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1. What does the term "malware" refer to in cybersecurity?

a) Software designed to protect against cyber threats
b) Techniques used to secure computer networks
c) Unauthorized access to sensitive information
d) Malicious software that can harm or exploit computer systems

2. Which of the following is an example of a strong password?

a) "password123"
b) "12345678"
c) "P@ssw0rd!"
d) "abcdefg"

3. What is the purpose of a firewall in a computer network?

a) To protect against viruses and malware
b) To encrypt data transmission
c) To provide faster internet speed
d) To update software and applications

4. What is the best way to protect your online privacy?

a) Sharing personal information on social media platforms
b) Using public Wi-Fi networks for sensitive transactions
c) Regularly updating privacy settings on online accounts
d) Clicking on suspicious links in emails

5. What should you do if you receive a suspicious email requesting personal

a) Reply with the requested information
b) Delete the email immediately
c) Forward the email to all your contacts
d) Click on any links provided in the email
6. What is the purpose of antivirus software?
a) To prevent unauthorized access to computer networks
b) To protect against physical theft of devices
c) To detect and remove malicious software from a computer
d) To encrypt sensitive data during transmission

7. Which of the following is a common type of cyberattack?

a) Phishing
b) Physical theft
c) Power outage
d) Earthquake

8. What is the best practice for keeping your computer and software up to
a) Never update software as it may cause compatibility issues
b) Only update software once a year to avoid disruptions
c) Regularly install updates and patches from trusted sources
d) Ignore software update notifications

9. What is the purpose of two-factor authentication?

a) To create strong and unique passwords
b) To provide an extra layer of security by requiring additional
c) To encrypt internet traffic for secure communication
d) To prevent physical theft of devices

10.What should you do if you suspect your computer has been infected with
a) Share your suspicions on social media platforms
b) Ignore the issue and continue using the computer
c) Run a reputable antivirus scan to detect and remove the malware
d) Delete all your files and reinstall the operating system

11.What is the purpose of encryption in cybersecurity?

a) To protect sensitive data by converting it into unreadable code
b) To increase internet speed for secure transactions
c) To prevent unauthorized access to computer networks
d) To create strong and unique passwords

12.Which of the following is an example of a phishing attack?

a) A hacker physically stealing a computer
b) A malicious software infecting a computer system
c) A fake website imitating a legitimate one to steal personal
d) A power outage causing a disruption in computer networks

13.What is the best way to identify a secure website for online shopping?
a) Check if the website has a catchy design and attractive offers
b) Look for a lock icon in the address bar and an "https" in the URL
c) Share personal information on the website to verify its security
d) Click on links provided in pop-up ads for additional information

14.What is the purpose of a virtual private network (VPN)?

a) To protect against physical theft of devices
b) To provide faster internet speed for online gaming
c) To encrypt internet traffic and enhance online privacy
d) To update software and applications automatically

15.Which of the following is NOT a recommended practice for creating strong

a) Using a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters
b) Including personal information like birth dates or names
c) Incorporating special characters like !, @, or #
d) Using a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols

16.What is the role of an ethical hacker in cybersecurity?

a) To exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems for personal gain
b) To develop and deploy malicious software for cyberattacks
c) To identify and fix security weaknesses in computer networks
d) To spread awareness about cybersecurity risks through social media

17.What is social engineering in the context of cybersecurity?

a) Using social media platforms to promote cybersecurity awareness
b) Manipulating individuals to gain unauthorized access to systems or
c) Developing software to protect against cyber threats
d) Conducting physical security audits in organizations

18.What is the purpose of regular data backups in cybersecurity?

a) To ensure faster internet speed for data transmission
b) To protect against physical theft of devices
c) To restore data in case of accidental deletion or system failure
d) To encrypt sensitive data during transmission

19.What is the best practice for securely disposing of old electronic devices?
a) Throwing them in the trash bin
b) Donating them to charity organizations
c) Selling them online without wiping the data
d) Performing a factory reset and securely erasing all data
20.What is the primary objective of cybersecurity?
a) To eliminate all cyber threats completely
b) To reduce the impact of cyberattacks and protect information
c) To develop new technologies for faster internet speed
d) To increase the number of online transactions
21.What is the purpose of a strong firewall in a computer network?
a) To protect against physical theft of devices
b) To encrypt data transmission for secure communication
c) To provide faster internet speed
d) To monitor and block unauthorized access to the network

22.What is the difference between a virus and a worm in the context of

a) Viruses spread through email attachments, while worms spread
through malicious websites.
b) Viruses can replicate and attach themselves to files, while worms can
self-replicate and spread across networks.
c) Viruses are more harmful than worms.
d) Viruses are only found on computers, while worms can infect both
computers and mobile devices.

