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Name of Professor: Lusaya, Michael Mateo

Course & Year: Bachelor of Science in Nursing - 1 Class Code & Schedule: MonWed (lec) 07:30 - 09:00
Date Performed: 02/28/24 Score: Rating:


Dimensions of Development in Health

Instructions: Read each test item and follow the instruction carefully. Do not cheat. Cheating is
punishable by suspension.

1. Give the definition of health (10 points)

- "Health" is not immune to the current bulldozer of globalization, which brings with it benefits, faults,
challenges, and unknowns. Economic, social, political, environmental, behavioral, and even
transcendental forces are seen to shape the more borderless world order, and societal organizations,
including health professionals, are unprepared for the changes. (Journal of Humanitarian Medicine,
Volume IV, Number 4, October-December 2004)

2. Enumerate the five dimensions of health

a. Physical

b. Mental

C. Emotional

d. Spiritual

e. Social

3. Give examples for each dimension.

a. Physical: Regular exercise, like jogging.

b. Mental: Solving puzzles to stimulate the mind.

c. Emotional: Journaling to express emotions.

d. Spiritual: Meditation for inner peace.

e. Social: Spending time with friends and family.

Educational Development
Instructions: Read each test item and follow the instruction carefully. Do not cheat. Cheating is
punishable by suspension.

1. Define the following:

a. Education (10 points)-

- Education plays a vital role in foundation for development, the groundwork on which much of our
economic and social well-being is built. It is the key to increasing economic efficiency and social
consistency. By increasing the value and efficiency of their labor, it helps to raise the poor from poverty.

b. Educational development (10 points)

- Educational development is a sub-discipline of higher education research and practice....enhancing
teaching and learning practices, curriculum design and learning support including the appropriate use of
learning technologies. helping institutions function as robust, evidence-based, student-centered learning

According to UNESCO:
"Education for Sustainable Development empowers learners to take informed decisions and responsible
actions for environmental integrity, economic viability and a just society, for present and future
generations, while respecting cultural diversity."

2. Enumerate:
a. What does education for sustainable development promote?
a.1 Knowledge
a.2 Skills
a.3 Values
a.4 Attitudes
a.5 Behaviors

b. Seven (7) Dimensions of Sustainable Development

b.1 Environmental
b.2 Social
b.3 Economic
b.4 Moral
b.5 Legal
b.6 Technical
b.7 Political

3. Discuss briefly the role of education in sustainable development

- Education's Contribution to Sustainable Development (ESD) High-quality education is a crucial
instrument in the pursuit of a more sustainable global environment. At the 2002 United Nations World
Summit in Johannesburg, this was underscored, when the reorientation of existing education systems
was identified as a critical element in achieving sustainable development.
Education for sustainable development (ESD) advocates for the comprehensive progress necessary to
establish a sustainable global community—one that fosters social equity, encourages economic
sustainability, and guarantees the preservation and protection of the environment. Environmental
education, which has sought to instill in individuals the knowledge, abilities, values, attitudes, and
behaviors necessary to care for the environment, was a major influence on the conception of ESD. ESD
aims to empower individuals to make choices and implement measures that enhance our standard of
living while preserving the environment. Furthermore, its objective is to incorporate the intrinsic values
of sustainable development into every facet and tier of education.

Education possesses the capacity to revolutionize lives by altering beliefs, values, and perspectives. The
provision of quality education through government funding is justified due to the significant positive
externalities that education generates for the overall welfare of society.


Instructions: Read each test item and follow the instruction carefully. Do not cheat. Cheating is
punishable by suspension.

1. Give the definition of the following:

a. Entrepreneurship (10 points)

- Entrepreneurship is a crucial factor in a country's economic development, as it stimulates economic
activities by providing risk capital and controlling business activities. Entrepreneurs create new goods
and services, improving the quality of living for both entrepreneurs and related businesses. They also
drive change through innovation, enabling new markets to be developed. Entrepreneurship is defined as
the capacity to innovate, invest, and expand in new markets, products, and techniques. It involves taking
risks, investing resources, and utilizing resources to create unique or new products. Entrepreneurship is
more than just a word; it is a mission that requires recognizing opportunities, creating a desire to pursue
them, and creating a supportive environment.

b. Entrepreneurship Development (15 points)

- Entrepreneurship Development is a process aimed at enhancing the skills, knowledge, and capabilities
of entrepreneurs through targeted training programs, educational courses, and support mechanisms. Its
goals are to empower entrepreneurs to innovate and manage successful businesses, thereby fostering
economic growth, creating employment, and addressing societal challenges. By providing essential
resources such as mentorship, financial support, and networking opportunities, entrepreneurship
development programs—offered by government, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and
the private sector—seek to build a supportive ecosystem that encourages business innovation and

2. Discuss briefly why entrepreneurship is important. (20 points)

- Entrepreneurship plays a pivotal role in driving economic growth, innovation, and societal progress. It
catalyzes the creation of new industries and revitalizes existing ones through the introduction of
innovative products, services, and technologies, contributing significantly to national income and
improving standards of living. Entrepreneurs create employment opportunities, reducing unemployment
rates and fostering a competitive market environment that compels businesses to enhance efficiency
and innovation. This competition results in better products and services at lower prices for consumers.
Beyond economic impact, entrepreneurship also addresses societal challenges by offering solutions to
issues such as poverty, education, and healthcare through social entrepreneurship. Moreover,
entrepreneurship enhances economic flexibility and resilience, enabling societies to adapt to global
changes and recover more swiftly from downturns. Thus, entrepreneurship is an essential engine of
economic and societal development, fostering a more prosperous and sustainable world.

