Journal - Research Interests

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Journal: Research Interests

Natasha Palana
Food Culture

“Tell me what kind of food you eat, and I will tell you what kind of man
you are.”

“Importantly, there is a difference between recognising that what

you eat is what you are and that what you eat constructs who you

The saying, “You are what you eat,” is generally equated with allowing food
choices to shape physical fitness and overall health. However, for many, the Sources:
meaning runs much deeper. For immigrants searching for connections to Culture Decanted
their native environments, food represents cultural expression and plays a OjaExpress
critical role in establishing and maintaining ethnic identity. My Journey with Food in Community: A
Banquet, in Five Courses

Our identity is shaped by our food since it represents our culture and who we are. But food gives us a multitude of
preferences or options, including cuisines, flavors, and cooking methods. It affected our eating habits in a way that had an
impact on our fitness and health. It is undeniable that food and culture cannot be separated at all since they are integral parts
of who we are as people and how we relate to food. It is influenced by a variety of demographic factors, such as age,
gender, money, and upbringing. Food not only provides nutrients but also comfort and allows us to live each day.
Americanizations – Convenience foods
(Fast Foods)

When compared to other countries,
convenience foods in America are very “great doubt, danger and income inequality.”
affordable and come in large portions. “Fast-food restaurants have become very common, and are
We have the highest rate of obesity,
visited by all types of people. The growth and popularity of
which is on the rise. In terms of politics,
we see a lot of politicians eating fast food fast food has come to be known as the "McDonaldization" of
in the media or promoting it in a fast-food America. “
advertisement because it encourages
people to buy it regardless of their “Many eateries now offer the option of larger
socioeconomic status. We can't always serving (portion) sizes for a nominal
say or persuade people to believe additional fee (a "super size"). Eating away
everything they see on social media. I from home, and the shift to a more sedentary
believe that social media and politics lifestyle, has been linked to the increasing
have an impact on people's food Sources: rates of obesity in the United States.”
preferences. “McDonaldization” is a Washington Post
popular term because of the very name Gale “We claim that we want to see politicians as they really are, but when it comes
of “McDonald” fast-food chain influenced
all over the world especially America. to their culinary affectations in particular, we mostly just want to see them live
like ordinary folks, even if it’s just an act.”
Countryside & City Life

“A city or urban area has a large population “Countryside or rural area refers to a
when compared to rural areas and also have geographical area that is located outside
extensive systems to manage transportation, of towns and cities. Thus, it typically has
small settlements and a lower
housing, sanitation, land use, and
communication. “
- People work together and look
out for one another, creating a
- Availability of developed facilities
and employment opportunities. greater sense of community.
- Moreover, you have the opportunity - Living in the country can make
to meet people from different you stronger and more
backgrounds, nationality, race, independent as a person.
religion, etc.

Reflection: I've had both urban and rural life experiences. Both had a great community and gracious
residents. The issue is that there have been numerous inquiries about which types of living Sources:
environments—urban or rural—are more preferable to reside in. Everyone has a reason for choosing Professional Hobo
to live in either an urban or rural area. The employment rate, a good location, the weather, a lovely
neighborhood, and a secure environment are a few of the variables. When comparing the quality of StudyCorgi
life in urban and rural locations, urban life is highly optimistic and offers many opportunities, while
rural life has a fair cost of living due to its small population yet beautiful scenery. The key distinction
*sorry for the word “hobo” because it was the name of
is that both are comparable, but choices and resources are different in terms of accessibility. website. But she is a nice blogger.
How the growth of towns and cities has impacted the Reflection:
countryside after pandemic
Due to the large number of people traveling there in
search of employment and affordable housing, living
in urban areas is becoming more prevalent. Since
“Until recently, the idea of moving to a
“The reality is that rural areas fewer individuals were employed and earned lower
big city or town represented an attractive
have to be entrepreneurial, as salaries as a result of the epidemic, it had a huge
proposition to many. In 2018, the United
Nations said that 55% of the planet was industries with concentrations negative impact on the rural economy.
living in “urban areas” and forecast that of wage and salary jobs are
this would rise to 68% by the middle of necessarily scarce.” Today, farming and other forms of business are
the century.” practiced in rural regions because doing so may
bring about the wealth that residents seek,
strengthen local economies, enhance quality of life,
“While the coronavirus pandemic has “Furthermore, the more rural the county,
the higher its level of entrepreneurship. and make the most of available resources. so that
made a great deal of people
re-evaluate their priorities in terms of Some of these counties have a farming individuals won't be reluctant to relocate to and
legacy – perhaps the most reside in rural areas. Because of the small
where they want to live and work, it
entrepreneurial of occupations – but
still holds true – for the moment, at population, there are fewer consumers and
farmers represent less than one-sixth of
least – that the economic, cultural business owners in nonmetro areas. Even
employees for local businesses, which results in a
and social offerings of a highly for nonfarm enterprises, rural declining tax base for public services. The economic
urbanized environment can be hard entrepreneurship rates are higher.” success of rural areas depends on attracting and
to beat.” keeping new citizens.
“In reality, everyone is vulnerable to fake news and falling Reflection:
for false information. Individuals tend to be overconfident in
Fake news their ability to distinguish “real” from fake regarding news Online publications can frequently make
information online, increasing the likelihood that fake news
money off of the creation of fake news, which
is unintentionally shared on social media.”
is commonly done to spread misinformation
or advance a political objective. Traditionally,
we obtained our news from reliable sources,
“No one side is innocent
journalists, and media organizations that
in this mess. No matter
were obligated to adhere to stringent ethical
what political side standards.
you’re on, and it’s Today, a lot of individuals obtain their news
important to try to be through social media platforms, and it may
objective about it.” frequently be challenging to determine
whether a story is legitimate. An surge in
false news or hoax stories has also been
“Fake news comes through a attributed to people's over embellished of
complex of commercial, political, information and a general ignorance of how
(Governor Palin never said this.) psychological, social, and
the internet operates. These kinds of stories
computer-scientific factors that
can reach a wider audience thanks in large
make it hard to grasp in its totality.
And the topic has been part to social media platforms.
That’s why we need a clear and balanced politicized—individuals use the
presentation, based on the best academic research term, “fake news,” to undermine Source:
and most reliable reporting. reporting that’s damaging to their CITS
own version of events.” Webwise
Types of Fake News and its Brief History