23.Which of the following is an example of a physical security measure?

a) Installing antivirus software on a computer
b) Using strong passwords for online accounts
c) Encrypting data during transmission
d) Securing computer systems in a locked room

24.What is the purpose of regular software updates and patches?

a) To increase internet speed for better performance
b) To remove all potential vulnerabilities in the software
c) To provide new features and functionalities
d) To fix security flaws and protect against known threats

25.What is the best practice for handling suspicious links or attachments in

a) Click on them to see what they lead to
b) Forward them to a friend for verification
c) Delete the email and don't interact with the links or attachments
d) Reply to the email and ask for more information

26.What is the role of a password manager in cybersecurity?

a) To generate strong passwords
b) To store and manage multiple passwords securely
c) To protect against physical theft of devices
d) To encrypt internet traffic for secure communication

27.What is the purpose of conducting security audits in organizations?

a) To increase internet speed for better productivity
b) To identify and fix security vulnerabilities in computer systems
c) To spread awareness about cybersecurity risks
d) To create strong and unique passwords for employees

28.What is the best practice for securing your smartphone or mobile device?
a) Disable all security features to improve performance
b) Install applications from unknown sources
c) Set a secure lock screen passcode or PIN
d) Share personal information on social media platforms

29.What is the purpose of a biometric authentication system?

a) To create strong and unique passwords
b) To provide an extra layer of security by using physical attributes
c) To encrypt internet traffic for secure communication
d) To prevent physical theft of devices

30.What is the role of user awareness training in cybersecurity?

a) To teach individuals how to hack into computer systems
b) To educate users about potential threats and safe online practices
c) To develop software for protecting against cyber threats
d) To increase internet speed for better productivity

31.What is the purpose of multi-factor authentication (MFA) in cybersecurity?

a) To create strong and unique passwords
b) To provide an extra layer of security by requiring multiple forms of
c) To increase internet speed for secure transactions
d) To prevent physical theft of devices

32.Which of the following is an example of a social engineering attack?

a) Sending a malicious email with an infected attachment
b) Brute-forcing a password to gain unauthorized access
c) Manipulating someone over the phone to reveal sensitive
d) Conducting a DDoS attack to disrupt a website's functioning

33.What is the best practice for securing your home Wi-Fi network?
a) Keeping the default network name (SSID) and password
b) Sharing the network password with neighbors for convenience
c) Changing the default network name (SSID) and using a strong
d) Disabling encryption to increase internet speed
34.What is the purpose of regular cybersecurity training for employees in
a) To increase internet speed for better productivity
b) To identify and fix security vulnerabilities in computer systems
c) To educate employees about potential threats and safe practices
d) To develop new technologies for secure communication

35.Which of the following is NOT a common type of malware?

a) Virus
b) Trojan
c) Worm
d) Router

36.What is the role of incident response in cybersecurity?

a) To exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems for personal gain
b) To develop and deploy malware for cyberattacks
c) To detect, respond, and recover from cybersecurity incidents
d) To spread awareness about cybersecurity risks through social media

37.What is the purpose of a data breach response plan?

a) To increase internet speed for better data transmission
b) To prevent any data breaches from happening
c) To identify and fix security vulnerabilities in computer systems
d) To provide a framework for responding to and mitigating the impact
of a data breach

38.What is the best practice for securely accessing online accounts?

a) Using the same password for multiple accounts
b) Sharing account credentials with friends or family members
c) Enabling two-factor authentication
d) Logging in with public Wi-Fi networks
39.What is the purpose of penetration testing in cybersecurity?
a) To exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems for personal gain
b) To develop and deploy malware for cyberattacks
c) To identify and fix security weaknesses in computer networks
d) To spread awareness about cybersecurity risks through social media

40.What is the role of encryption in secure communication?

a) To increase internet speed for faster data transmission
b) To protect against physical theft of devices
c) To convert sensitive data into an unreadable format during
d) To create strong and unique passwords for online accounts

41.What is the purpose of network segmentation in cybersecurity?

a) To increase internet speed for better data transmission
b) To protect against physical theft of devices
c) To partition a network into smaller segments for enhanced security
d) To develop new technologies for secure communication

