Thesis On Feuerbach Sparknotes

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Struggling with your thesis on Feuerbach? You're not alone.

Writing a thesis can be an incredibly

challenging task, especially when tackling complex philosophical texts like Feuerbach's work. From
deciphering dense language to developing original insights, the journey can feel overwhelming.

Many students find themselves grappling with various obstacles along the way, whether it's
formulating a coherent thesis statement, conducting thorough research, or structuring their arguments
effectively. Moreover, delving into the nuances of Feuerbach's ideas demands both time and
intellectual rigor.

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Andy Blunden I review the vexed question of the relation between Marx and Hegel. Primate
Characteristics Many primate characteristics developed in response to a life in the trees and then a
life on the open prairie, as forests were replaced by grasslands in the Miocene epoch. Feuerbach di
Karl Marx rappresentano l’ Urlgestalt. Religious sentiments are itself the product of the aggregate of
social relationships within the community of individuals. Perhaps one of the best introductions to
dialectical materialism, by one of its creators. 6 likes Like Comment Nicolas Avendano 156 reviews
6 followers December 25, 2021 This is what German Ideology wanted to be. The English translation
was first published in the Lawrence and Wishart edition of The German Ideology in 1938. Translated
by Cyril Smith 2002, based on work done jointly with Don Cuckson. Some of those characteristics
are: 5 digits opposable thumb. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. German
Text with a Facing Page English Translation. Geopolitical Republicanism; Republicanisme
Geopolitique; Geopolitische. In this way it can be seen that practice is the only way in which one
may perceive of the material world without falling into contradictions. Adorno, Walter Benjamin,
Evald Ilyenkov, Lucio Colletti and Slavoj Zizek. However, this does not mean that it is safe to
project that on the entirety of history, observing this seemingly infinitely complex field of study into
a mere opposition between the two classes. His father, born Jewish, converted to Protestantism
shortly before Karl's birth in response to a prohibition newly introduced into the Rhineland by the
Prussian Kingdom on Jews practicing law. Only when they internally reflect one another and thereby
give up their isolated individuality are they self-actualized and truly consistent. Thus, for instance,
after the earthly family is discovered to be the secret of the holy family, the former must then itself
be destroyed in theory and in practice. Gentile, vengono ribadite le ragioni dell’importanza della
versione del. The series could not happen to be launched with better auspices. Engels became a
primary financial supporter of the Marx family, returning to work in Germany with his father while
Marx lived in England. Internet Archive; materialismo dialettico; Dialectical materialism;
comunismo. I also firmly believe that most of their followers have not read their books. (Here, I
would like to recall that the eventual aim of an educated mind is to entertain thoughts without
necessarily accepting them.) to-buy 1 like Like Comment Kenny 69 reviews 16 followers May 29,
2023 Engels has a strange view of natural science (perhaps he is to blame for Alan Woods). The
rather 'abstract' ideas of Hegel, particularly his well-known dialectical process, has been borrowed
and applied on history; Hegel employs his method on a rather notional realm of ideas, and not in a
practical sense. He wrote his first socialist work, Conditions of the Working Class in England.
German Text with a Facing Page English Translation. A very questionable distinction, because the
process theologians prefer to help remind us. German Text with a Facing Page English Translation.
Terrorista e Repubblicanesimo Geopolitico, Id., Walter. In contrast to those who identify Benjamin as
a practitioner of a Romantic form of immanence, a neo-Kantian or a mystical empiricist, I place
Benjamin’s materialism within the context of the conflict between an empiricist form of materialism
and post-Kantian idealism. In its reality it is the ensemble of the social relations.
Albeit his redaction might turn a bit confusing at times, he synthesises and links perfectly the main
theoretical proposals with the original texts from Feuerbach and Hegel (and also confronts them with
further readings such as Althusser's and Heidegger's). His writing has ever before inveigled
consequent rational, pecuniary, and past events in politics. Those that do the educating and changing
wield their power of those that are being changed and educated. The final two chapters from the
book set the later Feuerbach’s interpretation of faith within the forum more recent views of
projection (Freud, Sierksma, Berger), anthropomorphism (Stewart Guthrie) and the requirement for
illusion (Ernest Becker). Accessibility, User Agreement, Privacy, Payments Terms of Use, Cookies,
CA Privacy Notice, Your Privacy Choices and AdChoice. Religion dissolves in society as we
experience in today's world. In the first chapter, I examine the history of materialism and its critical
reception in the Kantian idealist tradition. It’s the trust and belief from the heart that induce both
God as well as an idol. Seguono dopo questo testo, anche i tag immessi nel presente caricamento su.
