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Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia

Commission conomique et sociale pour lAsie occidentale

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ESCWA Supports Arab Region Transition into Green Economy Beirut, 20 July 2011 (UN Information Services)-- ESCWA opened today its meeting on Economic Policies Supporting the Transition to a Green Economy in the Arab Region at the UN House, Beirut. The meeting is held in cooperation with the Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan, the UN Environment Program (UNEP), and the League of Arab States. Opening statements were delivered by Fareed Busheri, Regional Officer in the Division of Technology, Industry and Economics at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)/ Regional Office for West Asia; Lamia El-Mobayed, Head of Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan; Djamel-Eddine Djaballah, Director of the Department of Environment, Housing and Sustainable Development at the League of Arab States; Anhar Hegazi, ESCWA Deputy Executive Secretary a.i; and Alain Bifani, Director General of the Lebanese Ministry of Finance, representing Minister of Finance Muhammad El-Safadi. In his statement, Busheri focused on the Green Economy initiative, launched in October 2008, and which is based on investments in environmental assets, cleaner and efficient production, renewable energy, and sustainable urban development. UNEP launched the Green Economy Report, which demystifies many misconceptions of greening economies globally. The report demonstrates that the greening of economies is not generally a drag on growth, but rather a new engine of growth, he added. El-Mobayed, for her part, introduced the Basil Fuleihan Institute and elaborated its scope of work. Through the initiative of this Institute, she said, Lebanon joined the Marrakech Process, initiated further to the Earth Summit held in Johannesburg in 2002, to promote governmental efforts in countries seeking to transform their economies towards sustainable activities. She added that despite the many challenges, on top of which lie the financial hurdles, we look forward to governments taking a bigger role in supporting research and development activities in green technologies, pursuant to the new development goals.

As for Djaballah, he stressed Arab regional preparations for Rio+20 are aligned with the efficiency of the Council of Arab Ministers Responsible for the Environment (CAMRE). The reason behind the Councils success in achieving its priorities at this stage is threefold: firstly it is derived from the efficient collaboration with UNEP, ESCWA and other specialized Arab organizations; secondly, it is because of the right institutional mechanisms; and thirdly, it is because the Council was keen on implementing its programs and activities with the participation of all concerned stakeholders, the civil society included. Hegazi said in her statement that Rio+20 is especially important for the region, because of the big environmental issues we are facing, some of which will only increase in acuteness, triggered by climate change. Among these issues is the increase of water scarcity, pollution and waste management, moving faster to benefit of renewable energy, combating desertification and agricultural challenges, in addition to meeting the ever growing needs of youth. ESCWA member countries are in dire need for more employment opportunities, and sustainable environmental practices. Responding to these needs is what confers a special importance to this meetings deliberations. Bifani noted that the biggest challenge to Lebanon and the region today is building special regional and international partnerships - once political will exists - to promote and strengthen sustainable and green economy in order to achieve development goals. He said that in this context, ministries of finance look to play a key role in seeking economic reform through sound financial policies and good management of public funds. This would lead to promoting sustainable development in accordance with national priorities and with respect to good governance tools, such as transparency and accountability. The meeting concludes Thursday, after further deliberations on sustainable public procurement, environmental taxation, and green investment incentives. Also on the agenda is the issue of assisting Arab countries to position themselves in relation to issues being negotiated at Rio +20, notably in relation to green economy and the institutional framework for sustainable development, and how to translate them at the national level.

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