struggle to straighten them up.

These difficulties can be easily be dealt with when we work on an appropriate

connection with the other person- by matching up the same in our context.

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Here, I have put all the cross-checks on people born in different Sun-signs
and what could be their possible mutual interaction, given their born

This is a reasonable guideline in case something is not matching up as per

your entire expectation.

You be the judge to find it suitable and make some changes in each other or
back off if you feel it is too much for the efforts involved. Your own decisions
will give you the right answers.

So, arriving at this point, I would say that you are on a path to find the right
man and accept him in his totality.

Here are the common characteristics of every Sun-sign to help you decide
and judge for yourself as who rings the sweetest bells in your ears and who
is and isn’t capable to play the strings of your heart just about right.

To help you further to achieve your life’s purpose the way it is supposed to be
with your soulmate- here are the cheat codes to his heart!

- 179 -


Here is the summary of various Sun-signs’ own characteristics and how they
are likely to react with other signs.

Correspondingly, the effects of specific elements in common as well as on

individual Sun-signs are summarised.

In the end, various pairs of signs are mentioned for you to figure out the
possible causes of prospect or conflicts.

Strong Character Type as a GROUP: -

Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are the LEADING SIGNS, with strong
characteristics to lead.

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are the IMMOVABLE SIGNS, with
strong characteristics to organize.

Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are the CHANGEABLE SIGNS with
strong characteristics to interconnect.

Significant character Type as a GROUP: -

Aries, Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius, Leo and Aquarius are the MASCULINE
SIGNS with secondary characteristics of aggression. They follow idealism.

- 180 -

Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer, Capricorn, Virgo and Pisces are the

FEMININE SIGNS with secondary characteristics of privacy. They follow

Elemental effects as a GROUP: -

Fire Element: - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius have the characteristic of Fire –
as Inspiration.

Air Element: - Libra, Aquarius and Gemini have the characteristic of Air –
as Intellect.

Earth Element: - Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo have the characteristic of

Earth – as Materialism.

Water Element: - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces have the characteristic of

water as Compassion.

Elemental Effects as an INDIVIDUAL sign: -

ARIES: Fire, Positive, Masculine, Leading, Inspirational, Aggressive,

Dynamic, Idealistic Leader.

LEO: Fire, Positive, Masculine, Immovable, Inspirational, aggressive,

Dynamic, Idealistic, Organizer

SAGITTARIUS: Fire, Positive, Masculine, Changeable, Inspirational,

Aggressive, Dynamic, Idealistic, Communicator.

CAPRICORN: Earth, Negative, Feminine, Leading, Secretive, Reflective,

Strategist, Leader.

- 181 -

TAURUS: Earth, Negative, Feminine, Immovable, Secretive, Reflective

Strategist, Organizer.

VIRGO: Earth, Negative, Feminine, Changeable, Secretive, Reflective,

Strategist, Communicator.

LIBRA: Air, Positive, Masculine, Leading, Mental, Aggressive, Dynamic,

Idealistic, Leader.

AQUARIUS: Air, Positive, Masculine, Immovable, Mental, Aggressive,

Dynamic, Idealistic, Organizer.

GEMINI: Air, Positive, Masculine, Changeable, Mental, Aggressive,

Dynamic, Idealistic, Communicator.

CANCER: Water, Negative, Feminine, Leading, Sensitive, Secretive,

Reflective, Strategist, Leader.

SCORPIO: Water, Negative, Feminine, Leading, Sensitive, Secretive,

Reflective, Strategist, Organizer.

PISCES: Water, Negative, Feminine, Mutable, Sensitive, Secretive,

Reflective, Strategist, Communicator.

- 182 -


Effect of OWN Element: -

FIRE SIGNS Aries combines easily with Leo but needs to bear Sagittarius.

AIR SIGNS Libra combines easily with Aquarius but needs to bear Gemini.

EARTH SIGNS Capricorn combines easily with Taurus but needs to bear

WATER SIGNS Cancer Water combines easily with Scorpio but needs to
bear Pisces.

Effect in combination with ANOTHER Element: -

FIRE and FIRE: - Positive- create new ideas and light up. Negative: - burn
each other out.

AIR and AIR: - Positive- free each other entirely. Negative- create

EARTH and EARTH: - Positive- hold on each other strongly. Negative-


WATER and WATER: - Positive- merge in each other. Negative- bring in a


FIRE and AIR: - Positive- excite each other. Negative- overpower each

- 183 -

FIRE and EARTH: - Positive- support each other. Negative- destroy each

FIRE and WATER: - Positive- respect each other. Negative- extinguish,


EARTH and AIR: - Positive- freedom. Negative- isolation.

EARTH and WATER: - Positive- support. Negative- aversion.

AIR and WATER: - Positive- interaction. Negative- seclusion.

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Here is the most likely outcome of association with various signs when they
come together.