I personally like Engels; he is a cheerful writer, with witty phrases inside the text, and he really cares
for his reader to understand him. To browse and the wider internet faster and more
securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. We’re inescapably bounded through the
limits of nature, as well as what we should require the goodness of God is simply the utility of nature
personified. Show full review Like Comment Zack 61 reviews 5 followers November 11, 2019
Shortly and to the point. But he picks Western Europeans as 'man' and ends up with Christianity as
the 'religion'. Short and easy to understand, Engels briefly outlines the development of dialectics
from the time of Hegel, the development of religious and theist notions and why they are
incompatible with dialectical materialism, offering a criticism of the French materialists and their
mechanist views, and a brief example of dialectical and historical materialism in operation. But, this
really begs the question: who's changing the circumstances. Engels became a primary financial
supporter of the Marx family, returning to work in Germany with his father while Marx lived in
England. Geopolitical Republicanism; Republicanisme Geopolitique; Geopolitische. Not too he
found no use for that perception of deity. He mocked the all-too-human gods around him with
regard to a much better, purer idea of God. And just in the same way a full recognition of the
influence which Feuerbach, more than all the other post-Hegelian philosophers, had over us, during
the period of our youthful enthusiasm, presents itself to me as an unendurable debt of honor.
Download Free PDF View PDF Hegelian Marxism: The Uses of Hegel's Philosophy in Marxist
Theory from Georg Lukacs to Slavoj Zizek Anders Burman, Anders Bartonek Since Georg Lukacs
and Karl Korsch in the 1920s, Hegelian Marxism has played a prominent role as a radical intellectual
tradition in modern political theory. The dispute over the reality or unreality of thinking which is
isolated from practice is a purely scholastic question. It seems to me that much is pinned on the
concept of this type of philosophy called materialism, which seems like some sort of quasi-empirical
view of the world. The abstract 'Man' doesn't exist - only in the minds of philosophers - and its
contents depend entirely on contingencies - the place, time and class of the philosopher. An
explanation of faith don’t have to be eliminated simply because this is the religion at face value or
continue with the first-order utterances from the believer. He then also, in opposition, outlines the
idealist position, which he claims to be those “who asserted the primacy of spirit to nature and,
therefore, in the last instance, assumed world creation in some form or other”. So a philosophical
question at once reveals itself as a question of power. Before Marx, there were roughly two
philosophical views on reality. Schmidt; see Who's Who in Hell by Warren Allen Smith). D. 1883.
Marx began co-operating with Bruno Bauer on editing Hegel 's Philosophy of Religion in 1840.
