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Reading Source

for Content Area Reading 3

Answer key
Reading Source 3 Workbook Answer Key

Unit 1_Special Homes: Houseboats

Words & Phrases

1. contain 2. protect 3. despite
4. prefer 5. bathtub
1. environment 2. flood 3. dwelling
4. canal 5. narrow
1. rather than 2. according to 3. folded up

1. build homes according to their environment
2. people choose to live on houseboats
3. narrow because they travel on thin canals
4. Houseboats in Australia and America can be much larger
5. serve as dwellings as well as vacation homes

Many (homes) are (built) according to the environment.
(Some) people’s homes are underground, while (others) are built on
tall (stilts). In places (where) there is a lot of (water),
some people live on (houseboats). Simple houseboats can be (found)
in Cambodia. They are made of (wood) and palm (leaves). British
houseboats are very (narrow) because they have to travel along thin
(canals). Some houseboats in Australia and (America) are (larger)
because they are kept on (lakes) and wide rivers. They are sometimes
(called) floating mansions. Some are used as (vacation) homes, while
(others) are used as (regular) homes.
Reading Source 3 Workbook Answer Key

Unit 2_Making a Budget

Words & Phrases

1. income 2. earn 3. expense
4. include 5. receive
1. budget 2. carefully 3. allowance
4. transportation 5. neighbor
1. at the beginning 2. run out of 3. left over

1. Do you spend your allowance slowly and carefully
2. run out of money ~ it’s time to make a budget
3. a record of how much money you will receive and spend
4. she will have $11 left over to either save or spend
5. Make a budget at the beginning of each week

If you (spend) your money too (quickly), you should make a weekly
(budget). A (budget) is a record of your (income) and your
(expenses). Your (income) is money that you (earn). You might
(get) it from your parents or from a part-time (job). Your
(expenses) are the things you spend your (money) on. For example,
buying (snacks) or (using) public transportation are expenses.
If you (make) a good budget, you should (have) some money
(left) over at the (end) of the week. You can either (spend)
it or (save) it.
Reading Source 3 Workbook Answer Key

Unit 3_Schools for Africa

Words & Phrases

1. nearly 2. stay 3. campaign
4. learn 5. funding
1. offer 2. alone 3. improve
4. since 5. worse
1. In total 2. raising money 3. As a result

1. 500 students ~ about 100 come to school each day
2. UNICEF offers hope to schools like this
3. Nearly every school has been given desks and books
4. so that children will want to stay here
5. a part of the campaign by raising money

The Miteme School in Malawi is (not) a very nice (place). The
students have no (clean) water or (books). There is (only) a
blackboard, and (classes) are held under a (tree). There are not even
(enough) teachers. (Because) of this, (most) of the students
simply (stay) home. But UNICEF’s Schools for Africa (campaign) hopes
to (improve) the school. It has already built and (improved) about 600
schools in (Africa). The program has (given) students pencils, books,
desks, (toilets) and drinking water. You can (support) the campaign by
raising (money) for UNICEF with your (classmates).
Reading Source 3 Workbook Answer Key

Unit 4_A Day in the Life of a Movie Director

Words & Phrases

1. fit 2. spend 3. experience
4. touch 5. editor
1. direct 2. choose 3. mistake
4. arrive 5. latest
1. take hours 2. was excited to 3. cut out

1. arrived at the studio to meet the director, Sophie Yang
2. was excited to see famous movie stars there
3. take hours to film a five-minute scene in the studio
4. I think Ne-Yo’s new song will fit this scene
5. I can turn my ideas into beautiful movies

At 9:30 a.m., I (arrived) at the studio and met the (director), Sophie
Yang. I saw (famous) movie stars. At 10 a.m., Sophie (began) directing
the scene. It (took) a long time. At 2 p.m., we ate (lunch) and then
(went) to the editing room. The (editor) used a (computer)
to fix the scene. He (cut) out the (mistakes), and Sophie chose
the (best) parts. She also (chose) Ne-Yo’s new song for the
(scene). At 5 p.m., I went (home), but Sophie (stayed).
Sometimes she (works) 20-hour days. But she loves her (job)
because her (movies) can (touch) people’s hearts.
Reading Source 3 Workbook Answer Key

