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Fashion Chat 3 Transcript
Topic: Thrift Store Shopping Time: 10 pm 11 pm ET Thursday September 29, 2011 Host: @RacktoRack & @CamMiPham

@MrsSotology: @cammipham I'm ready for fashion chat #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 1:43 am

@IndulgeNetwork: Almost time for #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 1:57 am

@Fierce_living: @MrsSotology me too #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 1:58 am

@cammipham: How are you all doing today #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 1:59 am

@IndulgeNetwork: @cammipham great #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 1:59 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

2 @MrsSotology: Hi Cammi #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:00 am

@cammipham: I am @cammilicous. Rachel @Racktorack has her funshop today I will be your only host tonight #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:01 am

@cammipham: @mrssotology hi how are you doing #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:01 am

@cammipham: @indulgenetwork awesome #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:02 am

@estherjakiel: Hello #fashionchat Not sure if I can stay for tonights chat, but will do my best to jump in now and then
September 30, 2011, 2:02 am

@cammipham: @fierce_living hi you are my fav guy in #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:02 am

@cammipham: @estherjakiel :) #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:03 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

3 @cammipham: Today #fashionchat topic is Thrift store shopping :)

September 30, 2011, 2:04 am

@MrsSotology: @cammipham I meant to send that to #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:04 am

@KimmieChevon: So @Fierce_living & @MrsSotology are talking about a #fashionchat on my TL - think I'll stop by :)
September 30, 2011, 2:05 am

@KimmieChevon: Hello! #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:05 am

@estherjakiel: "@cammipham: Today #fashionchat topic is Thrift store shopping :)" one of my fav topics!
September 30, 2011, 2:05 am

@cammipham: @kimmiechevon come here we will have a lot fun #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:06 am

@IndulgeNetwork: @KimmieChevon hi welcome #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:06 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

4 @MrsSotology: @KimmieChevon lol... always up for a good chat #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:06 am

@cammipham: just want to let everyone know I am still @cammilicious just hosting with my other account #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:06 am

@cammipham: Q1: Do you shop at thrift store? what do you think about it? would u wear second hand clothes? #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:07 am

@estherjakiel: @KimmieChevon welcome! :) #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:08 am

@MrsSotology: @estherjakiel I'm interested in this b/c I don't thrift store shop. I do more new but on sale & it's my size shopping lol#fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:08 am

@Fierce_living: @cammipham One of my fav stores is crossroads which is an upscale 2nd hand store. It's gr8 b/c you get very nice stuff gr8 $ #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:08 am

@MrsSotology: @cammipham I have purchased several fur coats from thrift stores now that I think about it. #fashionchat

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

September 30, 2011, 2:09 am

@Fierce_living: In LA upscale vintage stores are very popular. Even Rachel Zoe buys vintage high end #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:09 am

@cammipham: If you are wondering what #fashionchat is its a twitter chat about fashion weekly on Thu at 10 pm ET. Join us now and have a fabulous time
September 30, 2011, 2:09 am

@estherjakiel: You need a lot of patience and some time for Thrift stores, but can scores some great pieces for cheap #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:10 am

@MrsSotology: I bought a vintage fur for $20 that is worth $5000 (no joke) #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:10 am

@Joshua_Jones2U: RT @cammipham: If you are wondering what #fashionchat is its a twitter chat about fashion weekly on Thu at 10 pm ET. Join us now and have a fabulous time
September 30, 2011, 2:10 am

@cammipham: @mrssotology @estherjakiel Last week was my first time thrift store shopping.which was good...ppl love all the pieces i bought #fashionchat

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

September 30, 2011, 2:10 am

@Fierce_living: wow gr8 deal RT @MrsSotology: I bought a vintage fur for $20 that is worth $5000 (no joke) #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:11 am

@KimmieChevon: @cammipham I have done some thrift store shopping and I found some great things. I don't mind thrifting at all#fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:11 am

@IndulgeNetwork: RT @MrsSotology: I bought a vintage fur for $20 that is worth $5000 (no joke) Wow that's amazing#fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:11 am

@Fierce_living: @KimmieChevon hey gurrrrll whats up? #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:11 am

@cammipham: @mrssotology i bought vintage fur coat for $25 still have to figure out how much it worth? #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:11 am

@cammipham: RT @estherjakiel: You need a lot of patience and some time for Thrift stores, but can scores some great pieces for cheap #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:11 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

7 @mamakbest: very nice!RT @IndulgeNetwork: RT @MrsSotology: I bought a vintage fur for $20 that is worth $5000 (no joke) Wow that's amazing #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:12 am

@krewmom: WOW! RT @mrssotology: I bought a vintage fur for $20 that is worth $5000 (no joke) #fashionchat #impressive
September 30, 2011, 2:12 am

