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Every day, she wakes up at the break of dawn, greeted by the soft rays of the sun filtering

through her bedroom window. As a creature of habit, her daily routine is meticulously
planned, each moment accounted for in this symphony of daily life.

Her morning ritual kicks off with a brisk workout – a blend of cardio and strength training that
invigorates both her body and mind. It's a ritual I've come to cherish, setting the tone for the
day ahead. After a refreshing shower, she indulge in a wholesome breakfast, a concoction of
nutrient-rich foods that fuel my body for the challenges that lie ahead.

The bulk of her day is dedicated to her professional endeavors. As a C2 level individual,
precision in communication is paramount in she lines of work. Emails, reports, and virtual
meetings fill her schedule, demanding utmost attention to detail and linguistic finesse. Each
task is a puzzle waiting to be solved, a linguistic canvas on which she paints her thoughts with
precision and clarity.

Amidst the sea of deadlines, she carves out moments for personal growth. Reading has
become an inseparable part of her routine, a passport to different worlds and perspectives. It
is through literature that she expands my horizons, constantly challenging her intellect and
broadening her understanding of the world.

Lunchtime is a brief hiatus from the demands of work, a pause to savor a nourishing meal and
recharge for the afternoon ahead. Post-lunch, her focus shifts to collaborative projects,
engaging in dynamic discussions that push the boundaries of creativity and problem-solving.
The afternoons are a dance of productivity, with each step leading me closer to the finish line
of daily goals.

Evenings are a canvas for self-reflection and personal pursuits. Whether it's a leisurely stroll in
the park, a session of mindfulness meditation, or a language exchange with a fellow C2
enthusiast, these moments are sacred, offering a reprieve from the fast-paced cadence of the

As the day winds down, she partakes in a wholesome dinner, savoring the flavors of a well-
balanced meal. The evening culminates in a period of relaxation – perhaps a good book, a
captivating film, or a soothing melody that serenades her into a tranquil night's sleep.

In the grand tapestry of her daily routine, each thread is woven with intentionality, creating a
mosaic of productivity, self-discovery, and holistic well-being. It's a routine that reflects not
just the demands of the present, but a commitment to continual growth and the pursuit of
excellence at the highest linguistic echelon.
Every day, I don’t wake up at the break of dawn, greeted by the soft rays of the sun filtering
through my bedroom window. As a creature of habit, my daily routine doesn’t meticulously
plan, each moment accounted for in this symphony of daily life.

My morning ritual doesn’t kick off with a brisk workout – a blend of cardio and strength
training that invigorates both my body and mind. It doesn’t a ritual I don’t have come to
cherish, setting the tone for the day ahead. After a refreshing shower, I indulge in a
wholesome breakfast, a concoction of nutrient-rich foods that fuel my body for the challenges
that lie ahead.

The bulk of my day doesn’t dedicate to my professional endeavors. As a C2 level individual,

precision in communication is paramount in my line of work. Emails, reports, and virtual
meetings fill my schedule, demanding my utmost attention to detail and linguistic finesse. Each
task is a puzzle waiting to be solved, a linguistic canvas on which I don’t paint my thoughts with
precision and clarity.

Amidst the sea of deadlines, I carve out moments for personal growth. Reading doesn't have
become an inseparable part of my routine, a passport to different worlds and perspectives. It
doesn't through literature that I expand my horizons, constantly challenging my intellect and
broadening my understanding of the world.

Lunchtime doesn’t a brief hiatus from the demands of work, a pause to savor a nourishing
meal and recharge for the afternoon ahead. Post-lunch, my focus shifts to collaborative
projects, engaging in dynamic discussions that push the boundaries of creativity and problem-
solving. The afternoons don’t a dance of productivity, with each step leading me closer to the
finish line of daily goals.

Evenings don’t a canvas for self-reflection and personal pursuits. Whether it doesn’t a leisurely
stroll in the park, a session of mindfulness meditation, or a language exchange with a fellow C2
enthusiast, these moments don’t sacred and offering a reprieve from the fast-paced cadence
of the day.

As the day winds down, I partake in a wholesome dinner, savoring the flavors of a well-
balanced meal. The evening culminates in a period of relaxation – perhaps a good book, a
captivating film, or a soothing melody that serenades me into a tranquil night's sleep.

In the grand tapestry of my daily routine, each thread doesn’t weave with intentionality,
creating a mosaic of productivity, self-discovery, and holistic well-being. It doesn’t a routine
that reflects not just the demands of the present, but a commitment to continual growth and
the pursuit of excellence at the highest linguistic echelon.
Every day, I woke up at the break of dawn, greeted by the soft rays of the sun filtering through
my bedroom window. As a creature of habit, my daily routine was meticulously planned, each
moment accounted for in this symphony of daily life.