Reading about the origins of fake news made me realize
that newspapers made up the bulk of the media in the
1890s. Exaggerated news is made and circulated as true
in order for the publishing company to see explosive
growth in revenue. These days, news reports and articles
may be prejudiced because individuals prefer personal
anecdotes to objective facts and get agitated when they
feel threatened, which causes them to disregard logic in
favor of their instincts. There are many different sorts of
fake news, and they are constructed in many different
ways, as seen in the image (right). This is because many
people are unaware of whether the information they read
or hear on social media comes from reliable sources or


In the 1890s, rival American newspaper publishers Joseph Pulitzer and William Hearst competed over the audience through
sensationalism and reporting rumors as though they were facts, a practice that became known at the time as “yellow journalism.” Source:
University of Michigan
Exaggerated news with shocking headlines gets attention and sells papers (or prompts mouse-clicks), promoting the sale of advertising. Library
More recently, tabloids like The National Enquirer and The New York Sun, and fad magazines like The Freak and The Wet Dog are generally known as false news
sources. Similarly, people recognize that the parody news productions on the web and TV feature satire and ironic, but unreal, accounts of current events.
Importance of art in one’s life. Reflection:

I agree that art helps people express themselves

People can better express themselves through art. As an artist, it is critical to always come better since it connects us to the world, shifts
up with fresh concepts. Because art does not require a formula, anyone can express people's viewpoints, and profoundly influences
themselves authentically without fear of being judged. society. Additionally, it's a powerful tool for
communication and self-expression. It has an
Art movements have often played important roles in social changes, and art often amazing capacity to bring a group of people
leads to changes in thinking or political leanings. together. Art stirs our emotions on a deep level,
regardless of the form—music, visual art,
performance, etc. It conveys ideas that are often
difficult to put into words but that communities
can all agree upon and feel. A person, a society,
and a nation as a whole need art not just for the
now but also for the future.

ATX Fine Arts
Eden Gallery
University of
Colorado Boulder

“Art Speaks Louder than Words”

Art teach history and culture

Reflection: Art is crucial because, before the alphabet was

created, people relied on carvings/symbols in wood or on
walls to communicate their emotions and to portray their
daily lives and occurrences. Through art, we can learn about
past eras of life. We can find out what was significant to
them and how they wanted to be remembered for it. We are
able to gain a fuller knowledge of the present by taking a
look at what has been accomplished in the past. However, it
“Art can help us understand our past and give us a visual view
is also universal in the sense that everyone shares certain of historical events; art allows us to understand people who
values, aspirations, and life experiences. Through art, a lived in another time and place.”
single person's experience can have an impact on people's
“Art helps us view how important religion was to the lives of
lives and experiences for generations to come.
the people. Art also gives us a visual view of how landscapes
or cities have changed over time, and art can help us
Anita Louise Art
Acrylgiessen understand other cultures and countries.”
Google Arts & Culture

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