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Types of education

level…………… level ………………. level……………… level………………

age…………….. age………………. age............;;;…….. age………………
This type of education is called………………………….
Ex.1.Which of the pictures below represent formal education?informal education?non-formal
education?gifted education?basic education?vocational education?special education

Ex.2.Fill the chart with the right type of education mentioned above
It is usually in school, where a person may learn basic or academic skills. It begins with
1---------------------------------- primary school and continues with higher education at university. It is sponsored by the
government, and this form of education is compulsory and should end-up with a degree.
2.---------------------------------It refers to a learning through programmes in a school-like setting, but it is not
usually evaluated and it does not lead to a degree.
It is often unintentional and happens outside of the school and class settings, in the
3--------------------------------- context of daily life and work. It’s all about things that we learn from our daily
experiences and social activities.
4…………………………….. Refers to the whole range of educational activities taking place in various
settings,that aim to meet basic learning needs
5…………………………….. Is abroad term for special practices,procedures and theories used in the education
of children who have been identified as gifted or talented
6………………………….. It teaches a specific occupation or vocation

Ex.3.Fill in the chart with the target groups in each type of education:
Types of education Target groups
Formal education
Non-formal education
Informal education
Vocational education
Special education
Gifted education
Basic education

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