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Site #1

Title: Investigating the environmental factors that affect plant species diversity top the hillside at
Las Cuevas Bay

Aim: To investigate the soil properties and species diversity at site #1

Apparatus and Materials:

Field Work Apparatus:

- Meter ruler - Freezer Bags
- 4 Wooden stakes - Permanent Marker
- String - Line transect
- Garden Shovels
- Thermometers

Lab Work Apparatus:

- Water Content: petri dish, oven, spatula, soil sample, scale
- Water Retention: scale, measuring cylinder, beakers, funnel, dried soil samples, distilled
water, petri dish, spatula
- Salinity: Test tube, spatula, distilled water, salinity meter,dropper,soil samples
- Soil Composition: Tap water, beaker (500ml), ruler, silsample
- Humuus Content: dried soil sample, test tube holder, scale, spatulas, Bunsen burner


Field work:
1) From the hillside from the shoreline a transverse line was run.
2) This allowed for the line to be separated into the six sites distanced proportionately from
one another.
3) A wooden stake was place in each corner of the specific quadrat for each group 1 meter
4) The quadrat was observed and each species which was visible was noted down in the
5) Using the shovel a hole was dug into the soil for a distance of 30 cm downward and the
thermometer was placed into the hole and covered back with soil
6) The thermometer was left for 30 seconds to equilibrate to get accurate readings.
7) After the thermometer was removed and using the shovel soil was collected and placed
into a freezer bag for the lab test.
8) The apparatus was collected and packed away
9) A soil was place in hand the texture was observed and analyzed
Lab work:
1) Water content%: 100g of the soil sample was weighed in a petri dish and placed on a
scale. After being weighed the soil sample was placed into the oven and dried for
approximately 8 hours. The samples were weighed using the scale and the difference of
the initial and final weight was calculated and recorded.

2) Water retention%: 20g of the dried soil was weighed in a petri dish on a scale. A funnel
was then placed at the mouth of a measuring cylinder and a gauze patch was placed
within the funnel. The soil sample was then placed into the funnel, onto the gauze patch.
100 ml of distilled water was measured and poured into the funnel, thus arriving onto the
soil sample. Eventually, the water drained completely and the water that was collected in
the measuring cylinder was observed and documented.

3) Salinity: in the test tubes, 10g of each dried soil sample were placed respectively. The
test tube was then filled to approximately three-quarters with distilled water. The mixture
was stirred robustly and then allowed to settle. Once the mixture was finally settled, the
dropper was utilized to drop precisely three drops of the water from the test tube onto the
salinity meter. The reading was recognized and documented in a room of adequate
lighting after the salinity meter was placed onto the water thus releasing any air bubbles.

4) Soil Composition: Into a gas jar, 100g of the soil sample was weighed and placed. The
gas jar was then filled to approximately three-quarters with tap water. The mixture was
stirred robustly and then allowed to settle. Once the mixture was finally settled, the
miscellaneous layers of the soil sample could be observed. The layers were observed
and identified through measuring by use of ruler and lastly the results were recorded.

5) Humus Content%: Into a test tube 20g of the dried soil sample was weighed and
placed. Over a Bunsen burner for five minutes, the test tube was heated and then it was
reweighed. Until the weight remained fixed after heating, the process was repeated.


1) Soil Moisture Content:

Mass of empty Petri Dish/g 41

Mass of the petri dish + soil before heating /g 91

Mass of the petri + soil after heating /g 82

2) Soil Humus Content:

Mass of Empty Boiling Tube /g 29

Mass of Boiling Tube + soil before heating /g 34

Mass of Boiling Tube + soil after being heated /g 31

3) Water Retention:

Volume of water added/ ml 100

Volume of water collected/ ml 185

Volume of water retained by the soil/ ml 15

4) Soil Composition:

Soil Component Height of layer

Gravel 0

Pebbles 0

Grades of sand 10mm

Silt 90mm

Humu/ organic content/ air bubbles 5mm


Site was was dried out and had several dead leaves. The area had several sand flies with some
small spiders being see near the hillsideNo vegetation was seen outside the sample area
however very small amounts of vegetation was seen in the quadrat. No small rocks or any other
material were seen other than a few sticks and dead leaves.
Species Count/ Diversity Index:

Species # Species Name Number of individuals in

the quadrat

1 Skinny stalk Plant 16

Species Diversity calculations:

● D = (N(N - 1))/(sum n * (n - 1)) = 0


According to the results the site studies showed no signs of proper vegetation. The site was
mainly empty and lacking in plant life. This site was the furthest from the hillside and midway to
the shoreline. The salinity of the site was 0.08 after testing the soil. The sea water salinity was
found to be 4.00. The salinity of the site might be the cause for the struggling and lackluster
number of plants present.

The soil type for site one was described as moist and granny. The color of the sand was brown
or dark brownish. The sand when testing the texture was found to have not stuck together and if
it did stick together did not form the worm. It was gritty and had a mat surface. Small roots could
be spotted and the temperature was found to be 2.9℃.


In conclusion the aim which was to investigate the soil properties and species diversity at site
#1 was achieved. According to the discussion it is seen that due to the levels of salinity plant
growth would be difficult in that environment. It can also be concluded that due the type of soil
present it would make soil growth difficult due to the particles and how the soil rarely holds its
firmness. The results collected were not far off from the assumption and the aim was found thus
making the experiment a success.

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