@MrsSotology: @cammipham you should post pictures... of your finds. I ran across that Dresscueme show & now I'm curious#fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:12 am

@cammipham: @mrssotology how where ??? coat #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:12 am

@MamaBritt: RT @cammipham: If you are wondering what #fashionchat is its a twitter chat about fashion weekly on Thu at 10 pm ET. Join us
September 30, 2011, 2:12 am

@CASUDI: @MrsSotology @cammipham Repurpose old & thriftstore furs as vests ~ tres chic #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:12 am

@cammipham: @mrssotology tell me more about it #fashionchat

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

September 30, 2011, 2:12 am

@cammipham: @fierce_living jealous i wish to have store like that next door #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:13 am

@MrsSotology: @cammipham it's funny I was in a bad part of town when I lived in another city & I went in a lil' store I came out w/2 furs #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:13 am

@KimmieChevon: @MrsSotology That was a steal wow! #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:13 am

@cammipham: A1 I just start thrift store shopping and I am in love with it. For me its like a treasure hunt :) #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:13 am

@cammipham: @casudi love the idea #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:14 am

@estherjakiel: RT @CASUDI: @MrsSotology @cammipham Repurpose old & thriftstore furs as vests ~ tres chic #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:14 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

9 @cammipham: @mamabritt Hi Britt, join us....we are talking about thrift store shopping #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:14 am

@krewmom: Joined! RT @mamabritt: RT @cammipham: If you are wondering what #fashionchat is its a twitter chat about fashion weekly on Thu at 10 pm ET.
September 30, 2011, 2:14 am

@IndulgeNetwork: RT @cammipham: If you are wondering what #fashionchat is its a twitter chat about fashion weekly on Thu at 10 pm ET. Join us
September 30, 2011, 2:14 am

@MrsSotology: @cammipham 1 was just a cute rabbit & I didn't know what the other one was it was 20's style w/high collar & butterfly sleeves #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:14 am

@KimmieChevon: @Fierce_living Hey!!! *kisses both cheeks* #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:14 am

@cammipham: @mrssotology i worry peta will go after me haha #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:14 am

@HandsmAndLace: RT @cammipham: If you are wondering what #fashionchat is its a twitter chat about fashion weekly on Thu at 10 pm ET. Join us now and have a fabulous time

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit


September 30, 2011, 2:14 am

@cammipham: @krewmom @mrssotology lucky i am jealous #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:15 am

@CASUDI: @cammipham @estherjakiel To really score at thrift shops you have to know fashion ~ several of my friends R really good#fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:15 am

@estherjakiel: @cammipham @mrssotology #fashionchat I would like to know more as well

September 30, 2011, 2:15 am

@MamaBritt: @cammipham I love thrift store shopping, but don't have as much time to SIFT anymore. Am I destined for ebay vintage? #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:15 am

@MrsSotology: @cammipham turns out it was a rare beaver fur {didn't even know they existed} and it was a limited edition only 25 produced. #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:15 am

@krewmom: Hmm...not really RT @cammipham: Q1: Do you shop at thrift store? what do you think about it? would u wear second hand clothes? #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:15 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

11 @jackiehesley: Hi tweeps! #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:15 am

@Fierce_living: I was going to say the same thing I didn't think n1 wore fur :) RT @cammipham: @mrssotology i worry peta will go after me haha #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:15 am

@cammipham: Who says thrift store shopping is just for the poor RT @mrssotology I bought a vintage fur for $20 that is worth $5000(no joke) #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:15 am

@MrsSotology: @cammipham I guess I shouldn't have posted that on Twitter huh.... #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:15 am

@jackiehesley: Talking fur? #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:16 am

@cammipham: @mamabritt that is amazing u should share about ebay vintage shopping with us #fashionchat i am a newbie
September 30, 2011, 2:16 am

@MrsSotology: @jackiehesley Hi Jackie *waves hi* #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:16 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit


@jackiehesley: RT @cammipham: @mamabritt that is amazing u should share about ebay vintage shopping with us #fashionchat i am a newbie
September 30, 2011, 2:16 am

@cammipham: @casudi @cammipham @estherjakiel agree know the brand, material helps a lot ....and also ur body #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:17 am

@jackiehesley: @MrsSotology - helllooooo! ;) #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:17 am

@MamaBritt: @cammipham It can be tricky bc you have to know your size- but best tip is to call vendor & ask ?s to make sure they are legit #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:17 am

@cammipham: @kimmiechevon @Fierce_living where is the love for me #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:17 am

@jackiehesley: whats the topic tonite? #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:17 am

@KimmieChevon: @estherjakiel How much time have you spent thrifting? #fashionchat

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit


September 30, 2011, 2:17 am

@MrsSotology: @cammipham Has anyone had luck on eBay? #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:17 am