Unit 5_The Different Colors of Stars

Words & Phrases

1. extremely 2. various 3. trillion
4. medium 5. burn
1. temperature 2. heat 3. fuel
4. rare 5. huge
1. looked up at 2. gives off 3. fall into

1. a huge shining ball of gas which gives off heat and light
2. can be hundreds of times smaller than the Sun
3. Yellow stars can live for about 10 billion years
4. are extremely large and burn their fuel quickly
5. they are the kind of star we see the most

There are (three) basic kinds of (stars), each with a different
(color). They can be placed into (groups) based on (size),
temperature and lifespan. (Red) stars are the (smallest) stars,
and they burn their (fuel) very slowly. So, they live for a (long)
time. Blue stars are the (largest) and (hottest) stars, but they have a
(short) lifespan. (Yellow) stars, like the Sun, are medium sized and
(have) a (medium) temperature. (Red) stars are the most
(common) kind of star. However, (blue) stars are (easier) to see
because they are so (bright).
Reading Source 3 Workbook Answer Key

Unit 6_Bionic Man

Words & Phrases

1. probably 2. artificial 3. brain
4. allow 5. operation
1. astronaut 2. injured 3. imagine
4. accident 5. common
1. be replaced with 2. was unable to 3. for example

1. an astronaut was seriously injured in a crash
2. his legs are replaced with machines
3. artificial body parts are fairly common
4. doctors placed electronic parts in his brain
5. allowed him to use a computer just by thinking about it

The Six Million Dollar Man was a television (show) about a (bionic)
man. After an (accident), he had several different (parts) of his body
replaced with (machines). In reality, (there) (are) many
people with (bionic) body parts. Arms and (legs) can be replaced
with robotic ones, and artificial (hearts) are used to keep (sick)
people (alive). Bionic parts have even been (put) into the
(brain) of a man (named) Matthew Nagle. He was not (able)
to (move) his (body). But the bionic part let him (use) a
(computer) with his (thoughts).
Reading Source 3 Workbook Answer Key

Unit 7_Tides

Words & Phrases

1. force 2. constantly 3. gently
4. float 5. planet
1. affects 2. Although 3. toward
4. solid 5. invisible
1. plays a role 2. bulge out 3. sink down

1. The ocean’s water levels are constantly changing
2. pulls everything toward the center of the Earth
3. This pull doesn’t affect the Earth’s solid land
4. one of the factors that creates tides
5. our oceans would float away into space

Ocean (water) levels constantly (change). This is partly caused
by the (Moon). The Moon’s (gravity) gently (pulls) at the
(Earth). This causes its water to (bulge) out on one (side)
of the (planet). Sometimes the Earth, (Sun) and Moon form a
(straight) line. When (this) happens, the gravities of the Moon
and the Sun cause (spring) tides. During this (time), high tides
are (higher) and low tides are (lower). The Earth’s gravity keeps
(oceans) from (floating) away. At the same time, the gravities of the
(Moon) and the (Sun) cause (tides).
Reading Source 3 Workbook Answer Key

Unit 8_My Friend Lives Under the Sea

Words & Phrases

1. ocean 2. view 3. input
4. space 5. coral
1. rings 2. seaweed 3. underwater
4. submarine 5. bottom
1. below ground level 2. looking forward to 3. looks out over
1. Today is my first visit to my friend Alvin’s house.
2. ring the doorbell ~ lets me in
3. watching for a while ~ we get hungry
4. Alvin makes a small robot go to the grocery store
5. remember the beautiful view from Alvin’s window

A girl is going to (visit) her friend’s house for the (first) time.
She is really (excited) because he lives underwater. She (gets)
there by taking an elevator to the (bottom) of the (ocean). First, they
(watch) fish (swim) past the living room (window). They also
see (crabs) and a sea (turtle). Her (friend) tells her that
he saw some (dolphins) yesterday. When they get (hungry), a robotic
submarine goes to the (store) and (buys) them food. After she
(goes) home, the girl happily (remembers) the (view) from her
friend’s (underwater) apartment.
Reading Source 3 Workbook Answer Key