My morning ritual kicked off with a brisk workout – a blend of cardio and strength training that
invigorates both my body and mind. It's a ritual I've come to cherish, setting the tone for the
day ahead. After a refreshing shower, I was indulged in a wholesome breakfast, a concoction
of nutrient-rich foods that fuel my body for the challenges that lie had.

The bulk of my day was dedicated to my professional endeavors. As a C2 level individual,

precision in communication is paramount in my line of work. Emails, reports, and virtual
meetings fill my schedule, demanding my utmost attention to detail and linguistic finesse. Each
task was a puzzle waiting to be solved, a linguistic canvas on which I painted my thoughts with
precision and clarity.

Amidst the sea of deadlines, I carved out moments for personal growth. Reading had become
an inseparable part of my routine, a passport to different worlds and perspectives. It was
through literature that I expand my horizons, constantly challenging my intellect and
broadening my understanding of the world.

Lunchtime was a brief hiatus from the demands of work, a pause to savor a nourishing meal
and recharge for the afternoon ahead. Post-lunch, I was focusing to collaborative projects,
engaging in dynamic discussions that push the boundaries of creativity and problem-solving.
The afternoons were a dance of productivity, with each step leading me closer to the finish line
of daily goals.

Evenings were a canvas for self-reflection and personal pursuits. Whether it was a leisurely
stroll in the park, a session of mindfulness meditation, or a language exchange with a fellow C2
enthusiast, these moments were sacred, offering a reprieve from the fast-paced cadence of
the day.

As the day winds down, I partake in a wholesome dinner, savoring the flavors of a well-
balanced meal. The evening culminates in a period of relaxation – perhaps a good book, a
captivating film, or a soothing melody that serenades me into a tranquil night's sleep.

In the grand tapestry of my daily routine, each thread was woven with intentionality, creating
a mosaic of productivity, self-discovery, and holistic well-being. It was a routine that reflects
not just the demands of the present, but a commitment to continual growth and the pursuit of
excellence at the highest linguistic echelon.
Every day, I wake up at the break of dawn, greeted by the soft rays of the sun filtering through
my bedroom window. As a creature of habit, my daily routine is meticulously planned, each
moment accounted for in this symphony of daily life.

My morning ritual kicks off with a brisk workout – a blend of cardio and strength training that
invigorates both my body and mind. It's a ritual I've come to cherish, setting the tone for the
day ahead. After a refreshing shower, I indulge in a wholesome breakfast, a concoction of
nutrient-rich foods that fuel my body for the challenges that lie ahead.

The bulk of my day is dedicated to my professional endeavors. As a C2 level individual,

precision in communication is paramount in my line of work. Emails, reports, and virtual
meetings fill my schedule, demanding my utmost attention to detail and linguistic finesse. Each
task is a puzzle waiting to be solved, a linguistic canvas on which I paint my thoughts with
precision and clarity.

Amidst the sea of deadlines, I carve out moments for personal growth. Reading has become an
inseparable part of my routine, a passport to different worlds and perspectives. It is through
literature that I expand my horizons, constantly challenging my intellect and broadening my
understanding of the world.

Lunchtime is a brief hiatus from the demands of work, a pause to savor a nourishing meal and
recharge for the afternoon ahead. Post-lunch, my focus shifts to collaborative projects,
engaging in dynamic discussions that push the boundaries of creativity and problem-solving.
The afternoons are a dance of productivity, with each step leading me closer to the finish line
of daily goals.

Evenings are a canvas for self-reflection and personal pursuits. Whether it's a leisurely stroll in
the park, a session of mindfulness meditation, or a language exchange with a fellow C2
enthusiast, these moments are sacred, offering a reprieve from the fast-paced cadence of the

As the day winds down, I partake in a wholesome dinner, savoring the flavors of a well-
balanced meal. The evening culminates in a period of relaxation – perhaps a good book, a
captivating film, or a soothing melody that serenades me into a tranquil night's sleep.

In the grand tapestry of my daily routine, each thread is woven with intentionality, creating a
mosaic of productivity, self-discovery, and holistic well-being. It's a routine that reflects not
just the demands of the present, but a commitment to continual growth and the pursuit of
excellence at the highest linguistic echelon.
Every day, I wake up at the break of dawn, greeted by the soft rays of the sun filtering through
my bedroom window. As a creature of habit, my daily routine is meticulously planned, each
moment accounted for in this symphony of daily life.