@MrsSotology: @MamaBritt @cammipham that was my next question..... #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:18 am

@MrsSotology: @jackiehesley thrift stores #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:18 am

@cammipham: @mamabritt have you been ebay shopping a lot #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:19 am

@cammipham: sorry i turned my chinese font on and took a while to change back to english #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:19 am

@KimmieChevon: @cammipham Hello dahling! :D #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:19 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

14 @jackiehesley: If we are chatting abt thrift stores, I live in west LA. a thrift store on every corner. whatcha need? ;) #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:19 am

@cammipham: What tips do you have on thrift store shopping #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:20 am

@jackiehesley: @MrsSotology - gotcha! thanks...#fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:20 am

@estherjakiel: RT @cammipham: @casudi @cammipham @estherjakiel agree know the brand, material helps a lot ....and also ur body #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:20 am

@cammipham: @mrssotology never really buy on ebay #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:20 am

@OurTownMagazine: @cammipham Amazing stores in Miami instead of "thrift" they call them Second Chance, Second Showing- Gently used #fashion. #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:20 am

@cammipham: @kimmiechevon @estherjakiel for me usually around 2 hr #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:20 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

15 @RJGrand: @krewmom @cammipham #fashionchat The thrift store where I live, u can buy discounted bags for $1,995.00 I saw a coat there I would buy. :)
September 30, 2011, 2:20 am

@Fierce_living: @jackiehesley do you ever go to crossroads? There is one in Santa Monica #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:20 am

@cammipham: @jackiehesley thrift store shopping #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:20 am

@LIVEFREEORDIECL: RT @cammipham: Who says thrift store shopping is just for the poor RT @mrssotology I bought a vintage fur for $20 that is worth $5000(no joke) #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:21 am

@jackiehesley: Ive been touring thrift stores this week looking for the perfect bride costume. im going to scare my guy on hween.#fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:21 am

@jackiehesley: RT @Fierce_living: @jackiehesley do you ever go to crossroads? There is one in Santa Monica #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:21 am

@estherjakiel: @cammipham @mrssotology #fashionchat same here. Would love some tips on that

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit


September 30, 2011, 2:21 am

@MrsSotology: @cammipham I always feel like I'm 'sifting' for hours when I go to eBay #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:21 am

@Fierce_living: @RJGrand wow $1995 is the discount price. Scared #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:21 am

@cammipham: @fierce_living @cammipham @mrssotology its vintage and i cant say no to beautiful clothes #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:21 am

@Fierce_living: @jackiehesley have you tried Out of the Closet? #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:21 am

@cammipham: @mrssotology so jealous #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:21 am

@krewmom: RT @rjgrand: @krewmom @cammipham #fashionchat The thrift store where I live, u can buy discounted bags for $1,995.00 I saw a coat there I...
September 30, 2011, 2:21 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

17 @MrsSotology: @OurTownMagazine Creative naming of thrift stores is becoming very common #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:21 am

@estherjakiel: @KimmieChevon #fashionchat @cammipham same anywhere from an hour to two

September 30, 2011, 2:22 am

@MrsSotology: @Fierce_living I was thinking the same thing... lol #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:22 am

@cammipham: @mrssotology lol online shopaholic is the worst #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:22 am

@cammipham: @rjgrand designer bag for 2000? #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:22 am

@Fierce_living: @MrsSotology ru on west coast? n #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:22 am

@KimmieChevon: @cammipham Is there a difference btw the Good Will & stores that are personally owned? Can you find similar things? #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:23 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

18 @cammipham: RT @ourtownmagazine Amazing stores in Miami instead of "thrift" they call them Second Chance,Second Showing- Gently used #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:23 am

@jackiehesley: @Fierce_living - yep! and buffalo exchange is cool too. 3rd street promenade. #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:23 am

@cammipham: @appreciateboard love deals #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:23 am

@MrsSotology: @cammipham I used to be one until my sizes kept arriving wrong... I like the tried and true method now#fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:23 am

@MrsSotology: @cammipham but I will buy shoes online all day long #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:23 am

@cammipham: @kimmiechevon i think good will is cheaper and charity #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:24 am

@MrsSotology: @Fierce_living East coast #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:24 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

19 @cammipham: @estherjakiel @KimmieChevon @cammipham need time to look through the stuff #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:24 am

@Fierce_living: @KimmieChevon A lot of places will buy from GoodWill so if you can get it there you can get gr8 deal. Just takes lot of work #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:24 am

@OurTownMagazine: @cammipham I found an original, Judith Leiber bag for $125 - brand new condition, unique, valued $700+n#fashionchat (bargain w/them, too).
September 30, 2011, 2:24 am

@LifewiseKate: @cammipham Close your eyes and feel for quality fabrics and don't be afraid to haggle - esp if alterations are needed :) #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:24 am