Pair 1: - Dynamic pair significance: - harmony, creativity, and artistic. Are

positive or harmonious Sun-signs with each other.

Aries – Leo, Aries – Sagittarius, Taurus – Virgo, Taurus – Capricorn, Gemini

– Libra, Gemini – Aquarius, Cancer – Scorpio, Cancer – Pisces, Leo –
Sagittarius, Virgo – Capricorn, Libra – Aquarius, Scorpio – Pisces

Pair 2: - Dynamic pair significance: - happy vibes, friendly interactions and

general good cheer. Are positive or harmonious Sun-signs with each other.

Aries – Gemini, Aries – Aquarius, Taurus – Cancer, Taurus – Pisces,

Gemini – Leo, Cancer – Virgo, Leo – Libra, Virgo – Scorpio, Libra –
Sagittarius, Scorpio – Capricorn, Sagittarius – Aquarius, Capricorn - Pisces

Pair 3: - Dynamic pair significance: - Practical approach in a highly

energized state. Are positive or harmonious Sun-signs with each other.

Aries – Aries, Taurus – Taurus, Gemini – Gemini, Cancer – Cancer, Leo –

Leo, Virgo - Virgo Libra – Libra, Scorpio – Scorpio, Sagittarius – Sagittarius,
Capricorn – Capricorn, Aquarius – Aquarius, Pisces – Pisces.

Pair 4: - Dynamic pair significance: - are in conflict, cause trouble for one
another. Are negative or inharmonious with each other.

- 185 -

Aries – Cancer, Aries – Capricorn, Taurus – Leo, Taurus – Aquarius, Gemini

– Virgo, Gemini – Pisces, Cancer – Libra, Leo – Scorpio, Virgo – Sagittarius,
Libra – Capricorn, Scorpio – Aquarius, Sagittarius – Pisces.

Pair 5: - Complimentary opposite signs.

Aries – Libra, Taurus – Scorpio, Gemini – Sagittarius, Cancer – Capricorn,

Leo – Aquarius, Virgo – Pisces.

- 186 -


ARIES: to LEAD - in an inspirational, aggressive, dynamic and idealistic


LIBRA: to LEAD - in a mental, aggressive, dynamic and idealistic manner.

CAPRICORN: to LEAD - in a material, secretive, reflective and strategic


CANCER: to LEAD - in a sensitive, secretive, reflective and strategic


LEO: to UNIFY - in an inspirational, aggressive, dynamic and idealistic


AQUARIUS: to UNIFY - in a mental, aggressive, dynamic and idealistic


TAURUS: to UNIFY - in a material, secretive, reflective and strategic


SCORPIO: to UNIFY - in a sensitive, secretive, reflective and strategic


SAGITTARIUS: to INTERCONNECT - in an inspirational, aggressive,

dynamic and idealistic manner.

- 187 -

GEMINI: to INTERCONNECT - in a mental, aggressive dynamic, and

idealistic manner.

VIRGO: to INTERCONNECT - in a material, secretive, reflective and

strategic manner.

PISCES: to INTERCONNECT - in a sensitive, secretive, reflective and

strategic manner.

- 188 -


When we are born, we discover the feeling of love through our growing years.

From our first relationship with our parents, to the relationship shared with our
siblings and kin. However, we have no control over the ‘choice’ of our family.
This is no vending machine. You just can’t choose and pick, waiting for the
perfect one to bless you with their presence.

But then we start growing out of the family, into the world of choices. Learning
about life and relationships, possibly love. We explore and begin our journey
towards love. A different kind. Something to hold on to.

And we do, and we soon become heartbroken heartbreakers, if we’re not


After endless dates, fights, break-ups; we learn, grow and understand the
entirety of love. But when we do, the weight almost seems heavy.
Unbearable, makes you want to numb your feelings. Sometimes, through
these relationships, we learn about ourselves. We realise unlearned lessons.
We become more accepting of the world around us. Of the people around us.

At the end, we learn to live in harmony with each other’s flaws and talents.

And life soon teaches us, that cooperation yields better results of peace and
harmony. Somewhere, it becomes difficult to navigate the fine line between
cooperation and compromise.

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Henceforth, we learn to draw a line between cooperation and a compromise.

Here, we begin to search for an ideal person, ‘the one’ who would fit perfectly
into the little picture we have inside our minds. And the search begins.

The purpose of this book revolves around the resolution of helping you find
‘the one’. To help you navigate the line of cooperation and compromise,
where you wouldn’t need to travel to the latter side.

Trust me I know what compromise feels like. Which is why, I have tried to
guide you with every aspect there is to know about your ‘soulmate’, through
the study of Sun signs and personalities for you to check where you may want
to draw that line between cooperation and a compromise.

I hope this is a small step towards the blossoming of your heart. And the light
of love brings you the season of spring you’ve been waiting for since, Autumn.

With love,
Jeanine Foster

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