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Ticket Id: 27687

Dr Peta Cassimatis


1414 Logan Road

Mt Gravatt 4222


Dear Dr. Cassimatis,

RE: Mrs Alison Martin

I am writing to refer Mrs Martin, a 28-year-old teacher, whose features are suggestive of schizophrenia.

Mrs Martin is married and has 2 children. She lives with her husband's parents. She has a family history of

On 09-01-2010, Mrs Martin presented complaining of easy fatigability and loss of motivation to work.
However, her examination was unremarkable. Accordingly, I advised her to rest and to perform regular
physical exercise. 11 days later, her condition deteriorated. She returned reporting difficulty to live with Commented [ESL1]: living
her husband's parents. She complained of lack of concentration, tiredness, anxiety, headache and sleep
disturbance. Her examination revealed mild depressive disorder associated with little eye contact.
Otherwise, her physical examination was normal. Her condition was suspected to be early depression or
schizophrenia. Accordingly, diazepam was prescribed.

Today, Mrs Martin came accompanied by her husband. He stated that she had experienced some visual
hallucinations and delusions in addition to avoiding eye contact with people. On examination, she was
depressed with little eye contact. It was noticed that her speech was disorganized along with abnormal Commented [ESL2]: This has been mentioned 3
times. Try to avoid too much repetition.

In view of the above, I would appreciate it if you could assess Mrs Martin and provide advice regarding
further management.

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Ivan Henjak

Word length 209
Comments The letter covers the case notes very well and
paragraphing is logical. Information has been
written in relevant order. There are only a few
minor inaccuracies. However, these do not reduce
communication. The letter meets the expectations.
Estimated Grade B+
Advice 1. Avoid repetition
2. Always proofread your letter
3. Keep up the good work!
Helpful links

296 Henley Beach Rd, Underdale, 5032

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