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Richard Adonay
NAME_________________________ 1/25/2024
Homiletics 2
SUBJECT_______________________ SCORE ____________

1. How can you know that God has called you to minister in a specific church?
There are many ways that God will tell you that you are called to minster in a specific church. First,
you will feel that God is telling you that you are called to minster is that if no matter what happens
to your life, it will end up to the calling and it is for you to decide whether you accept it or not.
Second, is that there is a confirmation thru the people around you saying that you deserve the
calling, and the people will see that you are effective in what you are called for. And lastly, God
will put the desire in your heart to love Him and to love others by serving others and God.

2. What do you think are the most common pitfalls in the ministry? Cite only three. What do you think are the ways to
avoid some of the common pitfalls?
The three common pitfalls are they serve without love, they proclaim what they are not living,
and they seek comfort and convenience. And I think the ways we should do to avoid those
common pitfalls is that first always have time to refresh your love to God, always remind yourself
that we are not doing all things just for the sake of our duty but because we love God. Always,
have time to reflect in our self, access yourself, and to think if you really are doing the works inside
the church, if it still has the love to God in what you are doing. Also always apply what you preach
in the pulpit. There is no more effective than applying it that just listening it. And lastly, make
yourself always be aware if you are being a boss or an effective leader of the church.

3. A PHILOSOPHY OF MINISTRY is “a statement of how you will accomplish your purpose and why you do what you
do in ministry.” Write your personal philosophy by stating your biblical purpose and mandate (why you exist), your
vision (where are you going) and mission, (who God has called us to reach) and how you will get there. (strategy and
First, I will accomplish the purpose of what has God called me or doing the purpose of my life in
doing the ministry, because this is what I feel like I could give back (at least) all the blessings He
shared to me. The biblical purpose of my life is to continue the works of Jesus Christ, by spreading
the Gospel to the unreachable and to train and teach to those people who wants to be a disciple
of God. My vision that God told me is that God will give me more opportunity to share the Gospel
to Filipinos living here in Japan, and also to those Japanese and other foreigners and they will
appreciate and accept God as their own personal savior. My plan to execute that is more
engagement to the outside of the church activities, conducting English lesson to the Japanese
people but more likely teaching them to the ways of the bible, and also by doing evangelism like
giving some tracks and invitation for them to share the Gospel to them. But I have to study
Japanese and English for a broader way of communicating other people in sharing the Gospel.

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