@MrsSotology: @KimmieChevon in my experience yes! Privately owned can be more selective on inventory #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:24 am

@jackiehesley: What year is considered vintage? Meaning: "how old" does a piece have to be, to be considered "vintage" these days? #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:25 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

20 @Fierce_living: @MrsSotology Do they have Out of the Closet on East Coast? #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:25 am

@cammipham: @fierce_living @RJGrand is it chanel or hermes ? #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:25 am

@cammipham: @jackiehesley haha love it #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:25 am

@MrsSotology: @Fierce_living exactly... it will take more work at Goodwill. Privates stores have narrowed it down... more cozy#fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:25 am

@Fierce_living: now that's a deal RT @OurTownMagazine: @cammipham I found an original, Judith Leiber bag for $125 - brand new condition, unique #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:25 am

@MrsSotology: @Fierce_living hmmmm never heard of that one. I'll check #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:25 am

@cammipham: @jackiehesley a vintage store owner told me 50s, another said 20 so i think 30+ is vintage #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:26 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

21 @Belbey: Thrift stores are great for women's suits. "Red, White + Blue" in Trenton is awesome. + Baltimore is a thrifters paradise.#fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:26 am

@MrsSotology: @LifewiseKate I always haggle... it's just in me {I'm a business woman} lol #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:26 am

@cammipham: @mrssotology @KimmieChevon usually less junk but more expensive #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:26 am

@MrsSotology: @OurTownMagazine now that's a deal! #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:26 am

@Fierce_living: @MrsSotology I think they are only on West Coast and Miami for now. Sounds like they are expanding. #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:26 am

@cammipham: @ourtownmagazine wow thats a good deal #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:26 am

@krewmom: Good to know! RT @cammipham: @jackiehesley a vintage store owner told me 50s, another said 20 so i think 30+ is vintage #fashionchat

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit


September 30, 2011, 2:27 am

@KimmieChevon: @jackiehesley I think anything over 20 years old is considered vintage #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:27 am

@cammipham: @fierce_living @KimmieChevon yes you just go straight to the source #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:27 am

@IndulgeNetwork: @MrsSotology @LifewiseKate never hurts to talk them down on the price #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:27 am

@MrsSotology: @cammipham personally {in my opinion} vintage is 20's - 30's ~ #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:27 am

@CASUDI: @cammipham @jackiehesley haha I'm still wearing things 30 years old ~ never thought of them as vintage #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:27 am

@cammipham: A2 : wear comfortable clothes, tank top tshirt with legging something you can wear clothes over #fashionchat

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit


September 30, 2011, 2:27 am

@jackiehesley: RT @krewmom: Good to know! RT @cammipham: @jackiehesley a vintage store owner told me 50s, another said 20 so i think 30+ is vintage #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:27 am

@krewmom: Me too- it is fun! RT @mrssotology: @LifewiseKate I always haggle... it's just in me {I'm a business woman} lol#fashionchat #negotiate
September 30, 2011, 2:28 am

@jackiehesley: @KimmieChevon - thanks! :) #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:28 am

@estherjakiel: @KimmieChevon @jackiehesley #fashionchat I agree. 20+ years. Many stores go by that rule as well
September 30, 2011, 2:28 am

@cammipham: a lot of time thrift store change room are busy its better to wear simple clothes so you can try on outside#fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:28 am

@KimmieChevon: @Fierce_living I went to Iguana Vintage when I was in Cali last year, ever been? #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:28 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

24 @CASUDI: What's Q2? #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:28 am

@MrsSotology: @IndulgeNetwork so true... if they say no, I've lost nothing! #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:28 am

@cammipham: A2 Quality over quantity. Looking for quality clothes look for material, cut, fit #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:29 am

@OurTownMagazine: @cammipham In Miami, many socialites. No one wants to appear twice in same dress! Thus- bargains! Also due to the economy... #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:29 am

@MrsSotology: @cammipham I always forget to do this! #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:29 am

@jackiehesley: RT @MrsSotology: @IndulgeNetwork so true... if they say no, I've lost nothing! #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:29 am

@Belbey: Used to own vintage store. Liked haggling, only if people were super nice. #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:29 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit


@cammipham: I like to look for fur, cashmere, wool #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:29 am

@MrsSotology: @estherjakiel never knew that... #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:29 am

@polychronicity: @cammipham Hello! Joining in on a Twitter chat for the first time -#fashionchat :)
September 30, 2011, 2:29 am

@cammipham: @mrssotology i know it helps a lot #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:29 am

@jackiehesley: Agree! RT @MrsSotology @IndulgeNetwork - so true... if they say no, I've lost nothing! #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:29 am

@cammipham: @ourtownmagazine I know especially social media party, next day ur pictures are everywhere #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:30 am