Our leitmotif is therefore a claim that political theology, qua theology in general, and the Latin
American Theology of Liberation in particular, have a limited efficacy as a theoretical tool for socio-
political transformation, due to its inherent transcendentalist and rationalistic orientation. This
anthology investigates how these Hegelian Marxists, in different historical, political and intellectual
contexts during the last century, have employed Hegel’s philosophy with the aim of developing and
renewing Marxist theory. During the process they rejected and, at the same time, continued to
respect both; Hegel envisioned a world of ideas in motion, and Feuerbach believed that ideas
originated on human feelings, with the latter being static and eternal. The everyday life world of real
individuals is the terrain for the embodied experience which provides the basis for dissolving that
abstracted rationalism divorced from human life which Marx discerned in Hegel's doctrine of the
state. But, this really begs the question: who's changing the circumstances. He and Engels founded
the Communist League in 1847 and published the Communist Manifesto. Ancient Greek philosopher
(circa 400 BC) Matter is made of tiny particles that we can’t see Atomos means indivisible Thought
these spheres of matter were solid and could not be broken down further. All of this, of course,
along with a materialist explanation of these superstructural movements. They founded the
Communist League in London in 1846 and co-wrote The Communist Manifesto. To know the
Revolutionary impact of quantum physics one need first to look at pre-quantum physics. The mature
Luther stated that he understood his theology to be real since it takes us from ourselves. After
watching Mr. Robot, my curiosity led me to Feuerbach's philosophy. Hence, philosophers - because
they differ in culture, time, class, etc. - have only interpreted the world. Marx has been described as
one of the most influential figures in human history. Rather, the passage in the earlier towards the
later writing is basically a shift of dominance: subordinate styles in The Essence of Christianity
become dominant in The Essence of faith. I admire both Marx and Engels, I think they were both
exceptional philosophers who managed to give life to the Hegelian work, as they were true to their
cause, and consistent with their currents of thought, a virtue which marks excellent minds:
consistency. As he matures, Karl became expatriated and lived entirely in London, England, where
he remained to progress his thinking in partnership with German philosopher Friedrich Engels and
produced many books, the very famous being the 1848 booklet The Communist Manifesto. Fostered
in Trier to a bourgeois family, he then took up political economy and Hegelian philosophy. We
problematise the transcendentalism that liberation theology places on social practice, in its retention
of a spiritualist Weltanschauung as the preeminent framework for the critique of socio-historical
reality. It seems to me that much is pinned on the concept of this type of philosophy called
materialism, which seems like some sort of quasi-empirical view of the world. Download Free PDF
View PDF Rethinking Marxism Marxism as Asketic, Spirituality as Phronetic: Rethinking Praxis
Anjan Chakrabarti Download Free PDF View PDF Marxism as Asketic, Spirituality as Phronetic:
Rethinking Praxis Anup Dhar Download Free PDF View PDF Istvan Meszaros - Marx's Theory of
Alienation Ronnall Castro Download Free PDF View PDF What is the difference between Hegel
and Marx. The intention of the argument in this volume is to underline the centrality of the notion of
conscious, practical, creative and sensuous activity in Marx's affirmative and active materialism. But,
throughout each one of these major works there appears to linger the influence of the strong dislike
for Protestant pietism, which in fact had made an appearance already in the Ideas on Dying and
Growing old (1830). Accessibility, User Agreement, Privacy, Payments Terms of Use, Cookies, CA
Privacy Notice, Your Privacy Choices and AdChoice. Things I take is the gap in the later position
provides me with some leverage around the third option. But, there's a problem: what is this essence
of Man. With all that in mind it's still an informative look at the history of materialism, particularly
interesting to revisit after Plekhanov's book on the same topic (which, for the record, is the best work
on dialectical materialism I have read thus far). To browse and the wider internet
faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. In this way it can be
seen that practice is the only way in which one may perceive of the material world without falling
into contradictions. In this way it can be seen that practice is the only way in which one may
perceive of the material world without falling into contradictions.
But Schleiermacher really anticipated the naturalistic decrease in the religious sense of dependence
and rejected it as being a misunderstanding. Research advances, together with the changed political
conditions, therefore suggest that the renewal in the interpretation of Marx’s thought is a
phenomenon destined to continue. By continuing to use this website, you agree to our Privacy
Policy. In the first half of the second century, AD, bones, dice, and other games of gambling would
give way in popularity to a new revolutionary form of gambling... Cards. And thus did the Hebrews,
though a philosopher like Xenophanes may think that they less success. Here, Engels aptly gives the
best explanation of Hegelian dialectics I've read (I am, however, not an expert on this), particularly
as applied to materialism. Before Marx, there were roughly two philosophical views on reality. Teoria
endosimbiotica, Sintesi evoluzionista moderna, Sintesi evoluzionistica. As Marx and Bauer were
both atheists, in March 1841 they began plans for a journal entitled Archiv des Atheismus (Atheistic
Archives), but it never came to fruition. Fostered in Trier to a bourgeois family, he then took up
political economy and Hegelian philosophy. The same is true the preacher, who’s pressurized to not
prophesy what’s right but to talk smooth things, to prophesy illusions (Isa. 30:10). The issue remains
if the only alternative for that theologian and also the preacher would be to offer another illusion.