Unit 9_Impressions of Beauty

Words & Phrases

1. generally 2. outdoors 3. appear
4. scene 5. effect
1. continued 2. impression 3. realistic
4. surrounding 5. subject
1. is interested in 2. several times 3. a series of

1. Impressionists generally painted scenes of nature.
2. preferred to work outdoors instead of in a studio
3. it appeared at different points of the day
4. a scene from the gardens surrounding his house
5. Despite troubles with his eyes ~ continued to paint until his death

Claude Monet was a (famous) French (painter). He was (known)
as an “impressionist.” Impressionists were (artists) who tried to
(show) their (impression) of a scene. They used (bright) colors and
(quick) brushstrokes. They weren’t interested in (making) the scene
look (real). Impressionists often painted (outdoors), and preferred
(natural) subjects. Monet was interested in (showing) how (changing)
light affected his subjects. To (do) so, he would paint the (same)
subject (several) times. He painted The White Water Lilies in the (gardens)
around his (house). Despite (eye) problems, Monet (painted)
until his (death) in 1926.

Reading Source 3 Workbook Answer Key

Unit 10_Homemade Musical Instruments

Words & Phrases

1. slightly 2. attach 3. rim
4. hole 5. amount
1. Fill 2. cardboard 3. tightly
4. creative 5. object
1. a piece of 2. get together 3. make a sound

1. fill the glasses with different amounts of water
2. make a bottle rattle ~ clean out an empty plastic bottle
3. Place a piece of foil over one end of a cardboard tube
4. There are lots of creative ways to make music at home
5. get together with your friends and start your own band

You do not need a (violin) or a (piano) if you want to make beautiful
(music). Instead, you can (make) your (own) instruments
from (things) in your (house). For example, an (empty) plastic
(bottle) can be (turned) into a rattle. A cardboard (tube)
from a roll of toilet (paper) can be used to make a (kazoo). You can
even make an instrument from (just) a few drinking (glasses) and
some (water). By using your imagination, there are many (musical)
instruments you can (make). Then you can get (together) with your
friends and make a (band)!

Reading Source 3 Workbook Answer Key

Unit 11_Vivaldi’s Four Seasons

Words & Phrases

1. fierce 2. dramatic 3. express
4. celebration 5. festive
1. advertisement 2. capture 3. composer
4. realize 5. lively
1. relates to 2. accompanied by 3. brings to mind

1. “The Four Seasons” captures the mood of each season
2. The spring concerto sounds like the arrival of new life
3. a set of four violin concertos ~ each season
4. The autumn concerto is a celebration of the harvest
5. heard a part of the music without realizing it

Antonio Vivaldi is often (called) the best Italian (composer) of all time.
He wrote (more) than 500 concertos. His most (famous) work is
The Four Seasons, a set of (four) violin concertos. The (violin)
always (plays) the main (solo). Each concerto (relates)
to a different (season). The (spring) concerto is (lively) and
joyful. The (summer) concerto expresses a (fierce) thunderstorm.
The (autumn) concerto is very (festive), like the sounds of peasants’
(songs). The winter concerto (brings) to mind icy (rain).
Vivaldi (composed) The Four Seasons (nearly) 300 years ago. However, it is
still very well known (today).

Reading Source 3 Workbook Answer Key

Unit 12_A Mural to Remember

Words & Phrases

1. cheerful 2. brush 3. material
4. remind 5. explain
1. trash 2. mural 3. wrapper
4. unique 5. gymnasium
1. the pile of 2. such as 3. think of

1. We stared sadly at the pile of trash in the schoolyard
2. to paint a mural on the wall of the gymnasium
3. The principal helped us get paints and brushes
4. were very proud after we finished it
5. reminds students to pick up their trash

My friends and I (thought) there was too much (trash) in our schoolyard.
Our school just didn’t (seem) like a (cheerful) place
anymore. So, (we) decided to do something (about) it. Together,
we (thought) of a wonderful idea: to (paint) a (mural) on
the outside (wall) of the gymnasium. We explained our (idea)
to the principal, who (helped) us get the (materials) we needed. Next,
we designed our (mural) and then (painted) it on the wall. Because
the mural (reminds) students to (pick) up their trash, our schoolyard
has become (cleaner).

Reading Source 3 Workbook Answer Key

Unit 13_What is Wrong with this Building?