@Fierce_living: Just checked Wikipedia. Antique clothing is prior to 1920's. Vintage is 1920's - 1980's What would we do w/out Google? #fashionchat

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit


September 30, 2011, 2:30 am

@cammipham: @ourtownmagazine that is amazing #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:30 am

@Belbey: When negotiating, my favorite thing to say is "Is this your friendliest price?". Always makes them smile. #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:30 am

@MrsSotology: RT @cammipham: A2 Quality over quantity. Looking for quality clothes look for material, cut, fit #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:30 am

@krewmom: Welcome- it is great fun and easy! RT @polychronicity: @cammipham Hello! Joining in on a Twitter chat for the first time -- #fashionchat :)
September 30, 2011, 2:30 am

@cammipham: @casudi @jackiehesley i wear my mom clothes from her college time too #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:31 am

@MrsSotology: @cammipham quality material is so important! #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:31 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

27 @jackiehesley: RT @Belbey: When negotiating, my favorite thing to say is "Is this your friendliest price?". Always makes them smile.#fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:31 am

@Fierce_living: good 1 RT @Belbey: When negotiating, my favorite thing to say is "Is this your friendliest price?". Always makes them smile. #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:31 am

@KimmieChevon: @cammipham Great tip! I would be the one to go in with layers on lol #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:31 am

@jackiehesley: @Belbey - GOOD ONE! :) #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:31 am

@MrsSotology: RT @Fierce_living: Just checked Wikipedia. Antique clothing is prior to 1920's. Vintage is 1920's - 1980's What would we do w/out Google? #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:31 am

@Belbey: I'm using @tweetchat for first time, makes this a lot easier! Brava! #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:31 am

@jackiehesley: RT @Fierce_living: Just checked Wikipedia. Antique clothing is prior to 1920's. Vintage is 1920's - 1980's What would we do w/out Google? #fashionchat

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit


September 30, 2011, 2:31 am

@cammipham: + 1 RT @Belbey: When negotiating, my favorite thing to say is "Is this your friendliest price?". Always makes them smile. #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:31 am

@jackiehesley: @Fierce_living - YOU ROCK Brainiac! Go to the front of the class. ;) #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:32 am

@krewmom: Awesome! RT @belbey: When negotiating, my fav thing to say is "Is this your friendliest price?". Always makes them smile. #fashionchat...
September 30, 2011, 2:32 am

@cammipham: @krewmom @polychronicity welcome we are talking about thrift store shopping #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:32 am

@MrsSotology: @KimmieChevon @cammipham Me? I'm always in something fitted ... then I'm aggravated to try on stuff#fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:32 am

@CASUDI: @cammipham @casudi @jackiehesley I've collected vintage clothes for 30 years ~ I wish I could find some pics (maybe later) #fashionchat

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit


September 30, 2011, 2:32 am

@Britopian: RT @cammipham: I like to look for fur, cashmere, wool #fashionchat <-- yeah, me too!
September 30, 2011, 2:32 am

@IndulgeNetwork: RT @Fierce_living: Just checked Wiki. Antique clothing prior to 1920s. Vintage is 1920s - 1980s What would we do w/out Google? #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:33 am

@Fierce_living: @jackiehesley yeah yeah yeah I'm a geek. Fashionly challenged 4 sure but definitely a geek. I didn't get all the gay genes :) #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:33 am

@cammipham: @britopian serious? good gift for wife for very cheap price #thriftstoreshopping #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:33 am

@estherjakiel: @cammipham @Belbey #fashionchat I like that :)

September 30, 2011, 2:33 am

@estherjakiel: RT @cammipham: + 1 RT @Belbey: When negotiating, my favorite thing to say is "Is this your friendliest price?". Always makes them smile. #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:33 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

30 @cammipham: @casudi @cammipham @jackiehesley twitpic us later #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:33 am

@krewmom: Good advice- I switched over! RT @belbey: I'm using @tweetchat for first time, makes this a lot easier! Brava!#fashionchat #smartcookie
September 30, 2011, 2:33 am

@cammipham: @belbey awesome #fashionchat :)

September 30, 2011, 2:34 am

@jackiehesley: Cupcakes for u! Need to step out - Have fun tweeters! #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:34 am

@cammipham: @kimmiechevon i dont like change room thats why flat tank top and legging i my outfit #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:34 am

@Fierce_living: Tweetchat is like the perfect accessory for a twitter chat #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:34 am

@jackiehesley: RT @Fierce_living: Tweetchat is like the perfect accessory for a twitter chat #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:35 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit


@cammipham: @mrssotology yes especially if you buy second hand #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:35 am

@Belbey: @jackiehesley did someone say cupcakes? Twitter always makes me hungry. #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:35 am

@Fierce_living: @jackiehesley glad I just ate #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:35 am