Harvey doesn’t venture an organized statement of their own thoughts about religion. For Barth the
term bad, as it happens, is redundant: all religion may be the fruitless human pursuit of God. You can
download the paper by clicking the button above. Essentially: in the study of man, practice and
material context are necessary and relevant as opposed to contemplation in abstraction. It could
possibly be just easy to one-up the resourcefulness from the theologians and show the way the
existence of Mother Teresa, say, that has every appearance to be motivated by an impressive
empathy rooted in religious conviction, has really been driven with a subtle but irresistible
Gluckseligkeitstrieb. Feuerbach; Glosse su Feuerbach; Thesen uber Feuerbach; Theses On Feuerbach;
Theses sur Feuerbach; Karl Marx; Karl. Nevertheless, within our consumer society, by which success
within the church, as elsewhere, should really require market analysis of the items people want, the
mechanism of unrealistic is one thing the theologian must hold constantly before us. In the third
chapter, I show that Benjamin’s critique of neo-Kantianism necessarily points towards a concept of
knowledge that can encompass the particularity of experience qua sense experience within itself,
something that is closed off in the neo-Kantian attempt to secure the objective validity of
knowledge. In this way it can be seen that practice is the only way in which one may perceive of the
material world without falling into contradictions. The edition I bought also includes an 1859 review
of Marx's Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy and an excerpt from The Holy Family
about philosophical materialism. Filosofia di Marx. Studi critici, Pisa, Spoerri, 1899 (l’altro saggio
che. Archive, vengono cosi espressamente citati in ogni singolo caricamento dei. And they did this,
by drawing the logical conclusion: abstracting a notion of man from the individuals, leads to a
reflection on mankind, but excludes human everyday activity - which IS reality. He and Engels
founded the Communist League in 1847 and published the Communist Manifesto. Anyone coming
first to the Theses is very much recommended to move on to Ideology next. The ambivalent initial
relations between the two of them, which both made their collaboration possible and hindered it,
clearly go back further than 1841, when Bauer was not yet an atheist and was still a proponent of
church doctrine. In its theoretical form, however, it originally appears as a further and ostensibly
more logical extension of the principles established by the great French philosophers of the
eighteenth century. Marx has been described as one of the most influential figures in human history.
Karl Marx's critique of political economy is a sublation or Aufhebung of classical political economy,
for opening up the frontiers of its future as a science, aimed at self-emancipation of the wage-
labourer. Thomas Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog
People Papers Topics Job Board We're Hiring. In the first chapter, I examine the history of
materialism and its critical reception in the Kantian idealist tradition. For this reason Feuerbach is
introduced into the organization of latest religious theorists. Gentile, nell’ ambito della compilazione
della sezione bibliografica. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. But, pick some
other social group and you end up with a different essence of man. Lo podeis leer completo aqui: 1
like Like Comment for much deliberation. 2,674 reviews July 4, 2011 Eleven philosophical notes
written by Marx, outlining critically, the ideas of philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach. In the first half of
the second century, AD, bones, dice, and other games of gambling would give way in popularity to a
new revolutionary form of gambling... Cards. He and Engels founded the Communist League in
1847 and published the Communist Manifesto. Chiefly for 2 reasons: first, it’s unencumbered
through the arcane Hegelian speculation which case study of awareness rests in The Essence of
Christianity second, it will greater justice towards the religious feeling of encounter by having an
other. I look at several instances of how this concept manifests itself in the poem, life and language.
