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SKILLS TEST 1 Standard

1 Read the article. Match the people, Victoria (V), Duncan (D) and John ( J) to the ideas.

This person …
was good at school. D
Are you the sma
thinks smart people don’t say ‘yes’ to
questions like this.
believes that he should get a good job.
In job interviews, managers may ask ‘Who is the smartest person you know?’ Most people answer by talking about so
3 thinks it’s important to be cheerful
doing this, the managers find out who you would like to be. However, the boss of Oracle, a big computer technology co
So, what about you? Imagine someone asks ‘Are you theinsmartest
person you know?’ in an interview. How do you ans
isn’t sure what ‘smart’ means.
5 thinks ‘Are you the smartest person
you know?’ is a good question.
6 says that people who think they’re the
smartest probably aren’t.
7 thinks that different people are good
at different things.

Who says ‘yes’ to this question? I guess it’s only people who think they’re smart, but that doesn’t mean they are the smartest. You might get someone who is re
2 Read the article again. Mark the sentences T
(true) or F (false), or DS (the article doesn’t
0 Some job interviewers want to find
out who you admire. T
DUNCAN 1 The boss of Oracle only wanted
I don’t want to say ‘yes’, but I am always the smartest person in the room. Sorry, but it’s true. I realised
peopleI was
whosmart when Ithey
thought was young. I won lots of 2prizes as a child – and
were the
2 Victoria thinks that people who say ‘yes’
to this question are always smart.
3 She knows a lot of people who are too
laid-back and positive about themselves.
4 inDuncan
Maybe I’m smart. But the smartest?! I think it’s important to be positive and happy thinks
interviews. he‘yes,
Saying is the
smart’ andperson 3 isn’t a bad thing. B
explaining why
he knows.
at computers, maths, or art or music? People have different skills. I know lots of people who are talented at one thing, but not another. For example, I have a
5 He didn’t think he was smart when he
was young.
6 He has a great job.
7 John doesn’t think that everyone can be
good at everything.
8 His brother doesn’t know anything
about Geography.

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SKILLS TEST 1 Standard


Think Level 2 Skills Test Unit 1 Standard page 2 of 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2022
Name Class Date

SKILLS TEST 1 Standard

3 Listen to the conversation. For each question, choose the right answer (A, B or C).

0 Scott A a party at the weekend.

A had B is having C would like to have

1 Olivia is Scott’s .
A friend B sister C cook

Paula thought that Olivia was at first.

A serious B boring C cheerful

Scott thinks that Simon is .

A helpful B very friendly C charming

He says that Olivia is .

A quiet B boring C funny

Olivia when she was cycling.

A hurt someone B was hurt C became famous

Now, she her bike.

A loves using B doesn’t want to use C often uses

Olivia is doing at the moment.

A some competitions B other sports C nothing

4 Listen again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

0 Paula is thanking Scott for coming to her party. T F

Scott thinks that Paula and his sister are similar. T F

Paula thinks Scott’s family were all very friendly. T F

Scott thinks his brother seems friendlier than he really is. T F

Scott thinks this because Simon spends a lot of time alone. T F

Scott looks up to his sister. T F

Before Olivia had an accident, she was a famous cyclist. T F

After the accident she won a competition. T F

Paula wants to meet Olivia at the end. T F

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SKILLS TEST 1 Standard

6 Think of someone who you admire or who you like very much. Write a short paragraph (around 90–100
words) about why you admire and like this person. It can be a family member, a friend, someone at
school or someone famous. Use the words to help you.
caring friendly boring serious cheerful funny intelligent cool confident
easy-going brave charming talented cool positive laid-back creative active

Someone who I really admire / like is …


7 In pairs, ask and answer the following questions. If possible, add extra information to your answer.
What age did you start to read? (I learned to read at the age of …)
Can you speak a foreign language? How many?
Can you play a musical instrument?
Have you visited another country in Europe?
Have you met someone famous?
Have you won a prize?

8 Talk to your partner for one minute about a person you admire. Think about their personal qualities and
why you admire them.


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SKILLS TEST 1 Standard


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