42.Which of the following is an example of a secure password?

a) "password123"
b) "12345678"
c) "P@ssw0rd!"
d) "abcdefg"

43.What is the best practice for handling suspicious phone calls or messages
asking for personal information?
a) Providing the requested information to avoid any consequences
b) Ignoring the call or message and not responding
c) Sharing personal information to verify the identity of the caller
d) Calling back the number to confirm the legitimacy of the request

44.What is the purpose of data encryption in cybersecurity?

a) To increase internet speed for faster data transmission
b) To convert sensitive data into an unreadable format for secure
storage or transmission
c) To identify and fix security vulnerabilities in computer systems
d) To spread awareness about cybersecurity risks through social media

45.Which of the following is an example of a denial-of-service (DoS) attack?

a) A hacker gaining unauthorized access to a computer system
b) A malicious software infecting a network and spreading to other
c) Overloading a website with excessive traffic to make it unavailable
d) Sharing personal information on social media platforms

46.What is the role of a security incident response team?

a) To exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems for personal gain
b) To develop and deploy malware for cyberattacks
c) To detect, respond, and recover from cybersecurity incidents
d) To spread awareness about cybersecurity risks through social media

47.What is the purpose of data classification in cybersecurity?

a) To increase internet speed for better data transmission
b) To protect against physical theft of devices
c) To identify and categorize data based on its sensitivity and
d) To create strong and unique passwords for online accounts

48.What is the best practice for securing a computer or device from malware?
a) Downloading and installing software from untrusted sources
b) Disabling automatic software updates for better performance
c) Using reputable antivirus software and keeping it up to date
d) Sharing personal information on public forums

49.What is the purpose of a security policy in an organization?

a) To exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems for personal gain
b) To develop and deploy malware for cyberattacks
c) To establish guidelines and procedures for ensuring security
d) To spread awareness about cybersecurity risks through social media

50.What is the role of user access controls in cybersecurity?

a) To increase internet speed for better productivity
b) To monitor and block unauthorized access to computer systems
c) To create strong and unique passwords for online accounts
d) To develop new technologies for secure communication

51.What is the purpose of access control lists (ACLs) in network security?

a) To increase internet speed for better data transmission
b) To provide a list of authorized network users
c) To encrypt data during transmission for secure communication
d) To monitor and filter network traffic based on predefined rules

52.Which of the following is an example of a phishing attack?

a) A hacker gaining unauthorized access to a computer system
b) A malicious software infecting a network and spreading to other
c) Sending deceptive emails to trick individuals into revealing sensitive
d) Conducting a DDoS attack to disrupt a website's functioning
53.What is the best practice for protecting sensitive information on a mobile
a) Sharing personal information on public Wi-Fi networks
b) Disabling screen lock or passcode for convenience
c) Encrypting the device storage and using biometric authentication
d) Installing apps from unknown sources

54.What is the purpose of a virtual private network (VPN) in cybersecurity?

a) To increase internet speed for better data transmission
b) To protect against physical theft of devices
c) To create a secure and encrypted connection over a public network
d) To develop and deploy malware for cyberattacks

55.Which of the following is NOT an example of a strong password?

a) "Password1234"
b) "E@tMyDust!"
c) "Tr0ub4dor&3"
d) "12345678"

56.What is the role of encryption in secure email communication?

a) To increase internet speed for faster data transmission
b) To protect against physical theft of devices
c) To convert sensitive email content into an unreadable format during
d) To spread awareness about cybersecurity risks through social media

57.What is the purpose of regular data backups in cybersecurity?

a) To increase internet speed for better productivity
b) To prevent any data loss in case of system failures or cyberattacks
c) To identify and fix security vulnerabilities in computer systems
d) To provide guidelines for secure email communication
58.What is the best practice for securely disposing of old computer hardware?
a) Leaving the hardware in a public place for someone to take
b) Donating the hardware to charity organizations
c) Wiping the data and physically destroying the hardware
d) Sharing personal information on social media platforms

59.What is the purpose of a security awareness program in organizations?

a) To exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems for personal gain
b) To develop and deploy malware for cyberattacks
c) To educate employees about potential threats and safe practices
d) To increase internet speed for better productivity

60.What is the role of antivirus software in cybersecurity?

a) To increase internet speed for faster data transmission
b) To exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems for personal gain
c) To detect, prevent, and remove malicious software from a computer
d) To spread awareness about cybersecurity risks through social media

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