Marx misalnya, sejak masa mudanya mengkritik berbagai posisi filsafat Hegel yang bersifat idea-
sentris, dan sebagai konsekuensinya, tidak realistis. The overall purpose is to investigate if, and the
degree to which, these thinkers could be interpreted as Hegelian Marxists, and how they use the
Hegelian philosophy to better understand their own current society as well as situate themselves in
relation to orthodox forms of Marxism. Marx organized the International and helped found the
Social Democratic Party of Germany. In its theoretical form, however, it originally appears as a
further and ostensibly more logical extension of the principles established by the great French
philosophers of the eighteenth century. During the process they rejected and, at the same time,
continued to respect both; Hegel envisioned a world of ideas in motion, and Feuerbach believed that
ideas originated on human feelings, with the latter being static and eternal. German Text with a
Facing Page English Translation. Marx decided, instead, to submit his thesis to the more liberal
University of Jena, whose faculty awarded him his PhD in April 1841. To illustrate this, he supposes
the humanity to be abstract and therefore, only comprehended as a species with natural identity of
qualities in which many individuals are embraced. Benjamin, Iperdecisionismo e Repubblicanesimo
Geopolitico: Lo Stato di. Marx mixed these two concepts and envisioned a world of matter which
undergoes constant changes. Abstract individual which he analyzes in 1848, belongs in today's
reality. I strongly recommend reading Carlos Bendana's take on this particular text. Marx is typically
cited, with Emile Durkheim and Max Weber, as one of the three principal architects of modern social
science. Man must prove the truth -- i.e. the reality and power, the this-sidedness of his thinking in
practice. All the mysteries which seduce speculative thought into mysticism find their solution in
human practice and in concepts of this practice. Ngu?i Ti?p Xuc Tr?c Ti?p B?i Silic Trong Moi
Tru?ng Lam Vi?c Va Y?u T. After the failed revolution of 1848 in Germany, in which Marx
participated, he eventually wound up in London. Taking up a vital proposition referred as classical
utilitarianism, Karl surmised that, same as past socioeconomic entities, capitalism created intrinsic
pressures which would bring to its melange and reinstatement by a new socialism.
However the purpose of religion has sometimes visited counter human desires, wishes and self-
seeking having a moral demand. This left the way in which obvious for such early pioneers of
spiritual psychology as John Trenchard to locate the supposed pathological origins of faith within the
soul while still coming across along the side of God (correctly understood). The turbulences in the
period in question reveal themselves in Marx’s thought as well as in his relationship with Bruno
Bauer. All mysteries which lead theory to mysticism find their rational solution in human practice
and in the comprehension of this practice. A diffi cult period of reorganization ensued, in which new
editorial principles were developed and approved, and the publication of MEGA2 recommenced
only in 1998. From my perspective, it is rather simplistic to limit the study of history and narrow it
down into a polar opposition, although the latter probably existed (and still does); to be fair,
nonetheless, this struggle during the times of Marx and Engels was evinced the most, and that is
mainly due to the industrial revolution; one would have to be blind to dismiss this observation. After
they are unmasked, proven for which they are really, religious belief and the thought of God could
be helpful instruments of human self-understanding, revealing to all of us our essential nature and
price. Do not waste your time this on this fraudulent translation. Fostered in Trier to a bourgeois
family, he then took up political economy and Hegelian philosophy. After their meeting in 1844,
Engels and Karl Marx became lifelong colleagues. I strongly recommend reading Carlos Bendana's
take on this particular text. The Paris Manuscripts, Theses on Feuerbach and The German Ideology
are key texts. Managing a branch of his father's business in Manchester, England, from 1842-1845,
Engels became appalled at the poverty of the workers. Thus, for instance, after the earthly family is
discovered to be the secret of the holy family, the former must then itself be destroyed in theory and
in practice. Exactly why is the later theory to become preferred. It seems to me that much is pinned
on the concept of this type of philosophy called materialism, which seems like some sort of quasi-
empirical view of the world. Karl’s philosophies of the general public, social science, and
government, as a whole implied as Marxism. Engels' books include Origin of the Family, Private
Property and the State. Thus, ultimately, the Hegelian system represents merely a materialism
idealistically turned upside down in method and content. I cover both political and philosophical
differences and place these differences in a logical-historical reconstruction of their historical
relation. Religious sentiments are itself the product of the aggregate of social relationships within the
community of individuals. In the own way, Barth loved Feuerbach. (A lot of us first discovered him
from Barth.) But Barth came Feuerbach’s fangs by treating The Essence of Christianity simply like a
critique of bad religion. The rather 'abstract' ideas of Hegel, particularly his well-known dialectical
process, has been borrowed and applied on history; Hegel employs his method on a rather notional
realm of ideas, and not in a practical sense. Karl’s philosophies of the general public, social science,
and government, as a whole implied as Marxism. At some point, he predicted, it will likely be
globally recognized the objects of Christian religion, such as the questionnable gods, were mere
imagination. The fourth section, though, is probably the weakest, as it feels like a very surface-level
understanding of dialectical and historical materialism in its infancy. In a nutshell, religion is
superstition, and science must eventually supplant it. Download Free PDF View PDF Hegelian
Marxism: The Uses of Hegel's Philosophy in Marxist Theory from Georg Lukacs to Slavoj Zizek
Anders Burman, Anders Bartonek Since Georg Lukacs and Karl Korsch in the 1920s, Hegelian
Marxism has played a prominent role as a radical intellectual tradition in modern political theory.