@cammipham: RT @chylilith: @cammipham always check racks you dont wear for stuff other ppl hide for sale day. :-) #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:35 am

@krewmom: Convinced completely! RT @Fierce_living: Tweetchat is like the perfect accessory for a twitter chat @belbey#fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:35 am

@cammipham: @jackiehesley @polychronicity welcome hug #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:35 am

@Fierce_living: OMG you are going to make me break out the dessert buffet. #fashionchat

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit


September 30, 2011, 2:36 am

@cammipham: @kristianaward let me know how it goes #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:36 am

@IndulgeNetwork: @krewmom @belbey yeah @tweetchat is my favorite way for me to keep up #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:36 am

@cammipham: Another tips, be creative think outside the box...a big giant dress shirt and look smoky hot with a belt #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:36 am

@KimmieChevon: RT @Fierce_living: Tweetchat is like the perfect accessory for a twitter chat #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:36 am

@Fierce_living: Calorie free: #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:37 am

@tammybperry: This is my first stop by #fashionchat. Excited about tonight topic. I love thrift store shopping. @cammipham
September 30, 2011, 2:37 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

33 @cammipham: @belbey cupcake and cashmere good for #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:37 am

@cammipham: RT @fierce_living: Tweetchat is like the perfect accessory for a twitter chat #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:37 am

@jackiehesley: Thank u friends for the RTs! :) #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:37 am

@cammipham: RT @tammybperry: This is my first stop by #fashionchat. Excited about tonight topic. I love thrift store shopping.@cammipham so are we
September 30, 2011, 2:37 am

@jeffmiranda1984: My ex-gf used to shop in thrift store and find loads of vintage piecesclassic ... #bringbackclassicpieces#fashionchat should give it try
September 30, 2011, 2:38 am

@polychronicity: @cammipham Yes! & found vintage goodies in the closets of my great aunts. Can't forget to consider "family" thrift collections! #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:38 am

@cammipham: Q3 When is the best time to go thrift store shopping #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:39 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit


@HiTweeps: Hi @jackiehesley | re: Hi tweeps! #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:39 am

@Belbey: Is this the regular time for this chat? Easy to remember, right after Greys Anatomy. #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:39 am

@cammipham: A3: best time to do thrift store shopping during the week less ppl #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:39 am

@Fierce_living: A3: Would it be like a Monday or Tue? #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:39 am

@cammipham: @polychronicity my fav cashmere with fox collar is from my grandma collection #fashionchat it has pearls too
September 30, 2011, 2:40 am

@CASUDI: @jackiehesley no never belonged to the red hat group ~ but my friends R & have borrowed my red hats from time2time#fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:40 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

35 @cammipham: @belbey yes its Mon at 10 pm ET #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:40 am

@cammipham: @hitweeps @jackiehesley hi welcome to #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:40 am

@estherjakiel: @Belbey #fashionchat that's awesome. My goal is to own a vintage shop. Would love to chat about that sometime, if that's ok with you?
September 30, 2011, 2:40 am

@Fierce_living: A3: I think most ppl sell stuff over the w/e so they probably get it put up by late Mon or Tue #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:40 am

@IndulgeNetwork: @tammybperry try using @tweetchat to follow #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:40 am

@cammipham: @jeffmiranda1984 yes clothes are art we need to treasure them #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:41 am

@CASUDI: A3 Just after they put the nu inventory out ~ find out when & be there :) #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:41 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit


@AdrianGabeChen: @cammipham thrift store shopping really? #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:41 am

@myWVnet: "@cammipham: Q3 When is the best time to go thrift store shopping #fashionchat" A: As often as you can - if you wanna snag real treasures.
September 30, 2011, 2:41 am

@KimmieChevon: @cammipham I love that idea. Thrifting almost forces you to be creative because there aren't racks & racks of the same things? #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:41 am

@cammipham: @adriangabechen yes its fun #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:41 am

@SeanMcQuade: @Fierce_living who guys need to talk to @Emmalish about #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:41 am

@CASUDI: @cammipham @polychronicity Pearls are "timeless" style #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:42 am

@Belbey: @estherjakiel @Belbey sure, owned vintage store in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Happy to share experience. #fashionchat

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit


September 30, 2011, 2:42 am

@cammipham: @kimmiechevon add a bow, belt, dye the clothes, thrift store shopping are creative as u want#fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:42 am

@Fierce_living: @KimmieChevon Yep and you wont be dressed like everyone else. #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:42 am

@cammipham: RT @casudi: A3 Just after they put the nu inventory out ~ find out when & be there :-) #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:42 am

@cammipham: Be nice to the ppl working at thrift store. they will let you know when the clothes come in and when there are a sale#fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:43 am

@fashionhunts: 2 hrs left for the @youceleb DEAL! 54% off of a sexy ring/earring/bracelet set? BLING! #fashion#fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:43 am