Words & Phrases

1. further 2. beneath 3. lean
4. foundation 5. add
1. straighten 2. removed 3. direction
4. declared 5. construction
1. on purpose 2. take photographs of 3. fall over

1. The Tower of Pisa was not built this way on purpose
2. construction began in 1173 ~ two big problems
3. the ground it was built on was too soft
4. tried many things to stop it from leaning further
5. was declared to be safe for at least 200 years

The (bell) tower of Pisa, Italy, is a (popular) tourist attraction. The
(tower) is special because it (leans) at an (angle) of nearly
four degrees. When construction (began) in 1173, the (builders)
made two big (mistakes). They (made) the tower’s foundation too
(small) and built in on (ground) that was too (soft).
Recently, the Italian government (began) to (worry) that the tower
would (fall) over. So, it was (closed) in 1990 and (dirt)
was removed from (beneath) one side. This straightened the tower just
(enough), and it was (reopened) in 2001.

Reading Source 3 Workbook Answer Key

Unit 14_Martin Luther King, Jr.

Words & Phrases

1. public 2. shoot 3. organize
4. encourage 5. refuse
1. freedom 2. equally 3. against
4. protest 5. lead
1. continued on 2. national holiday 3. stand up

1. of its greatest leaders was Martin Luther King, Jr.
2. encouraged people to stand up against racism
3. refused to ride the buses for more than a year
4. became the youngest person to win a Nobel Peace Prize
5. The civil rights movement continued on stronger than ever

Martin Luther King, Jr. (was) (born) in Atlanta, Georgia in 1929.
He was a (leader) of the American civil rights (movement). He believed
in (fighting) racism in a peaceful (way). In 1955, he helped
(lead) a protest against (unfair) laws based on (race). In
1963, he (gave) his famous “I Have a Dream” (speech) in Washington,
DC. In 1964, he became the (youngest) person to be (awarded) the
Nobel Peace Prize. Although he was (shot) and (killed) four years
(later), the civil rights movement did not (stop). Americans now
(honor) him (with) a national (holiday).

Reading Source 3 Workbook Answer Key

Unit 15_A History of Clothing

Words & Phrases

1. completely 2. numerous 3. spin
4. comfortable 5. invent
1. needle 2. enable 3. fur
4. ordinary 5. sew
1. can afford to 2. thanks to 3. is made from

1. People simply tied them around their bodies
2. enabled people to spin cotton into thread
3. Only rich people could afford several sets of clothes
4. the way clothes were made changed completely
5. new machines ~ factories could make clothes quickly

Humans started (wearing) the first (clothes) more (than)
100,000 years ago. They were made from animal (skin), fur, grasses and
(leaves). About 30,000 years ago, (needles) were made from animal
(bones). They allowed (people) to begin (sewing) clothes
together. Clothing (improved) even more around 500 AD (when) the
(spinning) (wheel) was invented. These (clothes) were expensive
and difficult to (make). Factories in the 1800s, however, were (able)
to make a lot of (clothing) quickly and (easily). Finally, with the invention
of new (cheaper) materials in the 1930s, (clothing) became affordable for

Reading Source 3 Workbook Answer Key

Unit 16_A Trip into History: Life for a Yurok Boy in 1800

Words & Phrases

1. energetic 2. sign 3. wrestle
4. leather 5. weave
1. dice 2. wealth 3. dried
4. salmon 5. tattoo
1. would rather 2. one another 3. get married

1. Mom will make us some tea from berries
2. The tattoos on Dad’s arm are a sign of wealth
3. teaches me to hunt with a bow and arrow
4. a wooden stick to hit a leather ball into a goal
5. would rather play tossle than get married

Hello, I’m Segep. Our Yurok village is (near) the Klamath River in California.
We get (salmon) and (mussels) from it. Welcome (inside)
our wooden (home). Try some (dried) seaweed, acorns and
(berry) tea. Look at Mom and Dad’s (tattoos). They are signs of
(beauty) and (wealth). Dad makes (canoes). He also teaches
me to fish and (hunt). Mom teaches my (sister), Ninowo, to
(weave) baskets. In my (free) time, I (play) “tossle.”
My sister plays (dice) games. She is (old) enough to get
(married) soon, but I’m (not). Come on, (let’s) play tossle!