Albeit his redaction might turn a bit confusing at times, he synthesises and links perfectly the main
theoretical proposals with the original texts from Feuerbach and Hegel (and also confronts them with
further readings such as Althusser's and Heidegger's). Western Marxism; marxisme occidental;
Westlicher Marxismus; Massimo Morigi; Repubblicanesimo Geopolitico.
Still, unless of course there’s more to become stated than Harvey has told us, Feuerbach’s account
must strike us as lopsided and incomplete. Our leitmotif is therefore a claim that political theology,
qua theology in general, and the Latin American Theology of Liberation in particular, have a limited
efficacy as a theoretical tool for socio-political transformation, due to its inherent transcendentalist
and rationalistic orientation. Managing a branch of his father's business in Manchester, England,
from 1842-1845, Engels became appalled at the poverty of the workers. The rest of the text is
dedicated to moving beyond Feuerbach's philosophy and establishing the case for dialectical and
historical materialism, with an emphasis on a turn to recognition of class struggle as the form all
political struggle takes. I develop a materialist account of the idea that runs counter to the neo-
Kantian one. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry,
preview is currently unavailable. Not too he found no use for that perception of deity. The forces of
nature which our existence wholly depends are created less mysterious and much more pliable by our
perceiving them as personal beings like ourselves. Some of those characteristics are: 5 digits
opposable thumb. All of this, of course, along with a materialist explanation of these superstructural
movements. The final chapter focuses on Benjamin’s attempt to locate an expanded concept of
experience. He then also, in opposition, outlines the idealist position, which he claims to be those
“who asserted the primacy of spirit to nature and, therefore, in the last instance, assumed world
creation in some form or other”. Essentially: in the study of man, practice and material context are
necessary and relevant as opposed to contemplation in abstraction. German Text with a Facing Page
English Translation. But, pick some other social group and you end up with a different essence of
man. Sagan; Teoria endosimbiotica; Symbiogenesis; endosymbiotic theory; theorie. And perhaps it is
senseless to expect materialism will ever explain conscientiousness or at least grasp the fact it can
never explain it.) Nevertheless, the book offers Marxism given from the first hand, it is short, popular
and easy to understand. To be certain, the unmasking of narcissistic motives to be religious, although
it may weaken the structures of plausibility, affords no logical cause for an inference about a realistic
look at the religious object. Feuerbach adopted a venerable German custom and began to show he
was just saying what Martin Luther had stated already. (Luther’s name continues to be invoked in
Germany to endorse an impressive number of mutually incompatible causes.) In The Essence of
Belief Based on Luther (1844), apparently, the felicity principle is certainly not apart from Luther’s
celebrated pro me (for me personally). Well, Feuerbach tried to explain the essence of Christianity -
in materialistic terms - as the essence of man. A New English Translation Based on the New Marx-
Engels-Gesamtausgabe. It maintains that civilization of man grow by means of class prejudice; in
capitalism, this demonstrates itself in the discord of the gentle birth referred as the bourgeoisie that
manipulate the methods of formulation and common laborers referred as the proletariat, that
capacitate these methods by marketing their work for profits. Walter Benjanin; Walter Bendix
Schoenflies Benjamin; Les Theses sur le concept. Re-volution. One can also say that education and
economics are used by those in power (the bourgeouisie) to determine the reality of the masses.
Overall, this book is a valuable contribution to the field of social theory and philosophy. Karl’s
philosophies of the general public, social science, and government, as a whole implied as Marxism. J
O H N Lamola Can religious epistemology aid in the transformation of the world to the same effect
as Marxist Theory. Albeit his redaction might turn a bit confusing at times, he synthesises and links
perfectly the main theoretical proposals with the original texts from Feuerbach and Hegel (and also
confronts them with further readings such as Althusser's and Heidegger's). Here, Engels aptly gives
the best explanation of Hegelian dialectics I've read (I am, however, not an expert on this),
particularly as applied to materialism.

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