@Fierce_living: @Cammipham will talk to her (after she answers my email) RT @SeanMcQuade: @Fierce_living who guys need to talk to @Emmalish #fashionchat

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit


September 30, 2011, 2:43 am

@cammipham: RT @fierce_living: A3: I think most ppl sell stuff over the w/e so they probably get it put up by late Mon or Tue#fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:43 am

@schneidermike: @cammipham ARE THEY ON THE TWITTER? #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:43 am

@IndulgeNetwork: Working on getting my stylist friend @MizzBAPZ to join this topic of #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:44 am

@cammipham: @fierce_living u r not the only gay in the village anymore #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:44 am

@AdrianGabeChen: @cammipham i have never seen a thrift store in toronto. name one #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:44 am

@Fierce_living: is who on Twitter? RT @schneidermike: @cammipham ARE THEY ON THE TWITTER? #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:44 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

39 @cammipham: @anitasharma i love natural material #fashionchat they look more expensive and better for environment#fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:44 am

@Fierce_living: Uh oh :) RT @cammipham: @fierce_living u r not the only gay in the village anymore #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:44 am

@cammipham: @casudi yes i love them wearing stud right now #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:45 am

@cammipham: @fierce_living happy dance #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:45 am

@tammybperry: I go thrift store shopping on Saturday mornings. It is kind of like yard selling and antiquing.Early Sat shoppers get the worm. #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:45 am

@cammipham: @adriangabechen goodwill, value village #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:45 am

@cammipham: RT @tammybperry: . It is kind of like yard selling and antiquing.Early Sat shoppers get the worm. #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:46 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit


@Fierce_living: @AdrianGabeChen Here is a bunch of them #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:46 am

@cammipham: RT @allinthepass: @cammipham 2-4 on tuesdays #fashionchat Re: when is best time to go thrift store shopping
September 30, 2011, 2:46 am

@polychronicity: @cammipham Also good:drop by thrift stores regularly whenevr u have spare shopping time bc u never know when they get new items #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:46 am

@cammipham: @fierce_living @schneidermike who? #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:46 am

@cammipham: @islesofsmiles i love thrift store shopping always find good deals #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:47 am

@polychronicity: @estherjakiel @Belbey Love that idea for a #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:47 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

41 @estherjakiel: @cammipham @tammybperry #fashionchat yikes! Not able to do that.. Can't get up early on weekends lol. I go on Mondays, usually very slow
September 30, 2011, 2:47 am

@Fierce_living: Another thrift store in Toronto #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:47 am

@cammipham: RT @polychronicity drop by thrift stores regularly whenevr u have spare shopping time bc u never know when they get new items #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:48 am

@schneidermike: @cammipham @fierce_living the thrift store people. #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:48 am

@cammipham: RT @fierce_living: Another thrift store in Toronto #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:48 am

@cammipham: @estherjakiel @cammipham @tammybperry same i need my beauty sleep #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:49 am

@CASUDI: RT @cammipham: RT @fierce_living: Another thrift store in Toronto #fashionchat

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit


September 30, 2011, 2:49 am

@cammipham: @schneidermike @cammipham @fierce_living store I dont know i will check...shopper visit #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:49 am

@DelectablyChic: Thrifting is gr8 if u have the patience... RT @cammipham: @estherjakiel @cammipham @tammybperry same i need my beauty sleep #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:50 am

@cammipham: It is good to shop summer clothes in winter and winter clothes in summer #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:50 am

@estherjakiel: @polychronicity @cammipham #fashionchat very true. Sometimes I like to go in when walking by, even for a few minutes to browse. U never know
September 30, 2011, 2:50 am

@cammipham: because ppl usually donate at the end of the season #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:50 am

@schneidermike: @Britopian I like your fur chaps. #fashionchat @cammipham

September 30, 2011, 2:51 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

43 @cammipham: try to find good quality clothes, skip trendy and lower end because lots of time u dont get a good deal #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:51 am

@cammipham: I found ppl who bought the same shirt i bought on sale for more at thrift store #fashionchat skip the trendy and low end clothes
September 30, 2011, 2:51 am

@estherjakiel: Off season shopping - great deals RT @cammipham: It is good to shop summer clothes in winter and winter clothes in summer #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:52 am

@CASUDI: @cammipham Good to shop for things, others are not looking for ~ buy when others R selling, and sell when others R buying :-) #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:52 am

@krewmom: Yes- that's when people clean closets! RT @cammipham: It's good to shop summer clothes in winter and winter ones in summer #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:52 am

@cammipham: @estherjakiel @polychronicity @cammipham there is no fix time for thrift store shopping always unexpected#fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:52 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

44 @cammipham: @infosara its happening right now join us #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:52 am