My morning ritual kicks off with a brisk workout – a blend of cardio and strength training that
invigorates both my body and mind. It's a ritual I've come to cherish, setting the tone for the
day ahead. After a refreshing shower, I indulge in a wholesome breakfast, a concoction of
nutrient-rich foods that fuel my body for the challenges that lie ahead.

The bulk of my day is dedicated to my professional endeavors. As a C2 level individual,

precision in communication is paramount in my line of work. Emails, reports, and virtual
meetings fill my schedule, demanding my utmost attention to detail and linguistic finesse. Each
task is a puzzle waiting to be solved, a linguistic canvas on which I paint my thoughts with
precision and clarity.

Amidst the sea of deadlines, I carve out moments for personal growth. Reading has become an
inseparable part of my routine, a passport to different worlds and perspectives. It is through
literature that I expand my horizons, constantly challenging my intellect and broadening my
understanding of the world.

Lunchtime is a brief hiatus from the demands of work, a pause to savor a nourishing meal and
recharge for the afternoon ahead. Post-lunch, my focus shifts to collaborative projects,
engaging in dynamic discussions that push the boundaries of creativity and problem-solving.
The afternoons are a dance of productivity, with each step leading me closer to the finish line
of daily goals.

Evenings are a canvas for self-reflection and personal pursuits. Whether it's a leisurely stroll in
the park, a session of mindfulness meditation, or a language exchange with a fellow C2
enthusiast, these moments are sacred, offering a reprieve from the fast-paced cadence of the

As the day winds down, I partake in a wholesome dinner, savoring the flavors of a well-
balanced meal. The evening culminates in a period of relaxation – perhaps a good book, a
captivating film, or a soothing melody that serenades me into a tranquil night's sleep.

In the grand tapestry of my daily routine, each thread is woven with intentionality, creating a
mosaic of productivity, self-discovery, and holistic well-being. It's a routine that reflects not
just the demands of the present, but a commitment to continual growth and the pursuit of
excellence at the highest linguistic echelon.
1. What’s your name?
2. Where are you from?
3. What’s your family name?
4. Where do you live?
5. What’s your address?
6. What’s your telephone number?
7. What’s your email address?
8. How old are you?
9. When were you born?
10. Where were you born?
Now let’s check questions about relationships and family

Personal Information Questions:

Relationships & Family
These are eight basic personal information questions about

1. Are you married?

2. Are you single?
3. Do you have a boyfriend?
4. Do you have a girlfriend?
5. Are you divorced?
6. Are you dating someone?
7. Are you seeing someone?
8. Do you have any children?
Personal Information Questions:
Hobbies & Entertainment
These are five basic personal information questions about

1. Do you watch anime?

2. Do you watch movies?
3. Do you like independent films?
4. What type of music do you like?
5. What are some of your favorite shows?
6. Do you follow YouTube channels?
7. What are your favorite Youtube channels?
8. What hobbies do you have?

Personal Information Questions:

These are some basic information questions about sports

1. Do you play any sports?

2. Do you watch sports?
3. Do you like going to the gym?
4. Do you like running?
5. Are you into sports?
6. Do you like working out?
7. Do you know how to swim?
8. What sport would you like to play?

Personal Information Questions:

These are some questions about work and university

1. Where do you study?

2. What do you study?
3. Where do you work?
4. What’s your position at work?
5. What do you do for a living?
6. What subjects are you interested in?
7. Are you good at ____________?
8. Are you terrible at___________?
9. What classes are you taking?
10. What application/software are you using?

Practice: Personal Information

Listen to these twelve questions, then practice your
pronunciation by asking these questions to your classmates or

1. What is your full name?

2. Are you married?
3. Do you have any pets?
4. What is your favorite book?
5. What is your favorite movie?
6. Do you speak any foreign languages?
7. Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
8. Are you a morning person?
9. Are you a cat person or a dog person?
10. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
11. What is something unique about you?
12. What is your occupation?
13. What sports do you like to play?
14. What sports do you like to watch?
15. Do you like soccer?
16. Do you like basketball?
17. Do you like going to games?
18. Have you ever been to a basketball game?
19. What type of music do you like?
20. Do you like going to concerts?
21. Do you try to discover new music?
22. Do you like music from the 80’s?
23. What music do you hate?
24. Do you use Spotify?
25. What’s your favorite application to listen to music?
26. What are some of your favorite music videos?
27. What’s your favorite app to watch movies?
28. Do you have Netflix?
29. Have you ever used Disney Plus or Amazon Prime?
30. Have you ever subscribed to HBOMax?
31. Do you like independent films?
32. Do you like Hollywood films?
33. Do you like playing video games?
34. Do you like playing war games?
35. What games do your kids like to play?
36. Have you played Call of Duty before?
37. Have you played among us?
Part 3

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