3. Enumerate the rewards that can be derived from entrepreneurship (20 points)

1. You can make your own money. When you have your own business, you are certain that you will earn
profits from your business venture. The earnings you derive depend on the effort and time you have
2. You are the boss of yourself. When you own a business, you will have no superior to work with.
Nobody will dictate to you on what to do. You will not be under the caprice of any boss. You are the
decision maker.
3. You can express creatively. As an entrepreneur, you can put on your good ideas into your business.
Hence, his creative ideas can result into productive venture.
4. There is a feeling of satisfaction. There is always a feeling of satisfaction if you started a business
venture and it becomes successful through your effort. You will enjoy listening to the good comments
from your friends, your peers and the community as a whole. The moment your business flourishes, it is
a good means of livelihood and can provide all the demands of basic needs.

4. Explain briefly the risks and trials in entrepreneurship. (20 points).

- Small business success is inevitable due to the inherent risks and trials involved. Decision-making is
crucial as wrong decisions can lead to failures. Economic conditions can impact businesses, making it
essential to invest more capital and address cash flow issues. Entrepreneurs must possess patience,
perseverance, and hard work to succeed. Innovation and creativity are crucial for market demand and
product improvement. Entrepreneurship also involves social responsibility, as it affects not only clients
and the community but also human resources. Employee dissatisfaction due to poor wages can
negatively impact the business's performance. Entrepreneurs must be committed to clients' money,
services, and products, and compete fairly with the market. By focusing on these aspects, entrepreneurs
can ensure their business thrives and thrives.

5. Indicate the advantages of small business. (5 points)

1. The relationship is more personalized with customers and employees, so they can be called by their
first names. There is a close relationship between them, so they can work harmoniously and, as a result,
there is a big economic advantage over big corporations.
2. Flexibility in management. The owner being the boss and the He can quickly toy flexible time. He can
adjust store hours to fit market conditions. He can quickly learn changes in the needs and interests of
3. Government incentives. The government supports the small entrepreneurs by extending financial and
technical assistance, particularly production and marketing.
4. Simple record-keeping. Considering that it is a small business, the entrepreneur only needs a simple
set of records that consist of a cash receipts journal, which records all sales, and a cash disbursement
journal, which records all expenses or payments.
5. Independence. The small entrepreneur enjoys freedom from interference.

Instructions: Read each test item and follow the instruction carefully. Do not cheat. Cheating is
punishable by suspension.

1. Give the definitions of the following:

a. Recreation (10 points)

- Recreation is defined as the act of making something for the second time, or refreshment of the mind,
body or spirit through play and relaxation.
Recreation is an activity of leisure, which is an essential element of human biology and psychology.

b. Recreational activities (10 points)

- Recreational activities are often done for enjoyment, amusement, pleasure or health benefits and are
considered to be fun. Recreation refers to the time spent in an activity one loves to engage in, with an
intent to feel refreshed. It is a break from monotony and a diversion from the daily routine. It is a
positive change from the stereotypical lifestyle. Recreational activities give enjoyment because while
recreating one engages in something he likes. They are a source of joy and provide relaxation to one's
mind and body. Recreational activities can be grouped into two groups: indoor and outdoor activities

2. Enumerate the categories of recreational activities (5 points)

1. Team sports refers to sports played by a group of people such as basketball, volleyball, softball,
football and soccer;
2. Dual sports such as badminton, table tennis, lawn tennis; Aerobics, Taebo;
3. Martial arts like Karate, Taekwando, Tracma, etc.;
4. Games such as board games, "laro ng lahi" or passive games;
5. Arts - painting, drawing, sculpturing, coloring; and Culinary arts

3. Name the types of recreation

1. Physical activities (sports, games, fitness, etc.)

2. Social activities (parties, banquets, picnics, etc.)
3. Camping and outdoor activities (day camps, resident camps, backpacking, float trips, etc.)
4. Arts and crafts activities (painting, scrapbooking, ceramics, woodworking, etc.)
5. Dramatic Activities (plays, puppetry, skits, etc.)
6. Musical Activities (singing, bands, etc.
7. Cultural Activities (art appreciation, music appreciation, panels, discussion groups, etc.
8. Service Activities

4. Enumerate outdoor recreation.

1. Hiking and camping
2. Hunting and fishing
3. Canoeing, kayaking and rafting
4. Sailing and motor boating
5. Biking
6. Rock Climbing
7. Horseback riding
8. Skiing

5. Enumerate the top ten indoor sports and games

1. Basketball
2. Swimming
3. Boxing
4. Volleyball
6. Badminton
7. Table Tennis
8. Bowling
9. Squash
10. Snooker

6. Give the ten (10) importance of recreational activities.

1. Physical as well as mental health benefits;

2. Make a person more alert - absence of activity can lead to physical and mental deterioration;
3. Provides opportunity for socialization;
4. Develop good health muscular dexterity, power, agility and flexibility;
5. Make a person happy indulging in leisure-time activities;
6. Develop teamwork and the spirit of sportsmanship and fair play:
7. Walking, hiking or skiing maintain lower body fat percentages;
8. Lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels;
9. Recreational activities help manage stress; and
10. Enjoying the great outdoors also promotes the health and well-being of a person.

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