@cammipham: @syhum @Fierce_living need to be patient i like goodwill better. Cheaper too #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:53 am

@tammybperry: Good advice!RT @cammipham RT @chylilith: @cammipham always check racks you dont wear 4 stuff other ppl hide for sale day. :-) #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:53 am

@IndulgeNetwork: @krewmom @cammipham yeah of season shopping is smart, great deals #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:53 am

@estherjakiel: RT @CASUDI: @cammipham Good to shop for things, others are not looking for ~ buy when others R selling, and sell when others R buying :-) #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:53 am

@cammipham: @krewmom bingo #fashionchat another person trash is someone treasure

September 30, 2011, 2:53 am

@DelectablyChic: @cammipham I haven't found it that easy to find super-tiny places at thrift places... and when u do, it's nasty. Just MHO tho #fashionchat

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit


September 30, 2011, 2:53 am

@cammipham: TIP: thirft store shopping in rich area, more likely to find treasure #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:54 am

@DelectablyChic: I mean super-tiny sizes #fashionchat RT @DelectablyChic: @cammipham I haven't found it that easy to find super (cont)
September 30, 2011, 2:54 am

@nosupermama: RT @cammipham: TIP: thirft store shopping in rich area, more likely to find treasure #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:54 am

@lttlewys: @cammipham @InfoSara Been lurking from Son's school meeting ;) #Fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:54 am

@cammipham: @casudi agree i hate buying at regular price #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:54 am

@1StarCutie: RT @cammipham: TIP: thirft store shopping in rich area, more likely to find treasure #fashionchat

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit


September 30, 2011, 2:54 am

@polychronicity: @estherjakiel @cammipham #fashionchat Helps w time/patience re thrift & antique shops; after a few times u can quickly ID new items from old
September 30, 2011, 2:54 am

@cammipham: RT @estherjakiel: Off season shopping - great deals #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:54 am

@CASUDI: RT @cammipham: TIP: thirft store shopping in rich area, more likely to find treasure #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:54 am

@Fierce_living: And another #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:54 am

@vbeta: @cammipham hey! I'm curious... What is #fashionchat? it seems interesting. :)

September 30, 2011, 2:54 am

@estherjakiel: Great tip! RT@cammipham: TIP: thirft store shopping in rich area, more likely to find treasure #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:55 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

47 @Fierce_living: @schneidermike just a good googler :) #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:55 am

@cammipham: @vbeta its weekly fashion chat on Mon 10 pm ET host by me and @racktorack we are talking about thrift store shopping #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:55 am

@krewmom: Good night everyone! #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:56 am

@Fierce_living: @cammipham thanks for a great chat. Gotta run. #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:56 am

@cammipham: @fierce_living @schneidermike he is coauthor of location base for dummies with @aaronstrout future guests for #rbchat #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:56 am

@estherjakiel: #fashionchat always flies by too quickly. Always a great time :)

September 30, 2011, 2:56 am

@cammipham: RT @fierce_living: And another #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:56 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

48 @IndulgeNetwork: Very true RT @cammipham: @krewmom bingo another person trash is someone else treasure #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:57 am

@krewmom: RT @cammipham: @krewmom bingo #fashionchat another person trash is someone treasure
September 30, 2011, 2:57 am

@CASUDI: @Fierce_living If U R ever looking for vintage Italian suits ~ 21 years old ~ let me know :-) #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:57 am

@cammipham: @delectablychic deal usually require you give up something #fashionchat

September 30, 2011, 2:57 am

@LoisMarketing: @CASUDI @Fierce_living Hey you two! Popping into #fashionchat to say hello
September 30, 2011, 2:58 am

@cammipham: @loismarketing hi its almost over but dont forget to come back next week mon at 10 pm ET #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:59 am

@KimmieChevon: I enjoyed my first chat, good night everyone! #fashionchat

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit


September 30, 2011, 2:59 am

@cammipham: its almost 11, time to end the chat... ::( #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:59 am

@CASUDI: @LoisMarketing @Fierce_living My first time on #fashionchat ~ but vintage is something I know something about :-) GR8 chat I'll be back.
September 30, 2011, 2:59 am

@jeffmiranda1984: RT @cammipham: It is good to shop summer clothes in winter and winter clothes in summer #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:59 am

@tammybperry: If you are in the NYC area. E23rd Street btw 2nd and Lex is where the good thrift stores are. #fashionchat
September 30, 2011, 2:59 am

@cammipham: By the way I might be able to bring an American Next Top Model to #fashionchat still talking to her agent :)
September 30, 2011, 2:59 am

@polychronicity: @cammipham #FashionChat TIP: network w salespersons @ shops you visit regularly & ask them to contact u when items u might like come in
September 30, 2011, 3:00 am

#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit


#FashionChat Weekly Fashion Chat on Thursday at 10 pm ET For more information please visit

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