Reading Source 3 Workbook Answer Key

Unit 17_My Lottery Dream

Words & Phrases

1. actually 2. immediately 3. hold
4. survive 5. heart
1. lottery 2. amazing 3. charity
4. support 5. donation
1. look after 2. brand new 3. and so on

1. a friend asked me an interesting question
2. On my way home from school ~ passed Clover Street Hospital
3. The doctors and nurses looked after me ~ survived
4. Of course ~ may never win the lottery
5. will hold several charity events here at school this year

What would I do if I won the (lottery)? At first, I thought I would (buy)
things for (myself). However, I (changed) my mind when I (passed)
Clover Street Hospital. I was (born) there with a (heart) problem
and (nearly) died. But the (doctors) and (nurses) helped me
(survive). However, the hospital (may) close (because) it doesn’t
have enough (money). So I decided that if I (won) the lottery, I would
make a big (donation) to the (hospital). I also decided to (start)
a (charity) for Clover Street Hospital. Please (support) my charity events
here at (school).

Reading Source 3 Workbook Answer Key

Unit 18_Dear Dayna: Teen Letters Page

Words & Phrases

1. annoyed 2. fair 3. adore
4. resent 5. babysit
1. trust 2. attention 3. jealous
4. siblings 5. delightful
1. take care of 2. instead of 3. feels left out

1. a little brother who is just four years old
2. seem to love him the most ~ makes me jealous
3. How can I make my parents love me again
4. You shouldn’t feel annoyed with your younger sibling
5. you should feel proud of how responsible you are

A girl has a (problem) with her younger (brother). He is so (cute)
that (everybody) adores him. Also, her (parents) make her (babysit)
him when they go out. She would rather (spend) her time doing (homework)
or chatting with her (friends). She is worried that her (parents)
do not (love) her anymore. So she writes a (letter) to Dayna
(asking) for advice. Dayna assures her that her parents still (love)
and (trust) her. She (tells) the girl to be (proud) that she is
a (responsible) older sister. Then she says that the girl should (tell) her
parents (how) she (feels).

Reading Source 3 Workbook Answer Key

Unit 19_The Dangers of On-screen Violence

Words & Phrases

1. yell 2. reach 3. prevent
4. society 5. enemy
1. normal 2. expert 3. violent
4. necessary 5. whether
1. take responsibility 2. is likely to 3. By the time

1. He quickly shoots his gun several times
2. He runs to eat dinner with his family
3. He will have seen thousands more in computer games
4. do this by spending less time in front of a screen
5. can choose TV, movies and games which are peaceful

Darren kills three people and (smiles). He is a (normal) 11-year-old
American boy (playing) a computer (game). Yet when he
(reaches) 18 years old, he will have seen thousands of (killings) on
TV. Research (shows) he is more likely to be (violent) after seeing
violence on (screen). TV shows, (movies) and games make violence
seem (exciting). Computer games even (offer) higher scores for
(more) killings. To (prevent) a violent society in the (future),
we must (take) responsibility. Young people should spend (less)
time in front of a screen and (choose) peaceful TV (shows), movies and

Reading Source 3 Workbook Answer Key

Unit 20_Apollo and Daphne

Words & Phrases

1. instantly 2. outrun 3. grab
4. revenge 5. nymph
1. arrow 2. tease 3. rough
4. strength 5. branch
1. chased after 2. called out 3. reached out

1. saw a beautiful nymph and instantly fell in love
2. When Apollo told Daphne how he felt
3. Apollo reached out to grab her in his arms
4. in his eyes ~ he made a crown from her branches
5. shook her branches to show that she was pleased

After being (teased) by Apollo, Cupid (shoots) him with a special
love (arrow). Soon after, Apollo sees Daphne, a (nymph) who is the
daughter of the (river) god. He instantly (falls) in (love).
But Daphne does not (love) Apollo, so she runs away from (him).
Deeply in love, Apollo (chases) after her. (Unable) to get away,
Daphne (calls) out to her father for (help). He (turns)
her (into) a laurel tree. (Sad), Apollo makes a (crown)
from Daphne’s (branches). He wears it on his (head) so he can always
(remember) her.


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